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Background music provided by The Passion HiFi staff reviews the Starz TV Series Power.
Background music provided by The Passion HiFi
00:02 [Music]
00:04 Alright, so um
00:06 Wait a minute
00:08 I can't even get into it
00:10 They just finished showing the recap of um
00:12 The daughter getting killed
00:14 And I'm like
00:16 Kinda down right now
00:18 Yeah, it's part of the game
00:20 Yeah, I'm not looking forward to this
00:22 Episode
00:24 Well, this is the last time you have to hear the song
00:26 So, at least the last
00:28 Time, well for now
00:30 You know what makes me sad is that so many people did not participate
00:32 In the contest
00:34 Man, forget them, they don't want that power swag
00:36 Well, I'm keeping the power swag
00:38 For myself
00:40 Well, we can, we can, we can, we wanna give a shout out to a couple people
00:42 What's the name, dude
00:44 That writes us on YouTube?
00:46 Cap Harlem
00:48 Yeah, Cap Harlem
00:50 Shout out to Cap Harlem for always holding us down with the facts
00:52 Keeping us fresh with the information
00:54 You know, making sure we
00:56 Are legit with what we saying
00:58 So, shout out to Cap Harlem
01:00 And yeah, you know
01:02 We appreciate all the love on YouTube
01:04 Just keep the comments coming
01:06 And share with your friends and like
01:08 And we gonna keep bringing the realness
01:10 Yeah
01:12 Y'all know my part's coming up, I'm gonna try
01:14 Yeah, uh
01:16 Oh, oh, oh
01:20 Yeah
01:22 Come apart
01:24 Ow
01:26 I gotta make it
01:28 Shout out to
01:30 Don't trip, I said it
01:32 You know, she gave us a good shout out
01:34 I know it's too early to hate
01:36 In the episode
01:38 I'm sorry, stay a little bit too composed
01:40 No, no, no, no
01:42 No mother
01:44 Is gonna be sitting there, they would have had to have me on some sort of
01:46 Sedative
01:48 I would have been screaming and wailing
01:50 And passed out
01:52 I don't care if it's the freaking police
01:54 No
01:56 And freaking, freaking ghost
01:58 Is crazy, the only person that look legit
02:00 Is Tariq, like his eyes are like legitimately
02:02 Red and puffy
02:04 Like he's been crying, like he's doing an excellent
02:06 Job in the scene with the police
02:08 When he's being questioned
02:10 Alright, here's my problem with the scene
02:12 So, it's exactly what you said
02:14 But
02:16 I really wanted to see them get the news
02:18 That their daughter was dead
02:20 What type of bull crap is that, Courtney?
02:22 Like, we're just gonna start off with
02:24 They already found out when she was
02:26 She was boning the lawyer
02:28 And he's flirting with Angela
02:30 And they get this call that says your daughter's dead
02:32 That's what I wanna see
02:34 Right, we don't wanna see them
02:36 In the freaking police department, we wanna see the direct
02:38 Impact hit
02:40 What that looks like, Courtney
02:42 Unacceptable, Courtney
02:44 Was that too much to ask?
02:46 No, I don't think that was too much to ask
02:48 What, what they couldn't pull it off?
02:50 What the actors couldn't pull it off?
02:52 What was that?
02:54 But anyway, unacceptable also
02:56 That they are too composed
02:58 I don't give a crap, it's obviously the same night
03:00 You should not, as a mother
03:02 Be even anywhere near able to talk
03:04 If your daughter was killed
03:06 Everybody should be there, like crying their damn eyes out
03:08 Right, we should be totally seeing
03:10 Like the lead up to them sitting in there
03:12 We should be seeing people out in the hallway
03:14 We should be seeing crying
03:16 You know, where's the devastation and destruction?
03:18 No, Courtney
03:20 Absolutely not, no
03:22 That's not good
03:24 Alright, so we're at the scene
03:26 Where Tasha and Ghost
03:28 Are talking in the car
03:30 And everything, and Tasha's losing her mind
03:32 And I just wanna say
03:34 It's total bullshit
03:36 This scene is whack to me
03:38 Tasha says to Ghost
03:40 You dragged us back into this life
03:44 She should probably go watch season 1
03:46 He said he wanted to go look shit
03:48 And she was the one that was like
03:50 You know, she wanted to stay in the drug gang
03:52 Tommy wants to stay in the drug gang
03:54 Ghost is the only one
03:56 That wanted to get out of the drug gang
03:58 So now Tasha's like
04:00 You're dragging us back
04:02 Um, Tasha
04:04 I don't know, is this bad writing?
