• last year


00:00:00 [Sounds of a car crashing into a road]
00:00:09 [Sounds of a car crashing into a road]
00:00:16 [Sounds of a car crashing into a road]
00:00:20 [Music]
00:00:23 [Sounds of a car crashing into a road]
00:00:26 [Sounds of a car crashing into a road]
00:00:27 [Sounds of a car crashing into a road]
00:00:28 [Sounds of a car crashing into a road]
00:00:29 [Music]
00:00:32 [Sounds of a car crashing into a road]
00:00:33 [Music]
00:00:36 Long ago in a far away place
00:00:39 [Music]
00:00:41 The beautiful island of Gula began sinking into the sea
00:00:45 [Music]
00:00:50 All the creatures of Gula lived in helpless fear of the day
00:00:54 When their island home would vanish under the waves
00:00:57 [Sounds of a man screaming]
00:00:58 Ah, not yet
00:01:00 [Sounds of a man screaming]
00:01:01 [Sounds of a man screaming]
00:01:02 [Music]
00:01:04 But they knew it would happen one day
00:01:06 [Sounds of a man screaming]
00:01:08 Ah, no
00:01:10 [Sounds of a man screaming]
00:01:11 [Music]
00:01:14 Until an especially clever monkey named Monarchy
00:01:17 Had a very big idea
00:01:20 [Music]
00:01:23 He would build a great machine to harness the power of the volcano
00:01:27 And all the fruit of Gula
00:01:29 And create a concoction that would keep the island afloat
00:01:32 [Music]
00:01:34 When it was finished
00:01:36 [Music]
00:01:41 [Music]
00:01:50 [Sounds of a machine]
00:01:52 [Sounds of a machine crashing into a road]
00:01:54 [Sounds of a machine crashing into a road]
00:01:55 [Sounds of a machine crashing into a road]
00:01:56 [Sounds of a machine crashing into a road]
00:01:57 [Sounds of a machine crashing into a road]
00:02:06 The machine worked better than anyone could have ever dreamed
00:02:10 [Music]
00:02:18 And there Gula remained for generation after generation
00:02:21 Safely above the water
00:02:24 Until one day
00:02:26 [Music]
00:02:28 Monarchy's amazing machine began to fail
00:02:31 [Music]
00:02:42 What's the pressure?
00:02:44 [Music]
00:02:46 You! Get on that valve
00:02:48 Yes sir
00:02:50 [Music]
00:02:54 Out of my way!
00:02:56 [Music]
00:03:21 Cheek buddy, no need to crash the party
00:03:26 You might try being a little lighter on your feet
00:03:29 Oops! Be still my beating heart
00:03:32 What's all that noise anyway?
00:03:34 [Sounds of a machine]
00:03:37 Yeah, that's it
00:03:39 [Sounds of a machine]
00:03:41 You mind turning it down?
00:03:43 [Sounds of a machine]
00:03:44 Whoa there, take a number big boy
00:03:47 There's plenty of me to go around
00:03:49 The old ape wants to see you
00:03:51 An executive summons? Well what do you know?
00:03:53 I must have done something right
00:03:55 Duty calls girls
00:03:57 [Squeak]
00:03:58 [Laughter]
00:03:59 Always leave him wanting more, that's my motto
00:04:02 I can see it's yours too
00:04:04 [Sounds of a machine]
00:04:06 Somebody should do something about that
00:04:08 [Sounds of a machine]
00:04:12 What do you know? This used to be the way to my uncle's office
00:04:15 I guess we'll just have to turn around
00:04:17 [Sounds of a machine]
00:04:23 Out of the way pork chop
00:04:25 [Sounds of a machine]
00:04:30 Now that's what I call cheek to cheek
00:04:33 Oh pardon, oh excuse me, sorry sir
00:04:36 Don't mention it, and keep up the good work
00:04:40 Say, don't I know you?
00:04:42 Oh, I could fire you Hammocks
00:04:46 But if this island sinks, we might need an extra float
00:04:49 Ha, you think?
00:04:51 Ah, don't listen to him
00:04:53 I happen to like a fellow who enjoys life, a lot
00:04:57 [Squeak]
00:04:58 For luck
00:05:00 [Sounds of a machine]
00:05:06 Hey Sal baby, long time no see
00:05:09 [Laughter]
00:05:12 Piece of advice, you need to learn who really runs this company
00:05:16 And start spreading the sugar around, if you know what I mean
00:05:20 [Grunts]
00:05:22 Ah, peanuts
00:05:24 Uncle Monarchy
00:05:26 There you are
00:05:30 How did you know I was coming to see you today?
00:05:32 Where are you?
00:05:33 Well it's downright eerie when that happens, like a sixth sense
00:05:36 Must be that family connection
00:05:39 Over here
00:05:40 That's better
00:05:42 Now, what can I do for you?
00:05:44 Peanut, I'd like you to meet an honored citizen of Gula
00:05:48 Pink was one of the builders of the original Gula juice processors
00:05:52 Great Gula
00:05:54 That makes you...
00:05:56 [Whistles]
00:05:58 A humble servant of Gula
00:06:01 Pink is one of our family's oldest friends
00:06:04 Sure is
00:06:05 Pleasure to meet you
00:06:07 With a name like that, school must have been rough
00:06:10 Not for me
00:06:13 There's no one sharper than Pink
00:06:15 You don't say
00:06:16 I asked him to come out of retirement from the other side of the island
00:06:20 To give us his perspective
00:06:22 I'm worried about the recent breakdown of the machines
00:06:24 We're working on it sir, day and night
00:06:27 Of course you are chief, but we can use all the help we can get
00:06:32 He's right
00:06:33 If there's anything I've learned from my uncle, it's that machines break down
00:06:36 And we repair them, whatever it takes
00:06:38 This time is no different
00:06:40 We?
00:06:41 When was the last time you got your hands dirty?
00:06:44 I don't know
00:06:45 When was the last time we shook hands?
00:06:48 [Chuckles]
00:06:49 Now boys, it's time we faced facts
00:06:53 If we don't fix the problem soon, what went up is going to splash down
00:06:59 That's why I ordered an investigation into the frequency of incidents and malfunctions
00:07:05 If it involves getting our hands dirty, don't we have apes who do that?
00:07:08 Getting your hands a little dirty now, Peanut, is good preparation for later
00:07:14 All this, my boy, will be yours
00:07:17 Here's my lead investigator now
00:07:22 Everyone, this is Flo
00:07:24 Good morning
00:07:26 Very, very clever
00:07:28 You did it without telling me?
