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Good Morning Pakistan is your first source of entertainment as soon as you wake up in the morning, keeping you energized for the rest of the day.

Host: Nida Yasir

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#aroobamirza #zainabraza #danishnawaz #newyearcelebration


00:00:00 [AD]
00:00:10 [MUSIC]
00:00:40 [HINDI]
00:00:42 Good morning, good morning Pakistan.
00:00:45 I am feeling a little cold.
00:00:47 It's getting cold.
00:00:48 Hello, hello, what?
00:00:49 It's getting cold. Why?
00:00:51 Why is it getting cold?
00:00:52 It's all because of the blessings of Quetta.
00:00:54 When it's cold in Quetta,
00:00:56 then one hand is the wind of cold.
00:00:58 Enough, Shakeel bhai.
00:00:59 Let me do the intro.
00:01:00 I have to clean up later.
00:01:01 So, when it's cold in Quetta,
00:01:05 then because of his blessings,
00:01:07 the cold reaches Karachi.
00:01:09 And when it's cold in Karachi,
00:01:11 then we feel happy.
00:01:13 Thank God, the weather is good.
00:01:15 Thank God, we can do the outing work.
00:01:20 Well, not the outing work.
00:01:21 What do a lot of people do?
00:01:23 They do all the preparations before Ramadan.
00:01:27 And those people who don't prepare for Eid before Ramadan,
00:01:30 they get stuck on Eid.
00:01:32 By the way, I remembered this getting stuck,
00:01:35 that it's such a strange thing,
00:01:37 whenever we get stuck,
00:01:40 we call someone,
00:01:42 we call someone,
00:01:43 we call someone.
00:01:44 When we were young,
00:01:46 and our bag's zip broke,
00:01:50 or our copy got lost,
00:01:53 we always used to tell our father,
00:01:55 "Dad, what do we do?"
00:01:56 "The zip broke at the last minute."
00:01:58 "This book got lost."
00:01:59 So, our father used to find a solution for it.
00:02:02 Or he used to fix the zip himself,
00:02:04 or he used to fix it technically.
00:02:07 Or he used to get a new book for the book that got lost.
00:02:11 So, our father had a solution for a lot of things.
00:02:17 And if we had a fight with a friend,
00:02:20 and because of that we were sad,
00:02:23 we needed advice,
00:02:26 we got stuck there,
00:02:28 then we used to follow our mother's advice.
00:02:30 And we used to get advice from our mother,
00:02:34 about all the things that we shouldn't do,
00:02:37 or we shouldn't do this, or we shouldn't do that.
00:02:40 We used to get advice from our mother at that age.
00:02:43 We used to get advice on every little thing,
00:02:44 "Mom, this isn't working, mom, that isn't working."
00:02:46 It means that when we used to get stuck at that age,
00:02:48 we didn't take anyone's help except our parents.
00:02:53 Then, we grew up a little,
00:02:55 and we got a little more friendly with our aunts,
00:02:57 or with our aunts,
00:02:59 or with our cousins,
00:03:00 who were very close to us.
00:03:02 Then, when we got stuck,
00:03:04 we used to get advice from them.
00:03:06 We used to share our feelings with them.
00:03:10 As we grew up,
00:03:12 our friends who used to save us,
00:03:15 the people who used to save us,
00:03:17 started changing.
00:03:19 We started trusting our friends,
00:03:21 we started asking for advice from them,
00:03:23 we started getting rid of our stuck things from them.
00:03:26 Then we got married.
00:03:28 After getting married,
00:03:29 you started expecting everything from your partner.
00:03:33 "Now, if my car's tire gets punctured,
00:03:35 I'll call my husband and tell him,
00:03:37 'Listen, I'm stuck here, what do I do now?'"
00:03:40 So, wherever he is,
00:03:41 he'll come for you,
00:03:43 to get you out of that problem.
00:03:45 Or, your wife or your husband
00:03:48 came and told you about their office,
00:03:51 "What do I do? This is it, I'm in a lot of pain,
00:03:54 I'm stuck."
00:03:56 So, sometimes your wife gives you such advice,
00:04:00 that your mind gets shocked.
00:04:02 And then, you start trusting each other more.
00:04:07 "If anyone can get me out of a problem,
00:04:10 then he's my partner."
00:04:12 So, today, my celebrities are going to tell me,
00:04:15 that at what times,
00:04:17 in what problems they got stuck,
00:04:19 and which relationship,
00:04:21 which friend,
00:04:23 which loved one,
00:04:24 got them out.
00:04:25 So, let's see and learn something.
00:04:28 If we get stuck in our problems,
00:04:31 instead of telling them,
00:04:34 "See, I told you, you'll get sick,
00:04:36 you ate this, you ate that."
00:04:38 Instead of giving them tips,
00:04:40 or healing them,
00:04:42 what do we do?
00:04:43 We start scolding them.
00:04:45 That's why, at a certain age,
00:04:46 children start telling their parents less.
00:04:49 Because, I do the same,
00:04:50 if my daughter tells me,
00:04:51 "I have a stomach ache,"
00:04:52 I start scolding her.
00:04:53 And then, I realize,
00:04:55 she's already suffering from the pain.
00:04:57 And I scold her,
00:04:58 "You didn't eat, you didn't take care,
00:05:00 eat well, eat healthy."
00:05:03 And then, I realize,
00:05:05 "Look, she won't tell me now."
00:05:07 So, at times,
00:05:09 as parents, we make mistakes.
00:05:11 When children are stuck,
00:05:12 instead of scolding them,
00:05:14 taunting them,
00:05:16 we heal them.
00:05:17 Stay with us after a short break.
00:05:19 Good morning, Pakistan.
00:05:21 [Music]
00:05:31 Welcome, welcome back.
00:05:33 Good morning, Pakistan.
00:05:35 And, today, it's going to be fun.
00:05:38 I'll ask celebrities,
00:05:39 where were they stuck,
00:05:40 who saved them.
00:05:41 This happens, right?
00:05:42 Today, we'll ask everyone.
00:05:44 And, why were they stuck,
00:05:45 how were they stuck,
00:05:46 this will be a fun thing.
00:05:48 We have with us, Sana Askari,
00:05:49 and we have with us, Dr. Ayesha.
00:05:51 Assalamualaikum.
00:05:52 Good morning.
00:05:53 Good morning.
00:05:54 How are you?
00:05:55 Alhamdulillah, all good.
00:05:56 Okay?
00:05:57 Yes.
00:05:58 So, I think,
00:05:59 sometimes, people are so strong,
00:06:01 that they're saving others from getting stuck.
00:06:04 And, sometimes,
00:06:05 they're always looking at someone,
00:06:08 "He'll save me."
00:06:10 Or, "She'll save me."
00:06:12 So, who are you people?
00:06:14 Dr. Ayesha,
00:06:15 do you get people out of their stuckness,
00:06:18 or do you get stuck yourself,
00:06:20 and you call out to them?
00:06:22 I do get people out of their stuckness,
00:06:25 but, at times,
00:06:26 it happens that,
00:06:27 sometimes, I get stuck, too.
00:06:29 Yes.
00:06:30 So, I have to go here and there,
00:06:32 and it becomes a very strange situation.
00:06:34 At times, we think that,
00:06:36 we're very perfect.
00:06:38 Yes.
00:06:39 And, we're so calculated,
00:06:41 and everything is perfect.
00:06:43 And, suddenly, we realize,
00:06:44 that the ground has come under our feet.
00:06:46 And, it's very embarrassing.
00:06:48 Yes.
00:06:49 You tell me,
00:06:50 I think, I'm the most calculated.
00:06:52 I feel that,
00:06:54 you look forward to your husband,
00:06:58 that he'll save you.
00:06:59 I think,
00:07:00 I don't have a husband without Minhaj.
00:07:03 That was my observation.
00:07:05 I mean, it's right.
00:07:06 I get stuck, he saves me.
00:07:07 Yes.
00:07:08 So, yeah.
00:07:09 And, it can be a petty thing,
00:07:11 that I've fought with someone,
00:07:13 and he saves me.
00:07:14 So, he's the savior.
00:07:15 Yes.
00:07:16 In every situation,
00:07:17 financial, you know,
00:07:18 family issues, anything,
00:07:20 he's the one who guides me.
00:07:22 Because, I can see that,
00:07:23 whenever I've interviewed you both,
00:07:25 I see a savior there.
00:07:29 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
00:07:30 he's the savior.
00:07:31 Actually, Minhaj is a very calm person.
00:07:35 He's very calm.
00:07:36 He solves every issue,
00:07:37 Alhamdulillah,
00:07:38 very well.
00:07:39 Allah makes couples like this,
00:07:41 couples are made in the heavens.
00:07:43 Right.
00:07:44 So, couples are made in such a way,
00:07:46 that they complete each other's puzzles.
00:07:48 When we look at our couple,
00:07:52 we say, we lack this thing,
00:07:54 our partner fulfills that.
00:07:57 So, we get surprised at nature,
00:08:00 that how he found us and brought us together.
00:08:02 And I, nowadays,
00:08:03 there's a saying,
00:08:05 that, just like you,
00:08:07 Allah gives you a partner.
00:08:10 This is a fact.
00:08:11 I've seen this.
00:08:12 If you're a good human being,
00:08:14 you will find a good human being.
00:08:15 You are very, very right.
00:08:17 And if you have any problem in your character,
00:08:19 then your partner will also have some problem.
00:08:23 This is such a fact.
00:08:24 They say,
00:08:25 "Jaise ko taisa bhi."
00:08:26 Absolutely right.
00:08:27 Agreed, like 100%.
00:08:29 So, he's the one, you know,
00:08:31 in our relationship,
00:08:32 he's the one who saves me.
00:08:33 Sometimes, I feel that,
00:08:35 if the wife is innocent,
00:08:37 then sometimes,
00:08:38 if her husband is also innocent,
00:08:40 then the couple gets very close.
00:08:42 Very close.
00:08:43 And people get very close to them.
00:08:45 They become one.
00:08:47 So, if one of them is straight,
00:08:49 then the other one,
00:08:51 if he's a little sharp,
00:08:53 then the couple,
00:08:54 they cross the line.
00:08:56 They cross the line.
00:08:57 I feel like,
00:08:59 that, these two are straight.
00:09:01 Yes, innocent.
00:09:02 He's also innocent, she's also innocent.
00:09:03 What's wrong with their world?
00:09:05 No, no, the world of innocent people is not there anymore.
00:09:07 You have to be smart.
00:09:08 I'm not saying that you should be very smart,
00:09:11 but no, you have to be smart.
00:09:13 Yes, you have to be smart.
00:09:14 Sometimes, people come to me,
00:09:16 asking me to find a match for their son.
00:09:18 They feel that I'm very social,
00:09:21 but I meet people.
00:09:23 People think that,
00:09:24 maybe he's in the media,
00:09:26 so you can get him married.
00:09:28 You can get him married.
