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Đây là một hình thức video podcast, không chỉ là kể chuyện bằng hình ảnh như các show truyền hình hiện có, không cần nhìn nhưng vẫn đủ thẩm thấu câu chuyện. Và không chỉ nhìn mà còn lắng đọng được vào chiều sâu câu chuyện mà các bạn cùng đối thoại với nhau dưới góc nhìn cá nhân. Thông qua góc nhìn đó, có thể thấy được cá tính, tư duy cũng như trải nghiệm và thái độ của gen Z - Một thế hệ có nhiều chênh vênh trong đời.

Ở tập phát sóng tuần này, MON HOÀNG ANH & VIỆT THI sẽ cùng đồng hành với Nhà sáng tạo nội dung Hải Vót để cùng lắng nghe những quan điểm về thể hiện cái tôi lúc nào là đúng.
Khi gen Z là một thế hệ đề cao việc định vị bản thân, vậy khi nào thì nên thể hiện, và khi nào thì không? Và liệu rằng người lớn có hiểu sai về cái tôi gen Z? Tất cả sẽ được bóc tách trong cuộc trò chuyện tuần này!

Ztalk phát sóng vào 20H00 Thứ Sáu hàng tuần trên kênh Youtube MCV Media

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Ztalk #3 | Thể hiện "cái tôi" có phải là "cái tội"
#MonHoangAnh #VietThi #Ztalk #MCVMedia #MCVNetwork #mcvmedia

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► BẠN MUỐN HẸN HÒ – FULL: https://bit.ly/BanMuonHenHo_Full
​►VỢ CHỒNG SON - FULL: https://bit.ly/VOCHONGSON2022
►TÌNH TRĂM NĂM - FULL: https://bit.ly/TINHTRAMNAM2022

Website: http://mcv.com.vn
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00:16 Z-Talk.
02:11 If you hear it, what do you think?
02:12 If you think "I'm guilty", I think it's "if you show the wrong side, it's guilt"
02:18 Yeah! OK!
02:20 So to understand more about Mr. Hai Voc and Mon and Viet Thi's thoughts
02:24 let's come to...
02:26 Z-talk!
02:27 This is the type of friend who often wants to think personally
02:35 or wants to keep a straight face without showing that thought to everyone
02:40 There are times when I don't dare to show my thoughts to everyone
02:46 but I regret it when it's gone
02:49 So now I will try to show it
02:53 Like... because you use social media a lot
02:57 do you often show yourself more on social media?
03:02 Or when you're out, when you're talking, do you show your feelings more?
03:06 I'm close to everyone, so I will show my feelings more
03:10 There are times when I'm on social media, I'm out of my life
03:14 and there are times when I'm not like that
03:19 I'm still me on social media
03:20 I don't show too much
03:22 I show what I have
03:24 For example, on social media, it's about 50-60%
03:26 It's the same on the outside, but it's 100%
03:29 When I show it, I feel like I have my own value
03:33 Do you think like me?
03:34 Oh... I...
03:37 For me, for my job, for the people around me
03:41 I dare to...
03:42 There are times when...
03:44 Because I had it before
03:47 I always wanted to prove myself
03:50 I thought it was fun
03:52 Then people shared that I was new and it was too fast
03:56 Then gradually, I got a lot of suggestions
03:59 I calmed down
04:01 A few years ago, about 3-4 years ago, I went to...
04:04 Here, this is the company I went to for the casting
04:08 At that time, I hadn't had plastic surgery or anything
04:11 I always liked to play big roles in the casting
04:15 It was about 5 minutes for one person to introduce...
04:20 Not even an hour?
04:21 No, 20 minutes
04:23 I was still promoted for the casting, but I played a small role
04:28 [Who is the most popular girl in your company?]
04:31 Ok, next, I have 2 cards here
04:36 These cards show 2 opposing sides
04:40 You can stick it on me or show me
04:43 I'll pick one
04:45 You can stick it on or show it
04:48 So we can discuss about the topic we want to talk about
04:53 We have to show it first
04:55 Ok, I'll stick it on
04:57 Mr. Hai, is there anything you want to show everyone?
05:01 You know that your actions will be criticized or criticized
05:07 I want to show many things now
05:13 I'm afraid to show it, so I'm a bit shy
05:18 I had friends before
05:22 I wanted to show them
05:25 I was living abroad, I wanted to show them that they're my good friends
05:30 But my parents banned me, so I had to stick it on
05:33 I had to stick it on
05:35 I stuck it on and followed my parents
05:38 Did you feel disappointed?