00:07:30 It was important to get a fresh perspective
00:07:33 Flo
00:07:34 If you'd care to share your findings with everyone
00:07:37 Thank you
00:07:38 Gentlemen, the data clearly shows that in recent months
00:07:41 The frequency of incidents and malfunctions has dramatically gone up
00:07:44 While the island has gone down
00:07:47 We're falling faster than a ripe grapefruit
00:07:50 Looking closer, key indicators suggest that there is a pattern at work
00:07:55 [Humming]
00:07:57 Hmm
00:08:01 Uh-huh
00:08:03 Uh-huh
00:08:04 [Humming]
00:08:05 [Explosion]
00:08:06 [Gunshot]
00:08:07 [Gunshot]
00:08:10 [Horn]
00:08:11 Big, round, hungry?
00:08:15 You want a sandwich?
00:08:16 No
00:08:17 Big problem
00:08:19 One point for me
00:08:20 Next word
00:08:21 It's fun
00:08:22 Pointy pineapple?
00:08:25 Rock
00:08:26 Your pet rock is a pointy pineapple?
00:08:29 Nah
00:08:31 Problem, swimming, boogie, what are you doing?
00:08:34 Moving parts, machine
00:08:37 Ah
00:08:38 Ha ha
00:08:39 Problem, machine
00:08:41 Problem, machine
00:08:43 I got it!
00:08:44 The machines all have one problem!
00:08:48 Why, yes
00:08:49 That's right
00:08:50 Eh?
00:08:51 We should be able to trace all of the incidents back to one central problem
00:08:55 I'm glad you see it too
00:08:57 Oh, uh, actually it was, uh
00:09:00 [Horn]
00:09:02 Obvious
00:09:04 In a not-so-obvious sort of way
00:09:08 If you see what I mean
00:09:10 Why, yes, I do
00:09:12 Now we just have to find the problem
00:09:14 Excellent, Peanuts
00:09:16 Now hold the fruit!
00:09:17 If there was a central problem, I would have found it
00:09:21 Pink, what do you say?
00:09:24 Hmm
00:09:25 I'm with the big one on this
00:09:27 I don't see it
00:09:30 But how can you say that when it's so...
00:09:32 Obvious?
00:09:33 But what about the tremors?
00:09:35 It's been quiet on my side of the island
00:09:38 The increased volcanic activity?
00:09:40 Volcanoes are known to bubble and boil
00:09:43 And the fact that Gula is losing altitude
00:09:46 Ah, the excitability of youth
00:09:49 Then again, I can't see much of anything these days
00:09:52 My dear monarchy
00:09:54 It appears that I have nothing useful to contribute here
00:09:59 I'm afraid my time has passed
00:10:02 As mine soon will be too, old friend
00:10:05 Don't say that!
00:10:06 Yeah, we'd be lost without you
00:10:09 Sooner than you think
00:10:12 I'll take my leave now
00:10:16 Thank you for your service
00:10:18 Stay sharp
00:10:21 Now some of us can get back to work
00:10:23 Not so fast!
00:10:25 Boys, at a time like this
00:10:27 We have to put aside our differences and work together
00:10:30 Don't we always?
00:10:31 I'm glad you agree
00:10:33 Because Flo and I have come up with a plan to deal with our dilemma
00:10:38 Not since the days of Monarchy I
00:10:46 Has such a noble task been undertaken
00:10:49 Look at that
00:10:51 Just a little warm
00:10:54 Somewhere out there
00:10:56 Something is causing our great Gula to sink
00:10:59 And this expedition must find what it is
00:11:04 Or we are lost
00:11:07 Yes, Peanut?
00:11:09 Ah, if the problem's somewhere out there
00:11:13 What are we doing up here?
00:11:18 I salute you and I bid you all fruit speed
00:11:23 You mean we're going in there?
00:11:36 It's the fastest way to get around the island
00:11:38 Not to mention an early grave
00:11:40 Oh, it's not that dangerous
00:11:41 Almost all of our first volunteers have come back
00:11:44 That's almost reassuring
00:11:47 What is so funny?
00:11:49 Uncle Monarchy, I was thinking
00:11:52 You were saying?
00:11:56 What this team really needs is a coordinator
00:12:00 A coordinator?
00:12:02 Exactly
00:12:03 Someone to remain behind in case of emergencies
00:12:07 And since I'm an expert at reading messenger bugs
00:12:12 I'll be able to send supplies or help when it's needed
00:12:15 There will be no help, Peanut
00:12:18 No help?
00:12:20 No one must ever know about this
00:12:23 The citizens of Gula will panic just like before
00:12:26 If they really knew how bad things are
00:12:28 Very, very, very sensible
00:12:30 Glad you agree
00:12:31 I'm a sensible fella
00:12:33 Don't miss your bubble
00:12:37 [Squeak]
00:12:38 [Grunts]
00:12:43 [Growls]
00:12:45 Hey, buddy, thanks for that tip back there
00:12:51 You made me look great
00:12:52 Anything to help, sir?
00:12:53 You mean that?
00:12:54 Sure I do
00:12:55 You're all gonna be heroes
00:12:57 In that case, throw that wrench in the machine
00:13:00 Throw the wrench?
00:13:01 Do it!
00:13:02 In the machine?
00:13:03 Go on
00:13:04 That's sabotage
00:13:05 Uh-oh
00:13:06 [Laughs]
00:13:08 You really had me going, sir
00:13:09 That's a funny one
00:13:10 Give me the wrench
00:13:11 Peanut!
00:13:12 What's the matter?
00:13:13 I don't do bubbles
00:13:14 Unless they're tiny
00:13:15 And in champagne
00:13:16 Let's face it
00:13:17 I'm just not the monkey for this mission
00:13:19 What?
00:13:20 Normally I'd agree with you
00:13:22 You should always trust your better judgment
00:13:24 But I would be wrong
00:13:25 Now, now, now
00:13:26 Don't doubt yourself like that
00:13:28 Today you showed me that you truly understand
00:13:30 The complexities of our problem
00:13:32 Even Cheek couldn't see it
00:13:34 Oh, that
00:13:36 I've never been more proud
00:13:38 Gee, what can I say?
00:13:40 I need you on this mission
00:13:43 When you put it that way
00:13:45 Hey! Slow down there!
00:13:46 What are you...
00:13:47 Hey, what are you, huh?
00:13:48 I thought we were friends here
00:13:49 I wish I could trade places with you, sir
00:13:51 Your wish is my command!
00:13:55 That was fun
00:13:57 Bye-bye
00:13:58 Ah!
00:14:01 Too tight
00:14:02 That's better
00:14:03 Great! Mother of...
00:14:05 What did you eat for lunch?
00:14:07 Whipping
00:14:08 No, no, no, no, no, no, no
00:14:09 I don't want to know!
00:14:11 Toodaloo
00:14:14 Have a safe trip
00:14:15 There go my frequent flyer miles
00:14:17 I'm feeling a little upset in the tummy
00:14:22 No, I got it under control
00:14:25 I'm fine now, thanks
00:14:28 Ah!
00:14:29 Ah!
00:14:37 Oh, whew!
00:14:39 Hey, what do you know?