00:09:29 So, sometimes,
00:09:30 I give them this suggestion,
00:09:32 because my observation has become strong,
00:09:34 because of meeting people,
00:09:36 that if your son is straight,
00:09:38 then the daughter-in-law you're looking for,
00:09:41 is not very straight.
00:09:42 You're wrong.
00:09:43 You should look for a daughter-in-law,
00:09:45 who is smart.
00:09:47 Because if the boys are straight,
00:09:49 and the girls are smart,
00:09:51 they live a very good life.
00:09:53 And if the girls are very straight,
00:09:56 then they want boys who are smart.
00:09:58 Street smart, or something like that.
00:10:00 So, life is good.
00:10:01 That's how it gets balanced in your relationship.
00:10:03 Your life is balanced.
00:10:04 You're saying that both are the same.
00:10:06 Both can't live their lives the same way.
00:10:09 The same meaning,
00:10:10 how do I explain it?
00:10:12 I'm not saying it in a fast way.
00:10:14 The same meaning,
00:10:15 in the sense that,
00:10:16 if you're a good human being,
00:10:17 then you will find a good human being.
00:10:19 Yes.
00:10:20 We can't say that on screen.
00:10:22 That thing.
00:10:23 If you're an H,
00:10:25 Yes.
00:10:26 then you'll get an H.
00:10:28 Yes.
00:10:29 This is it.
00:10:30 This is also mentioned in the Quran.
00:10:32 That Allah has made good women for good people.
00:10:36 Exactly.
00:10:37 And this is the truth.
00:10:38 And this is the truth.
00:10:40 I've noticed it.
00:10:42 I've noticed it a lot these days.
00:10:44 I was like,
00:10:45 Allah has made people right.
00:10:47 Sometimes we say this sentence,
00:10:50 "Nauso Chueh"
00:10:51 Yes, "Kha ke Billiye Haj ko chahiye"
00:10:53 We say that,
00:10:54 "Okay, you're friends with so many girls,
00:10:57 and now you want a home-made woman to marry.
00:11:00 Later you'll find out,
00:11:01 "Oh, what have you got?"
00:11:02 I think every man wants a home-made woman.
00:11:04 No matter how modern she is,
00:11:06 a wife is a home-made woman.
00:11:08 She cooks for them.
00:11:09 Yes.
00:11:10 No, later they'll find out.
00:11:12 Yes.
00:11:13 So, we say, "You get what you deserve."
00:11:15 Yes.
00:11:16 So, make your sons understand,
00:11:18 that they should live life with manners.
00:11:20 Yes.
00:11:21 So that they can have a good life.
00:11:22 Make both the daughters and sons understand.
00:11:24 Both.
00:11:25 Exactly.
00:11:26 So, let's see where they are stuck.
00:11:28 Who's first slide?
00:11:30 Okay.
00:11:33 ATM machine.
00:11:34 Okay.
00:11:35 So, this happened a few days ago.
00:11:38 Okay.
00:11:39 We were travelling,
00:11:40 and Minaj said,
00:11:41 "Sana, I've got my credit card opened.
00:11:44 You take the card,
00:11:45 don't take the cash,
00:11:46 don't carry so much.
00:11:47 I was going shopping alone."
00:11:49 And I was like, "Okay, Minaj."
00:11:52 I went.
00:11:53 I went to the same shop.
00:11:55 And I was like,
00:11:56 "I'll give this, I'll give that,
00:11:57 I'll buy this, I'll buy that."
00:11:58 Because when you go out,
00:11:59 you need to buy,
00:12:00 especially western, you know, pants.
00:12:01 Yes.
00:12:02 Because my height is a little short.
00:12:03 So, I don't get pants of my size in Pakistan,
00:12:06 because my waist is short,
00:12:07 and my height is short.
00:12:08 So, I go out,
00:12:09 I get my jeans and pants from there.
00:12:11 I collected all the money in a basket.
00:12:14 Now I went to the checkout counter.
00:12:17 I was like,
00:12:18 "Here, give me the check."
00:12:20 Now, they were giving me all that.
00:12:22 I was happy.
00:12:23 I said, "Man,
00:12:24 this will be spent for the whole year.
00:12:25 I'll have so much fun."
00:12:27 I gave them the card.
00:12:28 Reject.
00:12:29 Then I said, "Why?"
00:12:31 She's so close.
00:12:32 She's so close.
00:12:33 You can't do anything.
00:12:34 You're out of Pakistan.
00:12:35 You can't call her.
00:12:36 It's embarrassing for you,
00:12:38 that why, I mean,
00:12:40 why isn't the card working?
00:12:41 Why isn't it working?
00:12:42 Now, I called Minaj from there.
00:12:44 I said, "Man, it's not working."
00:12:46 Now, the same nonsense,
00:12:47 that you call the bank in Pakistan
00:12:49 and ask them to open the card.
00:12:51 I said, "Why didn't you open it?"
00:12:52 He said, "I did."
00:12:53 Then I found out,
00:12:55 that the bank didn't open the card.
00:12:57 Then I went back.
00:12:58 I kept the basket.
00:12:59 And then he was the one, you know.
00:13:01 Then he came.
00:13:02 Then we bought those things again,
00:13:03 in cash.
00:13:04 But, yes, Minaj,
00:13:05 and this wasn't the first time,
00:13:06 I had a card issue.
00:13:07 This happened in Pakistan too.
00:13:09 In Pakistan, there are a lot of places,
00:13:11 that still don't accept cards.
00:13:13 You shop all the time,
00:13:14 and then, you know,
00:13:15 you're sitting.
00:13:16 Okay, what happens to us is,
00:13:17 often, there's a bank in Yasir.
00:13:20 It's very annoying.
00:13:22 If a bill is worth Rs. 1000,
00:13:24 and it's 19-20,
00:13:26 they block the card.
00:13:27 It's so bad.
00:13:28 I swear,
00:13:29 if you don't use it,
00:13:31 you don't see it on the messages,
00:13:33 that it was a bill worth Rs. 1000,
00:13:35 and the fees are like this,
00:13:37 and you didn't pay it,
00:13:39 they block it.
00:13:41 Now, as long as you go to the bank,
00:13:43 and they don't give you Rs. 1000,
00:13:45 they won't open the card.
00:13:47 So, often, it's happened,
00:13:49 that we can't do international transactions,
00:13:51 because of that reason.
00:13:53 Yes.
00:13:54 So, what happens is,
00:13:55 okay, it's my credit card,
00:13:57 let's keep each other's.
00:13:58 When Yasir was going,
00:13:59 we said,
00:14:00 take both of them,
00:14:01 we have to go shopping.
00:14:02 Especially, outside.
00:14:03 And when I was going,
00:14:04 because we both,
00:14:05 have been stuck so many times,
00:14:07 so husband and wife,
00:14:08 then, we take each other's loans.
00:14:10 Especially, you know,
00:14:11 when you're traveling outside,
00:14:12 then, these bank issues come,
00:14:14 your trip gets ruined.
00:14:16 Literally, it gets ruined,
00:14:17 because you have no other option.
00:14:18 Yes.
00:14:19 Because, in a lot of places,
00:14:20 they don't take cash,
00:14:21 they need cards.
00:14:22 And, nowadays,
00:14:23 it's all plastic money.
00:14:24 Even for hotels,
00:14:25 you know, everywhere,
00:14:26 you need plastic cards.
00:14:28 Nowadays, it's all cash.
00:14:29 No, there's no cash,
00:14:30 so it's become very annoying.
00:14:32 It's become very bad.
00:14:34 What's the next card?
00:14:36 Show us.
00:14:37 Oh.
00:14:38 Kulsoom aunty.
00:14:39 Kulsoom aunty is our cook.
00:14:41 And, she,
00:14:42 I mean,
00:14:43 we can't survive without her.
00:14:45 Because, she knows,
00:14:47 what all things we like,
00:14:49 and what all things she likes,
00:14:50 and the delicious food she cooks.
00:14:53 But, the family behind her,
00:14:55 is very big.
00:14:57 And, when she loves her family,
00:14:59 then, there are a lot of issues.
00:15:01 That, today,
00:15:02 the daughter has some problem.
00:15:03 So, she takes a leave,
00:15:04 and does it in between.
00:15:05 Now, suddenly,
00:15:06 now, in that,
00:15:07 we had kept a feast at home,
00:15:09 okay,
00:15:10 and Kulsoom knew,
00:15:12 that, you know,
00:15:13 there's a feast at our house today.
00:15:14 Okay, that happens,
00:15:15 that a very old person,
00:15:16 he's trained.
00:15:17 Like, the dahi vadas,
00:15:19 that she makes,
00:15:20 are very good.
00:15:21 And, all of us know,
00:15:22 that the dahi vadas,
00:15:23 that she makes,
00:15:24 they're really very good.
00:15:26 And, specially,
00:15:27 the tempering she does,
00:15:29 and all those things,
00:15:30 she makes very special dahi vadas.
00:15:33 So, in the evening,
00:15:34 all the guests used to come to our house,
00:15:36 and,
00:15:37 Kulsoom's dahi vadas,
00:15:38 biryani,
00:15:39 and all those things,
00:15:40 she had to eat.
00:15:41 So, her,
00:15:42 okay,
00:15:43 it's 12 o'clock,
00:15:44 it's 1 o'clock,
00:15:45 so, I had to get up,
00:15:46 and I realized,
00:15:47 that she's so trained,
00:15:48 and she does all those things,
00:15:49 so well,
00:15:50 so she will come,
00:15:51 and she will manage,
00:15:52 she will make it,
00:15:53 and she's very fast.
00:15:54 So, in two,
00:15:55 two and a half hours,
00:15:56 Mashallah,
00:15:57 Mashallah,
00:15:58 Mashallah,
00:15:59 25-30 people's food,
00:16:00 is not a problem for her,
00:16:01 there's no issue for her.
00:16:02 12, 1, 2,
00:16:03 now,
00:16:04 I'm picking up the phone,
00:16:05 and ringing,
00:16:06 but there's no bell.
00:16:07 After that,
00:16:08 she herself,
00:16:09 "Oh, dear, what do I do?"
00:16:10 "My daughter,
00:16:11 I had to take her to the hospital,
00:16:12 and all those things,
00:16:13 and,
00:16:14 the delivery guy,
00:16:15 I said,
00:16:16 "Kulsoom,
00:16:17 you know,
00:16:18 that it's very important today,
00:16:19 everyone has to come,
00:16:20 I've told them,
00:16:21 and what time is left now?
00:16:22 There are two,
00:16:23 three hours left,
00:16:24 what will happen?"