05:40 My parents always thought for me, but I didn't know if it was disappointment
05:46 I was sad and I couldn't go to my friends' parties
05:53 It was a loss of freedom
05:54 I rarely showed my actions, but it was worth it
05:57 For example, I never asked my parents about my plastic surgery
06:02 I had to ask them about it
06:04 I didn't ask them, I just went
06:07 I thought I'd look good if I did it, so I applied BB cream
06:10 You look good now
06:13 Yes, but I didn't look good at that time
06:15 - Yes, you just got a new job - It took half a year
06:18 People said I was stressed and couldn't go to work
06:24 I wanted to show them
06:26 I wanted to change, I had to do it to look good, they didn't understand me
06:29 But they didn't understand me
06:31 When they accepted you, you didn't say anything, you just hid it
06:36 Yes
06:37 When you stuck it on, did you think that people like you were forced?
06:43 I thought I was forced, but I didn't think about people around me
06:49 When I lost my job, I didn't dare to face myself
06:54 I didn't dare to tell my family and parents
06:58 I just wandered around, went to internet cafes and other places
07:02 I waited for the chance to come to me
07:04 I did it to make my parents feel better
07:10 I felt so helpless, I just wandered around
07:16 I showed too much, so it became negative
07:21 What do you think about negative effects of a high ego?
07:29 Everyone wants to attack the ego, not to be too high
07:34 People want to control their ego, but they can't do it
07:39 Yes
07:39 People in B36, including people around me, and all of my friends
07:44 We're in the age of education
07:49 To be a teacher, you have to do something big and high
07:53 I think I should be controlled in the smartest way
07:56 So that our relationship can last longer and be more stable
07:58 I've worked with many people in the same job
08:02 It's a bit different
08:05 I'm just saying a bit, they're more practical
08:09 I record 10 videos for you, what do I get from 10 videos?
08:12 If you record 10 videos, what do I get?
08:14 How?
08:15 People will show it
08:17 [What if you get a tattoo?]
08:20 You'll get a tattoo
08:22 You'll get a tattoo, I'll get a tattoo, you'll get a tattoo
08:26 Let's see which one you get, which one I get
08:30 If you get a tail, you get a car, we get a car
08:33 Ok?
08:34 It's so good
08:38 Ok
08:40 Ok, take it off
08:42 Take it off and read it?
08:44 Yes, take it off and read it
08:45 I've cried because I was not recognized by others
08:48 Actually, it's not recognized much
08:51 For example, some shows that I participated in
08:56 They said I was a jamba, I made jamba videos
09:01 But I was on a show like this, they were so disappointed
09:06 But I accepted it
09:08 I saw you were a jamba
09:10 Yes, I was a jamba
09:11 Yes, I was a jamba, I saw you were a jamba
09:16 I have a friend, Lien
09:19 Yes, I know Lien
09:20 Lien is less older than me, she's more jealous and shows her ego more
09:25 She posted comments on her social media
09:28 I turned it on and turned off the channel
09:32 Poor her!
09:35 Everyone on TV, TikTok, turn on Lien's channel to help her!
09:40 How does Gen Z's ego show when they are criticized?
09:46 It's hard to say
09:47 I think you should say it first
09:49 I think it's hard to say
09:51 Yes
09:52 It depends on people, Gen Z is different from each other
09:58 I saw it and I think it's ok
10:02 It doesn't matter who is the boss or the staff
10:06 It's like "I'm in this situation, I'm in that situation"
10:12 "I think I can't handle the boss"
10:13 I think they won't calm down, they'll try to understand
10:19 They'll show it
10:21 They'll show it in the cases I've met
10:24 Do you think it's the reason why adults look down on Gen Z?
10:29 I'm Gen Z, I also look down on them
10:35 Honestly
10:36 Yes, there are thoughts like you, but there are also other thoughts
10:42 There are thoughts like we have to respect people who go first, we don't need to know if they're right or wrong
10:47 But there are people who think they're right, they won't limit themselves
10:54 I know people who are afraid of Tuyen
10:59 I feel ashamed because I haven't made adults understand me
11:04 Why do we force them to understand us when we don't understand them?
11:07 That's why when we say "I'm right about this and that"
11:13 "I'm right about the boss or the staff"
11:16 We don't understand their story
11:18 Maybe they need to set such rules for themselves
11:23 It means we don't understand them enough, they don't understand us enough
11:26 I think we have to understand the previous generation more
11:32 What do you think of adults who say things like that?
