Successful Kicking: Importance of Prep in Varied Stadiums

  • 7 months ago
00:00 In baseball, you hit 300.
00:06 They love you.
00:07 Yeah, you hit 300 in NFL.
00:10 You don't have a job.
00:11 Yeah.
00:12 Right.
00:13 So I think the big part about, you know, kicking in stadiums and those ideas is you
00:18 have to formulate a game plan and hopefully you're you're mentored to the point where
00:23 I would have a whole notebook of notes.
00:26 What was in the locker room?
00:27 Was a small locker room?
00:28 Was a big locker room?
00:29 Was there hot tubs or no hot tub?
00:31 Come on.
00:32 Yeah.
00:33 You know, what was the wind like?
00:34 Where do we kick?
00:35 Was it so like in Soldier Field?
00:36 Because at noon, you wouldn't want to kick into a certain end zone because the sun would
00:43 be right in your eyes.
00:44 So you want to put the returner into that place.
00:47 So then you also went and took pictures.
00:48 I took pictures from the 50 yard line of both directions.
00:50 So I already knew going into it.
00:53 It's crazy.
00:54 I knew where the I knew where the game clocks were.
00:55 I knew where you just as you grow as a player and you play more experience, you have more
00:59 experience.
01:00 You get all the inside skinny.
01:02 And everyone asks, like, well, why was Sundays during the playoffs so easy or why was this
01:06 so easy?
01:07 It's because my prep work allowed me to pay it off.
01:09 [MUSIC]
01:11 (upbeat music)