00:14:41 This isn't so bad after all!
00:14:43 Ah!
00:14:53 This is so cool!
00:14:57 We're going outside the city!
00:14:59 Didn't anybody ever tell you it's dangerous outside the city?
00:15:01 Ah, at least we're in here
00:15:03 Sure, safely inside a giant speeding bubble
00:15:05 I feel better already
00:15:07 Hey, look!
00:15:09 At least there'll be witnesses when this thing pops
00:15:12 Hey, hey, what's he doing?
00:15:16 Maybe she has something in her eye
00:15:19 In a pig's eye, she does
00:15:21 Come on, we gotta get this thing over there
00:15:23 How?
00:15:25 There, there, lean into it
00:15:27 That cheeky monkey
00:15:35 Now what?
00:15:36 Left! Lean, lean left!
00:15:38 Right, right, left!
00:15:42 Now we're moving
00:15:44 Ah, we meet again
00:15:48 This is it!
00:15:49 Get ready!
00:15:50 Aye, aye, sir!
00:15:51 Now! Full jumps to the right!
00:15:54 Mission accomplished!
00:15:58 What was that?
00:16:00 Not bad, kid
00:16:02 Where'd you learn to handle a bubble like that?
00:16:04 In the bathtub, sir
00:16:06 And say no more
00:16:08 Yes, sir
00:16:09 I should have known
00:16:11 Peanut!
00:16:12 And the pig!
00:16:14 That's more like it
00:16:18 Look how happy she is to see me
00:16:20 I don't know
00:16:24 What are you kidding? She's totally captivated
00:16:28 Could be something else
00:16:30 Ah, what do you know about sheer animal magnetism?
00:16:33 It's big
00:16:34 That's true
00:16:35 Huge
00:16:36 Now you're making sense
00:16:37 Hot, hot
00:16:38 Smoking hot
00:16:39 It's a volcano
00:16:40 It's a volcano, hey, I like that
00:16:43 It's a volcano!
00:16:46 Oh, wrong!
00:16:48 That's what I said
00:16:49 Well, you call that an excuse?
00:16:51 We're headed right for it!
00:16:53 We have to go left
00:17:01 Wrong way, wrong way, wrong way, wrong way!
00:17:04 I said left
00:17:07 That was left
00:17:08 The other left
00:17:09 This is all your fault
00:17:10 My fault?
00:17:11 Why didn't you use your animal magnetism?
00:17:13 I'll use it later
00:17:14 Right now?
00:17:15 Run!
00:17:16 Don't breathe!
00:17:25 Here we go
00:17:29 Sorry
00:17:30 Get off!
00:17:32 I'm trying
00:17:33 I'm hatched already
00:17:34 That tickles!
00:17:35 Stop!
00:17:36 You stop!
00:17:37 No, we have to stop!
00:17:39 Now!
00:17:40 Now!
00:17:41 Pop it!
00:17:54 We're doomed!
00:18:03 You gotta admit, that's some thick pool of juice
00:18:08 My tummy
00:18:09 You did it!
00:18:14 Hold on!
00:18:19 We make it thick so it'll stick
00:18:29 [Splash]
00:18:30 Yikes!
00:18:37 You saved us!
00:18:54 You saved me!
00:18:56 Yeah, well...
00:18:57 Don't mention it to anyone
00:18:59 We wouldn't want people to talk
00:19:01 Does this mean we're friends?
00:19:03 You see anybody else around here?
00:19:05 No, sir
00:19:07 Now, let's find a way out of here
00:19:10 Short and sweet
00:19:12 Bubbleburst trapped inside volcano, send help
00:19:19 [Beeping]
00:19:21 And food
00:19:29 Preferably apple flaps, Fruity Jackson
00:19:31 A juice chaser if you have room over and out
00:19:34 P.S. A fruit tart would be nice too
00:19:39 Go, quick, before he asks to see the chef
00:19:44 Hey, what's your name anyway?
00:19:47 You can call me Dick, or you can call me Pig
00:19:50 Now you can call me P.R.D. or double-I on the side
00:19:53 But don't you ever call me late for dinner
00:19:55 I had to ask, somebody saved me
00:19:58 Hey, you mind turning that down?
00:20:07 We're lost
00:20:09 That's a perfect way to get found
00:20:11 This way
00:20:15 That way
00:20:16 There's only one way to settle this
00:20:18 If that's how you want it
00:20:20 Gula gula fruity treat
00:20:23 Have a cocktail that is sweet
00:20:25 What's your favorite fruit to eat?
00:20:27 Ha ha ha ha
00:20:31 I never lose
00:20:34 You see, I have a nose for directions
00:20:41 Must be part of the original gula machinery
00:20:43 Let's take a look
00:20:45 Let's not and say we did
00:20:47 Why, no one's been here in a fruit's age
00:20:56 Sir?
00:21:00 Sir?
00:21:01 Sir?
00:21:03 It's a much better view up here
00:21:05 You should try it
00:21:07 What is that?
00:21:09 What's all that noise?
00:21:12 These machines are still working
00:21:15 It's impossible, they haven't been used for ages
00:21:18 Unless...
00:21:19 We found the problem!
00:21:22 I said we could do it
00:21:24 No you didn't
00:21:25 Well, my uncle said it
00:21:26 Now if we can just figure out how to turn them off
00:21:29 We can save everyone
00:21:32 We're gonna save the world
00:21:34 We're gonna save the world
00:21:36 I'm better than Cheek
00:21:37 I really like this song
00:21:38 I'm better than Cheek
00:21:39 We're gonna save the world
00:21:40 I'm better than Cheek
00:21:41 Yeah, you're right, it's fun
00:21:42 I'm better than Cheek
00:21:43 I'm better than that Cheeky monkey
00:21:45 We're gonna save the world
00:21:47 We're gonna save the world
00:21:49 We're gonna save...
00:21:50 Do something!
00:22:02 I just did in my underwear
00:22:04 I'm out
00:22:10 That's more like it
00:22:12 I hope this works
00:22:13 Oh fruit
00:22:20 I got one
00:22:28 Well, me too
00:22:30 Mine's bigger than yours
00:22:32 We're flying
00:22:35 We're safe
00:22:36 It's a miracle!
00:22:38 No thanks to you
00:22:39 Me?
00:22:40 Well, I'm not the one who boogied his booty into that lever
00:22:43 You pushed the button
00:22:45 Oh yeah?
00:22:46 Well, who pulled the pin?
00:22:48 Right over the mulcher!
00:22:50 Sir?
00:22:51 How's my hair?
00:22:52 I'm starting to think...
00:22:53 You gotta comb
00:22:54 Maybe we're not really safe
00:22:56 What are you talking about?
00:22:58 Maybe we're captured
00:23:01 Who are you?