11:39 They look at me, not you
11:43 You two can talk
11:45 When you're like that, I think you should choose to be gentle
11:54 It's hard
11:55 Be gentle, calm down and talk
11:57 Share
11:58 Share with each other
12:00 Another important thing is to prove your ability
12:02 Yes
12:03 Because I have a friend who is working in a new company
12:09 He used to be jealous of his job
12:11 But now he's like other people
12:15 When he goes to work, he has to leave at 7 or 8
12:19 But he's good at his job
12:23 Good
12:24 He's very good
12:25 I see
12:25 She said he could do it, he was good
12:31 She didn't know it, he wasn't jealous
12:36 She said he had a good way of living, he could do it, he was good at it, he could improve himself
12:47 He could improve himself, he was good at it
12:49 For example, he could do 5 jobs but he could do 7 jobs
12:56 He could do 7 jobs, I think he should show his ability to others
13:04 They can see it and respect him more
13:06 It's what adults often say about us
13:10 But who knows, there's jealousy and a quiet and humble nature
13:16 I'm 23 years old, I just graduated
13:19 I'm full of enthusiasm with my first job
13:22 I'm a media for a personal business
13:25 You're a media for a personal business
13:28 Yes
13:29 It's a nightmare when a huge amount of money and a job
13:36 I can only sleep 2-3 hours a day
13:39 Gosh
13:39 Because I have to work late at night
13:41 But I try to earn enough money to support my family
13:45 I protect my personal identity for...
13:48 What does it say?
13:49 Task
13:52 For tasks that I have ideas
13:54 But adults force me to do it with their rights and experience
13:59 The bad things are even if I fix them 7 times, 7 times, 4 times, 9 times
14:04 I've seen this one
14:05 Gosh, about my old ideas
14:09 When I was busy with my job, with my ideas, adults told me
14:16 My job results are being criticized and criticized
14:21 What's wrong with me when I'm so emotional
14:25 I want to argue and quit my job to be like this
14:29 I just want to be wise, I'm jealous, I want to protect my opinion
14:33 But I'm jealous and I want to be respected
14:35 I'm ready to hear the fix, so don't take photos of my nose, it's so bad
14:40 Ah
14:42 I've seen this one
14:45 I sent a job to a team
14:49 They sent me so many fixes
14:51 So many fixes that I was confused
14:55 I was sleeping at midnight
14:57 I sent feedbacks and they sent me back
15:00 They sent me back at night or I kept waiting
15:03 They fixed and fixed, I thought it was not right
15:08 Why did they fix the direction that I told them not to do?
15:12 Finally, they returned my idea
15:15 But I was angry
15:19 I was angry and I thought it was wrong
15:23 But I thought I should calm down, they spent a lot of money on me
15:28 They needed my feedback, I had to respond
15:30 I just had to listen to them and follow them
15:34 Finally, I finished my job
15:36 When I showed that I couldn't stand it anymore
15:39 I said "No, why did they do that to me? I couldn't stand it, I quit"
15:44 I lost my job and money
15:47 But in this story
15:50 I can see that
15:55 He worked in a...
15:59 He worked in a...
16:00 He worked in a...
16:01 He worked in a...
16:02 He forced himself to work
16:04 He had to work to earn money
16:06 He forced himself to work to earn money
16:08 It was so bad
16:11 Maybe because they didn't know how to work
16:17 I had to follow them
16:19 I'm a bit confused
16:21 I'm Gen Z, I have the right to show myself
16:26 But I have to look at people around me to show myself
16:31 I have to look at people around me to show myself
16:35 I don't know why
16:38 I think maybe he couldn't share his story with them
16:44 I think he was a grown-up and had experience in this field
16:50 I've had that case
16:53 Sometimes I want to show my story
16:55 But people say "I don't think people watch this content anymore"
16:59 "People don't watch it anymore"
17:01 I really want to do it
17:03 But they say "I have experience in this field, people watch it"
17:08 "I'm not doing it, I'm older than you"
17:11 I don't know what the situation is
17:15 In my case, people say they have experience in this field
17:20 They want to make me better
17:22 But I want to do what I like
17:25 How did you make Gen Z like us
17:29 How did you make Gen Z like us
17:33 That's a hard question
17:35 I'm just thinking, what do you think?
17:38 How did I make Gen Z like us?
17:41 First, I think I should be gentle with people's opinions
17:47 They give me the chance to learn
17:50 Then I can prove my ability
17:53 Then I can discuss the issues they told me before
17:59 I think that's the best way to integrate with the previous generation
18:03 I can't be gentle
18:05 I can't be gentle
18:06 I'll be defeated if I'm gentle
18:08 I'll be forced to think about other people's opinions
18:11 I can't be gentle
18:12 What if I'm not?
