FTS 16:30 23-01: Venezuelan people reject the conspiratorial actions of the ultra-right wing

  • 9 months ago
In Venezuela citizens mobilize to support the Nicolas Maduro government // In Haiti the security crisis affecting the nation continues to aggravate // The Israeli military forces raid Khan Yunis in southern Gaza. teleSUR
00:03 In Venezuela, citizens mobilized in support
00:10 of Nicolás Maduro's government and to reject the far-right's
00:13 conspiratorial actions.
00:15 In Haiti, the security crisis affecting the nation
00:21 continues to aggravate with violent paramilitary groups
00:24 controlling over 80% of the capital.
00:29 And the Israeli military forces raid
00:31 Khan Junis in southern Gaza as hundreds of thousands
00:34 are forced to move yet again.
00:36 Hello, and welcome to From the South.
00:42 I'm Alejandra Garcia from Telecir Studios in Havana, Cuba.
00:45 We begin with the news.
00:47 In Venezuela, citizens mobilized in support
00:49 of the government of Nicolás Maduro
00:51 and in rejection of the conspiratorial actions
00:54 of sectors of the extreme right.
00:56 The leadership of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela
00:59 announced this mobilization as the first stage
01:02 of the Bolivarian Fury plan and that they
01:05 will have a series of marches starting this Tuesday
01:08 and will continue until February 4.
01:11 Some spokesmen revealed that the mobilization is nationwide.
01:15 And in the city of Caracas, it will start from the east zone
01:18 to the center of the capital.
01:20 They also explained that the mobilization
01:22 will be so that there will be no more betrayals to the people,
01:27 but also in rejection to terrorism, to violence,
01:31 to warimba, and for the peace of all the Venezuelans.
01:35 In Venezuela, they commemorate 66 years
01:42 of the fall of the dictatorship of General Pérez Jiménez
01:45 and to vindicate the matters of that memorable feat.
01:49 The fall of the dictatorship was the result
01:51 of the union of the people and the military leaders
01:54 of the time, who rose up against the government of Marco PĂ©rez
01:57 Jiménez, against liberalism, against the violation
02:01 of human rights, and to recover the country's democracy.
02:04 After the overthrow of the military dictatorship,
02:07 every January 23 since 1958 is commemorated
02:11 as the Day of Democracy, a day that
02:13 marks the history and the political and social identity
02:17 of the Venezuelan people.
02:23 Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro
02:25 denounced on Monday that some sectors of the opposition
02:29 seek to promote scenarios of violence and uncertainty
02:32 in the country.
02:33 The accusation was made during the president's TV program
02:36 Con Maduro Mas, where the head of the state
02:39 stressed that the objective is to blame him
02:42 for the violent incidents created.
02:44 Maduro said those sectors are betting on a coup d'etat
02:48 to jump to power and generate violence,
02:50 that they also bet on assassination
02:52 and economic and psychological warfare to create chaos
02:56 and make people desperate.
02:58 The Bolivarian leader reiterated that the people knew
03:01 who the true responsible for the sanctions were
03:04 and who the criminals that have attacked
03:06 the stability of the economy and the country were,
03:09 and highlighted the revolutionary character
03:11 of the Venezuelans.
03:12 The president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro,
03:19 affirmed that the arrival of the Southern Command in Ecuador
03:22 will bring much more violence to the country.
03:25 I have said with much respect to President Novoa,
03:32 President Novoa, do not open the doors of your country
03:36 to the devil.
03:37 Tell me, President Novoa, people of Ecuador,
03:40 a single country in the world where the United States have
03:43 helped to stabilize-- take Colombia as an example.
03:47 After 30 years of Plan Colombia, Colombia has more peace
03:52 or has less peace?
03:54 Colombia has more mafia or less mafia?
03:57 Colombia has more drug trafficking or less drug
03:59 trafficking?
04:00 Where the United States arrives, chaos prevails.
