中暑个案校方须负责 霹政府促学校停止户外活动

  • 2 months ago
八点最热报 | 截至今天,霹雳卫生局已经接获13宗和热天气有关的病例,其中1宗是死亡病例。因此,霹雳州卫生事务的行政议员西华尼申吁请在户外工作的铺路工人能换成夜间工作,同时也促请州内所有学校,应该暂停户外活动,否则的话,校方必须负起全部责任。(主播:梁宝仪)


00:00Before watching the video, I would like to remind you that there is more content on the Hot Spot website.
00:06Xi'er, the former Director of the Department of Meteorology, reminded the public that China is currently blowing a south-west wind.
00:11There is less rain expected in China, and the hot and dry weather will continue until September.
00:17Today, Xi Huaning, an executive member in charge of Pilizhou Health Affairs, pointed out that
00:21so far, the Pilizhou Health Administration has received 13 cases related to hot weather.
00:28One of them is a death case.
00:30Therefore, he called on the workers to work during the night.
00:35At the same time, he urged all schools in the state to suspend outdoor activities.
00:40Otherwise, the school must take full responsibility.
00:45I ask all school leaders to postpone activities like this until September.
00:55If this happens, the school leaders should be responsible.
01:01The Ministry of Health has given advice to postpone all outdoor activities.
01:07Xi Huaning, an executive member in charge of Pilizhou Health Affairs, held a press conference today
01:12and asked the state schools to cancel or postpone all outdoor activities.
01:16Otherwise, the school must take full responsibility for the students' heatstroke.
01:21In addition to the hot weather, Xi Huaning also reminded that the number of hot-stroke cases in Pilizhou continues to rise.
01:27In the past week, 137 hot-stroke cases were reported.
01:31This year, there have been 9 deaths.
01:33There have been 9 deaths so far this year.
01:38This is the current situation.
01:40Therefore, it is dangerous.
01:41I ask the public to ensure that cleanliness is maintained.
01:46And if the Ministry of Health comes for fogging, please cooperate fully.