04:06 I'm still rekt over the composure
04:08 That's happening right now
04:10 Apparently, she said
04:12 Last night, so this happened
04:14 Last night
04:16 I still would be
04:18 Out of my mind and sedated by now
04:20 I would not be talking to anybody
04:22 I would not be riding in the car with him
04:24 I'm sorry, they would have to
04:26 Handle things without me
04:28 He would have to be the bigger man in the family
04:30 And be talking to the police
04:32 Because I would be completely out of my mind
04:34 Well actually both of them, I think maybe the mother
04:36 The mother should have made an appearance
04:38 Like she'll take care of the police thing
04:40 With Tyreke or whatever
04:42 Right, I don't understand how this is possible
04:44 I know somebody that lost a 19 year old son
04:46 And his wife did not speak for about 2 days
04:48 You know, there was nothing to say
04:50 So, you know
04:52 I'm just really not buying the story
04:54 And the acting
04:56 I don't know
04:58 I mean, Courtney
05:00 If you're going to go hard like that
05:02 And kill a kid
05:04 Then you need to freaking go hard
05:06 And make sure your actors are able to show
05:08 What that looks like in real life
05:10 Because I don't buy this
05:12 This is wack man
05:14 And since we're here
05:16 Let's just talk about Kanan rolling up on Tommy
05:18 Yeah, Kanan
05:20 That was cool
05:22 But, I think
05:24 If Kanan really thought Tommy rolled up on him
05:26 And he knows Tommy's a killer
05:28 I don't think he would have rolled up like that per say
05:30 Yeah, yeah, that was fun
05:32 I didn't find it funny
05:34 That was kind of cool how he was like
05:36 I like Tommy, he don't be scared of nobody
05:38 Trying to kill him
05:40 Alright, let's hope for the better
05:42 Alright, so
05:44 There's a lot going on here
05:46 Okay, that was kind of hot, I'm sorry, we working backwards?
05:48 Okay, let's work forward
05:50 We'll work forward
05:52 So, the last scene, well, you know
05:54 Angela of course found out that Reyna died
05:56 And there was some symbolism in that scene
05:58 If you watch it again
06:00 You'll notice that there's a picture behind Angela
06:02 And it's a picture of
06:04 Her sitting at her desk in her office
06:06 Right, she's sitting at her desk in her office
06:08 And it's like a crossroads
06:10 So, Angela, I think the symbolism there
06:12 Is that Angela's caught in a crossroads
06:14 I'm sure Courtney probably talked about this
06:16 We'll talk about it in her recap
06:18 That's interesting
06:20 So, um
06:22 You had, we mentioned last time
06:24 That we were disappointed
06:26 That there was no, we didn't get to see
06:28 The direct impact of
06:30 The word, when they got the word
06:32 As they come back
06:34 Into their apartment
06:36 As the doorman let everybody up into the house
06:38 Yeah, everybody's up in the apartment
06:40 And we get to see a little bit of
06:42 The reality of it
06:44 All of their friends are there to comfort them
06:46 I was shocked that Ghost had friends
06:48 Like outside of
06:50 Tommy, I've never seen him with anybody
06:52 Before
06:54 Yeah, that was kind of cool
06:56 I think that's very realistic
06:58 I still, I don't know how many
07:00 Men come home and
07:02 Dismiss their guests and go get dressed up
07:04 To go do a kill
07:06 And then get on the elevator without a word
07:08 But, um, okay
07:10 I didn't find any fault with that
07:12 People give you space when you're dealing with that
07:14 And they go in the room and you need space
07:16 Right, so you go out in the tux
07:18 And then you come in in the tux
07:20 And you leave in all black
07:22 Yeah, and everybody's probably a little bit like
07:24 What the hell are you doing? But, okay
07:26 Which friends are these? Are these like his
07:28 Old school friends? Are these his new
07:30 Buddies? Like
07:32 It just seemed kind of weird to me, you know what I'm saying?
07:34 Yeah, he got friends that we didn't know about
07:36 Okay, he got friends we did not know about
07:38 Alright, so Lakeisha was there, I was happy about that
07:40 Yes, Lakeisha was looking distraught
07:42 And devastated And her boobs were away
07:44 Yeah, which was very good for
07:46 A funeral type of situation She looked
07:48 Presentable I just, I'm just still not
07:50 I'm still angry that I'm not
07:52 Getting that impact of
07:54 I just don't, now Ghost is
07:56 Showing himself now, I mean we're
07:58 Going to jump to the scene where he, they roll up
08:00 Him and Tommy roll up into
08:02 Well, before that, Angela
08:04 He leaves the apartment, Angela
08:06 Confronts him
08:08 In the street
08:10 And Angela's back to
08:12 Jamie, can I help you? Is there anything I can do
08:14 Well look, his daughter died, okay?