04:04 I tell you, it would not be the South Command President Novoa
04:08 ever who will bring peace and true security
04:11 with full respect to the constitution
04:13 of the Ecuadorian people.
04:14 It would not be.
04:16 It is a blunder to take that step.
04:18 I have modestly tell you, if you want to talk, President Novoa,
04:22 if you want to talk to me, then I
04:24 can tell you how Venezuela, with the Venezuelan national
04:27 doctrine, with its own forces, with its own effort,
04:31 without the DEA, without the North American military
04:34 mission that would kick them out of Venezuela,
04:37 Venezuela has built the basis for a new security,
04:39 respecting the people without repression.
04:43 The Venezuelan head of state, Nicolás Maduro,
04:46 lamented the death of Colombian Senator Piedad CĂłrdova
04:49 and highlighted her important work in her country's politics.
04:53 Piedad was a great friend of Venezuela, of Commander Chavez,
05:00 and a great friend of mine, and of Celia, a great companion,
05:07 a great friend of the house, I can say,
05:09 who suffered all the persecution,
05:11 dirty campaigns, for being the first black woman
05:14 leader that emerged in the Colombian political panorama, who
05:21 arrived to Congress with a brave voice.
05:24 He was kidnapped and almost assassinated
05:27 by the paramilitaries of Castaño.
05:30 Persecuted, he was subjected to many attacks
05:33 and permanent campaign in the media,
05:36 and now in the networks, against her moral.
05:39 President Petro said something that really moved me.
05:42 He said, the body and mind of Piedad
05:44 could not stand so much persecution.
05:47 She left us all of a sudden.
05:50 The Ecuadorian government held a meeting with US authorities
05:54 on the pretext of addressing the internal armed conflict
05:57 in the country.
05:58 This Monday, President Daniel Novoa
06:00 met in the city of Quito with US Senators Christopher Dodd
06:03 and General Laura Richardson.
06:05 The meeting was also attended by the Ecuadorian Foreign Minister
06:08 Gabriela Sommerfeld and the Ministers of the Security
06:11 Axis.
06:12 A statement issued by the Ecuadorian presidency
06:15 explains that both parties agreed
06:17 to increase cooperation in security and defense.
06:20 Analysts and social organizations
06:22 warned that the security crisis that Ecuador is going through
06:25 and the declaration of an internal armed conflict
06:28 could be an opportunity for the United States
06:31 to increase its military presence and sale of armament
06:34 to the South American country.
06:39 - We have just had the meeting with the authorities coming
06:46 from the United States.
06:47 And it is a motive of satisfaction
06:49 to be able to receive the visit of the Special Envoy
06:52 for the Americas of President Joseph Biden, Christopher
06:56 Dodd, and the Commander of the United States Southern Command,
07:00 General Laura Richardson.
07:03 The presence of these high authorities in Ecuador
07:05 is a powerful and concrete political signal of support
07:09 from the United States to the management of President Daniel
07:13 Novoa in the non-international armed conflict
07:16 against terrorism.
07:18 - In the past days, Haiti's security crisis
07:21 has worsened with violent paramilitary groups controlling
07:24 over 80% of the nation's capital.
07:27 Last Friday, armed men in Port-au-Prince
07:30 raided a key community that is home to numerous police
07:33 officers and has been under siege for several days
07:36 and in a continuing attack, with residents
07:39 fearful of the violence spreading throughout the city.
07:42 Also on Friday, armed groups kidnapped six nuns
07:45 in the center of the Haitian capital
07:47 and have demanded the payment of $3 million
07:50 as ransom after Pope Francis himself
07:54 asked for the release of the nuns
07:56 and the other two people captured.
07:58 To date, hundreds of thousands have
08:00 been displaced from their neighborhoods
08:02 and are internal refugees forced to live in stadiums, schools,
08:06 or public squares.
08:07 In this context, thousands of Haitians
08:09 have taken to the streets to protest
08:11 against the government of Ariel Henry
08:13 due to the serious humanitarian situation
08:15 that the country is going through.
