Schulz on future of NCAA
00:00 Nothing much as it applies to Cal was established during Thursday's Zoom with
00:06 Kirk Schulz and Teresa Gould. One interesting aspect was Schulz's take on
00:12 the speculation, perhaps rumors, that some of the big conferences, namely the SEC
00:20 and Big Ten, might just pull out of the NCAA completely and start a situation
00:26 where the conferences sort of rule football. He just thought that was a bad
00:30 idea. He thought that maybe the NCAA should be changed in some way, but he
00:38 said there needs to be some organizing body to control football or
00:44 other sports as well. If the conferences take over that responsibility,
00:51 there's going to be the same issues of people not being satisfied with the way
00:55 the things are run. So he doesn't believe that leaving the
01:00 conferences as the deciding bodies in all this is necessarily the best way to
01:07 go. He thinks you should let the new NCAA president have some time to see how that
01:14 works out and figure out whether that's the way to go. Schulz just doesn't
01:20 like the idea of a complete rebellion of doing away with the NCAA.