08:16 Yeah, yo, there's a text
08:18 Message, you ain't got to go to his house
08:20 No If anything, she should have went upstairs
08:22 To say, what's up
08:24 To Tasha and pay her
08:26 Condolences, this is still all about Jamie
08:28 I'm like, yo, haven't you had
08:30 Enough? I don't think Tasha would want to hear
08:32 From her, she, Tasha would
08:34 Appreciate the sentiment, she could have
08:36 Went to Tasha and said, yo, I'll do anything
08:38 In my power to help you find this person
08:40 Okay, alright, legitimately she should
08:42 Have done that, but she saw
08:44 Jamie first as he was walking through the building
08:46 Maybe she wasn't intending to go upstairs, but he was
08:48 Walking from the building and she confronts him and tells him
08:50 Listen, don't do anything, I don't know what the
08:52 Hell you planning, but you know, you're going to ruin everything
08:54 Right, because you're in all black with a bag
08:56 Right And he won't show me what's in it
08:58 Right, and he says, I've lost everything
09:00 Already Right, now was that like a double meaning?
09:02 Like, I've lost everything
09:04 Like, I lost my
09:06 Daughter and you
09:08 Angela, I love you
09:10 Okay, see there you go
09:12 Why come he just couldn't be talking about his daughter?
09:14 He meant two things
09:16 He's a sucker, yo
09:18 Him and Angela are both suckers
09:20 Fine, fine, let's just get to the scene
09:22 With Tommy and him
09:24 Roll up into the
09:26 Garage and start
09:28 Busting caps at everybody, so they kill all the
09:30 Folks and then they kill that dude
09:32 That, uh, that, from
09:34 No, they're not him and Angela, they're the ones
09:36 That, um, the gang
09:38 Yeah, the gang, the gang, and they confess
09:40 The 187? Yeah, the
09:42 718 718?
09:44 So he confesses that Dre
09:46 Set him up to kill Julio
09:48 Right Yeah
09:50 So Tommy's like, yo
09:52 That's some information he's like, was shocked to hear
09:54 But goes and kills him anyway
09:56 Right, they use a nail gun, pretty interesting
09:58 I was like, wow, look at the
10:00 Uses of that, I hope that doesn't like, you know
10:02 Start copycat crimes around the city
10:04 Oh my god, lord Jesus, okay
10:06 Okay, well, let's get back to the show
10:08 This, okay
10:10 So we're at the scene where Silver
10:12 Comes to the house
10:14 And he sees Tasha
10:16 And he's like, you know, I'm not
10:18 Gonna do nothing, shout out to the girl who's talking to Tasha
10:20 That's like, these things are meant to happen for a reason
10:22 Shut up! Shut up!
10:24 What are you talking about? How could that freaking be a reason for that?
10:26 I don't wanna hear that now
10:28 But you know what, I guess she symbolizes that there's always
10:30 Somebody that says some craziness like that
10:32 They ain't got nothing to say, they can't think of nothing comforting
10:34 To say, so they say something stupid, so
10:36 You know, we had to include that type of person
10:38 Okay, keep it moving
10:40 Then, Tasha drags Silver into the closet
10:42 Or, yeah, into the closet
10:44 So my first thing is like, yeah, you
10:46 You know, you kinda had a public
10:48 Situation for your daughter
10:50 But he was their attorney, so I don't see why
10:52 It wouldn't have been appropriate for him to be taken to the side
10:54 To speak to them
10:56 Kitchen? I mean, you could say
10:58 Everybody cleared the room, I didn't even talk to my lawyer
11:00 Why you take him in the closet?
11:02 I think that was the bedroom
11:04 I think he was, I don't know
11:06 Okay, you nitpicking everyday
11:08 Anyway, the bottom line is
11:10 This dude done tapped maybe twice
11:12 And stuff
11:14 Well, you know, we don't really know
11:16 Things that are happening between episodes
11:18 I love you
11:20 Like, I thought that Reyna was his daughter
11:22 The way he burst up in there
11:24 Maybe he's saying it because he wants to get information
11:26 Because you know, bottom line
11:28 He's a lawyer at heart, you know, those lawyers are sharks, man
11:30 Yeah, but
11:32 Maybe he's saying it because he's motivated to get information
11:34 You ever see that picture of him before he got on this show?
11:36 Oh my God
11:38 He's a total dweeb
11:40 He is a total dweeb right now
11:42 Talking about he love her
11:44 I know, who says that after just a few weeks of dating?
