• last year
Analyzing why the San Francisco 49ers need to change what they look for at wide receiver.
00:00 They have to change their philosophy how they draft wide receivers. Yeah, because they need route runners
00:04 They need runners because brock is based off timing
00:08 And brock is based off where you're going to be and he's an accurate guy who's going to trust you to win and get open
00:14 So to me, you can't trust debo. Can't throw the anticipation to debo
00:18 No, and the same thing with same thing with kittle. I hate to say it
00:22 But if you look at a lot of kittles gains this year
00:26 They were broken plays as well as man-to-man coverage where he beat his man
00:30 but often than not he was not targeted very much because
00:34 He was covered because he doesn't get open like travis. Kelsey does when when a defense plays really good man-to-man coverage
00:42 the guys who get targeted are
00:44 McCaffrey
00:46 Iuke and jennings
00:48 Because they're good route runners. Yes
00:51 That other guy the other guy in the super bowl. What's his name?
00:54 Kidza connelly. I mean, he's a great route runner. Yeah
00:58 Did a good job. He did a good job. He's a better route runner than debo, correct
01:03 Yeah, I think they got him I don't know they can move on from debo, but they don't need debo anymore
01:10 he's overpriced he's taking too many targets like
01:12 They don't even go and
01:15 debo and kittle were for
01:18 Jimmy they were the reason why jimmy did so well that they were sure
01:22 More and I think there's no coincidence when brock came the offenses started going through
01:27 Are you?
01:29 Right and mccaffrey. Yeah, it did switch. Yes. It did those two switch
01:33 Because it was kittle and and debo for the longest time and not you know
01:37 I think the world of kittle and I think the world of debo
01:40 But I don't think it's a good fit with the quarterback that you have right now. No, it's not
01:45 No, go go link up with jimmy grappola. Oh wait, he's suspended
01:48 Because that was a I just bizarre bizarre all these people are like getting there
01:53 Wow
01:57 I don't know if you want to call it a come up insert. Just like a lot of people are getting
02:00 Humbled like in a staggering way. Whoa, kyle. Jimmy kittle bosa like
02:09 yikes
02:11 You guys didn't read the room you guys the football gods are mad at you
02:15 And if you and if you want to be really honest, maybe if the 49ers had not
02:20 Been so prideful in winning contracts and maybe if they had bosa come in when they should have
02:25 And not played this thing. Maybe he would have come in
02:28 Firing on all cylinders and maybe they wouldn't even been in this point. So to me
02:32 What they're doing right now isn't working this this was their best shot of winning with this core group of people
02:39 Maybe next year will be different but to me think about this grant
02:43 Kansas city had played an extra game. Kansas city was on the road twice. Kansas city had less rest
02:50 The 49ers had a buy the 49ers. They were missing their their their all there's their pro bowl left guard
02:56 They're missing their pro bowl left guard
02:58 kansas city
03:01 Had the 49ers. What do we say about 49ers? They get exhausted and they're done
03:04 Right. Well, kansas city just threw that out though the way they they they went through the gauntlet and they did everything
03:11 and so to me the 49ers
03:13 This was their best shot winning with this core and I think I think the players know that and I think that's why you're seeing
03:20 some of this devastation because
03:22 They let it and I think as fans
03:25 This is the 2013
03:27 Patrick willis navarro bowman
03:30 Colin kaepernick frank gore joe staley group that didn't get a ring
03:34 And I think a lot of team. I think that's a great point. I think because it's their third straight run
03:41 Just like that year. It's their third straight run. It's exhausting. They're getting older
03:44 and that fourth year that team just
03:47 Didn't have it. They just didn't have it. They were eight and eight
03:50 They started off really well, but you saw it go off the rails. I think there were seven and four at one point
03:55 Yes, and they finished the season one and four with one and four then win another game and yeah, I
04:02 I don't
04:04 I see a lot of correlations. I also feel like the 49ers
04:10 They're going to have tougher competition within the division
04:13 They're going to have tougher competition outside of division the nfc
04:16 The nfc itself is getting younger. They may not have the quarterbacks
04:20 but at the end of the day
04:23 Kyle needs to change what he's doing or else this is going to be the same thing over and over again
04:28 And he's going to get fired because of it because jed can't it's too bad
04:31 They're kind of they can't get out of the debo contract the eric armstead contract. Those are two
04:35 They can't I mean they can it's just going to be tough
04:38 you know, you're gonna have to take the dead cap hit the first year, but
04:40 I mean they do have a nice young core brock
04:44 freaking jordan mason
04:47 Jawan jennings brandon. Iuke I guess nick bosa still counts as young. Um,
04:51 lenoir
04:53 Jire, brown tolinoa like they do have a good young core. They absolutely do spencer burford
04:58 Aaron banks those are two so they do but
05:07 Got a lot of older players making a lot of money that probably don't need to be here anymore
05:11 I just saw the mental exhaustion
05:13 That it took the 49ers to get back after the eagles and how you could tell that there was a sense of relief
05:20 But then it went to a sense of anxiety immediately after the super bowl
05:23 Yeah, and then to for for them to be that
05:27 Perfect all the time
05:30 They're gonna have to do it in order to get back and it's not gonna be as easy
05:34 As it was this year for them. I feel like the niners had this
05:37 um
05:40 This like drive last year like hey, we got screwed we're angry we have something to prove
05:45 And they drove them all year like they were the number one seed, but the problem was I think they
05:50 Bought into it too soon when they beat the eagles. They're like boom. Look
05:55 look
05:56 We proved it
05:58 We're exactly what we said. We were we're the best team last year
06:01 We should have won. We should have won the super bowl last year boom weeks, but it's like no like you're not done
06:05 It's december 3rd
06:07 And I think that was psychologically
06:09 Too much for them. That was it like that was your super bowl. You proved your point you ended the eagles
06:15 You gloated about it and then you went back you reverted to being
06:19 The team that you've always been
06:21 They play the kansas city chiefs next year when do you think they're gonna schedule that towards the end of the year?
06:27 Probably right they'll win that game and they'll feel great about themselves and then they'll find a way to lose in the playoffs
06:32 But hey for a few months there they'll have everyone thinking they're the best team in the league
06:37 Make way for the 49ers the class of the nfl. This is their year. It's inevitable
06:42 I just I just like I'd like I uh
06:48 This one hurts and this one's gonna hurt all off season until it begins but
06:53 At the back of your mind you start to think if these older players
06:57 Are a little snake bitten by kyle
07:00 Like start the creep starts because it's we've seen it on social media, but these players call each other out
07:06 and when would you ever see that happen in
07:09 You know that kind of regime what they're doing and I think kyle's just what can he say?
07:15 What can he say?
07:17 What can he say other than the fumbles what can he say?
07:20 But to your point you say zero zero in overtime, right? You can say it's on me
07:25 It's on me I I made the wrong call
07:29 I I didn't realize that you really should take the ball second in overtime and if I could do it again
07:34 I'd do it differently
07:36 That's all you can say because that's the truth
07:38 Anything else is just like covering your butt
07:40 That's the truth. You made the wrong call own it to be perfectly honest. I didn't realize that the clock wasn't even an issue
07:48 Yeah, I didn't get it either
07:51 They can just play a second
07:52 So why wouldn't you take the ball last you can just take your sweet ass time as long as you want
07:57 Yeah, and you can end the game if you want with a two-point conversion if you want to
08:01 I mean no one's ever going to make the decision kyle made ever again
08:06 You
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