Soir infos (20:00) - 02/03/2024

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MEDI1TV Afrique : Soir infos (20:00) - 02/03/2024


00:03 [Music]
00:12 You are on Median TV. Welcome to this edition. Here are the titles.
00:16 15 resolutions and a statement ministerial. This is the assessment of the
00:21 sixth UN Environment Assembly. Works presided by Morocco
00:27 are closed Friday Nairobi. The United States have started
00:32 the air drop-off aid on Gaza. Three American military aircraft have dropped
00:37 food in order to help the civilians affected by the current conflict.
00:43 In Tunisia, the gathering of adherents of the workers' general union to
00:49 claim a social dialogue. A dialogue that they believe has been blocked by
00:54 the government. The works of the sixth UN Environment Assembly
01:01 presided by Morocco are closed Friday in Nairobi with the adoption of
01:06 several resolutions, two decisions and a statement ministerial.
01:10 A total of 15 resolutions have been adopted by this session, including
01:15 key texts relating to water, air pollution, soil degradation and
01:20 ocean governance. Participants have also adopted a
01:24 statement ministerial that underlines the urgency of the
01:28 planetary environmental crises, as well as the impact and threats posed by
01:33 the multiple environmental challenges.
01:37 They are parliamentarian, diplomat, university student, lawyer, journalist and
01:44 representatives of civil society, all participants in the first
01:48 coalition conference for the autonomy of the Sahara, which formed a group
01:52 from all continents and which was visiting the ports of the Atlantic Dardanelles.
01:57 This trip allowed this delegation to learn about the major lines of this
02:02 structuring project, which embodies the new model for the development of the
02:06 southern provinces. Details in this report by Naamaam Al Ainin with
02:10 the comment of Younes Ben Zainaba. After discussing the geopolitical
02:15 horizon of the question of the Moroccan Sahara, members of the OSACO, an
02:20 independent organization that pleads in favor of the autonomy of the Moroccan Sahara,
02:24 visited the port of the city of Dakhla. Arriving on the site, they were able to
02:29 learn about the state of progress of this gigantic site, which promises to be an
02:34 essential element of the growth of the country, but also of the region in the
02:38 years to come.
02:41 I am very happy to be present in this important maritime space of
02:49 Morocco, in this case Dakhla, which represents a crucial megaport for
02:57 integration in Africa. Dakhla is the gateway to the union of the Maghreb,
03:07 and a beacon of hope for the nations of the Sahel. It embodies and
03:15 concretizes the legitimacy of the Moroccan Sahara space, and affirms the
03:24 full sovereignty of Morocco. The neighboring countries are turning to Dakhla
03:31 and its port in the hope of connecting Africa with the rest of the world, including
03:36 Latin America. The project, which should be completed by the end of 2028,
03:45 includes a 1.3-kilometer maritime bridge and a protection dig extending over
03:51 6.7 kilometers, in addition to an oil rig, a coastal and coastal fishing basin,
03:57 which will ensure a forecast traffic of nearly a million tons of
04:02 marine products. This port is very important for the whole region, for the
04:08 Maghreb and the Sahel, because it simply generates employment and
04:14 ensures a direct connection with the rest of Africa, Europe and the United States.
04:19 This port will have a considerable impact on economic activity, stability and
04:25 peace in this region. On Thursday, the delegation members participated in the
04:31 first policy conference of the Coalition for Autonomy in the Sahara, organized in
04:36 the city of Dakhla. In their final statement, they congratulated the kingdom
04:41 on the various royal initiatives, including the Gasoduc Morocco-Nigeria and
04:46 the initiative of the sovereign, whose objective is to promote access to
04:51 Sahel countries to the Atlantic Ocean.
04:54 The National Council of the Istiklal Party met this Saturday in Bosnia
05:00 to elect the preparatory committee of the 18th Congress. The Council's position
05:05 also aimed to form its office and all the commissions that follow,
05:09 in accordance with the party's status. More details on this subject from Imane Moujib
05:14 with the story of Younes Benzilab.