00:16:25 "No,
00:16:26 you know,
00:16:27 I never do it like this,
00:16:28 and,
00:16:29 it's become a problem like this,
00:16:30 now,
00:16:31 all the stuff,
00:16:32 you know,
00:16:33 all the chicken,
00:16:34 etc.,
00:16:35 you should have taken it out,
00:16:36 and kept it outside,
00:16:37 I have to go to the clinic,
00:16:38 my time,
00:16:39 the car is ready,
00:16:40 I have to go to the clinic,
00:16:41 at 3 o'clock,
00:16:42 the patients are making noise,
00:16:43 and,
00:16:44 all the stress,
00:16:45 all that,
00:16:46 and,
00:16:47 in that,
00:16:48 there is this thing,
00:16:49 that,
00:16:50 in the beginning,
00:16:51 I used to cook food,
00:16:52 but,
00:16:53 it's a routine thing,
00:16:54 you are cooking routinely,
00:16:55 so,
00:16:56 the things are on your hands,
00:16:57 it's a routine,
00:16:58 you are stuck,
00:16:59 I was stuck,
00:17:00 that I went to the clinic,
00:17:01 Kulsoom didn't come,
00:17:02 the food was outside,
00:17:03 after that,
00:17:04 I went to the clinic,
00:17:05 and,
00:17:06 the guests had to come at 8,
00:17:07 at 6,
00:17:08 I came at 6.30,
00:17:09 after that,
00:17:10 somehow,
00:17:11 I boiled the rice,
00:17:12 and,
00:17:13 after that,
00:17:14 I fried the vegetables,
00:17:15 and put them in the rice,
00:17:16 and,
00:17:17 I boiled the chicken,
00:17:18 and then,
00:17:19 I get a spice,
00:17:20 I don't know what to call it,
00:17:21 I put that spice in it,
00:17:22 and that chicken,
00:17:23 was very good,
00:17:24 so,
00:17:25 I didn't make biryani,
00:17:26 I fried that chicken,
00:17:27 and,
00:17:28 I kept that as a dish,
00:17:29 I fried the vegetables,
00:17:30 and,
00:17:31 I decorated it,
00:17:32 separately,
00:17:33 who took out the recipe,
00:17:34 who did?
00:17:35 I took it out,
00:17:36 why did you tell the recipe?
00:17:37 I told the recipe,
00:17:38 I took it out myself,
00:17:39 and,
00:17:40 I,
00:17:41 I apologized to the guests,
00:17:42 and,
00:17:43 I threw the curd,
00:17:44 and put the florets,
00:17:45 in it,
00:17:46 I mean,
00:17:47 I,
00:17:48 somehow,
00:17:49 got the job done,
00:17:50 then,
00:17:51 what could I do?
00:17:52 I didn't have anyone,
00:17:53 because,
00:17:54 the main cook,
00:17:55 she gave it to me,
00:17:56 then,
00:17:57 I asked for a little help,
00:17:58 from the neighbours,
00:17:59 and,
00:18:00 it was very strange,
00:18:01 it was very strange,
00:18:02 but you,
00:18:03 you got yourself stuck,
00:18:04 I got myself out,
00:18:05 I mean,
00:18:06 you got yourself out of the condition,
00:18:07 the situation,
00:18:08 in which you were stuck,
00:18:09 yes,
00:18:10 but,
00:18:11 I got it out,
00:18:12 I somehow,
00:18:13 managed the curd,
00:18:14 I put the florets,
00:18:15 fried the vegetables,
00:18:16 I did the decoration,
00:18:17 why did you tell the recipe?
00:18:18 my program,
00:18:19 is the program of Ramadan,
00:18:20 come,
00:18:21 we will make you curd vada,
00:18:22 come,
00:18:23 we will make you,
00:18:24 we have just joined,
00:18:25 in the interview of Sassidy,
00:18:26 Assalamualaikum,
00:18:27 Assalamualaikum,
00:18:28 how are you?
00:18:29 Assalamualaikum,
00:18:30 how are you,
00:18:31 Pakistan?
00:18:32 I was watching,
00:18:33 your,
00:18:34 your YouTube channel,
00:18:35 I thought,
00:18:36 it was a good shoot,
00:18:37 the plate you were telling,
00:18:38 how nicely,
00:18:39 I was telling,
00:18:40 you have food portion control,
00:18:41 oh my God,
00:18:42 how hard it was,
00:18:43 everyone knows,
00:18:44 you also used to tell,
00:18:45 you didn't listen,
00:18:46 at this age,
00:18:47 when you started eating,
00:18:48 no age is like this,
00:18:49 no,
00:18:50 I mean,
00:18:51 when you started eating well,
00:18:52 you started telling us,
00:18:53 yes,
00:18:54 you used to say,
00:18:55 what is the bakery item,
00:18:56 show me,
00:18:57 a lot of things,
00:18:58 you really didn't know,
00:18:59 and a lot of things,
00:19:00 you could understand,
00:19:01 but,
00:19:02 wouldn't it be beautiful,
00:19:03 that you have a platform,
00:19:04 with which you know,
00:19:05 anything,
00:19:06 you share,
00:19:07 the fear is that,
00:19:08 I try to find out,
00:19:09 but,
00:19:10 a lot of nutritionists,
00:19:11 tell everyone,
00:19:12 you are doing a good job,
00:19:13 you are telling the truth,
00:19:14 this is what we are talking about,
00:19:15 keep it up,
00:19:16 so,
00:19:17 who are you among,
00:19:18 among the people who get trapped,
00:19:19 or,
00:19:20 if you get trapped,
00:19:21 then,
00:19:22 does anyone come to get you out,
00:19:23 or,
00:19:24 you get others out of getting trapped,
00:19:25 it works both ways,
00:19:26 I have a friend,
00:19:27 Monica,
00:19:28 who is a very organized freak,
00:19:29 and she,
00:19:30 everything,
00:19:31 Manjulika is not there,
00:19:32 no,
00:19:33 no,
00:19:34 she is not there,
00:19:35 but,
00:19:36 I have a friend,
00:19:37 who is not there,
00:19:38 so,
00:19:39 I often,
00:19:40 if someone else gets trapped,
00:19:41 I have a lot of fun in getting them out,
00:19:42 I feel,
00:19:43 I can do it,
00:19:44 I know the solution,
00:19:45 and it is possible,
00:19:46 so,
00:19:47 but,
00:19:48 when I get trapped,
00:19:49 I feel,
00:19:50 angels come to save me,
00:19:51 the ones you are most afraid of,
00:19:52 that mom,
00:19:53 will insult me,
00:19:54 will give me an award,
00:19:55 she,
00:19:56 so swiftly,
00:19:57 so easily,
00:19:58 gets me out of the situation,
00:19:59 so,
00:20:00 that's,
00:20:01 mostly your mom,
00:20:02 gets you out,
00:20:03 mom is there,
00:20:04 mom is there,
00:20:05 mom is there,
00:20:06 mom is there,
00:20:07 when it comes to food,
00:20:08 when it comes to the kitchen,
00:20:09 it is the mother,
00:20:10 and mother in law,
00:20:11 who gets you out of the situation,
00:20:14 rest,
00:20:15 in life,
00:20:16 of course,
00:20:17 my better half,
00:20:18 Saqib,
00:20:19 he helps out,
00:20:20 in a very good way,
00:20:21 so,
00:20:22 that's how it is,
00:20:23 second,
00:20:24 my biggest,
00:20:25 who is there,
00:20:26 who lives with me,
00:20:27 in my house,
00:20:28 since childhood,
00:20:29 Akhtar Bhai,
00:20:30 Akhtar Bhai,
00:20:31 Akhtar Bhai,
00:20:32 I,
00:20:33 I just have to,
00:20:34 I just have to tell him,
00:20:35 that I am here,
00:20:36 he will get me out,
00:20:37 that's all,
00:20:38 that's all,
00:20:39 we are taking a short break,
00:20:40 after the break,
00:20:41 we will see,
00:20:42 where he is stuck,
00:20:43 and who got him out of the situation,
00:20:44 Dr. Ayesha got him out,
00:20:45 here,
00:20:46 Meenaj got him out,
00:20:47 now,
00:20:48 next,
00:20:49 let's see,
00:20:50 what saved him,
00:20:51 from what,
00:20:52 Good Morning Pakistan,
00:20:53 (music)
00:20:54 (music)
00:20:55 (music)
00:20:56 (music)
00:20:57 (music)
00:20:58 (music)
00:20:59 (music)
00:21:00 Welcome,
00:21:01 welcome back,
00:21:02 Good Morning Pakistan,
00:21:03 and before,
00:21:04 I get stuck,
00:21:05 I should listen to them,
00:21:06 (laughs)
00:21:07 I will keep telling,
00:21:08 that the shirt,
00:21:09 of Karachi Kings,
00:21:10 wins,
00:21:11 the winner is,
00:21:12 Sami Ali Khan,
00:21:13 from Karachi,
00:21:14 wow,
00:21:15 you will get your shirt,
00:21:16 and Karachi Kings,
00:21:17 till now,
00:21:18 out of three matches,
00:21:19 two matches,
00:21:20 Alhamdulillah,
00:21:21 has won,
00:21:22 yes,
00:21:23 absolutely,
00:21:24 next match,
00:21:25 Karachi Kings,
00:21:26 Islamabad,
00:21:27 United,
00:21:28 is from,
00:21:29 Karachi,
00:21:30 and,
00:21:31 Karachi,
00:21:32 Karachi,
00:21:33 is from,
00:21:34 United,
00:21:35 and we pray,
00:21:36 we support,
00:21:37 that they win again,
00:21:38 now the question,
00:21:39 the next shirt,
00:21:40 who will get it,
00:21:41 that question is,
00:21:42 in Karachi Kings,
00:21:43 jersey,
00:21:44 which two colors,
00:21:45 are there,
00:21:46 should I hide it,
00:21:47 no,
00:21:48 no,
00:21:49 Dr. Ayesha,
00:21:50 why are you in a band,
00:21:51 Dr. Ayesha,
00:21:52 you are very emotional,
00:21:53 she is a trap,
00:21:54 you are a trap,
00:21:55 you take yourself out,
00:21:56 and trap me,
00:21:57 I want it for my kids,
00:21:58 I have small kids,
00:21:59 (laughs)
00:22:00 I will give you,
00:22:01 I will give you,
00:22:02 I have small kids,
00:22:03 I will give you,
00:22:04 (laughs)
00:22:05 so whoever gives the right answer,
00:22:06 shh,
00:22:07 whoever gives the right answer,
00:22:08 will get this shirt,
00:22:09 I am hiding it from here,
00:22:10 yes,
00:22:11 now I will come,
00:22:12 the camera is on me,
00:22:13 now Urusa,
00:22:14 where did she get trapped,
00:22:15 what happened to her,
00:22:16 what is the story,
00:22:17 come Jantek,
00:22:18 show the card,
00:22:19 okay,
00:22:20 eating habits,
00:22:21 Hamza's eating habits,
00:22:22 cute,
00:22:23 yes,
00:22:24 by looking at this picture,
00:22:25 I feel I will have to correct my eating habits,
00:22:26 (laughs)
00:22:27 actually,
00:22:28 I thought it was Ramzan,
00:22:29 I said Ramzan,
00:22:30 I will be very healthy,
00:22:31 so I thought I will fulfill all my cravings,
00:22:32 so this happens when you eat after 8 pm,
00:22:33 so this happens,
00:22:34 so with Hamza's eating habits,
00:22:35 in the beginning,
00:22:36 I,
00:22:37 a little,
00:22:38 to take a very caring mother's address,
00:22:39 I kept Hamza away from a lot of things,
00:22:40 so for a long time,
00:22:41 I kept him on sago,
00:22:42 semolina,
00:22:43 and steamed apples,
00:22:44 I kept him on those,
00:22:45 because he was very sensitive,
00:22:46 so I kept him on those,
00:22:47 so for a long time,
00:22:48 I kept him on those,
00:22:49 so for a long time,
00:22:50 I kept him on those,
00:22:51 so for a long time,
00:22:52 I kept him on those,
00:22:53 so for a long time,
00:22:54 I kept him on those,
00:22:55 so for a long time,
00:22:56 I kept him on those,
00:22:57 so for a long time,
00:22:58 I kept him on those,
00:22:59 so for a long time,
00:23:00 I kept him on those,
00:23:01 so for a long time,
00:23:02 I kept him on those,
00:23:03 so for a long time,
00:23:04 I kept him on those,
00:23:05 so for a long time,
00:23:06 I kept him on those,
00:23:07 so for a long time,
00:23:08 I kept him on those,
00:23:09 so for a long time,
00:23:10 I kept him on those,
00:23:11 so for a long time,
00:23:12 I kept him on those,
00:23:13 so for a long time,
00:23:14 I kept him on those,
00:23:15 so for a long time,
