• last year
Analyzing what we've learned about San Francisco 49ers quarterback Brock Purdy in the playoffs.


00:00 We learn he's the real deal man. Kyle was right Brock pretty is the real deal. We've learned that I mean
00:06 You know a lot of people thought that already
00:08 and and I you know, I
00:10 Told everybody on your show probably in like October that I'm sold on Brock Purdy
00:14 But like the real deal title, that's that's a big that's a big deal for Kyle Shannon to throw out and he was right man
00:21 He put this team on his back yesterday. He really did
00:24 I mean, there's a lot of people involved with that comeback Brandon. Are you phenomenal?
00:28 CMC phenomenal
00:30 You know Gibson huge play but Brock Purdy by all means did his part
00:34 That guy is so composed so calm under pressure. I love that about him
00:40 I also like that. He's not scared to let it let it fly
00:43 Which we suffered through with Jimmy who was you know, he was scared
00:47 scared to take risks a
00:50 Brock pretty is not scared to take risks
00:53 He's not scared to give his receivers opportunity to make plays and we also learned like, you know
00:58 I we saw in the Cincinnati game
01:00 But we saw a lot last night man
01:02 The guy can run and people a lot of people compare him to Joe and I think it's way too premature to do that
01:07 Joe's one of the goats my favorite quarterback for the 49ers of all time is actually Steve Young and last night
01:15 He looked more like Steve Young than Joe Montana
01:17 Not that I'm saying is as good as him, but that's what he looked like last night
01:20 So we learned a lot about Brock Purdy man
01:22 He reminds me a lot of Jeff Garcia
01:25 I like what I what I want to say what I've learned about Brock Purdy and I think we've known it
01:28 But now that he did it on a big stage they did in the NFC Championship
01:32 He's a really mobile quarterback like you wouldn't call zone reads for him or quarterback draws because he's not
01:38 He doesn't run a 4-5 and he's not gonna run over people but as a scrambler
01:43 Which to me those are the best runs for quarterback. I don't really care about the zone read
01:49 That's not an important part of your offense
01:52 scrambles are an
01:53 incredibly important part of your offense and
01:55 Steve Young my favorite player of all time - was
01:58 The greatest scrambler of all time one of them if not the greatest scrambler of all time those plays are deadly kill defenses
02:05 Well Brock in a game where he wasn't throwing his best. I mean his quarterback rating was 89. He wasn't lighten it up
02:12 He lit him up with his legs. Yeah, he needs to do that more
02:17 He can I mean he can do it whenever he wants
02:20 I feel like he could do it more if he wanted to a lot of times he wants to
02:23 Keep the play alive and throw it but I feel like what we've learned. I'm gonna go negative. I'm gonna balance this off
02:28 Started with all the positive stuff about Brock Purdy. He's clutch. He's mobile. He's unflappable all that stuff. I
02:35 Still don't like his arm that much. I'm sorry
02:39 Why was he the last pick in the dry his arm his arm and his decision-making isn't as good is as it's made out to be
02:47 like
02:49 The interception was a Jimmy G interception. We talked about it all week, dude
02:53 Don't force those passes in the intermediate intermediate area of the field. The lines are waiting for him and he did it
02:59 Jimmy would do that then the the deciding play of the game essentially that 51-yard throw to Brandon Iuke I
03:05 Mean it hit the DB in the face
03:08 Did it should have been picked? So we also learned about Brock is he's um
03:14 He's really lucky and good for him
03:19 Because man things work out for that guy
03:21 You know this if you look throughout the history of sports, there's just some guys that just seem to have
03:27 Magic and he seems to have it man. He really does now that interception
03:34 I know a lot of people say well, it was a tip fast hit his hand
03:36 But if you look at where he was going it was to Debo. There was a triple coverage
03:40 There's no way it's on that pass. Yeah tipped or not. It wasn't over intercept intercepted either way
03:45 so it was a bad decision, but
03:48 And I hear your point. He doesn't have the strongest arm and that's right
03:52 It was off off a little bit, but it was one-on-one with IU downfield
03:56 I'm okay with that man make that throw let I you go make a play because we haven't had that and
04:00 So freakin long. I can't remember like who's the last Kaepernick?
04:05 Kaepernick was probably the last person to make those throws if if there's a one-on-one deep
04:10 Let it rip and let your receiver make a play and that's all I especially in those situations, right?