00:23:03 You can call me Dick
00:23:05 I'm the one who pulled the pin
00:23:07 I'm the one who pulled the pin
00:23:09 I'm the one who pulled the pin
00:23:11 I'm the one who pulled the pin
00:23:13 I'm the one who pulled the pin
00:23:15 I'm the one who pulled the pin
00:23:17 I'm the one who pulled the pin
00:23:19 You can call me Dick
00:23:20 Or you can call me Pig
00:23:21 I'll do the talking
00:23:23 Who are you?
00:23:24 We asked first
00:23:27 It is polite
00:23:29 Oh, but I insist
00:23:31 You go first
00:23:32 We're warning you
00:23:35 Would you...
00:23:36 Could you just say that again?
00:23:38 Don't play games with us or you'll be sorry
00:23:42 Maybe they want to eat us
00:23:48 Will you look at that?
00:23:50 It's a Batgirl
00:23:52 With a lovely bow
00:23:54 I ripped it off a bunny
00:23:56 You didn't?
00:23:58 Mm-hmm
00:23:59 What do you think you're doing?
00:24:02 None of your business
00:24:04 You're consorting with the prisoners
00:24:06 And what if I am?
00:24:08 This is supposed to be an interrogation
00:24:11 Oh, well, don't let us interrupt you
00:24:13 Thank you
00:24:14 You be sure to find out everything she knows
00:24:16 You know it
00:24:18 Hey, don't look at me like that
00:24:20 I can talk to whoever I want
00:24:23 Oh, yeah?
00:24:25 Yeah!
00:24:26 And don't try to bully me, Foo-Foo
00:24:29 Don't call me that
00:24:31 Ooh, Foo-Foo
00:24:34 Oops
00:24:38 Hey!
00:24:40 Going somewhere?
00:24:42 Why, I'm just admiring the natural formations
00:24:45 You're our prisoners
00:24:47 We give up
00:24:48 You captured us fair and square
00:24:50 And when you did, you captured my heart
00:24:53 A monkey like me
00:25:00 And a bat cute as you
00:25:03 Should never be far apart
00:25:07 So join with me now
00:25:13 In our cave year of romance
00:25:18 For baby, it's just you and me
00:25:24 You're cute and petite
00:25:33 One tasty little morsel
00:25:35 With beautiful wings and tiny feet
00:25:39 You're everything a girl should be
00:25:43 Sophisticated and worthy
00:25:46 Beyond your years
00:25:48 And when we make the scene
00:25:50 People will scream
00:25:52 Who's that lovely couple they seem in a dream
00:25:57 Our love is on display
00:25:59 Each and every day
00:26:03 You're cute and petite
00:26:08 One tasty little morsel
00:26:10 With beautiful eyes and lips so sweet
00:26:13 My radar is a-hummin'
00:26:15 I see their love's a-comin'
00:26:17 The lava it will flow with the heat of our passion
00:26:21 The dark of this damn cave can never dim
00:26:23 Our love and passion
00:26:26 That's on display right here today
00:26:32 I'll cry in the dark without you
00:26:35 Hold my hand and my pride is subdued
00:26:39 Stand like mine, can't get in the way
00:26:42 Of our love that is here to stay
00:26:46 Because you're cute and petite
00:26:49 One tasty little treat
00:26:51 I'll eat you up each and every day
00:26:55 This love song could go on
00:26:57 If you will grant me this
00:26:59 Just one simple little kiss
00:27:04 Mm-mm.
00:27:06 Oh.
00:27:09 How do you know about the plan?
00:27:11 We don't know any plan.
00:27:12 Oh, yeah?
00:27:13 Then why were you snooping around the machines?
00:27:16 Oh, you mean the plan.
00:27:18 We thought you were talking about some, uh, other plan.
00:27:22 Everybody knows about the plan, right?
00:27:24 Uh, right.
00:27:26 You came here to sabotage it.
00:27:28 Wanna help?
00:27:29 I mean, no. No, no.
00:27:32 Uh, what plan?
00:27:34 Ah! Really?
00:27:35 Look what you've done!
00:27:37 You've ruined everything!
00:27:39 Me?
00:27:40 Follow my lead.
00:27:41 You see anybody else standing here
00:27:43 revealing top-secret information?
00:27:45 But you said everybody knows.
00:27:47 Well, sure. Now they do.
00:27:49 They know about the plan?
00:27:50 Well, of course they know the plan.
00:27:52 It's their plan.
00:27:53 Not our plan.
00:27:54 Except now they know we know.
00:27:56 About our plan?
00:27:57 Obviously, it's our plan.
00:27:58 And everybody knows?
00:27:59 Nobody knows.
00:28:00 No?
00:28:01 I guess nobody knows the plan?
00:28:02 No. Everybody knows the plan.
00:28:04 Which plan?
00:28:05 Well, buddy, there's only one way to find out.
00:28:09 Gula gula fruity treat.
00:28:12 Have a cocktail that is sweet.
00:28:13 What's your favorite fruit to eat?
00:28:15 [beep]
00:28:16 [music]
00:28:22 [beep]
00:28:23 Rats!
00:28:24 [grunt]
00:28:25 [scream]
00:28:28 [music]
00:28:31 [grunt]
00:28:32 [music]
00:28:36 [grunt]
00:28:37 [music]
00:28:39 [beep]
00:28:40 [grunt]
00:28:41 [applause]
00:28:43 Sir?
00:28:44 When I said follow my lead, that's not what I meant.
00:28:47 [crunch]
00:28:48 Let's make tracks.
00:28:51 Still, you weren't half bad back there.
00:28:54 In fact, I'd say this could be the start
00:28:56 of a harmonious union between management and labor,
00:28:59 not to be interpreted as a union endorsement.
00:29:01 How could something like this happen, sir?
00:29:03 It's terrible.
00:29:04 You're telling me.
00:29:05 That song never fails.
00:29:06 I sing, she swoons.
00:29:08 Woo, woo, woo.
00:29:09 [gasp]
00:29:10 Do you know what this means?
00:29:11 I could be losing my touch.
00:29:13 Say it ain't so.
00:29:14 It's not a malfunction at all.
00:29:16 Keep talking.
00:29:17 It's sabotage.
00:29:18 I think I see where you're going.
00:29:20 That's how the bats know about the machines.
00:29:22 Machines?
00:29:23 Who cares about the machines?
00:29:24 We're talking about me.
00:29:25 How could they do this to Gula?
00:29:27 We need reinforcements.
00:29:28 Everyone needs to know what's going on here.
00:29:30 But I thought everybody knows.
00:29:31 No, no, nobody knows.
00:29:33 About our plan?
00:29:34 About their plan.
00:29:35 Don't you listen to anything.
00:29:36 [footsteps]
00:29:38 [whistling]
00:29:40 Maybe we should go looking for them.
00:29:42 There's no time for that.
00:29:44 You said it yourself.
00:29:45 The fate of Gula hangs in the balance.
00:29:47 I know, I know.
