Analyzing the most untapped area of San Francisco 49ers quarterback Brock Purdy's game.
00:00 Does brock purdy need to run more and or not even does he need to do they need to like?
00:04 Call some runs for him because the way I look at it is
00:07 he's not super fast, but neither is patrick mahomes and
00:11 Mahomes weapons are a huge legs are a huge weapon not just on scrambles, but when they were
00:17 backs against the wall gotta have it drive
00:20 There was the zone reed and the scramble like that was a big weapon in their arsenal
00:26 Because it's like the last thing you account for
00:29 I think purdy could be in the same boat and really be interesting if
00:32 Instead of just like dropping back and throwing on third and four those two third and fours
00:36 They'd done something like what the chiefs did
00:39 Call his own reed. I mean it would have been wide open. Is that something they can incorporate or is that
00:44 Is he not built for that?
00:47 I like it. Um
00:49 He's I will say he's not built for that physically because when mahomes takes a shot like you're not worried where this guy takes a
00:55 Shot, it's like didn't he have like three stingers last year two stingers in a concussion?
00:59 like so with him it's like and he takes a hit it's always like a
01:03 You got it like like like when that cold water touches the back of your neck
01:06 But I think in terms of him running more I like the idea when it's like a gotta win game or a playoff game
01:13 Which you know essentially gotta win game, but I like that idea not for like, you know
01:16 It's like week four against the commanders or something like that
01:19 but like yeah week 16 when they get in or
01:22 Wild card round against the cowboys like yeah
01:24 I would like one or two of those because what was it about that mahomes conversion on third on fourth and one or fourth and
01:29 Three whatever it was
01:30 That that really stumped the four and irons. They hadn't run that play
01:34 So it's like hey, we know we can do this. Let's just call it
01:37 They haven't seen it and it's so easy for me to call
01:39 We know mahomes is good enough to do that make the right choice and purdy's as fast if not faster than mahomes to do it
01:45 So yeah, I would like to see those in those situations those must win games gotta have them
01:50 Call them don't call them regularly, you know, don't do that. But yeah, call them make sure I wouldn't mind seeing those five to eight in the season
01:57 the thing that I like about the zone read as a play is like you don't build your offense around it, but
02:03 When you gotta have a first down, yes, it's a great play
02:08 From two three like one two three yards out
02:11 It's a great play and it seems like it's a weapon the niners could use unused weapons the niners
02:15 have at their disposal that
02:19 Fake punts with mitrish now ski. I mean what?
02:22 They should do that. He's too good. You can't stop him
02:26 He's that good. They just gotta start letting them
02:30 Go awol and just call the fake punts himself
02:33 That's what he did last time. It was so successful, but
02:37 With running more purdy. I really just want them to really understand
02:42 Do it when the situation is necessary again, not like a week seven game against chicago bears
02:50 Because remember the super bowl year last year or 2020 2022 eagles
02:54 Didn't didn't hurt like break his shoulder or do something that he got injured because it was like a week 15 16 game
03:00 against
03:02 um against the I actually think it was against the bears or the commanders against against a
03:06 below
03:07 Poor team picking top five in a game. That wasn't even must win. They pretty much had you know
03:12 I think the ones he locked up
03:14 Why were they running him so many times like I I don't get that like don't be smart with your with your plays that are
03:20 High risk. I like I get it. I get the idea
03:22 Just don't be scared
03:23 but in those games like again like playoff super bowl or like
03:26 Look week 12. We gotta win it seating like I get it like it's justifiable if he gets hurt
03:30 But those ones where it's like again, like he's measly opponents or anything's like come on. Don't don't be that dumb
03:34 Don't be that reckless. So just be smart with it. And that's where these plays will become very efficient
03:40 Otherwise, you're just gonna look like a moron
03:43 and was crazy is like
03:45 That play the niners sort of looked down their nose at it. Like it's not real football the zone read
03:48 Okay, the chiefs used it and it beat you in the super bowl
03:52 Also, like you can't defend it
03:55 You've never been able to defend it. How'd you lose week 18 of the rams? You were doing great
03:59 Now it was your backups and all that but it felt like foreshadowing they brought in the second half the rams were like
04:04 Oh, yeah, niners can't stop the zone read so we're gonna run it with slow ass carson wince no offense to carson
04:12 But they did and it totally put the niners on their heels and they won
04:15 And then the super bowl when they when the chiefs had to have it. Oh
04:19 So that's what I like about the play
04:22 You do it when you least expect it. Yes, and with a quarterback like patrick, uh, brock purdy
04:26 Those are game-winning plays. Like how do you you gotta call it? Oh, it's your team
04:30 I think I don't think defenses are gonna ever plan for it
04:33 even if the niners do show it like a handful of times during the season because it's like
04:36 One of the odds is gonna be this play, you know purry
04:39 Because I mean it's probably been duly noted that he could scramble and like make plays happen out of the back of his pocket
04:45 Um, but what about what if he just tucks it and run?