08:17 Let's take a short break, but remember,
08:23 you can join us on TikTok at @TelesurEnglish,
08:25 where you'll find news in different formats, news
08:27 updates, and more.
08:29 Other stories coming up.
08:30 Stay with us.
08:33 Welcome back.
08:56 On Monday in Mexico, the Secretary of Foreign Affairs,
08:59 Alicia Varza, called for an investigation
09:02 into the entry to Mexican territory
09:04 of weapons of exclusive use of the United States military.
09:08 Meanwhile, the government of Andres Manuel LĂłpez Obrador
09:11 has already filed two lawsuits against US firearms
09:14 manufacturers and distributors.
09:16 For his part, the United States Ambassador to Mexico,
09:19 Ken Salazar, declared that the White House seeks
09:22 to combat the flow of arms and that they are aware that 70%
09:28 of the arms that enter Mexico are linked to US producers.
09:32 According to official data, more than half a million arms
09:35 are trafficked annually from the United States to Mexico.
09:38 There is one very important thing,
09:47 and that is that the Department of Defense
09:49 has warned the United States about the entry of weapons
09:52 into Mexico that are for the exclusive use of the US
09:56 military.
09:57 It is very urgent that an investigation is carried out.
10:00 In this context, Mexican Secretary of Foreign Affairs,
10:03 Alicia Varza, through her account in the Social Network
10:07 X, referred to a favorable ruling for Mexico
10:10 in relation to arms trafficking to her country
10:12 from the United States.
10:14 In this sense, Varza pointed out that the Court
10:16 of Appeals of the First Circuit of the United States
10:19 ruled in favor of Mexico in its lawsuit
10:22 against arms manufacturers, which
10:24 allows her government to sue the US arms manufacturers.
10:27 In this regard, Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Alicia Varza,
10:30 described the decision as great news.
10:33 In Argentina, there are only a few hours
10:42 left for the first national general strike
10:45 against the administration of President Javier Milley,
10:47 and the confrontations between the government and the union
10:50 leaders are getting harder.
10:52 The leader of the General Confederation of Labor, CGT,
10:55 Pablo Moyano, replied to the Minister of Security, Patricia
10:59 Bullrich, that the march to the Congress on January 24
11:02 will be uncontrollable due to the number of mobilized
11:06 workers.
11:06 With this statement, the leader of the CGT
11:09 warned the government that nobody
11:11 will run the workers with fines or with military forces.
11:16 Then, the President Javier Milley
11:17 assured that those who call for the protest
11:20 defend what he called a populist model that
11:23 generated a country with 50% of poor people and 10%
11:28 of indigents.
11:29 The Central of Workers in Argentina
11:31 replied to Milley that his omnibus law repeats
11:34 the failed recipes of the dictatorship,
11:37 the '90s neoliberalism, and the Macri administration.
11:40 In this context, the Argentine government
11:47 will send to the Congress a bill to reintroduce the country's
11:51 income tax.
11:52 The measure will be called a personal income tax
11:55 and will contemplate a non-taxable minimum of $1,350,000,
12:02 which will also be adjusted on a quarterly basis
12:05 through the Consumer Price Index.
12:07 The bill contemplates that the executive power will
12:10 retain the power to modify the amounts of scales
12:14 so that at least 800,000 people will have to pay the tax again.
12:19 This type of proposals cause alerts
12:21 in workers' unions who assure that the bill damages
12:25 the workers' rights.
12:26 We have a second short break coming up,
12:32 but before we invite you to join our WhatsApp community
12:34 for our English-speaking audience,
12:36 you can scan the QR code on screen to join directly
12:39 and share the link to reach more people.
12:41 Constant news, coverage of Latin America and the Caribbean,
12:44 as well as the rest of the world.
12:46 Stay connected and inform Telesur.
12:48 Final short break.
12:49 Don't go away.
13:23 Welcome back to From the South.
13:25 In Palestine, at least 195 civilians
13:28 were killed by the Israeli occupation forces
13:30 during the last 24 hours in the Gaza Strip.