00:23:16 I kept him on those,
00:23:17 so for a long time,
00:23:18 I kept him on those,
00:23:19 so for a long time,
00:23:20 I kept him on those,
00:23:21 so for a long time,
00:23:22 I kept him on those,
00:23:23 so for a long time,
00:23:24 I kept him on those,
00:23:25 so for a long time,
00:23:26 I kept him on those,
00:23:27 so for a long time,
00:23:28 I kept him on those,
00:23:29 so for a long time,
00:23:30 I kept him on those,
00:23:31 so for a long time,
00:23:32 I kept him on those,
00:23:33 so for a long time,
00:23:34 I kept him on those,
00:23:35 so for a long time,
00:23:36 I kept him on those,
00:23:37 so for a long time,
00:23:38 I kept him on those,
00:23:39 so for a long time,
00:23:40 I kept him on those,
00:23:41 so for a long time,
00:23:42 I kept him on those,
00:23:43 so for a long time,
00:23:44 I kept him on those,
00:23:45 so for a long time,
00:23:46 I kept him on those,
00:23:47 so for a long time,
00:23:48 I kept him on those,
00:23:49 so for a long time,
00:23:50 I kept him on those,
00:23:51 so for a long time,
00:23:52 I kept him on those,
00:23:53 so for a long time,
00:23:54 I kept him on those,
00:23:55 so for a long time,
00:23:56 I kept him on those,
00:23:57 so for a long time,
00:23:58 I kept him on those,
00:23:59 so for a long time,
00:24:00 I kept him on those,
00:24:01 so for a long time,
00:24:02 I kept him on those,
00:24:03 so for a long time,
00:24:04 I kept him on those,
00:24:05 so for a long time,
00:24:06 I kept him on those,
00:24:07 so for a long time,
00:24:08 I kept him on those,
00:24:09 so for a long time,
00:24:10 I kept him on those,
00:24:11 so for a long time,
00:24:12 I kept him on those,
00:24:13 so for a long time,
00:24:14 I kept him on those,
00:24:15 so for a long time,
00:24:16 I kept him on those,
00:24:17 so for a long time,
00:24:18 I kept him on those,
00:24:19 so for a long time,
00:24:20 I kept him on those,
00:24:21 so for a long time,
00:24:22 I kept him on those,
00:24:23 so for a long time,
00:24:24 I kept him on those,
00:24:25 so for a long time,
00:24:26 I kept him on those,
00:24:27 so for a long time,
00:24:28 I kept him on those,
00:24:29 so for a long time,
00:24:30 I kept him on those,
00:24:31 so for a long time,
00:24:32 I kept him on those,
00:24:33 so for a long time,
00:24:34 I kept him on those,
00:24:35 so for a long time,
00:24:36 I kept him on those,
00:24:37 so for a long time,
00:24:38 I kept him on those,
00:24:39 so for a long time,
00:24:40 I kept him on those,
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00:24:42 I kept him on those,
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00:24:44 I kept him on those,
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00:24:52 I kept him on those,
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00:25:00 I kept him on those,
00:25:01 so for a long time,
00:25:02 I kept him on those,
00:25:03 so for a long time,
00:25:04 I kept him on those,
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00:25:06 I kept him on those,
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00:25:12 I kept him on those,
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00:26:00 I kept him on those,
00:26:01 so for a long time,
00:26:02 I kept him on those,
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00:27:00 I kept him on those,
00:27:01 so for a long time,
00:27:02 I kept him on those,
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00:27:15 so for a long time,
00:27:16 I kept him on those,
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00:27:39 so for a long time,
00:27:40 I kept him on those,
00:27:41 so for a long time,
00:27:42 I kept him on those,
00:27:43 so for a long time,
00:27:44 I kept him on those,
00:27:45 so for a long time,
00:27:46 I kept him on those,
00:27:47 so for a long time,
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00:27:51 so for a long time,
00:27:52 I kept him on those,
00:27:53 so for a long time,
00:27:54 I kept him on those,
00:27:55 so for a long time,
00:27:56 I kept him on those,
00:27:57 so for a long time,
00:27:58 I kept him on those,
00:27:59 so for a long time,
00:28:00 I kept him on those,
00:28:01 so for a long time,
00:28:02 I kept him on those,
00:28:03 so for a long time,
00:28:04 I kept him on those,
00:28:05 so for a long time,
00:28:06 I kept him on those,
00:28:07 so for a long time,
00:28:08 I kept him on those,
00:28:09 so for a long time,
00:28:10 I kept him on those,
00:28:11 so for a long time,
00:28:12 I kept him on those,
00:28:13 so for a long time,
00:28:14 I kept him on those,
00:28:15 so for a long time,
00:28:16 I kept him on those,
00:28:17 so for a long time,
00:28:18 I kept him on those,
00:28:19 so for a long time,
00:28:20 I kept him on those,
00:28:21 so for a long time,
00:28:22 I kept him on those,
00:28:23 so for a long time,
00:28:24 I kept him on those,
00:28:25 so for a long time,
00:28:26 I kept him on those,
00:28:27 so for a long time,
00:28:28 I kept him on those,
00:28:29 so for a long time,
00:28:30 I kept him on those,
00:28:31 so for a long time,
00:28:32 I kept him on those,
00:28:33 so for a long time,
00:28:34 I kept him on those,
00:28:35 so for a long time,
00:28:36 I kept him on those,
00:28:37 so for a long time,
00:28:38 I kept him on those,
00:28:39 so for a long time,
00:28:40 I kept him on those,
00:28:41 so for a long time,
00:28:42 I kept him on those,
00:28:43 so for a long time,
00:28:44 I kept him on those,
00:28:45 so for a long time,
00:28:46 I kept him on those,
00:28:47 so for a long time,
00:28:48 I kept him on those,
00:28:49 so for a long time,
00:28:50 I kept him on those,
00:28:51 so for a long time,
00:28:52 I kept him on those,
00:28:53 so for a long time,
00:28:54 I kept him on those,
00:28:55 so for a long time,
00:28:56 I kept him on those,
00:28:57 so for a long time,
00:28:58 I kept him on those,
00:28:59 so for a long time,
00:29:00 I kept him on those,
00:29:01 so for a long time,
00:29:02 I kept him on those,
00:29:03 so for a long time,
00:29:04 I kept him on those,
00:29:05 so for a long time,
00:29:06 I kept him on those,
00:29:07 so for a long time,
00:29:08 I kept him on those,
00:29:09 so for a long time,
00:29:10 I kept him on those,
00:29:11 so for a long time,
00:29:12 I kept him on those,
00:29:13 so for a long time,
00:29:14 I kept him on those,
00:29:15 so for a long time,
00:29:16 I kept him on those,
00:29:17 so for a long time,
00:29:18 I kept him on those,
00:29:19 so for a long time,
00:29:20 I kept him on those,
00:29:21 so for a long time,
00:29:22 I kept him on those,
00:29:23 so for a long time,
00:29:24 I kept him on those,
00:29:25 so for a long time,
00:29:26 I kept him on those,
00:29:27 so for a long time,
00:29:28 I kept him on those,
00:29:29 so for a long time,
00:29:30 I kept him on those,
00:29:31 so for a long time,
00:29:32 I kept him on those,
00:29:33 so for a long time,
00:29:34 I kept him on those,
00:29:35 so for a long time,
00:29:36 I kept him on those,
00:29:37 so for a long time,
00:29:38 I kept him on those,
00:29:39 so for a long time,
00:29:40 I kept him on those,
00:29:41 so for a long time,
00:29:42 I kept him on those,
00:29:43 so for a long time,
00:29:44 I kept him on those,
00:29:45 so for a long time,
00:29:46 I kept him on those,
00:29:47 so for a long time,
00:29:48 I kept him on those,
00:29:49 so for a long time,
00:29:50 I kept him on those,
00:29:51 so for a long time,
00:29:52 I kept him on those,
00:29:53 so for a long time,
00:29:54 I kept him on those,
00:29:55 so for a long time,
00:29:56 I kept him on those,
00:29:57 so for a long time,
00:29:58 I kept him on those,
00:29:59 so for a long time,
00:30:00 I kept him on those,
00:30:01 so for a long time,
00:30:02 I kept him on those,
00:30:03 so for a long time,
00:30:04 I kept him on those,
00:30:05 so for a long time,
00:30:06 I kept him on those,
00:30:07 so for a long time,
00:30:08 I kept him on those,
00:30:09 so for a long time,
00:30:10 I kept him on those,
00:30:11 so for a long time,
00:30:12 I kept him on those,
00:30:13 so for a long time,
00:30:14 I kept him on those,
00:30:15 so for a long time,
00:30:16 I kept him on those,
00:30:17 so for a long time,
00:30:18 I kept him on those,
00:30:19 so for a long time,
00:30:20 I kept him on those,
00:30:21 so for a long time,
00:30:22 I kept him on those,
00:30:23 so for a long time,
00:30:24 I kept him on those,
00:30:25 so for a long time,
00:30:26 I kept him on those,
00:30:27 so for a long time,
00:30:28 I kept him on those,
00:30:29 so for a long time,
00:30:30 I kept him on those,
00:30:31 so for a long time,
00:30:32 I kept him on those,
00:30:33 so for a long time,
00:30:34 I kept him on those,
00:30:35 so for a long time,
00:30:36 I kept him on those,
00:30:37 so for a long time,
00:30:38 I kept him on those,
00:30:39 so for a long time,
00:30:40 I kept him on those,
00:30:41 so for a long time,
00:30:42 I kept him on those,
00:30:43 so for a long time,
00:30:44 I kept him on those,
00:30:45 so for a long time,
00:30:46 I kept him on those,
00:30:47 so for a long time,
00:30:48 I kept him on those,
00:30:49 so for a long time,
00:30:50 I kept him on those,
00:30:51 so for a long time,
00:30:52 I kept him on those,
00:30:53 so for a long time,
00:30:54 I kept him on those,
00:30:55 so for a long time,
00:30:56 I kept him on those,
00:30:57 so for a long time,
00:30:58 I kept him on those,
00:30:59 so for a long time,
00:31:00 I kept him on those,
00:31:01 so for a long time,
00:31:02 I kept him on those,
00:31:03 so for a long time,
00:31:04 I kept him on those,
00:31:05 so for a long time,
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00:31:07 so for a long time,
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00:31:11 so for a long time,
00:31:12 I kept him on those,
00:31:13 so for a long time,
00:31:14 I kept him on those,
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00:31:19 so for a long time,
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00:31:22 I kept him on those,
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00:31:25 so for a long time,
00:31:26 I kept him on those,
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00:31:28 I kept him on those,
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00:31:30 I kept him on those,
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00:31:32 I kept him on those,