05:18 After having been reported several times, the 18th National Congress of
05:23 the Istiklal will take place on April 26, 27 and 28 in the city of Bosnia. The announcement was
05:30 made during a session held this Saturday. The executive committee of the party had
05:36 validated the candidacy of Nizar Baraka as the sole pretender to his own succession.
05:42 Today's session has a particular character because it allows
05:49 the next Congress to be well prepared while making the Istiklal Party a solid party,
05:54 capable of accompanying the implementation of the major projects carried out under the leadership
06:01 of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, in the image of the World Cup of 2030,
06:07 the maintenance of consolidated socioeconomic gains and the reduction of social and spatial disparities.
06:14 During the session, the party council also gave its green light
06:20 for the election of Abdeljabbar Rachidi, a member of the board of the
06:25 presidency of the preparatory committee of the said Congress. He will be supported by Mansour Elberghi,
06:31 while Naima Ben Yahya was appointed as the general rapporteur of the preparatory committee of the Congress.
06:38 Today, the Istiklal Party has given the call for the preparation for the organization of its 18th Congress.
06:49 It started by creating the preparatory committee,
06:55 nominating its members and distributing thematic commissions.
06:59 We hope to reach this deadline in the best conditions in order to be able to
07:06 renew the social project of the Istiklal Party.
07:10 At the same time, Rahal Mekwara was appointed head of the Law and Regulation Committee,
07:18 an initiative that, according to the National Council, underlines the party's commitment to
07:23 structuring its legal and organizational foundations in anticipation of its next Congress.
07:28 The Director General of the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority of Gambia, Yousoufa Job,
07:36 visited the AQA on Friday, at the invitation of Latifa Akharbash,
07:41 president of the Moroccan Institute in charge of the regulation of audiovisual communication.
07:47 During the exchanges, Yousoufa Job stated that the Moroccan experience
07:51 could be a good source of inspiration for his organization.
07:55 The conflict in the Gaza Strip.
07:59 This Saturday, the Palestinian Ministry of Health announced a new report of 30,320 people
08:05 killed in the besieged territory since the start of the war between Israel and Hamas.
08:10 It also reported 92 deaths in the last 24 hours and a total of 71,533 injured in the Palestinian territory.
08:20 After five months of war, the amount of humanitarian aid that was transported by truck
08:28 has dropped drastically and the inhabitants of the territory are facing serious shortages of food,
08:35 water and medication.
08:37 In this context, several countries have decided to drop humanitarian aid pallets.
08:42 This was the case of three American military aircraft this Saturday.
08:46 The story is from Emma Fekri.
08:47 In Gaza, the humanitarian situation is increasingly worrying.
08:54 Humanitarian aid deliveries have been reduced to a minimum since the beginning of the war.
08:59 The inhabitants of the territory are facing serious shortages of food, water and medication.
09:04 The humanitarian situation for the civilian population in Gaza is getting worse day by day.
09:12 We are facing an unprecedented disaster.
09:15 More than a hundred Palestinians have lost their lives while they were waiting for food.
09:20 In northern Gaza, many inhabitants have been reduced to eating stew.
09:26 Faced with this dramatic situation, some donor countries have started to add relief,
09:32 but due to lack of logistics, many pallets end up in the Mediterranean.
09:36 In addition to the increase in land-based deliveries,
09:40 Israel is also facilitating the delivery of more trucks and roads
09:45 to provide a growing number of people with aid when they need it.
09:49 No excuse, because the truth is that the aid delivered to Gaza is far from being enough.
09:54 Now it's nowhere near enough.
09:57 The United Nations is accusing the Israeli forces of systematically blocking access to Gaza.
10:03 Israel denies this.
10:04 Humanitarian organizations, including the United Nations Agency for Palestinian Refugees,
10:09 consider that the best solution would be for Israel to open the border crossing doors
10:14 and allow trucks to enter and deliver safely.
10:18 US President Joe Biden has declared and hoped to end the fire between Israel and Hamas in Gaza by Ramadan.
10:28 The Democrat had said earlier this week that he hoped to end the fire by Monday,
10:32 on March 4, an agreement for a six-week ceasefire in the fighting.
