减少暴露在室外 专家: 中暑或致内脏器官衰竭

  • 6 months ago
新闻报报看 | 公共卫生专家贾马鲁丁强调,除了严重脱水,炎热的天气还会导致中暑,进而导致内脏器官衰竭。同时他也建议,人们应该减少暴露在炎热天气下,尤其是在室外工作的人士。雇主必须要考虑到员工暴露在炎热天气下的时间长度,并提供大帽子或帐篷等保护措施。(主播:梁宝仪、黄宇恒)


00:00 The weather in the Himalayas is still hot.
00:04 The weather bureau released a weather forecast this morning.
00:07 The Himalayas is ranked as a high-temperature yellow zone.
00:12 The second wave of tropical storms has been reported in the highest temperature in the country.
00:18 The locals told the media that they have been bathing four to six times a day.
00:24 And they can dry their clothes completely in less than an hour.
00:29 So it's hard to imagine how hot the local climate is.
00:33 The weather bureau director has called on everyone to be mentally prepared.
00:37 Because it's not the hottest time yet.
00:41 As the Ernieno phenomenon is gradually climbing,
00:46 the daily temperature in most areas in China will rise again in March.
00:54 The chairman of the Dama Public Health Specialist Association, Jamaludin,
01:00 reminded that the groups under the age of five and over 60 are the most affected.
01:05 The public health expert said during an interview with the front page of the newspaper,
01:09 "Although dehydration is very dangerous to anyone,
01:12 children are not very sensible and do not know how to express thirst.
01:16 The elderly are also weaker than ordinary people.
01:20 They don't feel thirsty when they are dehydrated.
01:22 So the risk of these two groups is the greatest."
01:25 Jamaludin emphasized that any age group must drink at least 1.5 liters of boiled water every day.
01:32 In addition to severe dehydration,
01:34 hot weather will also lead to heat stroke and internal organ failure.
01:39 At the same time, he also suggested that people should reduce exposure to hot weather,
01:44 especially those working outdoors.
01:47 As an employer, you must consider the length of time your employees are exposed to hot weather.
01:52 And provide protective equipment such as a hat or a tent.
01:56 Also, make sure that employees have enough water to carry.
02:00 Yes, in this hot weather,
02:02 many doctors, experts and media reports have been sharing health information
02:07 about the protection of the body.
02:10 However, a while ago, a social media post said that
02:13 doctors advised not to drink ice water when the temperature reaches 40 degrees Celsius.
02:19 Because the small blood vessels in the human body may break down and cause a stroke.
02:24 And after you go home after sunbathing,
02:26 don't wash your hands and feet immediately.
02:29 You must wait half an hour before you can take a shower.
02:32 Are the so-called doctor's suggestions in social media really in line with medical evidence?
02:38 Is there really medical evidence?
02:39 The Oriental Daily interviewed
02:42 the orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Guo Hanxiang.
02:45 But the doctor pointed out that
02:47 in hot weather, it is completely unethical to say that you can't drink cold water,
02:51 wash your hands and feet, or take a shower immediately.
02:56 The doctor said that
02:57 replenishing water is actually very important for those who have heatstroke.
03:02 Whether you drink cold water or ice water, it's not a problem.
03:06 And water can also help patients with heatstroke cool down.
03:10 If someone has heatstroke outside,
03:12 it is generally recommended to sprinkle water on the patient and use a fan.
03:17 At the same time, you can also put ice bags under the patient's neck and under his eyes to help him cool down.
03:22 The doctor said that if a patient with severe heatstroke is sent to hospital,
03:27 the doctor's primary task is to put the patient in cold water to cool him down.
03:34 The weather is so hot that people get heatstroke.
03:37 Some fruits have also been heated to wither and wither quickly.
03:41 According to a report by the New Sunday Daily,
03:43 Shuangxi, a snowy province with the nickname "Fruit of Fire Dragon Fruit",
03:47 has been suffering from cool weather for the past few days.
03:50 Fruit farmers sighed that the fruit they planted,
03:52 "Gold Leaf Flower Thorn", also withered and withered because the weather was too hot.
03:57 The result is that the yield has fallen by 50% to 70%,
04:02 and the fruit of the dragon fruit is also shrinking.
04:05 It can only be reduced and the price is heavily hit.
04:09 [Music]
