
  • 7 months ago
00:00 (Suspenseful music)
00:16 (Sawing)
00:28 (Bell rings)
00:34 Walk!
00:50 Halt!
00:59 Attack!
01:08 Doctor!
01:10 Colonel!
01:12 Sir, they captured you too, did they?
01:13 Where are the others? Talon and Velvet?
01:15 They're alright as far as I know.
01:17 How are you?
01:18 I'm fine.
01:20 Splitting headache, but I'll survive.
01:22 That's good.
01:27 Why didn't they kill us straight away, Doctor?
01:29 I expect they're saving us for interrogation.
01:32 They want to know what we're doing on this planet.
01:35 You know what you did back there?
01:37 Leading the searchers away from us was very courageous.
01:40 I just didn't give myself time to think.
01:42 If I had, I certainly wouldn't have taken the risk.
01:44 I think you're doing yourself rather an injustice there.
01:48 If you hadn't acted the way you did, we'd have all been captured.
01:51 They give medals for that sort of bravery.
01:53 Bravery?
01:55 I've been terrified ever since I landed on this planet.
01:59 It's different for Talon and Vaver.
02:01 They're professionals.
02:03 They've seen action before.
02:05 Do you think they're any the less brave because of that?
02:08 They know how to deal with fear.
02:10 They're used to living close to death.
02:12 I'm not.
02:14 I'm a scientist, not an adventurer.
02:17 Forgive me if I'm wrong, but aren't you a volunteer?
02:21 Yes.
02:23 Then you must have known what you were getting into.
02:25 No.
02:27 None of us did.
02:29 We're not a warlike people, Doctor.
02:32 We've only just developed space flight.
02:34 No one had attempted a voyage of this length before.
02:37 But every man and woman from my division volunteered.
02:41 Over 600 of them.
02:44 You see, I didn't even have the courage to be the odd man out.
02:49 What are you laughing at?
02:53 You, my friend.
02:55 You may be a brilliant scientist,
02:57 but you have very little understanding of people,
02:59 particularly yourself.
03:01 Courage isn't just a matter of not being frightened, you know.
03:07 What is it, then?
03:09 It's being afraid and doing what you have to do anyway.
03:13 Just as you did.
03:15 I'm not convinced.
03:19 But thanks anyway.
03:21 Right.
03:25 Well, after that little tutorial on bravery,
03:27 let's see if we can find a way of getting out of here.
03:29 Escape!
03:31 Yes, escape.
03:32 Now, let's take a look in our pockets
03:34 and see if we can come up with something that might prove useful.
03:36 Come on, turn them out.
03:39 Sonic screwdriver.
03:41 Factory.
03:43 Fancy hanky.
03:47 Shortly after entering the TARDIS,
03:53 the doctor fell into a deep coma.
03:56 Wasn't that the girl we met?
03:58 Your assistant?
04:00 Yes, that's right.
04:04 She'd gone to fetch help for me.
04:08 But the Daleks...
04:09 Took her prisoner?
04:11 No, they murdered her.
04:14 His respiration was very shallow
04:21 and his skin icy to the touch.