• last year
What inspired Kayla Braud to leave TV and become Alabama's assistant coach
00:00 For Kayla, since this is the first time we've gotten to talk to you, just take us through
00:03 why coming back to Alabama and getting a coaching after doing TV was the right decision for you?
00:08 Yeah, I think first of all,
00:10 the decision came out of nowhere a little bit. I thought Coach Allie, Coach Allison Habits was
00:16 gonna ride off to the sunset with Murph, gonna retire with him, and was gonna be around.
00:20 So it was definitely not something I was expecting, but something in the back of my head,
00:25 Coach Allie asked me a few years ago, "Would you ever get a coaching?" and I said, "No, except for one job,
00:30 and you have it, so I can't get in until you're done." And she remembered that, and so when this job opened up,
00:37 she told Murph about it, and I think that's one of the reasons that he called me. But you know for me,
00:44 I think from a TV perspective, you're just, you're sitting on the outside of it.
00:48 It's a great place to be. You can be objective, win or lose, you can be happy.
00:52 But what I was really missing was the one-on-one
00:55 conversations with young women, helping them develop into the best players and people that they can be. And I just wanted to be in those moments
01:02 of celebrating, because it meant so much to me, and
01:05 everything that I am really was owed to Alabama softball, who I am, my career.
01:11 I became the young woman I am today because of Alabama softball,
01:14 and I just wanted to pay it forward to these young women sitting next to me.