11:46 And knowing that she's married
11:48 Like, come on, dawgs
11:50 Okay
11:52 That was real cornbow for him to say that
11:54 But like he said, it wasn't the time or the place, but he had to say it
11:56 Okay, let's just finish this
11:58 Wow
12:00 Wow
12:02 So let's work our way backwards
12:04 We working our way backwards, all I gotta say is
12:06 Wow, about Tate
12:08 The councilman Tate laying it down strong
12:10 Like, listen
12:12 This is what's gonna happen
12:14 Because he's trying to protect his interests
12:16 He's like, I gotta stop popping off with you
12:18 I can't afford for you to be going to jail for going to kill nobody
12:20 He's like, you're gonna go to a funeral
12:22 We're gonna do the funeral at this charlatan
12:24 Uh, minister's
12:26 Uh, church
12:28 That requires an honorarium, meaning money
12:30 You're gonna have to hit him off with some dough
12:32 You're gonna make a whole spectacle with the
12:34 Police escort and the doves
12:36 And everything like that
12:38 And it's gonna be a press opportunity
12:40 And you're gonna do that, and you're gonna let the police handle the police business
12:42 Because at the end of the day
12:44 He's like, yo, you ain't messing up my opportunity
12:46 That I got with you
12:48 To do, you know, these development deals
12:50 Or whatever we're doing
12:52 By going to jail
12:54 Also, there's a flip side to this
12:56 So Ghost has been trying to
12:58 Pull himself out of the streets
13:00 And here it go again
13:02 Damn dirty council people
13:04 No, because the councilman's like
13:06 Let the police handle it
13:08 Mmhmm
13:10 See, Ghost and Tasha
13:12 They look the part
13:14 Of not being street
13:16 They wanna look the part
13:18 Like Dre, he wants to look the part
13:20 But he wants to be in the street
13:22 With Ghost, he keeps
13:24 Getting dragged back into the streets
13:26 He really doesn't know how to
13:28 Operate outside of the streets
13:30 In the real world, how the real world works
13:32 Right, so the councilman
13:34 Yeah, he's a little dirty
13:36 But I have a feeling that the councilman
13:38 Is probably like an older version of Ghost
13:40 Like, you just
13:42 He's not older than Ghost really
13:44 That much, but anyway, but like maybe a more
13:46 Mature version
13:48 I mean, obviously he knows something that Ghost doesn't
13:50 Because he's able to tell the dude
13:52 You know, he's got the hustlers on his side or whatever
13:54 Mmhmm, like yeah, you're gonna have to kick back
13:56 Some money to him and all that stuff
13:58 Or whatever, but
14:00 I get the impression
14:02 That you're saying, the councilman's like
14:04 Yo, let the police handle it
14:06 Let it be in that world, you can get
14:08 Stuff done without necessarily
14:10 Doing it yourself in that world
14:12 Getting your own hands dirty
14:14 Exactly, but Ghost
14:16 Ghost out there nail gunning
14:18 People to death
14:20 He used his Home Depot gift card
14:22 Bought him a nail gun
14:24 Man, that was a good scene
14:26 The nail gun was already in the shop
14:28 They were using nail guns
14:30 You silly, okay, backwards, go
14:32 Alright, so I like the scene with Kanan
14:34 Yeah, Kanan talking
14:36 To Tommy now
14:38 Yeah, but he's also trying to fish around
14:40 To figure out whether or not
14:42 Dre is with Ghost or not
14:44 But I guess he's kinda like, eh
14:46 You know, he's not really sure
14:48 I mean, Kanan's putting together
14:50 His crew
14:52 Yeah, everybody's going after Dre at this point
14:54 Everybody's going after Dre, then you got Ray
14:56 Who just shook down Dre
14:58 And, um, you know
15:00 He's like, where's our money?
15:02 So Dre got targets on three sides
15:04 Right, now I wonder, does Ray
15:06 Realize Jukebox is dead?
15:08 Yeah, I think he does
15:10 He said, well you ain't paid me or Jukebox
15:12 Oh, that's true, that's true
15:14 Because Tyreese knows Jukebox is dead
15:16 Because he was there when she died
15:18 Right, so I guess he don't know
15:20 Right, okay, interesting
15:22 He's gonna be shocked
15:24 Okay, backwards, what else?
