Zangrillo: "Forza Italia per la modernizzazione della Pa"

  • 7 months ago
(Adnkronos) - Il ministro per la Pa ricorda il ruolo da protagonista che vuole giocare Forza Italia e gli obiettivi e le azioni per modernizzare la Pubblica amministrazione


00:00 For Minister Zangrillo, Forza Italia, after Berlusconi, must have the capacity to confront
00:10 and make a synthesis within the party to go forward in Italy and Europe.
00:15 This congress is important because it is the demonstration that Forza Italia is there,
00:20 that Forza Italia wants to continue to play a role as a protagonist in the national and
00:27 international scenario.
00:28 It is a two-day congress, fundamental because we say that symbolically we change the page,
00:35 in the sense that now we must be able to be together, to confront, to be able to exchange
00:42 ideas and to be able to make a synthesis.
00:45 Once, when there was President Berlusconi, he did the synthesis.
00:48 Now, without him, we must be able to do it ourselves.
00:51 This congress is a first successful exercise of what we should do in the coming months.
00:59 We must work on our people, on human capital, and therefore we must make sure that our
01:05 people are equipped with the skills that are needed today to make the relationship with
01:14 our users, citizens and companies faster and more effective.
01:16 We must invest in technology and therefore that is what we are doing.
01:22 We are valuing our people with rapid and effective bidding procedures.
01:27 We are doing a lot of training.
01:29 We are working to introduce the value of merit in public administration and then we are
01:35 digitizing our processes.
01:37 I'll give you an example.
01:38 In 2023 we have inserted 173,000 people.
01:42 This was possible because from January 2023 we have completely digitized the bidding
01:48 procedures.
01:49 In the same way, on training, we have launched our portal, Sì, La BUSSE, which allows all
01:56 Italian administrations to register and in this way to give their employees the opportunity
02:02 to activate training courses autonomously.
02:06 So we have to work on two fronts.
02:09 On the one hand, we must value our people and on the other, we must keep up to date
02:14 in terms of technology.