00:29:49 I did the calculations.
00:29:51 I just hope wherever they are, they're safe.
00:29:54 We have to face facts.
00:29:56 Anything could have happened.
00:29:57 Their bubble could have burst.
00:29:58 They could have plunged into boiling lavender, snake caves,
00:30:01 bottomless pits, deadly mudflats.
00:30:03 And that's just for starters.
00:30:06 But I'm sure they're fine.
00:30:08 Yeah, me too.
00:30:11 Not everyone is cut out for this kind of adventure.
00:30:16 We'll just have to go it alone.
00:30:19 [footsteps]
00:30:23 Don't worry.
00:30:24 I'll protect you.
00:30:25 And of course, we'll keep an eye out for the others.
00:30:30 [crying]
00:30:31 [sneezing]
00:30:33 What's wrong?
00:30:35 My eye!
00:30:36 My--
00:30:37 [sneezing]
00:30:40 Chee?
00:30:41 [sneezing]
00:30:44 Chee?
00:30:46 Something in my eye.
00:30:49 Is it an eyelash?
00:30:51 [crying]
00:30:54 Uh-uh.
00:30:56 It's a message.
00:30:57 [beeping]
00:30:58 From Peanut!
00:31:00 They're alive!
00:31:02 Isn't that lucky?
00:31:05 It must have come from this way.
00:31:07 Let's go.
00:31:10 [snorting]
00:31:11 [crash]
00:31:12 [beeping]
00:31:13 [groaning]
00:31:15 [mumbling]
00:31:20 [explosion]
00:31:22 [mumbling]
00:31:25 [beeping]
00:31:30 Hey, I'm not a banana.
00:31:32 [beeping]
00:31:37 [screaming]
00:31:39 Whoops.
00:31:40 Got you.
00:31:41 The tremors are happening more frequently.
00:31:45 We'd better hurry.
00:31:46 [music playing]
00:31:49 It's getting brighter.
00:31:51 Cheek, look!
00:31:54 Wow.
00:31:56 It's beautiful.
00:31:57 [beeping]
00:32:03 [sigh]
00:32:04 [beeping]
00:32:07 Oh, better be careful.
00:32:09 There's danger, even in beauty.
00:32:11 That's why I have to keep my guard up against you.
00:32:14 [music playing]
00:32:23 You really should stay close to me.
00:32:25 [crash]
00:32:26 [music playing]
00:32:34 [screaming]
00:32:35 [thud]
00:32:36 [screaming]
00:32:37 [sizzling]
00:32:38 [sniff]
00:32:39 [screaming]
00:32:40 [sizzling]
00:32:41 Ow, ow, ouch, ow.
00:32:45 [screaming]
00:32:48 [crash]
00:32:49 [crash]
00:32:50 [crash]
00:32:51 I feel like we're going the wrong way.
00:32:53 Nonsense.
00:32:54 I have an unerring sense of direction.
00:32:57 No, really.
00:32:58 I'm sure we should be going that way.
00:33:00 It's just a trick of the light.
00:33:02 Trust me.
00:33:03 [gasp]
00:33:04 [beeping]
00:33:07 Cheek.
00:33:08 For the love of Gula, woman, we're going this way.
00:33:12 There's something out there.
00:33:14 Huh?
00:33:16 I saw it move.
00:33:19 Oh, of course you did.
00:33:22 [gasp]
00:33:25 Another trick of the light?
00:33:26 [music playing]
00:33:30 Let us proceed.
00:33:34 [screaming]
00:33:35 [beeping]
00:33:37 [crunching]
00:33:40 [music playing]
00:33:50 [screaming]
00:33:51 Ow.
00:33:53 [crash]
00:33:54 [screaming]
00:33:57 [crash]
00:33:58 Hey, what the--
00:33:59 Huh?
00:34:02 We got him.
00:34:03 We got him.
00:34:04 Not too close.
00:34:06 Oh, hey.
00:34:09 What the fruit?
00:34:11 Peanut?
00:34:12 Hey, you guys.
00:34:14 You.
00:34:15 Sorry about that.
00:34:17 Can't be too careful out here.
00:34:19 I hope you didn't bruise your ego.
00:34:21 Not everyone's cut out for this kind of adventure, you know.
00:34:24 [growling]
00:34:26 We got your beetle.
00:34:28 Lucky for you.
00:34:29 Otherwise, who knows how long you would have been lost.
00:34:31 We're not lost.
00:34:33 And we didn't find you.
00:34:35 [growling]
00:34:36 You must be tired and hungry.
00:34:38 Affirmative.
00:34:39 Let's go back to our camp.
00:34:40 [music playing]
00:34:46 [gasp]
00:34:50 This is your camp?
00:34:53 We had to make do with what we could find.
00:34:57 There's nothing quite like living off the land.
00:35:00 [thud]
00:35:01 [splat]
00:35:04 Mm.
00:35:05 What is that wonderful aroma?
00:35:07 If everyone could please take a seat.
00:35:14 Dinner is served.
00:35:17 Mm.
00:35:19 I call it happy soup.
00:35:20 Why?
00:35:21 Because whatever I taste, I get a warm, happy feeling all over.
00:35:25 You have outdone yourself, my friend.
00:35:28 Why, thank you.
00:35:29 Do you know where the best mushrooms come from?
00:35:31 You're going to love this.
00:35:32 [laughing]
00:35:33 Poop.
00:35:34 Poop?
00:35:35 As in, they're the poop.
00:35:38 [laughing]
00:35:40 Ew, that's not funny.
00:35:43 No, they're better than poop.
00:35:45 Ooh, thank gula.
00:35:47 These are from bat poop.
00:35:50 And those bats are friends of ours.
00:35:53 To good food, good friends, present company excluded,
00:35:59 and googly-eyed fungus.
00:36:03 Well, that's weird.
00:36:05 All right, there's only one thing better than this.
00:36:08 A mud bath?
00:36:10 Nope.
00:36:11 A manicure and foot massage?
00:36:14 I'll tell you what it is.
00:36:16 [music playing]
00:36:20 [music playing]
00:36:23 This soup's got jazz.
00:36:32 It's hot and hip.
00:36:35 It's full of pizzazz.
00:36:37 And I like it.
00:36:39 It's tart but sweet.
00:36:41 Spiced right for me.
00:36:44 It tastes friendly.
00:36:46 It's sweet and we like it.
00:36:50 Gula to me is a place on the sea, an island of fun
00:36:56 that revolves around me.
00:36:59 It's not about you for our islands indeed.
00:37:03 Let's all pull together and do the right deed.
00:37:08 It's not as bad as it seems.
00:37:11 We can fix it if we work as a team.
00:37:13 There's no reason to give up on our dreams.
00:37:15 But it needs more cream!
00:37:16 This soup's got jams
00:37:18 It's hot and hip
00:37:20 It's full of pizzazz
00:37:22 And I like it!