15:26 That was it
15:28 That's really about it, oh, I guess Tommy
15:30 Talking to the priest or whatever, that was pretty cool
15:32 You know what I'm saying, I guess the priest
15:34 Finding out that it was a setup
15:36 Between Dre and Julio
15:38 And the priest, the priest don't really want
15:40 No problem, he's just like, look, I just want my
15:42 Work so I can flip it or whatever
15:44 And do what I do
15:46 You know, so
15:48 Alright, let's get back to this
15:50 What you got to say, you all eager
15:52 I love how Tommy just kicked in the door
15:54 Waving the full phone
15:56 Okay, Tommy, the door was off the hinges
15:58 Hanging, okay
16:00 Tommy is legit, for real
16:02 But you notice
16:04 He composed himself
16:06 He was able to pull it together
16:08 Yeah, because he was off that drug, he was off that cocaine
16:10 Because he was going to kill her
16:12 Or he was going to do something to her
16:14 And he just was like, okay
16:16 And he, you know, he really got himself together
16:18 And he just was like, alright
16:20 Let's calm down
16:22 But near the end, he kind of had to pull out the gun
16:24 Again and be like, look, you know, you're going to
16:26 Tell me where Ray Ray is going
16:28 Yeah, yeah, yeah
16:30 Oh man, this is a funny episode
16:32 It had its low points in the beginning
16:34 For me, but now it's getting better
16:36 But this is what you were saying, the internet was like, yo, that was the
16:38 Best episode ever
16:40 Yeah, I was like, you guys, the internet
16:42 Has low standards
16:44 So far, not the best episode ever
16:46 It's not the worst, it's not episode
16:48 Six for sure
16:50 You know, but
16:52 Let's see how it ends, you know
16:54 Alright, let's go
16:56 Alright, so we're at the part where Tasha
16:58 Goes to Angela for help
17:00 And, you know, Angela's
17:02 Drawing all kinds of conclusions and such
17:04 And just like
17:06 Why doesn't Tasha just tell her
17:08 Tariq stole my gun
17:10 Because at the end of the day
17:12 Your gun is going to be used
17:14 To shoot whoever it is
17:16 You might as well tell her now
17:18 Yo, my gun is missing, my son
17:20 Got it, I don't know where it's at
17:22 You know, six bullets are missing
17:24 Right
17:26 These are people that keep saying, we want to be
17:28 Legit, we want to be legit, we want to get out of the game
17:30 But they keep doing dumb things
17:32 To keep them in the game
17:34 Because they don't know how to operate in the world
17:36 That we live in where people
17:38 Make sense, they live in a
17:40 When you live in a world where everything is a secret
17:42 Your whole life is a lie
17:44 You can't distinguish what should be
17:46 Said out loud and what should be a secret
17:48 So at this point, that's where she's at
17:50 Like, you know, you all twisted in a lie
17:52 You just don't have the ability to
17:54 Distinguish what is safe to say
17:56 And what's not safe to say
17:58 You gotta constantly be strategizing about
18:00 If I say this, then they're gonna know this
18:02 And then if I say this
18:04 It's a constant chess game with them in their mind
18:06 So that's how you can sympathize with her
18:08 Because even though it would make sense
18:10 For us to just tell them
18:12 You know, dude's got my gun
18:14 She's too busy trying to figure out
18:16 Well if I tell her this, what does that mean?
18:18 What impact is that gonna have on Ghost?
18:20 What impact will it have on Tommy?
18:22 What impact will it have on this?
18:24 So that's what's happening
18:26 Yo, my legs are shaking crazy
18:28 And it's not because I got my feet
18:30 In my tub taking a pedicure
18:32 Yo, this is crazy nervous
18:34 This is crazy nervous, yo
18:36 It was good, it was good
18:38 That was hot
18:40 I can see why the internet was saying
18:42 That this is the best episode ever
18:44 Because that scene alone
18:46 Was crazy
18:48 Oh my freaking god
18:50 So Tyreek has now
18:52 Taken a life
18:54 Oh my god, his eyes are looking crazy
18:56 He saw two murders
18:58 He saw three murders
19:00 He saw
19:02 He saw Jukebox get killed
19:04 He saw the lady get killed
19:06 They were trying to rape her
19:08 And now he's seen
19:10 And now he's killed, and he saw his sister get killed
19:12 Wow
19:14 And now he has taken his first life
19:16 So the question becomes
19:18 Is Tyreek becoming more like Kanan?
19:20 Or is he becoming more like Ghost?
19:22 Um, you know
19:24 The fruit doesn't fall far from the tree
19:26 Wow
19:28 You know, Tyreek got his first body
19:30 Wow
19:32 You know
19:34 Now of course the cops are coming
19:36 How are they going to
19:38 Well of course they find out about this from Detective Valdez
19:40 Because Detective Valdez
19:42 Is the one that gave Tasha
19:44 The address where
19:46 The vicinity
19:48 Based upon the cell phone
19:50 Towers where Tyreek was
19:52 Right
19:54 So Tasha went to
19:56 Detective Valdez, asked her
19:58 For her help
20:00 And Detective Valdez used her
20:02 Resources to find
20:04 Where Tyreek was
20:06 In terms of the vicinity where he was in
20:08 Because she went looking for him
20:10 In the house
20:12 And realized that he was gone
20:14 He does pretty good for a kid on a lean
20:16 To get around the city
20:18 Oh God
20:20 So let's just make sure we mention that
20:22 Tyreek got the address
20:24 Because he rolled up on Dre
20:26 With the little gun that he stole from his mother
20:28 And was pretty much like
20:30 Yo, I'm going to tell
20:32 You know, my father and I'm going to tell Tommy
20:34 Everything that you've been doing
20:36 Right
20:38 And Dre told him where
20:40 Ray Ray would be at 6 o'clock
20:42 Ray Ray was supposed to meet him at 6 o'clock
20:44 To get some money from him
20:46 Right
20:48 Alright, we good?
