• last year


00:00 Thank you.
00:00 - Obviously last season ended with,
00:02 that was quite the finale.
00:04 Where, what can you sort of say about
00:07 Will and Angie's dynamic in the wake of what happened
00:10 and sort of how things were sort of left,
00:13 you know, don't know how she's doing and everything,
00:15 sort of where does that go from here?
00:18 - Yes, I mean for, you know, Angie,
00:21 we're gonna kind of watch her sort of
00:23 physically try to get herself back.
00:25 And in our relationship, I mean, you know,
00:29 season one was complicated.
00:30 It was a lot, we got to watch these two
00:32 sort of trigger each other throughout,
00:34 make up, break up, it was that sort of push pull,
00:38 but you know, at the end of the day,
00:40 these two are bonded very deeply.
00:43 There's a lot of love there.
00:44 They've been through a lot together.
00:46 They know each of each other's darkest secrets.
00:49 And I think at the top of season two,
00:52 we find Will being maybe a little slightly cautious
00:55 about this relationship.
00:57 You know, he knows what it is if he gets close to her
01:01 and they can just dive right back into that comfort cycle
01:04 of the chaos that they are in a lot of ways.
01:07 And so I think at least at the top of the season,
01:09 he's a little bit, there's some trepidation there.
01:13 He's a little cautious.
01:14 There's a little sort of soft boundaries there.
01:15 So like, do we go there?
01:17 Do I not go there?
01:18 Is she dating?
01:19 You know, am I, you know,
01:20 I don't think he's actively looking for someone,
01:22 but someone does enter his life.
01:24 - Okay, that'll be interesting.
01:26 So I was gonna ask you, obviously,
01:28 Will and Andrea are very bonded from their past.
01:30 They have a lot of history together.
01:32 I asked Eric this earlier.
01:33 It's like, do you think they're ultimately,
01:36 they would be good romantic partners
01:38 or do you maybe see them as more platonic soulmates?
01:41 Or is that the question?
01:42 - I mean, that's kind of the question,
01:44 but I think, you know, if outside of that,
01:47 it's like there's a part of me, I think,
01:49 if I was an audience I'm looking at,
01:50 I'd go, can they figure this out?
01:52 Like, you kind of want them, like, can you?
01:54 You know there's a lot of love there.
01:55 Is it possible?
01:57 But then maybe if you were a good friend of theirs,
01:59 you would say, you guys need to stop.
02:01 Y'all need to like go your separate ways.
02:03 If you can work it out as friends, great.
02:05 You know, it makes for good characters in television
02:09 and that relationship, that dynamic conflict of like,
02:11 you know, is this good for us?
02:13 Do we work out?
02:14 You know, there's a lot of compatibility,
02:16 but there's a lot of trauma
02:18 and there's a lot of things that haven't been worked out.
02:20 And so I don't think, obviously,
02:21 that they intend to hurt each other,
02:23 but they do end up sort of in this vicious cycle.
02:25 And so I'm not sure.
02:27 - We'll see. - Yeah.
02:29 - You know, Will did find out a lot about his mother,
02:32 you know, towards the end of the season,
02:33 but that sort of provokes the question, his father.
02:36 And it did come up slightly.
02:38 Is that gonna be something he maybe
02:41 wants to explore this season?
02:44 - Yeah, I think this season, you know,
02:46 Will's interest and curiosities peaked.
02:49 He got some real nuggets about his life,
02:51 a little bit, like you said, about his mom.
02:54 You know, I love that moment that we had
02:55 where his mom visited him at the end of season one
02:58 while he was really struggling with a case.
03:01 He got to learn that maybe James is his dad,
03:03 which would be a pretty major bomb.
03:05 And he got to learn the role
03:08 that Amanda played in his childhood, you know,
03:10 and that she found him in the trash
03:12 and her relationship with his mom.
03:14 So I think he's definitely in a place
03:17 where he wants to, he's curious.
03:20 He is, he wants to know more.
03:22 And I think the question just becomes
03:23 how far down that rabbit hole does he go
03:26 and how does that impact him psychologically and emotionally?
03:30 - Yeah, 'cause there's an element of abandonment there.
03:32 - Oh, for sure.
03:33 - And he's definitely not someone to let it go.
03:36 - No.
03:37 - To just be like, I'm okay, we're normal.
03:39 - Yeah, he can pretend on the surface
03:40 as if he's fine and he's good at doing that.
03:43 But obviously those things are starting to churn up for him.
03:45 - Yeah, I wanted to ask, you know,
03:46 tap into a little bit of that conversation
03:49 between Will and Amanda at the end of last season.
03:51 I thought it was such a turning point,
03:54 you know, revelatory moment between the both of them.
03:57 You know, where does that relationship go in season two?
04:00 I find that the chemistry between the two of you
04:03 and just that relationship
04:04 is such a strong component of this.
04:06 - Yeah, you know, it's conflicted.
04:07 You know, like he, on one hand,
04:11 feels absolutely betrayed by her.
04:13 She didn't tell him these secrets
04:14 and these things that she knew about his life and his mom.
04:17 Like, how could she not?
04:19 Knowing that these are real big holes in his life.
04:22 But at the other hand, she saved him.
04:24 She took him in.
04:25 She brought him into the GBI.
04:27 Like, so it's complicated.
04:29 And the reality is, in that world,
04:31 it's hard to talk about certain things,
04:33 especially in the culture of being a cop.
04:35 And so I think both Amanda and Will
04:37 are people that really do sort of keep things in
04:42 and don't talk about it and aren't vulnerable.
04:44 That last scene at the end of season one,
04:46 they didn't really say anything, but it was loaded.
04:48 And I think that's kind of their dynamic.