04:15 Like maybe that's not the best decision when you're up by 15 20 points
04:21 But when you're down in that situation, you gotta you got to give your receivers an opportunity to make a play and he did that
04:26 Man, I'm impressed with Rob pretty man. I really am I
04:30 Guess I am too. I am too
04:32 I mean
04:33 I just want what I want to say is when he was losing when he do that pick
04:37 When he overthrew Brandon IU before it turned into a catch I was thinking
04:41 Boom, he's turning into Jimmy Garoppolo right in front of her eyes
04:44 Like I don't want to hear about his decision-making and his accuracy and this and that like in the playoffs
04:48 He's turning into Jimmy Garoppolo, but he didn't because a huge difference between them is their legs
04:55 Jimmy Garoppolo couldn't freaking move and I think he got hurt because he didn't move that
05:00 Well, you could sort of see he would like get anxious as plays went on Brock
05:05 Moves so well, he's so confident
05:08 avoiding people like that throw to
05:12 Juwan Jennings, it was almost like a
05:14 Like a shot. I'm so cool and to me to win big in the NFL in
05:21 Modern NFL you have to be mobile
05:24 Half to him and I think Jimmy's issue couldn't protect himself. He couldn't get away from the rush
05:30 Golf couldn't get away from the rush anytime. He had to move his feet. It was bad news for the Lions
05:34 So yeah, I would take well what I learned I would take Brock pretty over Jared golf right now
05:39 I think he's he's he's the modern NFL quarterback, even though he probably has the weakest arm of any starting quarterback in the league
05:45 Yeah, man
05:46 I've been saying for a long time my favorite kind of quarterback and I actually thought Trey was gonna be that guy is the guy
05:51 They can scramble not a running quarterback, but a guy that can scramble. Yep. I don't like I don't like running Carter
05:56 I don't like design runs for quarterback. That's not my thing
05:58 Scrambling quarterback Steve Young is the prototype for me and Brock man. He he just he does exactly
06:05 He's is that I never expected Brock pretty be the guy that
06:09 Takes shots downfield that is mobile and scrambles around when we drafted him
06:14 He's been a pleasant surprise man. I'm thrilled that Brock pretty is playing the way he is
06:21 He gives the 40 he elevates the Niners. He really does elevate this team
06:24 And it's fantastic man. I I'm very optimistic about the 49ers. This Chiefs matchup is gonna be tough
06:34 we're sure and I'm sure we'll get there but
06:36 Having brought pretty playing the way he is playing is it's been
06:40 Amazing man sold. I think we also learned that he can take a team come from behind
06:47 I was asking about that. I didn't say he couldn't do it, but I pointed out like hey, man
06:51 He really hasn't proven that he can do that. Yeah, he didn't back-to-back games in the playoffs
06:55 Yeah, that's important the biggest comeback in NFC Championship history
07:00 The biggest comeback that I've ever seen under Kyle Shanahan that I can recall
07:04 I think what they did it against I believe the Falcons in what?
07:07 2019 I believe a similar comeback story, but I mean this has been
07:12 just
07:14 What a game dude, like I thought this game was over and you know, Dan Campbell is
07:19 What's the proper word an idiot? I don't know. I
07:25 We were not a clown, I'm sorry the 49ers did not stop the run Dan Campbell stopped the run last night
07:32 They could have kept run you're up by 17 points at halftime. Just run the ball man. They're not stopping you
07:37 They're having what six yards a carry or something ridiculous like that
07:40 Yeah, this is on Dan Campbell, but shout out to the Niners for not giving up
07:45 I mean, I thought this game was over
07:46 I was clear I was close to saying this game is done and
07:49 And they fought their way back and a big part of that is because of Brock pretty
07:55 Absolutely, which is crazy to say yeah, I never expected it. Yeah. Yeah good for Brock
08:00 JT says go Niners is Kyle time hard will pay off. FYI Brock is not Jimmy. Lol
08:06 No again, Brock needs to be looked at as a mobile quarterback. I compared him to
08:10 Jeff Garcia a little bit shorter Jeff Garcia was one hell of a scrambler
08:16 Garcia had a stronger arm than Brock Pertty Garcia was a
08:20 muscled up little guy
08:23 Pretty isn't yet
08:25 But they're quite similar and if you put Jeff Garcia on this team, he'd have crazy numbers, too
08:29 He does remind me of Jeff Garcia now that he bring it up because Jeff could move to that's the best comp
08:35 Yeah, it is a good one. It is a good way. Yeah, you're right. Jeff had a stronger arm. Mm-hmm for sure. He could try it
08:42 Yeah, he could he could you drive it, but he also had to and I'm not sure sure
08:46 Yeah, and so he had some good weapons, but yeah
08:53 It did not know he did not have any any sort of defense. I mean and shout out I interviewed my single Terry
08:58 I I don't think people give my single Terry enough credit for actually bringing defense to the 49ers man
09:04 Like they he's he kind of installed that into this. That's true franchise
09:09 He really Mike Nolan tried Mike single Terry succeeded. Yeah, the Liam says you like filthy rich. I do like filthy rich
09:16 I thought it was cool when the Seahawks won the Super Bowl
09:20 Marshawn Lynch who's from Oakland put on filthy rich in the locker room. It was that song ready to ride. Yeah, I remember
09:26 Look it up
09:29 Jay-z
09:30 Jzak low show says sent CJ back to a mile one more game points
09:34 Just want to say you two are my favorites to watch including Papa Conan Jesse. Haha bang bang
09:38 Am I the only person who finds Eminem like?