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00:31:34 I kept him on those,
00:31:35 so for a long time,
00:31:36 I kept him on those,
00:31:37 so for a long time,
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00:31:39 so for a long time,
00:31:40 I kept him on those,
00:31:41 so for a long time,
00:31:42 I kept him on those,
00:31:43 so for a long time,
00:31:44 I kept him on those,
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00:31:52 I kept him on those,
00:31:53 so for a long time,
00:31:54 I kept him on those,
00:31:55 so for a long time,
00:31:56 I kept him on those,
00:31:57 so for a long time,
00:31:58 I kept him on those,
00:31:59 so for a long time,
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00:32:01 so for a long time,
00:32:02 I kept him on those,
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00:33:01 so for a long time,
00:33:02 I kept him on those,
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00:33:59 so for a long time,
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00:34:01 so for a long time,
00:34:02 I kept him on those,
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00:38:44 I kept him on those,
00:38:45 so for a long time,
00:38:46 I kept him on those,
00:38:47 so for a long time,
00:38:48 I kept him on those,
00:38:49 so for a long time,
00:38:50 I kept him on those,
00:38:51 so for a long time,
00:38:52 I kept him on those,
00:38:53 so for a long time,
00:38:54 I kept him on those,
00:38:55 so for a long time,
00:38:56 I kept him on those,
00:38:57 so for a long time,
00:38:58 I kept him on those,
00:38:59 so for a long time,
00:39:00 I kept him on those,
00:39:01 so for a long time,
00:39:02 I kept him on those,
00:39:03 so for a long time,
00:39:04 I kept him on those,
00:39:05 so for a long time,
00:39:06 I kept him on those,
00:39:07 so for a long time,
00:39:08 I kept him on those,
00:39:09 so for a long time,
00:39:10 I kept him on those,
00:39:11 so for a long time,
00:39:12 I kept him on those,
00:39:13 so for a long time,
00:39:14 I kept him on those,
00:39:15 so for a long time,
00:39:16 I kept him on those,
00:39:17 so for a long time,
00:39:18 I kept him on those,
00:39:19 so for a long time,
00:39:20 I kept him on those,
00:39:21 so for a long time,
00:39:22 I kept him on those,
00:39:23 so for a long time,
00:39:24 I kept him on those,
00:39:25 so for a long time,
00:39:26 I kept him on those,
00:39:27 so for a long time,
00:39:28 I kept him on those,
00:39:29 so for a long time,
00:39:30 I kept him on those,
00:39:31 so for a long time,
00:39:32 I kept him on those,
00:39:33 so for a long time,
00:39:34 I kept him on those,
00:39:35 so for a long time,
00:39:36 I kept him on those,
00:39:37 so for a long time,
00:39:38 I kept him on those,
00:39:39 so for a long time,
00:39:40 I kept him on those,
00:39:41 so for a long time,
00:39:42 I kept him on those,
00:39:43 so for a long time,
00:39:44 I kept him on those,
00:39:45 so for a long time,
00:39:46 I kept him on those,
00:39:47 so for a long time,
00:39:48 I kept him on those,
00:39:49 so for a long time,
00:39:50 I kept him on those,
00:39:51 so for a long time,
00:39:52 I kept him on those,
00:39:53 so for a long time,
00:39:54 I kept him on those,
00:39:55 so for a long time,
00:39:56 I kept him on those,
00:39:57 so for a long time,
00:39:58 I kept him on those,
00:39:59 so for a long time,
00:40:00 I kept him on those,
00:40:01 so for a long time,
00:40:02 I kept him on those,
00:40:03 so for a long time,
00:40:04 I kept him on those,
00:40:05 so for a long time,
00:40:06 I kept him on those,
00:40:07 so for a long time,
00:40:08 I kept him on those,
00:40:09 so for a long time,
00:40:10 I kept him on those,
00:40:11 so for a long time,
00:40:12 I kept him on those,
00:40:13 so for a long time,
00:40:14 I kept him on those,
00:40:15 so for a long time,
00:40:16 I kept him on those,
00:40:17 so for a long time,
00:40:18 I kept him on those,
00:40:19 so for a long time,
00:40:20 I kept him on those,
00:40:21 so for a long time,
00:40:22 I kept him on those,
00:40:23 so for a long time,
00:40:24 I kept him on those,
00:40:25 so for a long time,
00:40:26 I kept him on those,
00:40:27 so for a long time,
00:40:28 I kept him on those,
00:40:29 so for a long time,
00:40:30 I kept him on those,
00:40:31 so for a long time,
00:40:32 I kept him on those,
00:40:33 so for a long time,
00:40:34 I kept him on those,
00:40:35 so for a long time,
00:40:36 I kept him on those,
00:40:37 so for a long time,
00:40:38 I kept him on those,
00:40:39 so for a long time,
00:40:40 I kept him on those,
00:40:41 so for a long time,
00:40:42 I kept him on those,
00:40:43 so for a long time,
00:40:44 I kept him on those,
00:40:45 so for a long time,
00:40:46 I kept him on those,
00:40:47 so for a long time,
00:40:48 I kept him on those,
00:40:49 so for a long time,
00:40:50 I kept him on those,
00:40:51 so for a long time,
00:40:52 I kept him on those,
00:40:53 so for a long time,
00:40:54 I kept him on those,
00:40:55 so for a long time,
00:40:56 I kept him on those,
00:40:57 so for a long time,
00:40:58 I kept him on those,
00:40:59 so for a long time,
00:41:00 I kept him on those,
00:41:01 so for a long time,
00:41:02 I kept him on those,
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00:41:04 I kept him on those,
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00:41:06 I kept him on those,
00:41:07 so for a long time,
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00:41:10 I kept him on those,
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00:41:12 I kept him on those,
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00:41:14 I kept him on those,
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00:41:22 I kept him on those,
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00:41:25 so for a long time,
00:41:26 I kept him on those,
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00:41:34 I kept him on those,
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00:41:36 I kept him on those,
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00:41:42 I kept him on those,
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00:42:01 so for a long time,
00:42:02 I kept him on those,
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00:42:04 I kept him on those,
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00:42:34 I kept him on those,
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00:42:36 I kept him on those,
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00:43:01 so for a long time,
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00:49:14 I kept him on those,
00:49:15 so for a long time,
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00:49:59 so for a long time,
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00:50:01 so for a long time,
00:50:02 I kept him on those,
00:50:03 so for a long time,
00:50:04 I kept him on those,
00:50:05 so for a long time,
00:50:06 I kept him on those,
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00:50:08 I kept him on those,
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00:50:12 I kept him on those,
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00:50:20 I kept him on those,
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00:50:22 I kept him on those,
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00:50:24 I kept him on those,
00:50:25 so for a long time,
00:50:26 I kept him on those,
00:50:27 so for a long time,
00:50:28 I kept him on those,
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00:50:30 I kept him on those,
00:50:31 so for a long time,
00:50:32 I kept him on those,
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00:50:34 I kept him on those,
00:50:35 so for a long time,
00:50:36 I kept him on those,
00:50:37 so for a long time,
00:50:38 I kept him on those,
00:50:39 so for a long time,
00:50:40 I kept him on those,
00:50:41 so for a long time,
00:50:42 I kept him on those,
00:50:43 so for a long time,
00:50:44 I kept him on those,
00:50:45 so for a long time,
00:50:46 I kept him on those,
00:50:47 so for a long time,
00:50:48 I kept him on those,
00:50:49 so for a long time,
00:50:50 I kept him on those,
00:50:51 so for a long time,
00:50:52 I kept him on those,
00:50:53 so for a long time,
00:50:54 I kept him on those,
00:50:55 so for a long time,
00:50:56 I kept him on those,
00:50:57 so for a long time,
00:50:58 I kept him on those,
00:50:59 so for a long time,
00:51:00 I kept him on those,
00:51:01 so for a long time,
00:51:02 I kept him on those,
00:51:03 so for a long time,
00:51:04 I kept him on those,
00:51:05 so for a long time,
00:51:06 I kept him on those,
00:51:07 so for a long time,
00:51:08 I kept him on those,
00:51:09 so for a long time,
00:51:10 I kept him on those,
00:51:11 so for a long time,
00:51:12 I kept him on those,
00:51:13 so for a long time,
00:51:14 I kept him on those,
00:51:15 so for a long time,
00:51:16 I kept him on those,
00:51:18 Yes, he gives me clothes in hours too.
00:51:20 Mashallah, say it.
00:51:21 Mashallah, mashallah.
00:51:22 See, I will tell you a reason for that too.
00:51:24 If you give us clothes on time,
00:51:27 we give them money on time too.
00:51:29 Yes.
00:51:30 Women are very generous.
00:51:31 And we don't give less money,
00:51:32 we give good money.
00:51:33 We give good money.
00:51:34 Okay, I don't argue.
00:51:35 Yes, because it is hard work.
00:51:38 Second thing,
00:51:39 I have seen women,
00:51:40 they go crazy asking for money.
00:51:42 They don't give.
00:51:43 It is unfair.
00:51:44 Their house runs on this.
00:51:45 No, their account,
00:51:47 like if they are sitting in a market,
00:51:49 it is weekly.
00:51:50 On the weekend,
00:51:51 they have to pay their rent.
00:51:52 So this is also there.
00:51:53 So this is also there.
00:51:54 The women who bother to give money,
00:51:55 master makes them cry in clothes too.
00:51:57 I didn't do that,
00:51:58 but still they bothered me.
00:51:59 It happens sometimes.
00:52:00 It happens sometimes.
00:52:01 Forgive me.
00:52:02 Forgive me.
00:52:03 I am getting sleepy,
00:52:04 I forgive you.
00:52:05 We are taking a small break.
00:52:06 Then we will see who trapped us,
00:52:07 who got us out.
00:52:08 We will see.
00:52:09 Good morning.
00:52:10 Welcome.
00:52:11 Welcome back.
00:52:12 Good morning.
00:52:13 We are very good actors in Pakistan.