18:14 It's related to the next generation
18:17 The best way is to integrate
18:21 In this case, I think you should still show your ability
18:25 Yes, exactly
18:26 But you have to be smart and make people understand
18:29 Don't be too tense
18:32 Be gentle, calm down, or you'll lose your job
18:34 Your mom won't cook for you
18:35 I mean, you have to love your family
18:39 Yes
18:40 She loves her family
18:42 She has to work for her family
18:44 So you have to be gentle
18:46 It's hard for Gen Z to control their tension
18:50 You're right, I'm a difficult person
18:54 You said you'd say it all
18:59 I have to win even if I'm wrong
19:03 I've seen it in your group
19:07 She's wrong
19:09 She's wrong
19:10 You two argue
19:12 I'm wrong
19:13 She apologized and apologized
19:15 I mean, I can't control myself
19:21 Wait, I'll arrange the words
19:24 I think you're a teacher
19:26 I'm just saying
19:28 I can control myself
19:30 I think you're a bit tense
19:32 You were a bit tense
19:36 Because she talked too much
19:38 She was so angry
19:41 She said it all
19:44 I remember what I want to say
19:46 I think you should learn to control yourself
19:53 I think you should just show yourself
19:55 But you have to learn to control yourself
19:58 Learn to be moral
20:01 You have to think about how to not be too harsh on yourself
20:07 You have to learn everything
20:10 I thought I could do it in 3 steps
20:16 But maybe it's 5-6 steps
20:20 That's it
20:21 I think you should learn to control yourself
20:26 You have to learn to show yourself
20:31 What do you think about your future career choices?
20:38 I'll show my thoughts in my work
20:45 I'll show my thoughts in my work
20:47 I'll show my thoughts in my team
20:55 I'll prove my ability to replace these two
21:01 You're so full of yourself
21:03 I'll show my...
21:04 I'll show my...
21:05 I'll show my...
21:06 You're showing your ego
21:08 I'm just kidding
21:10 I'll show my ego in my work
21:14 I'll show my thoughts in my work
21:15 I'll show my thoughts in my work
21:16 I'll show my thoughts in my work
21:17 I'll show my thoughts in my work
21:18 People can't recognize me
21:20 People say I fly too far
21:22 People say I fly too far
21:23 People say I fly too far
21:24 I'll prove to them that I can do it
21:27 You fly too far
21:29 I can't show my ego to the people I love
21:37 I'm so angry that I lose my mind
21:39 Ok
21:40 It's so fun to talk to you today
21:43 We've gone deep into the topic
21:46 I hope we can have more chances to meet
21:49 I hope we can have more chances to meet
21:50 Ok
21:51 I'm just kidding
21:52 Thank you for coming to the show
21:58 Thank you for listening to the show
22:01 Goodbye and see you again
22:04 She's afraid of me
22:05 She doesn't let me say anything
22:06 She's afraid of me
22:07 Thank you so much
22:11 How do you feel when you hear what you haven't shared before?
22:16 I'm...
22:18 I'm...
22:19 I'm...
22:20 I'm serious
22:21 I'm serious
22:22 When I first heard the show format, I was so excited
22:29 When I first heard the show format, I was so excited
22:30 People said I could be myself
22:33 I thought I would be like other shows
22:36 People said I would be like other shows
22:37 People said I would be like other shows
22:38 Other shows are so noisy
22:39 This show is about what I'm experiencing
22:43 This show is about what I'm experiencing
22:44 I'll look back at my ego
22:47 I'll look back at my ego after this show
22:50 I'll look back at my ego after this show
22:51 I'll look back at my ego after this show
22:52 I'll look back at my ego after this show
22:53 I'll look back at my ego after this show
22:54 I'll look back at my ego after this show
22:55 I'll look back at my ego after this show
22:56 I'll look back at my ego after this show
22:57 I'll look back at my ego after this show
22:58 I'll look back at my ego after this show
22:59 I'll look back at my ego after this show
23:00 I'll look back at my ego after this show
23:01 I'll look back at my ego after this show
23:02 I'll look back at my ego after this show
23:03 I'll look back at my ego after this show
23:04 I'll look back at my ego after this show
23:05 I'll look back at my ego after this show
23:06 I'll look back at my ego after this show
23:07 I'll look back at my ego after this show
23:08 I'm Mon Hoang Anh and Hai Vo
23:10 Goodbye and see you again!
23:12 Bye!
23:13 Woo!
23:14 (laughing)
23:15 (upbeat music)
23:15 (upbeat music)
23:20 (upbeat music)
23:25 (upbeat music)
23:30 (upbeat music)
23:33 (upbeat music)
23:38 (upbeat music)
23:43 (upbeat music)
23:48 (upbeat music)