09:40 extremely corny
09:42 He is a little bit corny. I thought it was hilarious
09:45 He's flipping off fans from from the skybox in the first half the second half. He's what makes what emo songs about
09:52 your ex-wife
09:55 Luck just at what luck just had gotta hold a couple more weeks
10:01 Gotta hold a couple more weeks Matthew Sanders sneaking suspicion that I play would have been PI
10:07 No, no, he the corner was making a play on the ball
10:12 They threw a flag and then they took it back. So I'm not sure what it was. But yeah, I mean and you know
10:19 He had a similar pass to Ike on the sideline and same thing, right?
10:22 But Brandon I turned into the corner on that play and had to break it up
10:26 So there were two passes like that to I in single coverage where Brandon I you had to make a play
10:32 But I love it. Like I said, man, I love it take those shots, man
10:36 You watch other teams they do it all the time if it's one-on-one your best receiver throw it up there
10:40 Let him make a play. Yeah, am I the only one that remembers though that the fourth play of the game was a deep shot to
10:45 Brandon I you that was nearly intercepted by Cameron Sutton. Am I the only person that remembers it? That's what I'm saying. That's the
10:50 Okay, he's ready enough to put out together highlight reel of the New York Picks for I'm not gonna do it
10:55 That bad timing it's a bad time I would have lost yeah, you're going to the Super Bowl man, you're going to Vegas
11:04 That's exciting bro
11:05 It's exciting. Have you ever covered the ball week is exhausting man covering that is so it's
11:10 You went to the last one, right? I did Miami
11:14 Yeah, you're gonna be so you get interview everybody both teams all of that, right back then
11:19 So like I had no money when I was covering it. It was four years ago. I had no money. I just gotten married
11:24 I
11:26 Was hoping they would reimburse me. I was staying near the airport, which is a cool half hour from
11:31 South Beach and I just stayed in my room when I wasn't interviewing people and
11:35 Ate this, you know when you go down the hotel lobby, you can get like cheaper food. That's been there for a day
11:40 Hello bagels and shit. Yeah. Yeah, I ate the been there for a day food for a week every day
11:45 Cuz that's all I can afford. Yeah, good times. Hey, is your wife going with you to Vegas?
11:49 No, not this time in not this time. You're gonna have a great time man. That's that's awesome
11:54 You're gonna elite content coming from Grant Super Bowl week. Yeah me streaming from a hotel room. It'll be fun
12:02 Funny box five five four forces. Do you think CJ Beathard could have done this?
12:06 Yeah, that's the question on all of our minds right now. Just a cheese pin
12:11 No, just a cheese mrs. Grant time to call Brock and Lee your excuse was he hasn't come back in a game now
12:16 You still won't call him the Lee. What does it take for you to say he's elite being elite because that's what it takes
12:21 When he's elite, I'll call him elite. He was last night. I'll give him that he was elite last night
12:27 I will say that he would I mean look at the second half dude. You're you're losing by 17. Let me read it off Grant
12:32 You're losing you're losing by 17. Look, you know, I'm a realist but I gotta be real you're losing
12:39 You want to call him elite? That's your that's your go ahead last night second half of that game
12:44 13 for 16 1974 yards one touchdown 132 pass rate and three scrambles for how many how many yards how many yards?
12:51 174 in the second half. Okay and 51
12:56 52 same when he hit the dude in the face. I'm sorry. That's true, too
13:00 I'm sorry, he hit the dude in the face Ryan. That was the play of the game. I look he won the game
13:06 I'm not taking anything away from him. I gave him a solid B, but he hit him in the face
13:10 That was the play of the game it's not like where Eli Manning hit David Tyree and David Tyree caught it against his helmet like
13:18 You know, that's a good throw like you hit it should have been a pick and even if it wasn't a pick
13:24 If that was just incomplete his quarterback rating would have been what 70 something. Ah
13:29 You know what though? He I what you don't know is in the huddle. He called off of dudes face
13:35 Exactly - Brandon. I you trick shot
13:38 *Outro Music*
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13:42 (upbeat music)