00:52:14 Our job is to act.
00:52:15 Thank God,
00:52:16 I was an actress before hosting.
00:52:17 Sweet.
00:52:18 You are tired and sleepy,
00:52:19 but you can see my light.
00:52:20 Yes,
00:52:21 who trapped us,
00:52:22 who saved us,
00:52:23 what happened?
00:52:24 Show the card.
00:52:25 Who trapped us,
00:52:26 who saved us,
00:52:27 what happened?
00:52:28 Show the card.
00:52:29 Who trapped us,
00:52:30 who saved us,
00:52:31 what happened?
00:52:32 Show the card.
00:52:33 Who trapped us,
00:52:34 who saved us,
00:52:35 what happened?
00:52:36 Who trapped us,
00:52:37 who saved us,
00:52:38 who trapped us,
00:52:39 show the card.
00:52:40 Nan's daughter's birthday.
00:52:41 Again trapped.
00:52:42 Who betrayed us?
00:52:43 Friend.
00:52:44 And in Australia.
00:52:45 If Dr. Ayesha comes in front of me,
00:52:46 there will be violence behind her.
00:52:47 Today's show.
00:52:48 In that,
00:52:49 my friend had made a commitment,
00:52:50 and she does a very good job of catering.
00:52:51 So I told her that this is from my side,
00:52:52 and you have to make some dishes very well.
00:52:53 And after making,
00:52:54 I will come to Australia.
00:52:55 And she said,
00:52:56 I will come to Australia.
00:52:57 And I said,
00:52:58 I will come to Australia.
00:52:59 And she said,
00:53:00 I will come to Australia.
00:53:01 And I said,
00:53:02 I will come to Australia.
00:53:03 And she said,
00:53:04 I will come to Australia.
00:53:05 And I said,
00:53:06 I will come to Australia.
00:53:07 And she said,
00:53:08 I will come to Australia.
00:53:09 And I said,
00:53:10 I will come to Australia.
00:53:11 And she said,
00:53:12 I will come to Australia.
00:53:13 And I said,
00:53:14 I will come to Australia.
00:53:15 And she said,
00:53:16 I will come to Australia.
00:53:17 And I said,
00:53:18 I will come to Australia.
00:53:19 And I said,
00:53:20 I will come to Australia.
00:53:21 And I said,
00:53:22 I will come to Australia.
00:53:23 And I said,
00:53:24 I will come to Australia.
00:53:25 And I said,
00:53:26 I will come to Australia.
00:53:27 And I said,
00:53:28 I will come to Australia.
00:53:29 And I said,
00:53:30 I will come to Australia.
00:53:31 And I said,
00:53:32 I will come to Australia.
00:53:33 And I said,
00:53:34 I will come to Australia.
00:53:35 And I said,
00:53:36 I will come to Australia.
00:53:37 And I said,
00:53:38 I will come to Australia.
00:53:39 And I said,
00:53:40 I will come to Australia.
00:53:41 And I said,
00:53:42 I will come to Australia.
00:53:43 And I said,
00:53:44 I will come to Australia.
00:53:45 And I said,
00:53:46 I will come to Australia.
00:53:47 And I said,
00:53:48 I will come to Australia.
00:53:49 And I said,
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00:53:52 I will come to Australia.
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00:53:54 I will come to Australia.
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00:54:04 I will come to Australia.
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01:00:32 I will come to Australia.
01:00:33 And I said,
01:00:34 I will come to Australia.
01:00:35 And I said,
01:00:36 I will come to Australia.
01:00:37 And I said,
01:00:38 I will come to Australia.
01:00:39 And I said,
01:00:40 I will come to Australia.
01:00:41 And I said,
01:00:42 I will come to Australia.
01:00:43 And I said,
01:00:44 I will come to Australia.
01:00:45 And I said,
01:00:46 I will come to Australia.
01:00:47 And I said,
01:00:48 I will come to Australia.
01:00:49 And I said,
01:00:50 I will come to Australia.
01:00:51 And I said,
01:00:52 I will come to Australia.
01:00:53 And I said,
01:00:54 I will come to Australia.
01:00:55 And I said,
01:00:56 I will come to Australia.
01:00:57 And I said,
01:00:58 I will come to Australia.
01:00:59 And I said,
01:01:00 I will come to Australia.
01:01:01 And I said,
01:01:02 I will come to Australia.
01:01:03 And I said,
01:01:04 I will come to Australia.
01:01:05 And I said,
01:01:06 I will come to Australia.
01:01:07 And I said,
01:01:08 I will come to Australia.
01:01:09 And I said,
01:01:10 I will come to Australia.
01:01:11 And I said,
01:01:12 I will come to Australia.
01:01:13 And I said,
01:01:14 I will come to Australia.
01:01:15 And I said,
01:01:16 I will come to Australia.
01:01:17 And I said,
01:01:18 I will come to Australia.
01:01:19 And I said,
01:01:20 I will come to Australia.
01:01:21 And I said,
01:01:22 I will come to Australia.
01:01:23 And I said,
01:01:24 I will come to Australia.
01:01:25 And I said,
01:01:26 I will come to Australia.
01:01:27 And I said,
01:01:28 I will come to Australia.
01:01:29 And I said,
01:01:30 I will come to Australia.
01:01:31 And I said,
01:01:32 I will come to Australia.
01:01:33 And I said,
01:01:34 I will come to Australia.
01:01:35 And I said,
01:01:36 I will come to Australia.
01:01:37 And I said,
01:01:38 I will come to Australia.
01:01:39 And I said,
01:01:40 I will come to Australia.
01:01:41 And I said,
01:01:42 I will come to Australia.
01:01:43 And I said,
01:01:44 I will come to Australia.
01:01:45 And I said,
01:01:46 I will come to Australia.
01:01:47 And I said,
01:01:48 I will come to Australia.
01:01:49 And I said,
01:01:50 I will come to Australia.
01:01:51 And I said,
01:01:52 I will come to Australia.
01:01:53 And I said,
01:01:54 I will come to Australia.
01:01:55 And I said,
01:01:56 I will come to Australia.
01:01:57 And I said,
01:01:58 I will come to Australia.
01:01:59 And I said,
01:02:00 I will come to Australia.
01:02:01 And I said,
01:02:02 I will come to Australia.
01:02:03 And I said,
01:02:04 I will come to Australia.
01:02:05 And I said,
01:02:06 I will come to Australia.
01:02:07 And I said,
01:02:08 I will come to Australia.
01:02:09 And I said,
01:02:10 I will come to Australia.
01:02:11 And I said,
01:02:12 I will come to Australia.
01:02:13 And I said,
01:02:14 I will come to Australia.
01:02:15 And I said,
01:02:16 I will come to Australia.
01:02:17 And I said,
01:02:18 I will come to Australia.
01:02:19 And I said,
01:02:20 I will come to Australia.
01:02:21 And I said,
01:02:22 I will come to Australia.
01:02:23 And I said,
01:02:24 I will come to Australia.
01:02:25 And I said,
01:02:26 I will come to Australia.
01:02:27 And I said,
01:02:28 I will come to Australia.
01:02:29 And I said,
01:02:30 I will come to Australia.
01:02:31 And I said,
01:02:32 I will come to Australia.
01:02:33 And I said,
01:02:34 I will come to Australia.
01:02:35 And I said,
01:02:36 I will come to Australia.
01:02:37 And I said,
01:02:38 I will come to Australia.
01:02:39 And I said,
01:02:40 I will come to Australia.
01:02:41 And I said,
01:02:42 I will come to Australia.
01:02:43 And I said,
01:02:44 I will come to Australia.
01:02:45 And I said,
01:02:46 I will come to Australia.
01:02:47 And I said,
01:02:48 I will come to Australia.
01:02:49 And I said,
01:02:50 I will come to Australia.
01:02:51 And I said,
01:02:52 I will come to Australia.
01:02:53 And I said,
01:02:54 I will come to Australia.
01:02:55 And I said,
01:02:56 I will come to Australia.
01:02:57 And I said,
01:02:58 I will come to Australia.
01:02:59 And I said,
01:03:00 I will come to Australia.
01:03:01 And I said,
01:03:02 I will come to Australia.
01:03:03 And I said,
01:03:04 I will come to Australia.
01:03:05 And I said,
01:03:06 I will come to Australia.
01:03:07 And I said,
01:03:08 I will come to Australia.
01:03:09 And I said,
01:03:10 I will come to Australia.
01:03:11 And I said,
01:03:12 I will come to Australia.
01:03:13 And I said,
01:03:14 I will come to Australia.
01:03:15 And I said,
01:03:16 I will come to Australia.
01:03:17 And I said,
01:03:18 I will come to Australia.
01:03:19 And I said,
01:03:20 I will come to Australia.
01:03:21 And I said,
01:03:22 I will come to Australia.
01:03:23 And I said,
01:03:24 I will come to Australia.
01:03:25 And I said,
01:03:26 I will come to Australia.
01:03:27 And I said,
01:03:28 I will come to Australia.
01:03:29 And I said,
01:03:30 I will come to Australia.
01:03:31 And I said,
01:03:32 I will come to Australia.
01:03:33 And I said,
01:03:34 I will come to Australia.
01:03:35 And I said,
01:03:36 I will come to Australia.
01:03:37 And I said,
01:03:38 I will come to Australia.
01:03:39 And I said,
01:03:40 I will come to Australia.
01:03:41 And I said,
01:03:42 I will come to Australia.
01:03:43 And I said,
01:03:44 I will come to Australia.
01:03:45 And I said,
01:03:46 I will come to Australia.
01:03:47 And I said,
01:03:48 I will come to Australia.
01:03:49 And I said,
01:03:50 I will come to Australia.
01:03:51 And I said,
01:03:52 I will come to Australia.
01:03:53 And I said,
01:03:54 I will come to Australia.
01:03:55 And I said,
01:03:56 I will come to Australia.
01:03:57 And I said,
01:03:58 I will come to Australia.
01:03:59 And I said,
01:04:00 I will come to Australia.
01:04:01 And I said,
01:04:02 I will come to Australia.
01:04:03 And I said,
01:04:04 I will come to Australia.
01:04:05 And I said,
01:04:06 I will come to Australia.
01:04:07 And I said,
01:04:08 I will come to Australia.
01:04:09 And I said,
01:04:10 I will come to Australia.
01:04:11 And I said,
01:04:12 I will come to Australia.
01:04:13 And I said,
01:04:14 I will come to Australia.
01:04:15 And I said,
01:04:16 I will come to Australia.
01:04:17 And I said,
01:04:18 I will come to Australia.
01:04:19 And I said,
01:04:20 I will come to Australia.
01:04:21 And I said,
01:04:22 I will come to Australia.
01:04:23 And I said,
01:04:24 I will come to Australia.
01:04:25 And I said,
01:04:26 I will come to Australia.
01:04:27 And I said,
01:04:28 I will come to Australia.
01:04:29 And I said,
01:04:30 I will come to Australia.
01:04:31 And I said,
01:04:32 I will come to Australia.
