• last year
Analyzing whether the San Francisco 49ers linebackers are getting better or worse.
00:00 Linebackers are the linebackers getting better or worse Drake Greenlaw gonna be out a while Fred Warner in his prime
00:07 Orin Burke's
00:09 God exposed a couple rookies
00:11 So some things in preseason. What do you think? I
00:15 Think they're on the downtake
00:18 Dre's gone
00:21 Great year. They should have set you down something that I will say that I feel like is not getting talked about
00:28 Dre Greenlaw's injury was a calculated risk
00:31 Okay, that was not that was not a fluke injury. Dre Greenlaw was fighting through
00:39 Achilles injuries in tens of ten Achilles tendonitis for months throughout the season before he got hurt
00:46 So him getting hurt on the Super Bowl
00:49 Was it like I know it looked flukish because he just ran onto the field
00:53 But that was that was not a fluke that was that was a plan a risk that they lost or um
00:59 maybe he should have sat in the playoffs who knows but
01:02 Fred Fred had a great year
01:07 But we're talking about where they're going into next year we got to find Fred another starter
01:14 And it's got to be one of the new guys. It's gonna be Jalen Graham's. It's got to be a Jalen Graham or
01:22 What do you winners D winners?
01:24 Right now or or that you draft another one this year. I mean, it's very if you if you were looking to replace
01:31 LB 3 on your roster. Yeah, I guess give Jalen Graham a shot, but I'll be -
01:37 What week we saw linebacker you might need to draft that guy in
01:41 Three rounds. Well, that's why I was
01:44 Well, that's that's why I was so hard corny Aziz
01:49 Acquisition because I felt felt like he may only come back though. I
01:53 Felt like it would be a lateral move
01:55 Like if there was ever a player that is gonna embody what Dre it ain't just what Dre does on the field
02:02 It's he's a leader like he is a cultural piece. I feel like bringing the Z's back
02:09 That's kind of like the best you could do
02:11 You're not gonna find a rookie to do what Drake Greenwald does
02:16 You know, I mean like you you're not gonna find a draft pick
02:19 You're not gonna find anybody in this building. No, but you can find a rookie who does something better than Orin Burke. Sorry Orin
02:24 That's that's sorry
02:27 I'm just saying oranges. I don't think the Niners really want to do like eight games of Orin Burke's and we sat linebacker. I
02:33 So, what do you propose they do you think they'll draft the position or you'll think I think they will I think that will I?
02:39 Well, I mean to be easier to do it in free agency, but if Aziz doesn't want to come here then
02:45 Why not drafted another linebacker? How plausible is that that he does not want to come here?
02:50 Am I asking the wrong question, I think it's a good question
02:56 I think it's very plausible and I think if the Niners, you know gave him a great offer
03:01 He might come back, but I don't think they look at him that way
03:04 Which is probably why he's not here to begin with which is probably why they phased him out a couple years ago
03:09 I think the Niners probably feel they don't need him and I think Aziz probably feels he doesn't need them
03:15 That's my guess. All right. Well, here's who's open right now, you know Pat McQueen is out there that's a pipe dream
03:22 Levante David is out there. Bobby Wagner is out there
03:26 Devin white
03:29 of course Aziz
03:31 Jordan Hicks out of Minnesota
03:33 drew tranquil out of
03:36 Kansas City
03:38 Willie gay
03:40 Kansas City
03:41 Josie Jewel and
03:43 Jordan Brooks
03:45 So those are the kind of the top guys right now. Um, I
03:49 Don't know. I don't necessarily see anybody that we could afford
03:53 And do you fit another question? I saw you she talked about this and I'm kind of glad that I have you in front of me
04:00 Do you think there is a possibility that they move on from Dre save money?
04:06 No, I don't think so. I don't think they'll cut him now that he's hurt himself
04:12 Mm-hmm. No, I don't think they will. Oh, yeah
04:14 Okay. So yeah right about now. It just looks like the locker room is I mean the the linebacker room is kind of like
04:21 God if you think about it
04:24 They're kind of all the same. I mean the tight ends are the same
04:27 The offensive line it is is the same and with Dre being hurt
04:31 They're the same where it's kind of like you gotta got got one guy
04:34 that is
04:36 the tip of the spear and then everything else is just kind of like
04:40 Out there right the markets plenty and good fault
04:44 The markets planning it falls as a free agent and you got two rookies or Brooks is a free agent in Dre's hurt
04:49 Really right now. It's it's it's Fred and two rookies
04:52 Yeah
04:54 One of the weaker positions on the team. Yeah, it's gonna have it's gonna have to be just gonna have to get shored up
05:01 *Outro*
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