• last year
Analyzing why Kyle Shanahan is to blame for the San Francisco 49ers' latest Super Bowl collapse.
00:00 Let's talk Kyle though
00:02 He didn't coach well in this game
00:07 Niners almost won it was close, but he didn't do well. His offense was bad and
00:14 It underperformed and it underperformed because of him now Christian McCaffrey fumbled that's on Christian. But other than that
00:22 It's on Kyle
00:25 He had any number of run plays that were working in the first quarter. He abandoned him until like the late late in the game
00:31 fourth quarter
00:33 he was up seven at halftime got the ball to start the second half and
00:37 Abandoned the run for an entire quarter scored zero points. Let the Chiefs back in the game. No reason
00:42 What else did he do that was preposterous
00:50 Okay, so you have the best running back in football and you're supposed to be like the play-action guru in the NFL
00:56 Because your dad taught you all your play-action plays look just like your runs. How many times?
01:02 Did the 49ers go empty backfield in this game 15 20? It felt like at least 15. I'd love someone to go back and
01:09 Count and when I say empty backfield, that means purty
01:13 by himself with five wides
01:18 Which is cool. I mean the Niners have threats and he's a good quarterback, but you're telling the team
01:23 Hey, we're not running the ball and and we're not doing play-action. It's a drop back pass
01:27 Why would you do that?
01:30 You don't have a great offensive line. You don't have a great quarterback
01:33 You have bad offensive line and a good quarterback. How about stick to your identity?
01:38 Play what happened to play-action remember that remember play-action. They don't do that much anymore. Not successfully
01:46 So
01:48 Once again in a big game
01:51 He overthinks it. Oh
01:53 They expect me to run the ball with the best running back in the league
01:57 So I'm gonna go empty backfield. You think Mike Shanahan would have done that with Terrell Davis in 1998?
02:02 No, you know how I know cuz he didn't
02:04 And you know what he did won the Super Bowl
02:07 Twice back-to-back like Eddie Regis did
02:13 You
02:15 And it's like once again
02:19 Kyle Shanahan
02:21 Did he adjust during the flow of the game?
02:23 No
02:26 No, he got worse as the game went on. He was better in the first half in the second half as
02:30 opposed to Andy Reid who was awful in the first three quarters down ten and then
02:39 Clicks in overtime everything he calls works as opposed to Kyle Shanahan who's kicking field those
02:45 Hard to have confidence that he can come back to this game and win what more is this team gonna be better next year
02:56 What more could he have the Chiefs will be better next year?
02:59 This felt like the opportunity. That's what you guys told me. No excuses
03:04 This is it the best thing that I've had in a long time the weakest Chiefs team they've had in a while win this game
03:09 He didn't and he'll say oh, you know, well
03:13 Ray Ray McLeod muffed a fumble a month the punt and Patrick Mahomes is really good. No excuses
03:19 No excuses
03:22 You've lost three Super Bowls. He even tried to make the distinction after the game. Well, I've only lost two as a head coach
03:37 Congratulations for only losing two as a head coach you're right
03:39 It wasn't three the third that you lost was an offensive coordinator, but you're right only two as a head coach
03:44 Here's what bothered me about what Kyle did after the game he should be harder on himself he's defensive
03:55 Brock Hardy wasn't defensive
03:59 Kittle wasn't defensive. Oh, so wasn't defensive McCaffrey wasn't defensive. Those guys were beating themselves up on national television
04:07 Kyle you do that
04:09 It's your fault you're the coach
04:11 You call the plays you forgot about the run game
04:14 Don't let McCaffrey go up there and cry you cry
04:18 Do something show some emotion take some responsibility. I
04:22 Have a tough time trusting people
04:25 Who can't ever take responsibility for something they did wrong. We all know you were culpable for this own it
04:34 Because that doesn't make you look weak or bad. It makes you look strong. Hey, you know that was on me XYZ
04:40 This is my hand in the loss and I'm so
04:45 Comfortable in my own skin, I'm so confident who I am I can say that I
04:51 Can hold myself responsible publicly as opposed to you're not getting that for me. I
04:57 Didn't do anything wrong. I'm
04:59 Proud of the way I coached
05:01 Wasn't my fault
05:02 We lost some homes. What are you gonna do?
05:04 That's not inspirational
05:07 So what did Kyle Reese ends in this game
05:11 Empty backfield galore
05:15 Forgot about the run
05:19 Why does he always do that
05:23 He could have the best running back in the league and he's gonna forget about the run. Yes
05:26 Who I mean the Chiefs ran from Orly ours in the Niners in this game
05:32 Just like they did in the last Super Bowl
05:34 That's embarrassing
05:36 It's hard to say Kyle's an offensive genius when he can't crack
05:40 24 points in a Super Bowl. He can't he never has
05:44 22 today 20 last time and
05:48 21 in Atlanta you might say he scored 28. No, there was a pick 6 21
05:52 Is he an offensive genius or is he a guy who can beat up on
05:59 mediocre to bad defenses and when he faces a good one he gets
06:03 exposed like
06:05 Steve Spagnuolo out coaching today
06:08 Steve Spagnuolo is not gonna become a head coach. I mean, he's no one thinks he's a genius. He's a good coordinator and
06:15 He was better than Kyle today. Jim Schwartz was better than Kyle this year. Mike McDonald was better than Kyle this year
06:21 How good is Kyle Shanahan really he's got a great defense he's got all these weapons on offense
06:29 But when he goes against a legitimate top 10 defense, what's it look like?
06:32 Look bad today, I
06:36 Mean, how do you add you go from Jimmy Garoppolo to Brock Purdy you go from Raheem mostert to Christian McCaffrey
06:44 Those are huge upgrades and you only score 19 regulation. You scored 20 in regulation against the Chiefs four years ago. What happened?
06:51 It's you you're the common denominator
06:55 McCaffrey played well
06:57 Purdy played. Well, you didn't coach well
06:59 You
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