01:04:33 And I said,
01:04:34 I will come to Australia.
01:04:35 And I said,
01:04:36 I will come to Australia.
01:04:37 And I said,
01:04:38 I will come to Australia.
01:04:39 And I said,
01:04:40 I will come to Australia.
01:04:41 And I said,
01:04:42 I will come to Australia.
01:04:43 And I said,
01:04:44 I will come to Australia.
01:04:45 And I said,
01:04:46 I will come to Australia.
01:04:47 And I said,
01:04:48 I will come to Australia.
01:04:49 And I said,
01:04:50 I will come to Australia.
01:04:51 And I said,
01:04:52 I will come to Australia.
01:04:53 And I said,
01:04:54 I will come to Australia.
01:04:55 And I said,
01:04:56 I will come to Australia.
01:04:57 And I said,
01:04:58 I will come to Australia.
01:04:59 And I said,
01:05:00 I will come to Australia.
01:05:01 And I said,
01:05:02 I will come to Australia.
01:05:03 And I said,
01:05:04 I will come to Australia.
01:05:05 And I said,
01:05:06 I will come to Australia.
01:05:07 And I said,
01:05:08 I will come to Australia.
01:05:09 And I said,
01:05:10 I will come to Australia.
01:05:11 And I said,
01:05:12 I will come to Australia.
01:05:13 And I said,
01:05:14 I will come to Australia.
01:05:15 And I said,
01:05:16 I will come to Australia.
01:05:17 And I said,
01:05:18 I will come to Australia.
01:05:19 And I said,
01:05:20 I will come to Australia.
01:05:21 And I said,
01:05:22 I will come to Australia.
01:05:23 And I said,
01:05:24 I will come to Australia.
01:05:25 And I said,
01:05:26 I will come to Australia.
01:05:27 And I said,
01:05:28 I will come to Australia.
01:05:29 And I said,
01:05:30 I will come to Australia.
01:05:31 And I said,
01:05:32 I will come to Australia.
01:05:33 And I said,
01:05:34 I will come to Australia.
01:05:35 And I said,
01:05:36 I will come to Australia.
01:05:37 And I said,
01:05:38 I will come to Australia.
01:05:39 And I said,
01:05:40 I will come to Australia.
01:05:41 And I said,
01:05:42 I will come to Australia.
01:05:43 And I said,
01:05:44 I will come to Australia.
01:05:45 And I said,
01:05:46 I will come to Australia.
01:05:47 And I said,
01:05:48 I will come to Australia.
01:05:49 And I said,
01:05:50 I will come to Australia.
01:05:51 And I said,
01:05:52 I will come to Australia.
01:05:53 And I said,
01:05:54 I will come to Australia.
01:05:55 And I said,
01:05:56 I will come to Australia.
01:05:57 And I said,
01:05:58 I will come to Australia.
01:05:59 And I said,
01:06:00 I will come to Australia.
01:06:01 And I said,
01:06:02 I will come to Australia.
01:06:03 And I said,
01:06:04 I will come to Australia.
01:06:05 And I said,
01:06:06 I will come to Australia.
01:06:07 And I said,
01:06:08 I will come to Australia.
01:06:09 And I said,
01:06:10 I will come to Australia.
01:06:11 And I said,
01:06:12 I will come to Australia.
01:06:13 And I said,
01:06:14 I will come to Australia.
01:06:15 And I said,
01:06:16 I will come to Australia.
01:06:17 And I said,
01:06:18 I will come to Australia.
01:06:19 And I said,
01:06:20 I will come to Australia.
01:06:21 And I said,
01:06:22 I will come to Australia.
01:06:23 And I said,
01:06:24 I will come to Australia.
01:06:25 And I said,
01:06:26 I will come to Australia.
01:06:27 And I said,
01:06:28 I will come to Australia.
01:06:29 And I said,
01:06:30 I will come to Australia.
01:06:31 And I said,
01:06:32 I will come to Australia.
01:06:33 And I said,
01:06:34 I will come to Australia.
01:06:35 And I said,
01:06:36 I will come to Australia.
01:06:37 And I said,
01:06:38 I will come to Australia.
01:06:39 And I said,
01:06:40 I will come to Australia.
01:06:41 And I said,
01:06:42 I will come to Australia.
01:06:43 And I said,
01:06:44 I will come to Australia.
01:06:45 And I said,
01:06:46 I will come to Australia.
01:06:47 And I said,
01:06:48 I will come to Australia.
01:06:49 And I said,
01:06:50 I will come to Australia.
01:06:51 And I said,
01:06:52 I will come to Australia.
01:06:53 And I said,
01:06:54 I will come to Australia.
01:06:55 And I said,
01:06:56 I will come to Australia.
01:06:57 And I said,
01:06:58 I will come to Australia.
01:06:59 And I said,
01:07:00 I will come to Australia.
01:07:01 And I said,
01:07:02 I will come to Australia.
01:07:03 And I said,
01:07:04 I will come to Australia.
01:07:05 And I said,
01:07:06 I will come to Australia.
01:07:07 And I said,
01:07:08 I will come to Australia.
01:07:09 And I said,
01:07:10 I will come to Australia.
01:07:11 And I said,
01:07:12 I will come to Australia.
01:07:13 And I said,
01:07:14 I will come to Australia.
01:07:15 And I said,
01:07:16 I will come to Australia.
01:07:17 And I said,
01:07:18 I will come to Australia.
01:07:19 And I said,
01:07:20 I will come to Australia.
01:07:21 And I said,
01:07:22 I will come to Australia.
01:07:23 And I said,
01:07:24 I will come to Australia.
01:07:25 And I said,
01:07:26 I will come to Australia.
01:07:27 And I said,
01:07:28 I will come to Australia.
01:07:29 And I said,
01:07:30 I will come to Australia.
01:07:31 And I said,
01:07:32 I will come to Australia.
01:07:33 And I said,
01:07:34 I will come to Australia.
01:07:35 And I said,
01:07:36 I will come to Australia.
01:07:37 And I said,
01:07:38 I will come to Australia.
01:07:39 And I said,
01:07:40 I will come to Australia.
01:07:41 And I said,
01:07:42 I will come to Australia.
01:07:43 And I said,
01:07:44 I will come to Australia.
01:07:45 And I said,
01:07:46 I will come to Australia.
01:07:47 And I said,
01:07:48 I will come to Australia.
01:07:49 And I said,
01:07:50 I will come to Australia.
01:07:51 And I said,
01:07:52 I will come to Australia.
01:07:53 And I said,
01:07:54 I will come to Australia.
01:07:55 And I said,
01:07:56 I will come to Australia.
01:07:57 And I said,
01:07:58 I will come to Australia.
01:07:59 And I said,
01:08:00 I will come to Australia.
01:08:01 And I said,
01:08:02 I will come to Australia.
01:08:03 And I said,
01:08:04 I will come to Australia.
01:08:05 And I said,
01:08:06 I will come to Australia.
01:08:07 And I said,
01:08:08 I will come to Australia.
01:08:09 And I said,
01:08:10 I will come to Australia.
01:08:11 And I said,
01:08:12 I will come to Australia.
01:08:13 And I said,
01:08:14 I will come to Australia.
01:08:15 And I said,
01:08:16 I will come to Australia.
01:08:17 And I said,
01:08:18 I will come to Australia.
01:08:19 And I said,
01:08:20 I will come to Australia.
01:08:21 And I said,
01:08:22 I will come to Australia.
01:08:23 And I said,
01:08:24 I will come to Australia.
01:08:25 And I said,
01:08:26 I will come to Australia.
01:08:27 And I said,
01:08:28 I will come to Australia.
01:08:29 And I said,
01:08:30 I will come to Australia.
01:08:31 And I said,
01:08:32 I will come to Australia.
01:08:33 And I said,
01:08:34 I will come to Australia.
01:08:35 And I said,
01:08:36 I will come to Australia.
01:08:37 And I said,
01:08:38 I will come to Australia.
01:08:39 And I said,
01:08:40 I will come to Australia.
01:08:41 And I said,
01:08:42 I will come to Australia.
01:08:43 And I said,
01:08:44 I will come to Australia.
01:08:45 And I said,
01:08:46 I will come to Australia.
01:08:47 And I said,
01:08:48 I will come to Australia.
01:08:49 And I said,
01:08:50 I will come to Australia.
01:08:51 And I said,
01:08:52 I will come to Australia.
01:08:53 And I said,
01:08:54 I will come to Australia.
01:08:55 And I said,
01:08:56 I will come to Australia.
01:08:57 And I said,
01:08:58 I will come to Australia.
01:08:59 And I said,
01:09:00 I will come to Australia.
01:09:01 And I said,
01:09:02 I will come to Australia.
01:09:03 And I said,
01:09:04 I will come to Australia.
01:09:05 And I said,
01:09:06 I will come to Australia.
01:09:07 And I said,
01:09:08 I will come to Australia.
01:09:09 And I said,
01:09:10 I will come to Australia.
01:09:11 And I said,
01:09:12 I will come to Australia.
01:09:13 And I said,
01:09:14 I will come to Australia.
01:09:15 And I said,
01:09:16 I will come to Australia.
01:09:17 And I said,
01:09:18 I will come to Australia.
01:09:19 And I said,
01:09:20 I will come to Australia.
01:09:21 And I said,
01:09:22 I will come to Australia.
01:09:23 And I said,
01:09:24 I will come to Australia.
01:09:25 And I said,
01:09:26 I will come to Australia.
01:09:27 And I said,
01:09:28 I will come to Australia.
01:09:29 And I said,
01:09:30 I will come to Australia.
01:09:31 And I said,
01:09:32 I will come to Australia.
01:09:33 And I said,
01:09:34 I will come to Australia.
01:09:35 And I said,
01:09:36 I will come to Australia.
01:09:37 And I said,
01:09:38 I will come to Australia.
01:09:39 And I said,
01:09:40 I will come to Australia.
01:09:41 And I said,
01:09:42 I will come to Australia.
01:09:43 And I said,
01:09:44 I will come to Australia.
01:09:45 And I said,
01:09:46 I will come to Australia.
01:09:47 And I said,
01:09:48 I will come to Australia.
01:09:49 And I said,
01:09:50 I will come to Australia.
01:09:51 And I said,
01:09:52 I will come to Australia.
01:09:53 And I said,
01:09:54 I will come to Australia.
01:09:55 And I said,
01:09:56 I will come to Australia.
01:09:57 And I said,
01:09:58 I will come to Australia.
01:09:59 And I said,
01:10:00 I will come to Australia.
01:10:01 And I said,
01:10:02 I will come to Australia.
01:10:03 And I said,
01:10:04 I will come to Australia.
01:10:05 And I said,
01:10:06 I will come to Australia.
01:10:07 And I said,
01:10:08 I will come to Australia.
01:10:09 And I said,
01:10:10 I will come to Australia.
01:10:11 And I said,
01:10:12 I will come to Australia.
01:10:13 And I said,
01:10:14 I will come to Australia.
01:10:15 And I said,
01:10:16 I will come to Australia.
