"I'm a sugar baby - I never pay for anything and make my boyfriend do all the domestic chores"

  • 8 months ago
Meet the sugar baby who prides herself on never paying for anything and makes her boyfriend do all the domestic chores.

Tutu Okey, 24, has spoken out proudly about her unconventional relationship- describing her boyfriend as the ''provider and the wife in the relationship''.

Her 25-year-old partner, who doesn't want to be named, does the cooking, cleaning and laundry - while Tutu has no full-time job and has never cooked him a meal in their three years together.

On top of their unusual division of labour, the pair live 3,600 miles apart and only see each other four times a year.

Tutu ensures her man pays for her £1.2k return business class flights when she visits him in Washington DC, USA.

Tutu, a content creator and medical graduate, from Harrow, London, said: "I have a man who takes care of me- why wouldn't I be proud of that?

"We'll go food shopping together, but I don't do any of the cooking.

"He enjoys being in the kitchen but me not so much.

"The most I've ever done is cook an egg.

"We review finances weekly because we're building a life together.

"When I'm in the USA, he's more than happy for me to take his bank card when I need and when I'm in the UK he gives me a monthly allowance- it's the least he can do.

"I took my time finding him by not settling down with the first guy who came along and it's fair to say it's paid off."

Despite knowing each other since the age of 14 the couple only became an item in October 2021 when they both found themselves single.

"It was like something in both of us changed and suddenly we weren't just friends," Tutu said.

"We both realised that we have a love here that's deeper than a friendship.

"Regardless of the time difference, we were calling at any change we got.

"Early on in the relationship, established my requirements for what I was looking for a partner.

"I was aware that some men might be intimidated by such honesty, but my boyfriend said it made him even more sure that I was the one for him.

"I needed someone who was going to cherish me- not just say they do but prove it.

"I'm still figuring out my next career move, so at the moment I'm a 'stay-at-tome girlfriend' and my partner supports that.''

Tutu believes her relationship dynamic is due to "being a child of divorce" as it has made her unwilling to compromise.

During their time together, her partner has brought her a £250 Telfar bag, a premium gold necklace, numerous pairs of designer trainers, as well as holidays to Miami and New Orleans- he even surprised her with Beyonce concert tickets for her 23rd birthday last year.

"When I graduated last year, my mum initially wanted me to get a job as soon as possible but now she respects that I'm still figuring it all out," Tutu said.

"But it is my goal to get into the healthcare sector because I've got a passion to help people.

"At the moment, I generate my income from content creation and, of course, my man helps me out.


00:00 As a stay at home girlfriend, my boyfriend makes me breakfast before I've woken up since cooking for me is his love language.
00:04 This breakfast was really thoughtful because I said I was craving mushrooms the night before and he made me some.
00:08 As I was reviewing his finances, he oiled my scalp.
00:10 Then I asked him to make the bed since his technique is way better than mine.
00:13 After that, we went to Trader Joe's to pick up some food for the week.
00:16 Shopping with him is always so much fun because he picks the best food to cook for us.
00:19 When I got home, I really tried to make him some lunch but he obviously took over that because he loves to cook.
00:23 After he made my lunch, I got dressed up since I asked him to take me out to buy me some fragrances.
00:27 We walked around for a bit but I decided I didn't want anything.
00:30 So we picked up some food from a Caribbean restaurant and had a nice romantic evening with each other.
00:33 As a stay at home girlfriend, my boyfriend loves to serve me and be a domestic goddess.
00:37 I woke up around 11 and he brought me some leftover pizza in bed.
00:40 While I was eating, he cleaned up the entire apartment.
00:42 This was the day before my flight to London so I attempted to pack my suitcase.
00:46 Then my boyfriend walked in and rearranged the entire suitcase and packed the rest of it.
00:49 We then did a quick food shop and he put all the groceries away.
00:52 I decided to help him by handing him the bread.
00:54 You're welcome babe.
00:55 Since it was my last day in the US, we went bowling and played some arcade games.
00:58 He then dropped me back home and then drove an hour to my favourite burger place.
01:01 And then we watched a movie and had a great evening.