20:50 Ok, so wait, wait, wait
20:52 We're here, Dre
20:54 Meets the priest
20:56 At the pier
20:58 First of all I just want to give a shout out to Jersey City
21:00 Where you're sitting
21:02 Is on the Manhattan side
21:04 Of the Hudson River
21:06 Battery Park City
21:08 And they are facing Jersey City
21:10 So give a shout out to all the Jersey people
21:12 Jersey represent and empower
21:14 Ok
21:16 So
21:18 Dre killed the priest
21:20 Right, and you were like surprised
21:22 Right, and you said he killed
21:24 Dre killed Pink Sneakers
21:26 I don't remember that
21:28 Dre
21:30 Canaan meets up with Dre
21:32 He tells him, yo I got a little problem
21:34 He
21:36 Had Pink Sneakers
21:38 Remember, Pink Sneakers didn't
21:40 Finish the job, she didn't kill Ghost
21:42 Canaan didn't want any loose ends
21:44 So he couldn't find Pink Sneakers
21:46 So he sent Dre to go find her
21:48 He said, yeah she's in Miami
21:50 He sent Dre to Miami
21:52 Ghost went to Miami with Angela
21:54 Right
21:56 Someone killed, then Dre
21:58 Killed Pink Sneakers, but Dre
22:00 But Ghost didn't see who killed her
22:02 Oh
22:04 So then
22:06 Tommy was like, you killed the assassin
22:08 He was like, yeah I did
22:10 But then when
22:12 Tommy went to jail
22:14 Then he went to linger with Canaan
22:16 And Canaan revealed to Tommy
22:18 That Ghost didn't kill
22:20 Pink Sneakers, or he didn't kill the assassin
22:22 He didn't tell him who did it, he just was like
22:24 Ghost didn't do it
22:26 So what you're saying is that Dre has been a killer
22:28 Yeah he's been a killer
22:30 He's just been suited up so long, I keep forgetting
22:32 Like the priest said
22:34 If you're going to set up Julio, you can do anything
22:36 I don't know why the hell the priest would go down there
22:38 With a crazy ass man
22:40 That's like a person who breaks up with their barber
22:42 And makes an appointment to go see them
22:44 To have a final book cut
22:46 Why would you go freaking to your barber
22:48 After you've broken up with him
22:50 Okay, that's a whole other topic
22:52 Like why are you going out there
22:54 And beating up with this dude
22:56 So much you want out
22:58 You want out alright, you want to freaking die
23:00 You want to freaking crazy man
23:02 I guess the priest felt he was being honorable
23:04 And just saying look, I don't want to be involved
23:06 He didn't mean that he wanted to get with Tommy
23:08 He just was like, you know, that's not what I want to do
23:10 Okay, and I think I'm starting to understand
23:12 A little bit better the psychology
23:14 Of Tasha
23:16 And why I'm not seeing
23:18 The emotion that I would expect from a mother
23:20 As I'm looking at them
23:22 We're looking at the scene right now
23:24 And it's paused where Tasha's walking
23:26 Back into her building lobby with Tariq
23:28 She's very composed
23:30 As Tariq is
23:32 Meanwhile, they've just been
23:34 Involved in another murder
23:36 Her son just killed somebody and almost got killed
23:38 But they're very composed
23:40 See this composure thing is part of
23:42 Their whole facade, it's part of the lie
23:44 That they live, they don't have real emotions
23:46 They can't live real emotions
23:48 Because their whole life is a lie
23:50 So that's why when your daughter dies in real life
23:52 You still don't know how to emote in real life
23:54 That's my theory
23:58 Okay, well I'm hoping to see some emotions
24:00 Go crazy
24:02 By the end
24:04 So let me ask you this, you think Dre's gonna die?
24:06 Hell yeah, Dre needs to freaking die
24:08 Well, Chell needs to feel it
24:12 And Kanye's getting kind of soft
24:14 So, let's see what happens
24:16 (Music)
24:18 Aw man, this nigga still got the damn ticket
24:24 Yo, this dude still got the daggone
24:34 Tracer on his damn car
24:36 Yeah, that's not good
24:40 He's gonna be implicated in the
24:42 In the um, shoot
24:44 The shooting
24:46 Yeah, it's gonna
24:48 Yeah, he's gonna get
24:50 It's gonna bring them down
24:52 I mean his car was at the scene of the crime for the cop
24:54 Oh shoot
24:56 Um, his car was at the um
24:58 At the mafia house I believe
25:00 Wait, wait, I forgot
25:02 Who put the damn thing on his car again?
25:04 Feds
25:06 Right
25:08 Yeah
25:10 But did they forget they got this thing on his car?
25:12 Well, who put it on his car exactly?