01:10:17 And I said,
01:10:18 I will come to Australia.
01:10:19 And I said,
01:10:20 I will come to Australia.
01:10:21 And I said,
01:10:22 I will come to Australia.
01:10:23 And I said,
01:10:24 I will come to Australia.
01:10:25 And I said,
01:10:26 I will come to Australia.
01:10:27 And I said,
01:10:28 I will come to Australia.
01:10:29 And I said,
01:10:30 I will come to Australia.
01:10:31 And I said,
01:10:32 I will come to Australia.
01:10:33 And I said,
01:10:34 I will come to Australia.
01:10:35 And I said,
01:10:36 I will come to Australia.
01:10:37 And I said,
01:10:38 I will come to Australia.
01:10:39 And I said,
01:10:40 I will come to Australia.
01:10:41 And I said,
01:10:42 I will come to Australia.
01:10:43 And I said,
01:10:44 I will come to Australia.
01:10:45 And I said,
01:10:46 I will come to Australia.
01:10:47 And I said,
01:10:48 I will come to Australia.
01:10:49 And I said,
01:10:50 I will come to Australia.
01:10:51 And I said,
01:10:52 I will come to Australia.
01:10:53 And I said,
01:10:54 I will come to Australia.
01:10:55 And I said,
01:10:56 I will come to Australia.
01:10:57 And I said,
01:10:58 I will come to Australia.
01:10:59 And I said,
01:11:00 I will come to Australia.
01:11:01 And I said,
01:11:02 I will come to Australia.
01:11:03 And I said,
01:11:04 I will come to Australia.
01:11:05 And I said,
01:11:06 I will come to Australia.
01:11:07 And I said,
01:11:08 I will come to Australia.
01:11:09 And I said,
01:11:10 I will come to Australia.
01:11:11 And I said,
01:11:12 I will come to Australia.
01:11:13 And I said,
01:11:14 I will come to Australia.
01:11:15 And I said,
01:11:16 I will come to Australia.
01:11:17 And I said,
01:11:18 I will come to Australia.
01:11:19 And I said,
01:11:20 I will come to Australia.
01:11:21 And I said,
01:11:22 I will come to Australia.
01:11:23 And I said,
01:11:24 I will come to Australia.
01:11:25 And I said,
01:11:26 I will come to Australia.
01:11:27 And I said,
01:11:28 I will come to Australia.
01:11:29 And I said,
01:11:30 I will come to Australia.
01:11:31 And I said,
01:11:32 I will come to Australia.
01:11:33 And I said,
01:11:34 I will come to Australia.
01:11:35 And I said,
01:11:36 I will come to Australia.
01:11:37 And I said,
01:11:38 I will come to Australia.
01:11:39 And I said,
01:11:40 I will come to Australia.
01:11:41 And I said,
01:11:42 I will come to Australia.
01:11:43 And I said,
01:11:44 I will come to Australia.
01:11:45 And I said,
01:11:46 I will come to Australia.
01:11:47 And I said,
01:11:48 I will come to Australia.
01:11:49 And I said,
01:11:50 I will come to Australia.
01:11:51 And I said,
01:11:52 I will come to Australia.
01:11:53 And I said,
01:11:54 I will come to Australia.
01:11:55 And I said,
01:11:56 I will come to Australia.
01:11:57 And I said,
01:11:58 I will come to Australia.
01:11:59 And I said,
01:12:00 I will come to Australia.
01:12:01 And I said,
01:12:02 I will come to Australia.
01:12:03 And I said,
01:12:04 I will come to Australia.
01:12:05 And I said,
01:12:06 I will come to Australia.
01:12:07 And I said,
01:12:08 I will come to Australia.
01:12:09 And I said,
01:12:10 I will come to Australia.
01:12:11 And I said,
01:12:12 I will come to Australia.
01:12:13 And I said,
01:12:14 I will come to Australia.
01:12:15 And I said,
01:12:16 I will come to Australia.
01:12:17 And I said,
01:12:18 I will come to Australia.
01:12:19 And I said,
01:12:20 I will come to Australia.
01:12:21 And I said,
01:12:22 I will come to Australia.
01:12:23 And I said,
01:12:24 I will come to Australia.
01:12:25 And I said,
01:12:26 I will come to Australia.
01:12:27 And I said,
01:12:28 I will come to Australia.
01:12:29 And I said,
01:12:30 I will come to Australia.
01:12:31 And I said,
01:12:32 I will come to Australia.
01:12:33 And I said,
01:12:34 I will come to Australia.
01:12:35 And I said,
01:12:36 I will come to Australia.
01:12:37 And I said,
01:12:38 I will come to Australia.
01:12:39 And I said,
01:12:40 I will come to Australia.
01:12:41 And I said,
01:12:42 I will come to Australia.
01:12:43 And I said,
01:12:44 I will come to Australia.
01:12:45 And I said,
01:12:46 I will come to Australia.
01:12:47 And I said,
01:12:48 I will come to Australia.
01:12:49 And I said,
01:12:50 I will come to Australia.
01:12:51 And I said,
01:12:52 I will come to Australia.
01:12:53 And I said,
01:12:54 I will come to Australia.
01:12:55 And I said,
01:12:56 I will come to Australia.
01:12:57 And I said,
01:12:58 I will come to Australia.
01:12:59 And I said,
01:13:00 I will come to Australia.
01:13:01 And I said,
01:13:02 I will come to Australia.
01:13:03 And I said,
01:13:04 I will come to Australia.
01:13:05 And I said,
01:13:06 I will come to Australia.
01:13:07 And I said,
01:13:08 I will come to Australia.
01:13:09 And I said,
01:13:10 I will come to Australia.
01:13:11 And I said,
01:13:12 I will come to Australia.
01:13:13 And I said,
01:13:14 I will come to Australia.
01:13:15 And I said,
01:13:16 I will come to Australia.
01:13:17 And I said,
01:13:18 I will come to Australia.
01:13:19 And I said,
01:13:20 I will come to Australia.
01:13:21 And I said,
01:13:22 I will come to Australia.
01:13:23 And I said,
01:13:24 I will come to Australia.
01:13:25 And I said,
01:13:26 I will come to Australia.
01:13:27 And I said,
01:13:28 I will come to Australia.
01:13:29 And I said,
01:13:30 I will come to Australia.
01:13:31 And I said,
01:13:32 I will come to Australia.
01:13:33 And I said,
01:13:34 I will come to Australia.
01:13:35 And I said,
01:13:36 I will come to Australia.
01:13:37 And I said,
01:13:38 I will come to Australia.
01:13:39 And I said,
01:13:40 I will come to Australia.
01:13:41 And I said,
01:13:42 I will come to Australia.
01:13:43 And I said,
01:13:44 I will come to Australia.
01:13:45 And I said,
01:13:46 I will come to Australia.
01:13:47 And I said,
01:13:48 I will come to Australia.
01:13:49 And I said,
01:13:50 I will come to Australia.
01:13:51 And I said,
01:13:52 I will come to Australia.
01:13:53 And I said,
01:13:54 I will come to Australia.
01:13:55 And I said,
01:13:56 I will come to Australia.
01:13:57 And I said,
01:13:58 I will come to Australia.
01:13:59 And I said,
01:14:00 I will come to Australia.
01:14:01 And I said,
01:14:02 I will come to Australia.
01:14:03 And I said,
01:14:04 I will come to Australia.
01:14:05 And I said,
01:14:06 I will come to Australia.
01:14:07 And I said,
01:14:08 I will come to Australia.
01:14:09 And I said,
01:14:10 I will come to Australia.
01:14:11 And I said,
01:14:12 I will come to Australia.
01:14:13 And I said,
01:14:14 I will come to Australia.
01:14:15 And I said,
01:14:16 I will come to Australia.
01:14:17 And I said,
01:14:18 I will come to Australia.
01:14:19 And I said,
01:14:20 I will come to Australia.
01:14:21 And I said,
01:14:22 I will come to Australia.
01:14:23 And I said,
01:14:24 I will come to Australia.
01:14:25 And I said,
01:14:26 I will come to Australia.
01:14:27 And I said,
01:14:28 I will come to Australia.
01:14:29 And I said,
01:14:30 I will come to Australia.
01:14:31 And I said,
01:14:32 I will come to Australia.
01:14:33 And I said,
01:14:34 I will come to Australia.
01:14:35 And I said,
01:14:36 I will come to Australia.
01:14:37 And I said,
01:14:38 I will come to Australia.
01:14:39 And I said,
01:14:40 I will come to Australia.
01:14:41 And I said,
01:14:42 I will come to Australia.
01:14:43 And I said,
01:14:44 I will come to Australia.
01:14:45 And I said,
01:14:46 I will come to Australia.
01:14:47 And I said,
01:14:48 I will come to Australia.
01:14:49 And I said,
01:14:50 I will come to Australia.
01:14:51 And I said,
01:14:52 I will come to Australia.
01:14:53 And I said,
01:14:54 I will come to Australia.
01:14:55 And I said,
01:14:56 I will come to Australia.
01:14:57 And I said,
01:14:58 I will come to Australia.
01:14:59 And I said,
01:15:00 I will come to Australia.
01:15:01 And I said,
01:15:02 I will come to Australia.
01:15:03 And I said,
01:15:04 I will come to Australia.
01:15:05 And I said,
01:15:06 I will come to Australia.
01:15:07 And I said,
01:15:08 I will come to Australia.
01:15:09 And I said,
01:15:10 I will come to Australia.
01:15:11 And I said,
01:15:12 I will come to Australia.
01:15:13 And I said,
01:15:14 I will come to Australia.
01:15:15 And I said,
01:15:16 I will come to Australia.
01:15:17 And I said,
01:15:18 I will come to Australia.
01:15:19 And I said,
01:15:20 I will come to Australia.
01:15:21 And I said,
01:15:22 I will come to Australia.
01:15:23 And I said,
01:15:24 I will come to Australia.
01:15:25 And I said,
01:15:26 I will come to Australia.
01:15:27 And I said,
01:15:28 I will come to Australia.
01:15:29 And I said,
01:15:30 I will come to Australia.
01:15:31 And I said,
01:15:32 I will come to Australia.
01:15:33 And I said,
01:15:34 I will come to Australia.
01:15:35 And I said,
01:15:36 I will come to Australia.
01:15:37 And I said,
01:15:38 I will come to Australia.
01:15:39 And I said,
01:15:40 I will come to Australia.
01:15:41 And I said,
01:15:42 I will come to Australia.
01:15:43 And I said,
01:15:44 I will come to Australia.
01:15:45 And I said,
01:15:46 I will come to Australia.
01:15:47 And I said,
01:15:48 I will come to Australia.
01:15:49 And I said,
01:15:50 I will come to Australia.
01:15:51 And I said,
01:15:52 I will come to Australia.
01:15:53 And I said,
01:15:54 I will come to Australia.
01:15:55 And I said,
01:15:56 I will come to Australia.
01:15:57 And I said,
01:15:58 I will come to Australia.