00:37:24 *Gura Gura theme*
00:37:44 *Gura Gura theme*
00:38:04 It's not as bad as it seems
00:38:06 We can fix it if we work as a team
00:38:08 There's no reason to give up on our dreams
00:38:10 The soup is great but it still needs cream!
00:38:12 This soup's got jams
00:38:14 It's hot and hip
00:38:16 It's full of pizzazz
00:38:18 And we like it!
00:38:20 *Gura Gura theme*
00:38:40 *Gura Gura theme*
00:38:42 Gula to me is a marvel of machinery
00:38:46 The gears and the wheels spinning in synchronicity
00:38:51 See, in a piston thrust
00:38:53 Oh gosh, it's just too much
00:38:55 My head goes in a whirl
00:38:58 It's like meeting the perfect girl
00:39:01 *Gura Gura theme*
00:39:05 Gula to me is a place I get to be
00:39:09 The biggest ape in town
00:39:11 No contender to be found
00:39:14 Why bother with words when I got a pair of these?
00:39:18 You won't catch me begging or saying pretty please
00:39:23 Somebody turn on the lights! Please!
00:39:26 This soup's got jams
00:39:29 It's hot and hip
00:39:31 It's full of pizzazz
00:39:33 And we love it!
00:39:36 *Gura Gura theme*
00:39:55 *Gura Gura theme*
00:39:57 What?
00:40:18 No!
00:40:21 No!
00:40:22 Mr. Pink?
00:40:24 *Gura Gura theme*
00:40:27 What are you doing here?
00:40:29 I'm the one who should be asking what you're doing so far away from Gula City
00:40:34 We can...
00:40:36 *Gura Gura theme*
00:40:42 Easy for you to say
00:40:43 They sent us to find a problem with our system
00:40:48 And have you found the problem?
00:40:51 No sir, nothing so far
00:40:54 Well I wouldn't exactly say nothing
00:40:57 What?
00:40:58 In fact, I'd say something
00:41:00 How about you? Would you say something?
00:41:02 Something
00:41:03 Peanut?
00:41:04 My poor scient-pal here and I have discovered the problem
00:41:07 That's impossible
00:41:09 What did you find?
00:41:10 It's the fruit bats
00:41:12 They've been monkeying around with the old machines to disrupt the system
00:41:15 I'll have you know that figure's speech is offensive and entirely accurate
00:41:19 Why would the bats want to disrupt the system?
00:41:21 Hmm, they were there when we originally built it
00:41:25 There have been rumors the bats are unhappy that Gula City isn't sharing enough fruits of their labor
00:41:32 You two have done very good work indeed
00:41:36 *Gura Gura theme*
00:41:42 *Gura Gura theme*
00:41:47 *Gura Gura theme*
00:41:51 Congratulations
00:41:54 If all the fruit bats are in on it, we're going to need a much bigger team to root them out
00:41:58 In that case, I'll lead you back to Gula City
00:42:02 We'd better send a messenger beetle back so Monarchy can start preparing
00:42:05 Good idea
00:42:06 Fireworks, fruit sculptures, a ticker tape parade
00:42:09 There's a lot to organize for a hero's return
00:42:12 I meant preparing the team
00:42:14 Oh, well, uh, that too
00:42:17 There's no need. The trip won't take us long
00:42:20 Just to be safe
00:42:22 Oh, look out!
00:42:29 We should get underway
00:42:38 Tasty
00:42:40 The way out should be somewhere up ahead
00:42:45 Say, Flo, I've been thinking. You, me, Chateau Mango. Sound like a plan?
00:42:50 Maybe you've noticed. We're in the middle of a fungal jungle
00:42:54 Now that I've saved Gula, you'll want to get on that schedule as soon as possible
00:42:58 Aren't you getting a little ahead of yourself?
00:43:00 Actually, I'm trying to get ahead of you
00:43:02 Careful, or you might lose your way
00:43:06 Not gonna happen. You see, I'm never lost when I'm with you
00:43:11 Sorry. I've heard from half the girls in Gula, and I'm not falling for your song
00:43:17 Only half?
00:43:18 I'm looking for someone who's... sincere
00:43:21 Oh, now, don't be pessimistic
00:43:23 Hard-working
00:43:24 Let me carry that heavy pack for you
00:43:26 Humble
00:43:29 Did I mention? I couldn't have done it without the pig
00:43:33 Exactly. Someone like Dig
00:43:35 You mean in maintenance?
00:43:36 It's not what a guy does, but how he does it that counts
00:43:39 I see what you mean
00:43:46 He's a good egg. Just look at him. He could hatch at any moment
00:43:50 Hard as it is to say, I humbly and sincerely wish you both happiness
00:43:56 I didn't say "Dig". I said someone like Dig
00:44:02 Ooh, I can dig that
00:44:05 I just need a few minutes
00:44:10 Forgive me. I'm not as slow as I once was
00:44:15 Take your time
00:44:16 While you're resting, we'll go look for ourselves
00:44:20 And I'll keep a lookout here
00:44:22 Looks good to me. Alrighty then, let's go
00:44:28 You look like you could use a little support
00:44:31 Thanks
00:44:32 This way out seems more like the way in
00:44:41 Help!
00:44:49 That sounded like...
00:44:50 Gee, maybe the old fella fell down and can't get up
00:44:55 Well, if he fell down, he sure did get up
00:45:00 The bats have him!
00:45:02 Catch them!
00:45:03 What the...
00:45:08 Look out!
00:45:12 It's days like this that give days like this a bad reputation
00:45:17 Right, we gotta get out of here
00:45:19 Penis!
00:45:23 Ooh!
00:45:24 Jake!
00:45:36 Jake!
00:46:04 See like that! Perry Ducks, dueling with the fungus!
00:46:07 Leap, swing, and totally outmatched!
00:46:10 Oh, great!
00:46:17 Hey, stick around, will ya?
00:46:24 What's he doing?
00:46:26 Come on, come on, come on, come on, over here!
00:46:33 Ha!
00:46:34 All aboard!
00:46:37 Peanut, that's brilliant!
00:46:39 I figure bunnies like to hop. Hold this for me
00:46:42 First class all the way
00:46:45 Oopsie!
00:46:55 Oops
00:46:56 Oops? I'll show you oops!
00:46:59 Oops!
00:47:00 You riding? I'm there
00:47:06 Fancy meeting you here
00:47:21 Touchdown!
00:47:25 Anybody ever tell you you have a future in cannonballs?
00:47:28 Let's find Flo
00:47:29 There she is!
00:47:36 I gotcha
00:47:38 We hope you enjoyed your flight today
00:47:41 It really worked!
00:47:43 I prefer flying jumbos myself
00:47:47 This pit can fly
00:47:49 Aw, yucks
00:47:50 Hey, it's Mr. Pink!
00:47:55 You!