25:14 I'm not sure who, but I think
25:16 It was when Mike was still alive
25:18 So maybe Mike did it, he's dead
25:20 And they don't know that they're tracking his car
25:22 But the fact that they just showed
25:24 I think Saks just brought that up
25:26 When he was talking to um
25:28 No, no, no, he didn't bring that up
25:30 At the end of the day, it's on his car
25:32 Someone's gonna realize that
25:34 Oh, we've been tracking this guy's car
25:36 And that's gonna come back
25:38 Remember at one moment when he put the tracker on his car
25:40 He gave the car to his mother
25:42 Right
25:44 That's when he went to Chicago
25:46 So the car was sitting dormant for like
25:48 I guess a couple days or whatever
25:50 And then, you know, it's finally got some movement on it
25:52 Um
25:54 So it won't connect him to a whole bunch of murders
25:56 But
25:58 So what'd you think of the season finale?
26:00 Was it worth it?
26:02 Well I wanna give a shout out to the writers
26:04 I saw some writers names, I wanna just give a shout out to all the writers
26:06 Who put this episode together
26:08 You know, we real big
26:10 Just rewind a little bit, I wanna just give a shout out
26:12 I think I saw
26:14 Uh
26:16 Some names I wanna give a shout out
26:18 So just rewind it for me
26:20 Um, but yeah, like, you know, I was a little worried in the beginning
26:22 You know, I still would've liked to have seen
26:24 The initial notice
26:26 You know, when they found out that Rainer was dead
26:28 That I feel like was a big opportunity that was missed
26:30 For us to really get engaged and emotional
26:32 With the Dagwon show
26:34 Right
26:36 I think that's what everybody wanted to see
26:38 If you were last week's episode or two weeks ago
26:40 You were like, yo I can't wait to see what happens when they find out
26:42 How could you freaking do this episode without giving that to us, Courtney?
26:44 Okay, fine
26:46 But
26:48 Jeff Dix, the story editor
26:50 Staff writer Monica Mitchell
26:52 And
26:54 Who was the first person they showed?
26:56 They showed another person, I wanna just give a shout out to y'all
26:58 You know, Jeff Dix for making sure the story didn't have holes
27:00 Like previous episodes
27:02 Everything kinda pulled itself together
27:04 I think Monica was from episode six too
27:06 Oh that's right, Monica was from episode six
27:08 But you know, we did understand later that episode six
27:10 They had to rush it
27:12 So maybe, you know, maybe she needs a good script to work from
27:14 Yeah
27:16 I don't know
27:18 So, um, yeah this episode really did
27:20 I think
27:22 Do a good job in terms of
27:24 You know, tighten it up a few things
27:26 I'm still, I'm mad that Dre
27:28 Is still alive
27:30 Safiya D.Ri
27:32 D.Ri, Di-Ri
27:34 Right
27:36 Is the show writer, I guess
27:38 Yeah
27:40 So Safiya, you get a shout out
27:42 Um, yeah this episode was excellent
27:44 You know, again
27:46 I just kinda don't like the fact that y'all started it
27:48 Where you started it
27:50 But at the end we see Kanan
27:52 And Ghost
27:54 And Tommy riding together
27:56 Riding dirty, back again
27:58 So allegedly they put all their differences aside
28:00 Mmhmm
28:02 You know, like hey
28:04 They have a common enemy
28:06 Right, Dre
28:08 Also I don't think Kanan is cool
28:10 With killing kids unless it's Dre's kid
28:12 Um, I mean
28:14 Since they killed Reyna
28:16 I'm really hoping to see Dre's kid die in season five
28:18 Dre's kid?
28:20 Oh my god, what are you saying?
28:22 You know what I'm saying, at one point remember Kanan
28:24 I know that but for crying out loud
28:26 Well, hey
28:28 This is real life, right? I mean Reyna died
28:30 Why can't Dre's kid die?
28:32 Yeah, Kanan did say
28:34 Yo, I know where she stayed
28:36 Yep, he's like I know where she stayed
28:38 But obviously he's not interested in that
28:40 Because he would have already been there waiting
28:42 Or whatever, so it's like he want Dre
28:44 He want Dre for setting him up
28:46 For that beat down
28:48 Or whatever
28:50 Ghost is just with the shit
28:52 And Tommy of course wants him
28:54 Because he set up Julio
28:56 And Tommy doesn't even realize that
28:58 He burned the product up
29:00 Yeah, what's Ghost's motivation at this point?
29:02 Why is he riding around with this?
