IVG dans la Constitution: feu vert en commission au Sénat, malgré réserves.

  • 7 months ago
La chambre haute franchit une première étape vers l'inscription de l'IVG dans la Constitution : la commission des Lois du Sénat a décidé mercredi de ne pas s'opposer à la réforme gouvernementale malgré certaines réserves, fixant ainsi rendez-vous le 28 février pour un examen tendu dans l'hémicycle.
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00:00 The House has taken a first step towards the registration of the IVG in the Constitution.
00:04 The Senate Law Commission decided on Wednesday not to oppose the governmental reform despite certain reservations,
00:11 thus fixing an appointment on February 28 for a long-term review in the hemicycle.
00:15 The Commission decided not to oppose the constitutionalization of the freedom to resort to the voluntary interruption of pregnancy and pre-act of the text proposed by the government,
00:25 explained to AFP reporter Agnès Canailler, linked to the LR group.
00:31 "At this stage, we are not unfavourable, but the editorial board still has a number of irritants and we will have the debate in session," she added.
00:39 After the very broad adoption of the governmental project at the National Assembly,
00:44 this position of the Senate and its right-wing and center majority is a strong signal,
00:48 even if the vote of the end of February hemicycle remains undecided due to certain reluctance.
00:54 If the hypothesis of a pure and simple rejection of the text moves away,
00:57 will the House vote in favour of the constitutionalization of a guaranteed freedom to the IVG, as the executive hopes?
01:05 Or will it choose a new formulation of the constitutional law project, which would then force the deputies to look again at the subject?
01:13 Only a conforming adoption of the Senate will open the way to a Congress uniting all parliamentarians.
01:19 It will then be necessary to release a majority of the 3/5 to definitively validate this constitutional reform.
01:26 What date for the Congress?
01:28 The date of 5 March for the Congress, envisaged at the end of 2023 by the executive,
01:33 therefore still seems very uncertain and the government is keen to put it back on the table.
01:39 The President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron himself, did not refer to it in a letter sent last week to the heads of political parties,
01:46 where he wished that an agreement could be found on this text of balance so that he could convene the Congress in the best possible time.
01:54 "We will take the time it takes", confirmed on Tuesday the Minister of Justice Eric de Pomoretti,
02:00 saying to himself, "no hurry", as if to cajole the senators.
02:04 The Guard of the Sceaux, which has supported itself by the whole of the left and the majority,
02:09 nevertheless took care to call the right,
02:11 hasn't the time come to devote this freedom all together?
02:15 That would have a lot of momentum.
02:17 The president of the Senate, Gérard Larcher, had been causing trouble in recent days by recalling his opposition to the government project.
02:25 The IJV is not threatened in France and the Constitution is not a catalogue of social and societal rights,
02:31 he said, drawing the lightning from the associations of women's rights defense.
02:36 Disdain for debate
02:38 However, the Senate has already approved, in February 2023, a text devoting to the Constitution the "freedom" of women to end their pregnancy.
02:48 But the notion of "guarantee" did not appear.
02:52 This semantic debate is likely to crystallize the discussions on February 28, with potential amendments.
02:59 Other senators are also advancing the hypothesis of inscribing other measures in the Constitution,
03:03 such as the "Clause of Conscience" of doctors, to rebalance the project.
03:08 This will eventually pass, recognized himself these last days Hervé Marseille, the head of the Centrist.
03:14 He will leave, as usual, total freedom to his troops on this project, although he opposes it personally.