00:47:56 That's right, we made it out. No thanks to you
00:47:59 I saw the bats drop him. He needed my help
00:48:02 Oh, are you hurt?
00:48:04 No, just old, my dear
00:48:07 Good thing I held on to this
00:48:10 Ah, my trusty. Thank you
00:48:13 We were just coming to find you
00:48:15 Luckily for us, we had Peanut
00:48:17 He sure saved my bacon
00:48:19 Your uncle would be proud
00:48:22 Don't get carried away
00:48:24 Once was enough, I assure you
00:48:27 I was just saving my own skin
00:48:29 Now we know you were right about the bats
00:48:32 They obviously used me to try and trap you
00:48:36 Let's get moving!
00:48:38 Don't be sweating on me, Hog
00:48:57 But it's so hot
00:48:59 That's some spring in your step, Mr. Pink
00:49:05 Ah, yes, the volcanic warmth agrees with me
00:49:10 Look at that. Is that a bromance in the making, I see?
00:49:14 I'm starting to get a funny feeling about all this
00:49:17 Me too. Something stinks
00:49:20 That's just you
00:49:22 Oh, yeah
00:49:23 What do we really know about that old sloth, anyway?
00:49:26 He's one of the original Gula founders
00:49:28 And a living legend
00:49:30 Oh, that
00:49:32 That
00:49:33 Now I know what they mean by
00:49:40 If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the volcano
00:49:43 What's the matter? Can't you take it?
00:49:46 Well, you know, it's not the heat
00:49:48 It's the stupidity
00:49:49 I think we're going deeper into the volcano
00:49:51 Away from Gula City
00:49:53 It's just lava pockets
00:49:55 We have to pass through them on the way out
00:49:58 Ah, see there. The journey is almost over
00:50:03 Where are we?
00:50:08 Not the exit, that's for sure
00:50:15 [GASPS]
00:50:17 The central cone!
00:50:20 Did I mention I have a nose for danger?
00:50:23 That looks like the Gula juice bubble maker
00:50:27 Only that's no juice bubble. That's lava
00:50:31 The lava bubbles are so heavy
00:50:35 They're weighing down the entire system
00:50:37 They're what's causing the island to sink
00:50:40 Let's get out of here
00:50:42 We have to tell Uncle Monarchy
00:50:45 Whoa, now that's an avalanche
00:50:53 Hey, a boulder almost flattened me
00:50:56 Flattened us, you mean
00:50:58 Sorry about that, boss
00:51:01 Boss? You?
00:51:04 [LAUGHS]
00:51:07 And you! You're all in on the secret plot together
00:51:11 Not bad for an old fossil, eh?
00:51:14 It was just a matter of modifying some of the original Gula machinery that had been abandoned
00:51:19 But why?
00:51:21 But why?
00:51:23 Because I saved Gula! It was me! I built all these machines!
00:51:29 Impressive
00:51:31 Just saying
00:51:33 But your great-grand ape took all the credit and all the glory
00:51:37 You monkeys live like kings
00:51:40 All I got was a golden pineapple and a pat on the back
00:51:45 No one knows what I built
00:51:48 But they'll know when I destroy it!
00:51:53 What do you mean, destroy it? That wasn't part of the deal
00:51:57 Oh, no
00:51:59 Always a little late to the party, aren't you, my boy?
00:52:03 That is why I chose you
00:52:06 We were only supposed to make them think the island was sinking
00:52:09 Then we'd save everyone and rule Gula together
00:52:12 [LAUGHS]
00:52:14 As if I were to share power with another cheeky monkey!
00:52:18 [LAUGHS]
00:52:20 You betrayed me
00:52:22 Don't take it so hard. You betrayed me and we-- never mind
00:52:25 But if the island sinks, what about all the Gula fruit you promised us?
00:52:29 Don't you see? He tricked all of you
00:52:32 Everyone?
00:52:33 No fruit?
00:52:35 No juice?
00:52:36 No anything!
00:52:39 [GROWLS]
00:52:41 [KNOCKING]
00:52:43 [GROWLS]
00:52:45 [GRUNTS]
00:52:47 [LAUGHS]
00:52:50 You didn't think I was planning to go down with the rest of the island, did you?
00:52:55 After Gula sinks, I will rebuild on the volcano that remains
00:53:07 Let's go, let's go!
00:53:19 Stupid! This is not my job!
00:53:23 Revenge is the sweetest fruit of all
00:53:30 [LAUGHS]
00:53:31 Wait a minute! Didn't you forget something?
00:53:34 Pardon?
00:53:35 Um... uh... I'm too young to die?
00:53:40 Goodbye
00:53:42 Stop him!
00:53:44 [GRUNTS]
00:53:46 [LAUGHS]
00:53:48 Target acquired
00:53:50 Locked and loaded
00:53:53 Dive, dive, dive!
00:53:56 [SCREAMS]
00:53:59 [THUD]
00:54:01 Ouch! What are we doing?
00:54:05 We got wings!
00:54:07 Oh, so? Whoa!
00:54:10 Let's get out of here!
00:54:14 You're smarter than you look, Fufu
00:54:20 We have to climb
00:54:27 Guys, guys! Guys!
00:54:31 What's the matter?
00:54:33 Pigs can't climb
00:54:35 Last I heard, they can't fly either
00:54:38 Hey, yeah!
00:54:41 Let's get shaking, Bacon
00:54:43 After you, sir
00:54:45 Yahoo!
00:54:49 There we are! All for one and one for all! That's my motto!
00:54:54 Since when?
00:54:55 Since right now
00:54:57 There's nowhere left to go
00:54:59 I hope that works out for you
00:55:05 So, this is it
00:55:08 Somehow, I always imagined when the end finally came, I'd be somewhere else
00:55:14 Come on! We can't let this beat us!
00:55:18 What can we do?
00:55:20 We can look death in the eye
00:55:23 We can laugh!
00:55:26 We can kiss
00:55:29 Well...
00:55:30 Great! Cool! Hurry up and end it!
00:55:33 What?
00:55:35 I don't think this pipe has load bearing
00:55:37 Who cares?
00:55:38 But, but, but...
00:55:39 Kind of busy
00:55:40 It might...
00:55:41 You ever hear the phrase now or never?
00:55:43 Break!
00:55:44 [CRASHING]
00:55:46 [SCREAMING]
00:55:52 Bubbles!
00:55:53 Gotcha!
00:55:54 They're too small!
00:55:56 Stop grabbing! Let them stick to you
00:55:59 Phew!
00:56:13 Madam, how do you do?
00:56:18 How do you do?
00:56:21 Oops!
00:56:22 [SCREAMING]
00:56:25 It's working!
00:56:30 We're alive?
00:56:35 [CHEERING]
00:56:37 That's right, I fly all the time
00:56:41 If we had booked early, we could have gotten better seats
00:56:46 Oh, peanuts
00:56:47 Did someone say peanuts?