13:33 According to the Gaza Health Ministry,
13:35 these assassinations took place during 22 massacres
13:38 perpetrated by troops of the Tel Aviv regime
13:41 in the last 24 hours, most of them in the city of Kanjenis,
13:45 where the Zionist army is concentrated in its offensive
13:49 and is holding the two main hospitals in the area, Nasr
13:53 and Al-Amal, under siege.
13:55 According to the health authority,
13:56 these acts also left 354 wounded,
14:00 while warning that these figures could be even higher,
14:03 since numerous victims are still under the rubble.
14:06 According to the latest count by the Gaza Health Ministry,
14:09 25,490 Palestinians have been killed by Israel since October.
14:21 Meanwhile, the situation in Gaza continues to deteriorate
14:24 for the Palestinians.
14:26 The Palestinian Health Ministry has reported 200 deaths so far,
14:29 as the Israeli attacks continue.
14:31 Our teller correspondent, Noor Harassin, with the details.
14:36 In its latest statement, the Palestinian Health Ministry
14:39 said that more than 200 people were killed in the Gaza Strip
14:44 today.
14:45 Most of them were killed, actually,
14:46 in the city of Kanjenis due to the very heavy Israeli attacks
14:50 on eastern Kanjenis and also central Kanjenis.
14:54 However, shortly after that statement,
14:56 the Palestinian Health Ministry reported
14:58 that 12 more bodies were found in the streets of Kanjenis,
15:02 adding the fact that there is still dozens of people,
15:06 their bodies are thrown in the streets
15:08 or still stuck under the rubble of their destroyed homes
15:11 that were not evacuated.
15:12 And that's why their numbers were not
15:15 added to the daily casualties of the day.
15:20 This is the situation here in Gaza,
15:23 as more Palestinians who were firstly displaced to Kanjenis
15:29 are now fleeing again.
15:31 Actually, some people have evacuated twice, three times,
15:35 four times, five times, running for their safety
15:38 as Israel continues to strike green areas, places
15:42 where they asked Palestinians to evacuate to.
15:46 Meanwhile, the humanitarian situation here in Gaza
15:49 is deteriorating, as Palestinians
15:51 have very little to live with.
15:54 The winter is also biting very hard on the Palestinians
15:58 here in Gaza, as most of the displaced people
16:00 are actually living in tents, in plastic and wooden tents
16:04 that would not even protect them from the winter or the cold.
16:09 Norhazen Tilesur, Gaza.
16:13 Yemen was attacked by a new round of missiles
16:15 launched by United States and United Kingdom fighter jets
16:18 and ships.
16:19 In a statement, the British government
16:21 reported that on Monday night, four Royal Air Force
16:25 typhoons, supported by a pair of Voyage tankers,
16:28 joined the US forces in a deliberate attack
16:31 on Houthi locations.
16:33 The note details that the strikes, which
16:35 were supported by Australia, Bahrain, Canada,
16:37 and the Netherlands, targeted eight targets in the Arab
16:41 country.
16:41 The offensive comes after the Houthis
16:44 claimed on Monday to have attacked the US military cargo
16:47 ship Ocean Jazz in the Gulf of Aden.
16:50 The joint operation comes about 10 days
16:52 after US and British warships and fighter jets
16:55 struck more than 60 targets in 28 locations.
16:59 That was the first US military attack
17:01 to what has been a response to Houthi drones and missile
17:05 attacks on commercial ships since the start of the Israel-Hamas
17:09 conflict in October.
17:10 For his part, a leader of the popular Ansar Allah movement
17:18 assured that Yemen will continue to support
17:20 the Palestinian people and that they will not
17:23 give in to these attacks of the United States and the United
17:26 Kingdom.
17:27 Through his account on social network X,
17:29 Mohamed Al-Bukhaiti, one of the members of Ansar Allah
17:34 political bureau in Yemen, stressed
17:36 that the American and British air strikes are now on Sanaa.
