Vote crucial au Sénat sur IVG dans la Constitution

  • 7 months ago
Suspense au Sénat : l'inscription de l'IVG dans la Constitution rencontre des réticences de la droite lors d'un vote incertain, où certains pourraient chercher à ralentir la réforme faute d'être en nombre suffisant pour la rejeter.

Les débats s'annoncent tendus à partir de 16h30 au Palais du Luxembourg.
L'info en continu
Infos, news & actualités - L'information internationale en direct.
00:00 Suspense in the Senate, the inscription of the IVG in the Constitution meets the reluctance
00:04 of the right during an uncertain vote, where some could seek to slow down the reform
00:08 because of being in sufficient numbers to reject it.
00:10 Debates are expected to be held from 4.30 pm at the Luxembourg Palace.
00:15 On the one hand, the government supported by the left in favor of this revised promise
00:20 by the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron.
00:23 On the other, a part of the right and centrists still skeptical of the formulation obtained
00:27 by the executive.
00:28 The law determines the conditions under which the freedom guaranteed to the woman to have
00:34 recourse to a voluntary interruption of pregnancy is exercised.
00:36 The text submitted to the vote of the 348 senators struggles to convince the ranks of the senatorial
00:41 majority, an alliance between the Republicans, LR and the centrist group.
00:45 However, a favorable vote, and without modification, of the House is unprecedentable to the constitutional
00:52 revision supported by 86% of the French, according to a IFOB poll in November 2022.
00:57 Modifying the supreme text is not easy, the National Assembly and the Senate must validate
01:02 the reform in the identical way, before the meeting of a Parliamentary Congress in Versailles
01:06 where a majority of the 3/5 will be required.
01:08 After the National Assembly, almost unanimously at the end of January, the Senate vote is the
01:14 most dangerous step of the process, the three heads of the senatorial majority, the President
01:18 of the Senate Gérard Larcher, the President of the LR Bruno Retailleau group and that of
01:22 the centrist group Hervé Marseille, are in fact opposed to the reform.
01:25 Congress in suspension.
01:27 "There is no threat that weighs on abortion in France," insists Mr. Retailleau.
01:33 "The government cannot impose a calendar on us in contempt of the parliamentary debate,"
01:38 he says to the AFP, again heated by the agenda advanced at the end of 2023 by Mr. Macron.
01:43 The head of state had envisaged meeting the Congress on March 4, which involved a Senate
01:48 vote without editorial modification.
01:50 Nothing worse to cool the senatorial right.
01:53 Since then, the executive has remained silent on the agenda, even if a government source
01:59 confirms that March 4 is still a privileged scenario.
02:02 "We wish to be able to engage a Congress quickly," said the Minister of Relations
02:07 with the Parliament, Marie Lebec, Wednesday on France Info, adding that it could be
02:12 in the next few days in case of a vote.
02:14 "We will take the time it takes," however, the Minister of Justice, Eric Dupont-Moretti,
02:21 said, assuring that France would become the first country in the world to protect, constitutionally,
02:25 the freedom of women to dispose of their bodies, while it is being questioned in the United
02:30 States or in certain European countries.
02:32 Women's rights defense associations such as the opposition groups at the IWG have multiplied
02:37 initiatives in recent days to convince senators.
02:40 Several pro- and anti-constitutionalization assemblies were announced on the Senate floor
02:45 in the afternoon.
02:46 In the ranks of the right, social or family pressure has shaken some votes; in private,
02:52 several senators recognize that they have changed their mind and will not oppose the
02:55 reform, leaving a clear majority in favor of the inscription of the IWG in the Constitution.
03:01 Amendment
03:02 The question is above all to know if the text will be modified, which would force the National
03:07 Assembly to seize it again and push back the calendar of the reform.
03:10 "There is no opposition to constitutionalization, provided that it is done properly,"
03:16 said reporter Agnès Canaillé, designated by the LR group.
03:20 The latter is questioning the notion of guaranteed freedom.
