Why Shanahan's Team Misunderstood the Rules & Lost

  • 7 months ago
00:00 I heard people today talking about how Shanahan, his team didn't know the rules.
00:09 And none of them know the rules.
00:11 Well, they were laying it on.
00:13 They were laying it on Shanahan that his team didn't know the rules.
00:17 And to me, it's laughable.
00:20 Like, is this really what we're going for?
00:23 That's why they lost the game because they didn't know the overtime rules of the new
00:27 age NFL, the new overtime Super Bowl rules.
00:31 It's ridiculous.
00:32 Here's the deal.
00:33 Let's just sum this up.
00:34 Shanahan can't beat Mahomes.
00:38 Shanahan can't beat Brady.
00:40 And I don't care what the rules are.
00:43 The Niners once again lost and Mahomes never loses.
00:49 So you can make up any story you want today about how smart you are.
00:52 I saw, you know, multi-millionaire geniuses show off the greatest talents on the face
01:00 of the earth spending hours today blaming Kyle Shanahan for his players not knowing
01:08 the rules.
01:09 I got better things to do with my life and day and time.
01:12 OK, I bet on this game 60 ways but loose.
01:16 OK, we're over here betting on stuff.
01:19 I don't have time for the day after hangover nonsense.
01:23 And you know, some basketball Jayoff thinks he knows something about football.
01:29 Stick to basketball, pretty boy.
01:31 Honestly, someone needs to smack you in the face with your 75 handlers and cameras and
01:36 your makeup and your sunglasses indoors.
01:39 Anyone, listen, I'm going to say it again.
01:42 Anyone who wears sunglasses indoors is a tool.
01:47 [MUSIC]
