Geolier e la 'finta' fuga da Napoli: "Non ce la facevo più..." - Video

  • 7 months ago
(Adnkronos) - "Ho messo una storia su Instagram da Los Angeles ma ero a Napoli...". Geolier confessa la finta fuga a Los Angeles dopo il Festival di Sanremo 2024. Il rapper, tornato a Napoli, è stato travolto da un'ondata di affetto e di attenzioni. Alla fine, ammette nella presentazione di 'Nuova Scena - Rhythm + Flow Italia', la competizione musicale tutta dedicata mondo delle 'barre' prodotta da Fremantle e disponibile su Netflix da lunedì prossimo, "non ce la facevo più"...


00:00 I saw the love of my people, I saw the hope and courage of the people who saw me and everything I was about to do.
00:15 I don't like hate, I'm disgusted. When I came to Naples to hear the whispers, the sound of guns, all this noise, to traumatize the public, to plague this place, I said calm down, let's whistle at them,
00:39 let's whistle at them, they didn't do it, it's the same thing we do to you, simply.
00:46 Then what was the...
00:48 The congratulation with Bob Seger
00:51 Bob Seger, the stupid one, the one who said that this thing only makes me proud, and I hope to go to the studio very soon, he, the great, for an honor,
01:04 but I'm still in Neapolitan, I don't speak the language.
01:08 I don't speak the language.
01:09 Yes, I think it's the same as Los Angeles the other day.
01:13 But, look, I'm very sincere, you know, when we go to conferences we always ask for answers, I don't ask for an answer, I put a story in America to be calm, I was in Naples.
01:30 Thank you very much.
01:32 (applause)
01:34 [APPLAUSE]