17:39 He also highlighted that no matter how much they bomb,
17:44 their military operations against Israel
17:47 will continue until they put an end to the crimes of genocide
17:50 in Gaza and allow the entry of food, medicine, and fuel
17:54 to its besieged population.
18:02 In Cameroon, authorities launched
18:04 the first systematic childhood vaccination campaign
18:07 against malaria.
18:08 This is the world's first routine childhood malaria
18:11 vaccination campaign and is expected
18:14 to be extended this year to some 20 African countries.
18:17 Children in 42 districts of Cameroon
18:20 will receive the vaccine after it has been successfully
18:23 tested in pilot programs in Kenya, Ghana, and Malawi
18:27 between 2019 and 2023.
18:30 95% of malaria cases occur in Africa each year,
18:34 as well as 96% of death, and Cameroon
18:37 is one of the most affected countries.
18:39 In France, farmers maintained protest
18:46 demanding better working conditions amid promised answers
18:50 from the government.
18:52 The farmers blocked highways and roads
18:54 with tractors in several points of the country.
18:56 The movement affirmed that it will maintain the actions
18:59 throughout the week and for as long as necessary
19:02 while they wait for the demands to be met.
19:05 Prime Minister Gabriel Attal promised quick answers
19:08 that have not yet been received by the farmers.
19:11 The mobilized farmers denounced the impact of inflation
19:15 on their daily work, the low salaries,
19:17 the environmental norms that they consider very severe,
19:20 and the increase in the cost of fuel.
19:26 In Germany, railway workers announced an extension
19:30 of the general strike to demand better wages and other labor
19:33 rights amid a scenario of confrontation.
19:36 This is the fourth strike in the current wage dispute, which
19:40 is called to begin at 6 p.m.
19:42 local time this Tuesday and is expected to last until Monday,
19:45 January 29.
19:47 The mobilized workers reiterated their demand
19:49 for better wage conditions, considering insufficient
19:53 the proposals received from the railway companies,
19:57 in which they were offered the option of one hour less work
20:00 of four drivers and train attendants
20:03 from the beginning of 2026, as well as 4.8% increase in salary
20:09 as from August and another 5% as of April 2025.
20:13 In addition to the wage increases,
20:15 the workers are demanding a reduction in working hours
20:19 from 38 to 35 hours a week, with no reduction in pay,
20:24 something Deutsche Bahn has so far refused to do so.
20:27 We remain in Germany, where at least 10,000 jobs
20:37 in the construction sector could be cut amid the energy crisis.
20:41 The Industrial Construction Association
20:43 affirms that this is the first time
20:45 that the reduction of personnel will
20:47 be significant since the international financial crisis
20:51 of 2008, in which more than 700,000 workers lost
20:56 their jobs.
20:57 The organization points out, among other causes
20:59 of this situation, the drop in income
21:02 for housing construction and the reduction of purchasing power.
21:06 On the other hand, the increase in energy prices
21:08 as part of the measures implemented by the government
21:11 to face the current economic crisis.
21:14 In this context, citizens took to the streets in protest
21:17 against the actions of the extreme right wing,
21:20 led by the ultra-conservative party Alternative for Germany.
21:24 The news unleashed criticisms and discontent
21:27 among the citizens after the possible deportation
21:29 of some migrants with German citizenship was revealed.
21:33 Finally, local media reported that at least 100,000 people
21:37 in the cities of Frankfurt and Berlin
21:39 were deported to Germany.
21:41 And that at least 300,000 people in the cities of Frankfurt,
21:45 Hanover, and Dortmund mobilized in favor of democracy
21:49 in the country and rejected the attacks of the far right.
21:52 We have come to the end of this news brief.
21:59 But you can find this and many other stories
22:01 on our website at telecityenglish.net
22:04 and join us on social media, Facebook, Instagram, Telegram,
22:08 and TikTok.
22:09 For Telecity English, I'm Alejandra Garcia.
22:17 (upbeat music)
