De Palo: "500 mila Nascite o salta il sistema"

  • 7 months ago
(Adnkronos) - "Bisogna fare squadra o rischiamo di perdere la partita più importante" così Gigi De Palo, presidente della Fondazione per la Natalità, al primo incontro degli Stati Generali della Natalità a Bologna.


00:00 "The main theme is a common one, so we are trying to say that if Italy doesn't restart its births, it is at great risk.
00:10 This can only be done by a team, by putting together government, parliament, opposition, region,
00:19 companies, unions, families, because it is the game we have to play in the near future.
00:29 The big risk is to lose this game, the big risk is to communicate to young people that the future is not a promise but a threat.
00:35 We are here to reason, to talk about it, because everyone has to do his part and if everyone does his part,
00:41 even at the institutional level, things can change. It is not an unavoidable destiny."