04:47 Like it's that little curveball. It's gonna be like where the hell did this come from?
04:51 Now all of a sudden you got nothing you gotta account for
04:53 Or they probably don't account for which I don't think any team will account for it if they run unless they run it heavily
04:57 So boom advantage for you. That's another reason to trade christian mcafree. He doesn't need
05:02 The best check down weapon in the league a guy
05:07 A guy like jared goth needs that he's to check down
05:09 Trade up to detroit. He's faster than lamar jackson. They said it on reddit
05:15 He's ass fast or something like that or whatever
05:21 That's all I got for you 2024 guys make sure we do this we all have so much for today man
05:28 There's not a lot of niner stuff going on. Is there anything else in your mind?
05:30 You want to talk about before we bounce google is free
05:33 What google is free so you don't belong to that little category of doing stupid stuff like
05:38 Jesus jesus
05:41 No, nothing else neither it's that's what's going on comments all about
05:47 Right. Yeah
05:50 It's just pretty much prospects. It's kind of hard. Okay. Wait, do you think the nines are gonna trade up from 31?
05:54 Do you think have to do you think they have to?
06:01 No, they don't have to be interesting it'd be it'd be aggressive
06:05 It depends on what they get if they trade up for a
06:09 I'm gonna find a way to not like what they do. I already know I can't figure out what they're gonna do
06:15 But whatever when they do it i'm not gonna like it
06:17 I'm, just wondering if i'm gonna have like a spot on prediction of them drafting a kicker again
06:22 Because I can't believe I got that one, right?
06:25 Like I was like surprised that they did it again
06:28 No, they're not gonna drive the kicker. You think they're gonna take a running back again?
06:31 Because it worked out so well the last two years. Well, they're gonna trade mcafree
06:34 So possibly future starting running back of the eagles ty davis price
06:39 That's so nuts to me like how did you guys
06:44 And then he and then I remember last year after the draft college and really said like oh now you guys can't cry about
06:51 Me like taking a running back. I took a kicker. It's like, okay kyle because that's much better
06:54 Because that's much. Yeah, the tight end who didn't make the team
06:58 I'm, yeah
06:59 I'm convinced this guy literally treats the drafts when he's actually involved is obviously day one and day two
07:04 That's like a trolling method. I mean he is that's why he doesn't go to scouting combine back to the first topic
07:09 He's not over there taking this seriously. He doesn't care
07:11 I think kyle take great pleasure in doing the opposite of what people say he should do
07:16 Mac jones
07:21 Everyone thinks i'm gonna do this so i'm gonna do this
07:26 Run a lot comes out past happy and empty gun third and four at the end
07:29 Everyone thinks i'm gonna hand off to mcafree. So i'm gonna fake the handoff to mcafree and throw to jawan jennings
07:32 genius
07:34 Genius, if he really wanted to be crazy, he would just punt it one day on first down just to do it just really
07:40 or
07:42 Line up in punt formation first down fake it
07:44 fake the pun
07:47 Fake pun on first down who else would do that?
07:49 No one that's why it would work chest not checkers, baby
07:54 You
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