10:36 But he has come back to this agenda.
10:40 Israeli fire and the escalation during a humanitarian aid distribution could have complicated negotiations,
10:45 as the President has admitted earlier.
10:47 The African Union leader, Moussa Fakim Mahmoud,
10:54 accused Israel of a massive massacre of Palestinians
10:58 and called for an international inquiry after the tragic distribution of humanitarian aid
11:03 during which Israeli fire and a bombardment killed more than a hundred people.
11:08 The African Union leader called for an international inquiry into the incident
11:12 so that the authors would respond to their actions
11:15 and called for an immediate and unconditional ceasefire.
11:19 The President of Transition, Chad, General Mahmoud Idris Debitno,
11:28 announced this Saturday his candidacy for the presidential election on May 6.
11:33 In his acceptance speech of his appointment as a candidate for the coalition for a united Chad,
11:39 the general said he was committed not only to responsibility,
11:43 but also to shared dreams and hope for a Chadian youth
11:47 who are looking for the way to development and prosperity.
11:54 Sudanese civilians live in a climate of pure terror
11:58 due to the ruthless and senseless conflict that is disrupting their country
12:02 and is a risk to regional peace.
12:05 This is what the High Commissioner for the United Nations for Human Rights, Volker Türk, said.
12:10 In front of the UN Council on Human Rights,
12:13 he said that the crisis in Sudan is a tragedy
12:16 that seems to be slipping into the fog of global amnesia.
12:20 The war in Sudan has been raging since April 15, 2023
12:24 between General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan's army
12:27 and the quick support forces of General Mohamed Hamdan Daglo,
12:31 former number two in the military.
12:34 In Tunisia, in a workers' rally,
12:40 the workers' union's adherents demanded a social dialogue,
12:44 a dialogue that they believe was blocked by the government.
12:49 They demand the respect of trade union rights,
12:52 the application of the signed agreements and the maintenance of the purchasing power.
12:56 The developers in this correspondence from Najwa Bacha.
12:59 In an already tense context,
13:03 the powerful Tunisian trade union center continues its iron fist with the authorities
13:08 and held this Saturday a workers' rally
13:11 in the place of the government in Laqasba, in the heart of Tunisia,
13:15 under strict security surveillance.
13:17 "Today there is no longer social dialogue.
13:21 The country is going through a difficult period.
13:24 To overcome this crisis, we must prioritize wisdom
13:28 and stay away from the discourses that divide Tunisians.
13:31 An administrative meeting will be organized next week
13:34 and we will continue our fight.
13:37 Today we say stop to political conflicts
13:40 that are a nuisance to the country, the people and development."
13:44 On his side, the spokesman of the UGTT Semitar
13:48 criticized the non-respect of the agreements previously concluded
13:52 and the blocking of the social dialogue that has been going on for a year and a half.
13:56 He denounced these policies,
13:58 calling them attempts to eliminate the existence of the trade union
14:03 and to replace social dialogue with unilateral decisions of the President of the Republic.
14:10 "There is a legitimate reason for the expansion."
14:12 "The purchasing power has deteriorated.
14:14 All social classes are suffering, including the middle class, which has undoubtedly disappeared.
14:19 The lives of people have been ruined.
14:21 We live today in a country where most of the raw materials are missing
14:25 and we are not talking here about a monopoly.
14:28 Today the state is no longer able to supply the raw materials."
14:33 Many claims have been advanced today,
14:37 the most important of which was the abolition of the Law 54
14:42 on the fight against infractions linked to the information system
14:47 and the respect for the independence of the judiciary.
14:52 The trade unionists say that the broken link between the UGTT and the government
14:57 has recently contributed to the worsening of the social situation
15:01 and to the erosion of trust between social parties.
15:05 From Tunisia, Najwa Becha, Pomédien.
15:08 In Senegal, the sinking of a pirogue killed about twenty people.
15:13 This boat, which had 300 people on board, was heading for Spain.
15:18 This drama questions the consequences of irregular immigration in Senegal.
