Daughter of 70-year-old Queensland stabbing victim calls for peace

  • 7 months ago
Vyleen White’s daughter has called for peace and unity with African community leader Beny Bol after the fatal stabbing of her 70-year-old mother during a carjacking near Ipswich, Queensland. Cindy Micallef said if one thing comes from this it should be to “pursue peace”.


00:00 Mum's legacy will live on in peace.
00:05 One of her things, even with family fights,
00:09 as normal families do,
00:11 her thing was pursue peace with all diligence.
00:15 And she was never one to be prejudiced.
00:19 She was, you know, always looked for the best in people.
00:24 People come to Australia, it's a land of opportunity.
00:28 And my dad, coming from Malta,
00:31 you know, we've got different nationalities in here.
00:35 We've all come for a better life,
00:39 you know, to provide for our families,
00:42 to escape horrors.
00:44 I would hope that if Australia was the countries that suffer this,
00:49 we could take refuge in another country
00:52 and be safe and not be targeted,
00:54 because we're a different colour.
