Fourth Down Strategy: The Football Analytics Revolution

  • 7 months ago
00:00 The fourth down is a really interesting part of the analytics revolution in football because
00:08 it's really only over the last five years we've seen this explosion in teams going for
00:13 it in fourth down.
00:15 And now over a long period of time, it's kind of like with a lot of sports and a lot of
00:19 analytics, the three pointers, for example, the Houston Rockets in a game missed what
00:24 twenty seven straight three pointers when they lost to Golden State a few years ago
00:28 that these analytics are really the accumulation over a long period of time.
00:34 So you're looking at small percentages a lot of times where it's like it's a five percent
00:40 difference in win probability for one decision other than the next.
00:44 So if something is 60 40, that still means it's almost a coin flip.
00:48 So they're trying to get an edge over a long period of time.
00:50 So.
00:51 Yeah.
00:52 Yeah.
00:52 (upbeat music)
