00:00 A normal man does not think of sex so much, but a so-called religious mind just keeps
00:06 thinking of sex all the time.
00:07 And not his fault, because he has been told that religiosity and sex are very intertwined.
00:12 So he's thinking of sex, sex, sex.
00:14 And when he's thinking of sex, he has to suppress sex a lot.
00:16 Take lesson from this.
00:18 Sex has to become something small, something not very important, not a great monster that
00:24 you are fighting all the time.
00:25 Just as you do not remember what you took for breakfast yesterday.
00:28 Sex is something you do not even, you should not even remember.
00:31 If it is instead present in the mind all the time, what to do?
00:34 But our sex laden society amplifies the sexual component in the personality so much that
00:40 when someone from the other gender comes to you, all you see is a huge genital.
00:45 You do not realize that sex is only a small part of the entire personality.
00:50 Why can't you talk politics?
00:51 Why can't you talk sociology?
00:52 Why can't you talk economics or science or spirituality or sports or whatever?