• 8 months ago
The 3rd century Roman clergyman was said to have restored sight to the blind while defying the wishes of Emperor Claudius The Cruel.
00:00 Whether it's "Oh, it's only the best day of the year" or "Valentine's Day"
00:05 February 14 is celebrated and hated in equal measure all over the globe.
00:11 But who was Saint Valentine and why has his day become all about, well, cringy hallmark displays of love?
00:20 "Valentine's Day isn't about Valentines, it's about two people being in love!"
00:25 Saint Valentine was a 3rd century Roman clergyman.
00:30 According to some Catholic traditions, he's the patron saint of lovers, epileptics and beekeepers.
00:37 Not too much is known about the life of this saint.
00:40 He lived under the reign of Emperor Claudius Gothicus.
00:44 At this time, the followers of the Christian faith were largely persecuted.
00:49 Valentinus, as he was known, made himself a friend to the poor, the imprisoned and the desperate.
00:56 According to some stories told well after the fact, Valentinus defied the Emperor's matrimonial bans and continued to marry couples in secret.
01:06 While imprisoned, Valentinus is said to have restored the sight of his jailer's blind adopted daughter.
01:12 His miracle caused the jailer, Judge Asterius, to convert to Christianity, which was not to the liking of Claudius the Cruel.
01:20 On February 14, in the year 269 AD, Valentinus was sentenced to death.
01:27 He was dragged out of the city, beaten with clubs and beheaded.
01:31 Before meeting his untimely and frankly gruesome end, Valentinus is said to have written a letter to Asterius' daughter, signing it "From your Valentine".
01:42 So, February 14 commemorates the martyrdom of Saint Valentine, a single, rebellious man of faith.
01:50 And ever since the 14th century, that commemoration has involved public displays of romantic love, which frankly doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
02:01 So, if you're spending February 14 on your own this year, you're in good company.
02:08 Go to Saint Valentine on the first Valentine's Day.
02:13 I need husband.
02:14 There should be another one in there.
02:16 Don't. I don't need husband.
02:21 Yes.
02:22 Okay, I got it.
02:23 (upbeat music)
02:25 (upbeat music)