04:50 That's how they handle these things.
04:52 And so I think we'll have moments
04:53 where we get to touch on it,
04:55 but I don't know how deep these people are gonna,
04:57 you know, and the healthiest versions of themselves
05:00 be able to sort of really talk about it.
05:02 - Totally.
05:03 We'll get there.
05:03 - Yeah, hopefully.
05:05 - You know, Will and Ormwood haven't always seen Ida High.
05:08 We did get into a better place by the end of the season.
05:11 Will we sort of see more of their dynamic in season two?
05:15 You guys have a great, playful, you know,
05:17 buddy heads energy.
05:18 - Yeah, I think people really like that.
05:21 The writers like that.
05:22 You know, Liz and I talk about it.
05:23 We like seeing them together.
05:25 So we'd love that, you know.
05:27 The top of the season, we sort of start of this new season
05:30 with sort of the whole crew kind of back together.
05:33 You know, one thing that was important was
05:35 we wanted to make it feel like we're back.
05:39 The show is back and there's a familiarity to it.
05:42 And so we sort of, you know, we introduce,
05:44 we bring Betty back, we bring the handkerchief,
05:47 the tape recorder, sort of the things
05:48 that we associate with this show.
05:50 And one of those things is Jake's character Ormwood.
05:54 So I'm excited.
05:55 We will be having those moments
05:57 where we get to see them together again.
05:58 And whether it's case related or personal related,
06:02 we'll make that happen.
06:03 - And I love how the show, you know, interweaves that,
06:05 you know, the working relationships
06:06 and the personal relationships
06:07 and a lot of those get intertwined, obviously.
06:10 Will and Faith, you know, what can their partnership,
06:13 where, what can you sort of say about that evolution?
06:16 - Yeah, I mean, it's been nice to see
06:18 that partnership slowly evolve.
06:21 It's been a bit of a slow burn,
06:22 but I think, you know, this season we'll see
06:24 a bit more of a rapport between the two of them, you know.
06:28 And so it's fun because I think for Will, again,
06:31 letting anyone in, it's not instant.
06:33 It's not fast because of what he's been through.
06:35 So he's pretty guarded, protected.
06:36 And, but they've now spent some time together
06:40 and they've been through some stuff together.
06:41 So that relationship is gonna continue to evolve for sure.
06:44 - So it feels like everybody's sort of bonded
06:46 more than they've ever been.
06:48 - Yeah, yeah, there's a bit,
06:50 at least with that relationship, you know,
06:52 with Amanda, things have been revealed.
06:54 We'll see how far they each get into that
06:56 and get to explore any of that and how they do if they do.
06:59 - Yeah, 'cause there's a certain, you know,
07:01 it's almost maternal in a way, tough love.
07:04 - For sure. - With Amanda.
07:05 And I think that's really an interesting thing
07:06 to sort of maybe explore.
07:08 - Yeah, yeah, it is.
07:09 And we do get to play with it.
07:11 And, you know, I think for the most part,
07:13 we've only kind of seen Will's perspective
07:16 on that experience a little bit.
07:18 And I think there's always another side to that.
07:20 - And I was saying this earlier,
07:22 I think what's so special about this show
07:24 is how it weaves the past into the present,
07:26 - Yeah. - the flashbacks.
07:27 - Yeah. - I think that that is such
07:28 a crucial part of this show that makes it so riveting.
07:31 - Yeah. - And so I'm really excited
07:32 to see more of those. - Yeah.
07:34 - As well. - Yeah, we like doing that
07:36 because, you know, it helps inform
07:37 the people that we're seeing today
07:39 and what shaped them and what happened, good and bad.
07:41 And so, you know, we got to do that last season
07:44 with Will, young Will and young Angie.
07:47 We got to also do it with young Amanda
07:49 and also with Faith's mom.
07:51 So, you know, that stuff is fun
07:53 when we find the storylines
07:54 that help us tie those flashbacks in.
07:57 And the writers have done a really great job
07:59 of working that out.
08:01 - The casting, I was gonna say,
08:02 I mean, the younger version. - Is amazing.
08:04 - I was like, it's kind of uncanny.
08:06 - Yeah. - How much they look the same.
08:08 - Yeah, yeah. - Like.
08:10 - She's her like young spirit, without a doubt.
08:12 She has, she embodies young Amanda.
08:15 - Truly. - Yeah.
08:16 - Is there anything you can tease about the cases
08:18 that maybe are a certain mystery
08:20 that maybe we'll get to?
08:22 - I mean, you know, what we did,
08:24 which was really cool last year
08:25 and we're doing it again this year,
08:27 is when we can tap into certain cultural specificities.
08:31 And we did that last year with Lake Lanier
08:34 and the history there.
08:36 And we do that a bit with this season,
08:40 where we get to tap into some specificity
08:42 with regards to the South and Georgia.
08:44 And so there's a case that sort of develops and unfolds.
08:48 And we get to, and we play with, you know,
08:50 it's just interesting, like when you know the rules
08:52 and parameters of how a character operates
08:54 and then you challenge that.
08:55 You find ways to poke and provoke it.
08:58 And we do that.
08:58 You know, we talk about sort of the idea of faith
09:01 and like capital F and what that means for,
09:05 I mean, lowercase F and what that means for Will.
09:07 - I was gonna say, I'm from North Carolina originally.
09:10 So I'm very well aware of like how faith plays a role
09:13 in just, you know, society and whatnot,
09:17 especially in the South.
09:18 - Sure, yeah.
09:19 - So that'll be very interesting to sort of tap into.
09:22 - Yep.
09:22 - Awesome, well, thank you so much.
09:24 Congrats on season two.
09:25 - Thank you, thank you.