29:04 Because he can call Tommy anytime of the day
29:06 And be like, yo, it's the kids
29:08 So he's saying
29:10 Basically it's because of repayment
29:12 Oh yeah, well also he's upset because
29:14 Dre was the one that introduced
29:16 That told him where to meet Rey Rey
29:18 Oh, okay
29:20 And if you really think about it, that was a sucker move on Dre's part
29:22 Because he knew that he was putting him in a dangerous situation
29:24 Right, he knew Rey was going to try to kill him
29:26 He's just like, I'll send this kid to do my dirty work
29:28 And if it works out, good
29:30 If it doesn't work out, oh well
29:32 Nothing's going to happen
29:34 Because this kid is about to rat me out anyway
29:36 Dre's an evil crazy man
29:38 He killed a priest
29:40 Yeah
29:42 That's just to show how evil he is
29:44 With a knife, I kind of like the knife action there
29:46 Yeah, a knife, that just shows how nasty you are
29:48 Like you kill somebody with a knife, that's real intimate
29:50 Yeah, getting me
29:52 Getting up close on them and twisting it right in their ribs
29:54 That's crazy
29:56 Alright, so where we at right now
29:58 We know that at the end of the season
30:00 Tasha's getting a lawyer
30:02 In Silva
30:04 She's going to try to take the rap for Tariq
30:06 Right, she pretty much said
30:08 You know, he said
30:10 I could either be your lawyer or your lover
30:12 She gave him a retainer check
30:14 Like yeah kid, come on, you serious?
30:16 Are you talking to me right now?
30:18 You a herb, you never should have thought that we could be like that
30:20 Well I think her whole thing was like
30:22 Well if I have to choose
30:24 Then I go with lawyer
30:26 Right, that's what I need right now
30:28 You weren't really a great lover
30:30 You were good on Hamilton
30:32 But not good in the bed
30:34 Oh god, okay
30:36 Anyway, so that was good
30:38 Um
30:40 You know this would be interesting
30:42 So Tariq, she showed him, she introduced him to the life
30:44 In the sense that this is how you cover up
30:46 Your tracks when you kill somebody
30:48 Right, now if anybody remembers
30:50 It was season one, episode one
30:52 Where we saw Ghost make his first kill
30:54 When he killed the
30:56 The ladies
30:58 Boyfriend
31:00 And he did the exact same steps
31:02 Mmm
31:04 You know, and this is the becoming of Ghost
31:06 Mmm
31:08 So I guess this would be Casper
31:10 Or, I mean when he get his own name
31:12 Oh my god, and he said he wasn't sorry
31:14 Right
31:16 And Tasha was like, I know, I ain't sorry either
31:18 Right
31:20 Wow, this is some craziness man
31:22 These people are like, they just mental
31:24 They just, they just can't function
31:26 In the real world anymore
31:28 They, what do they call it
31:30 When criminals are unable
31:32 To be rehabilitated
31:34 Like these people just can't be rehabilitated
31:36 They're not gonna be functional
31:38 In society at all
31:40 So at the end of the day
31:42 This whole thing is gonna be a bust
31:44 This show
31:46 They're going down a path of destruction
31:48 Everybody gonna have to die or go to jail
31:50 I just wanna say, I think out of all four seasons
31:52 I think this one was the weakest
31:54 Mmm
31:56 Season one, two and three really built
31:58 A nice strong foundation
32:00 Mmm
32:02 And four just
32:04 Just kind of relied upon the hype
32:06 You know, so
32:08 I'm really hoping for better things in season five
32:10 Mmm
32:12 Most shows, you know
32:14 Kind of have to take a dip somewhere
32:16 And I guess it's fine
32:18 Hopefully Kourtney and them will not
32:20 I mean, unfortunately
32:22 We have to wait a whole year for the next episode
32:24 To come out
32:26 It's ridiculous, y'all need to figure that out
32:28 There's too many shows coming out
32:30 Dropping all ten episodes in one freaking night
32:32 And y'all freaking going a whole year
32:34 And people gotta wait a whole year
32:36 That format don't really work
32:38 That's why 50 leaked the whole, the last episode
32:40 Yeah, because he couldn't wait for it to come out
32:42 He's like, "Yo, this format y'all doing don't work"
32:44 Well, let's see here
32:46 So anyway, we will see you next year
32:48 For Power
32:50 And in a couple weeks we will be back with Empire
32:52 Oh brother
32:54 It was pretty good when they introduced
32:56 Felicia Rashad
32:58 Yeah, I know, but to go from Power to Empire
33:00 It's like, oh brother
33:02 Empire is power like
33:04 But it's a different show, okay fine
33:06 Don't yell at me everybody, like, "It's a different show"
33:08 It is a different show
33:10 Should we do Scandal?
33:12 I mean, because this is Scandal's last season
33:14 I do not know what the hell is going on in Scandal
33:16 I haven't seen Scandal in God knows how long
33:18 I'm over her
33:20 She done slept with the president and that man too many times
33:22 Yeah
33:24 Alright, well we signing off
33:26 Thank you everyone for listening
33:28 Subscribe because we gonna keep bringing it every
33:30 time there's anything hot out there
33:32 Not only will we be doing
33:34 Empire, but
33:36 There will be some new series
33:38 That we're getting screenings to
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