15:23 Explanation in this report by our correspondents in Dakar, Marémadiop and Moussandir.
15:30 Gor, a district of Dakar, which has a strong community of fishermen.
15:35 Six months ago, Ndiaga and his comrades attempted to travel to Spain.
15:42 The Moroccan coasts were their last obstacle before they turned back.
15:48 "We went to the border between Morocco and Spain.
15:57 At this level, the ocean was very agitated, but above all very dangerous.
16:02 And before embarking on the pirogue, we noticed young people who could no longer continue on their way.
16:10 Some were unconscious and others were screaming for help.
16:15 The captain thus took the responsibility to clear the way.
16:19 And that's how we landed in Mauritania before arriving in Senegal.
16:24 Not far from the fishing boat, we find ourselves in this coffee shop in the neighborhood.
16:29 These young people are working hard, they are spending their days here.
16:33 These young people are ready to try irregular immigration, in search of a better tomorrow.
16:45 "Tomorrow, if I see a pirogue, I will not hesitate to go to Europe.
16:51 I work, but in return I do not earn anything at all, because of the price of life."
16:55 Moreover, the wave of migration continues in the country.
16:58 We observe an intensification of the migratory flow in Senegal.
17:02 This specialist in the field encourages the adoption of a policy focused on human security.
17:09 "Today, all obstacles, all problems, all institutions will have to be removed due to food insecurity.
17:18 People can no longer afford to eat.
17:21 Health insecurity, people have to be treated when they are sick.
17:27 Economic insecurity."
17:29 Since the first wave of irregular immigration in 2016,
17:33 more than 7,000 Senegalese have attempted to travel to the Canary Islands,
17:38 a phenomenon that persists with disastrous consequences in the country.
17:43 Several thousand deaths have been recorded in Senegal in the year 2023.
17:49 Young people, for the most part, have attempted to travel to Europe through the pirogues of fortune.
17:56 So much awaited by the cinephiles, "Dune 2" is finally released in the cinemas.
18:03 This film is considered a masterpiece, artistic at all levels by critics.
18:08 Several stars took part in this saga, including Timothée Chalamet and Zendaya.
18:14 Reportage by Maa Jamel and Zouir Khanjar with the story of Cheyma Fekri.
18:19 After a long wait for the fans of the 7th art, "Dune 2",
18:25 the science fiction saga of Denis Villeneuve comes out in international theaters and in Morocco,
18:31 especially at Cineatlas.
18:33 As a distributor of the film "Dune" in Morocco, we offer it in our theaters.
18:39 Many people were looking forward to this film.
18:42 Its second part was originally scheduled for November 2023 in theaters,
18:46 but the massive strike in Hollywood forced Warner to postpone its release until March.
18:51 The second part of "Dune" tells the legendary journey of Paul Atreid,
18:56 who joined Shani and Fremen to wage a revolt against the Arkonen family
19:01 and those who destroyed his family.
19:03 Paul is confronted with the biggest dilemma,
19:06 choosing between the love of his life and the fate of the universe.
19:09 Coming in mass, the Moroccan public was present at the premiere of the film
19:14 to enjoy this cinematic success.
19:17 I had already watched the first "Dune".
19:21 The visual and special effects were magnificent. I like this saga.
19:28 The story of the second part of the film is different from the first part.
19:31 This is what makes the charm of this series. I highly recommend it.
19:35 Adapted from the cycle of "Dune" by the novelist Frank Herbert,
19:40 the film of Denis Villeneuve is considered a masterpiece of science fiction.
19:44 In Morocco, strong gusts of wind from 75 to 85 km / h with local dust are expected Sunday in several provinces.
19:55 This phenomenon, expected from midnight to 10 p.m.,
19:58 will affect the provinces of Jradda, Figuig, Nador, Tseourir, Segerci, Boulmen and Teza.
20:04 In anticipation of these strong gusts of wind,
20:07 the National Society of Motorways of Morocco recommends
20:10 to users of motorway axes, Teza or Jda, to be vigilant.
20:16 This is the end of this edition. Thank you for following it.
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