00:56:48 Nuts! You're all nuts!
00:56:51 Look!
00:56:55 It's going down
00:56:57 Uncle Monarchy!
00:56:59 Oh dear
00:57:03 I don't know how to swing
00:57:05 Everyone!
00:57:07 Well, at least we made it
00:57:11 [LAUGHING]
00:57:12 [SCREAMING]
00:57:13 We have to do something
00:57:16 Do what? It's all over
00:57:19 It really is over
00:57:23 Now I'll never get the penthouse office
00:57:26 It's not over. It's not over unless we give up
00:57:30 And unless you're not the monkey I think you are, you'll never give up
00:57:34 You're too obtuse to give up
00:57:36 You think I'm obtuse?
00:57:38 Getting your hands a little dirty now, Peanut, is good preparation for later
00:57:45 We need to go that way. Can you do it?
00:57:48 No problem
00:57:50 I've got a full tank
00:57:52 What are you doing?
00:57:55 We have to break the machines
00:57:58 Are you crazy? You'll get us all killed
00:58:13 That was a mistake
00:58:15 This is how you break something
00:58:18 You two don't know what you're doing
00:58:24 I'll show you how to disable this machine
00:58:27 [LAUGHING]
00:58:29 Let's do it
00:58:38 Back it up, pig
00:58:40 Okey-dokey, sir
00:58:43 [GASPING]
00:58:45 I still have faith in Peanut
00:58:48 I don't know how to swim
00:58:50 Pink?
00:58:52 [LAUGHING]
00:58:54 It's working
00:59:05 [LAUGHING]
00:59:07 What?
00:59:09 [GROANING]
00:59:11 I never learned to swim
00:59:13 Yeah, this is great
00:59:16 [GROANING]
00:59:18 If we get this, it should finish off the whole system
00:59:26 I don't think so
00:59:28 I won't let you stop what I've begun
00:59:31 You're too late. This is the beginning of the end
00:59:34 Or the end of the end
00:59:37 Maybe it's the end of the beginning
00:59:40 Eat lava, monkey boy
00:59:44 [SCREAMING]
00:59:48 Bacon is baking
00:59:51 I hope it's true that girls like fried bananas
00:59:54 You think this is covered in Gula's health plan?
00:59:56 Are you kidding? No way
00:59:58 I know. I wrote it
01:00:00 Hey, we're steering it. Other way
01:00:02 That's it. No. Yes. No
01:00:04 Sir?
01:00:06 They're headed for the lava
01:00:08 Right. Go right
01:00:09 Go right
01:00:10 My left
01:00:11 Go left
01:00:12 Right
01:00:13 Oh no
01:00:14 Jake, jump
01:00:16 [GROANING]
01:00:18 I said left
01:00:19 You said right
01:00:21 Peanut
01:00:26 You got any marshmallows?
01:00:29 Going up
01:00:32 I know these machines better than anyone
01:00:38 Next floor, lingerie
01:00:40 Sporting goods and deadly lava balls
01:00:43 Looks like we're having a special run on those lava balls
01:00:47 [SCREAMING]
01:00:52 Buddy, like I said, we make it thick so it'll stick
01:00:56 Ow
01:00:58 Flying gets easier and easier
01:01:04 [EXPLOSION]
01:01:05 Partner? Partners
01:01:07 Charge!
01:01:09 Now try and stop me
01:01:11 [GRUNTING]
01:01:15 You asked for it
01:01:25 Gula, Gula, fruity treat
01:01:27 For blocking lava, it can't be beat
01:01:29 Especially when I use my seat
01:01:33 No!
01:01:34 This way
01:01:46 It stopped
01:02:00 Hooray!
01:02:02 Oh no
01:02:12 Oh please
01:02:14 Well, you got to hand it to the big chimp
01:02:22 Nah
01:02:25 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:02:27 [SCREAMING]
01:02:38 [EXPLOSION]
01:02:53 [SCREAMING]
01:02:55 Incoming!
01:02:57 Jump!
01:03:07 Hey, what the fruit are you doing?
01:03:10 No problemo
01:03:11 Yes problemo
01:03:12 Peanut!
01:03:22 They're okay
01:03:23 That is one lucky monkey
01:03:26 Nice work, pig
01:03:28 Why, thank you, monkey
01:03:31 [SCREAMING]
01:03:39 Look out!
01:03:41 Gotcha
01:03:50 [SCREAMING]
01:03:53 What are you...
01:03:54 Ow!
01:03:55 This isn't finished
01:03:58 Wanna bet?
01:03:59 He's in the juice now
01:04:12 About time he got canned
01:04:14 Now what?
01:04:16 Need a lift?
01:04:19 You came back
01:04:20 What's the catch?
01:04:22 She's kind of sweet on you
01:04:27 Well, you can't blame her
01:04:33 Not you, banana breath
01:04:35 Him
01:04:36 Me?
01:04:39 Him?
01:04:40 I like the strong, silent type
01:04:43 Oh, I see
01:04:48 Still friends?
01:04:50 The nose knows
01:05:12 [MUSIC]
01:05:14 Why?
01:05:26 I had enough of playing second banana
01:05:29 With a bunch of simple-minded simians
01:05:32 I'm sorry, old friend
01:05:34 But I order you to further service Gula City
01:05:37 You will help restore it to its former glory
01:05:40 By cleaning up the mess you made
01:05:43 You order me?
01:05:45 Uncle Monarchy's a bad...
01:05:51 Congratulations to you all for saving Gula City
01:06:02 Ah, about that...
01:06:05 Yes, peanut?
01:06:07 We can do better than that
01:06:10 [MUSIC]
01:06:13 [DOOR OPENS]
01:06:14 [MUSIC]
01:06:16 [SIREN]
01:06:19 [MUSIC]
01:06:21 [EXPLOSION]
01:06:25 [MUSIC]
01:06:27 [MUSIC]
01:06:29 [MUSIC]
01:06:57 Him, today I am proud to be a monkey's uncle
01:07:02 Now this belongs to you
01:07:09 Ooh, yeah
01:07:14 [CHEERING]
01:07:16 Ooh
01:07:20 You, crap-eater, get back to work
01:07:22 Uncle Monarchy, what can I say?
01:07:25 I made a copy for myself years ago
01:07:28 Ha ha ha ha ha
01:07:30 Oh, you cheeky monkey
01:07:32 [CHEERING]
01:07:34 Not so long ago, the beautiful island of Gula
01:07:39 Began sinking into the sea
01:07:41 Until a particularly clever monkey and his friends
01:07:45 Saved the day
01:07:47 Hold the fruit!
01:07:50 Aren't you forgetting something?
01:07:52 That's more like it
01:07:55 [SQUEAK]
01:07:57 Pardon me
01:08:01 Hey, buddy!
01:08:02 My buddy. Mind if I cut in?
01:08:05 Well?
01:08:06 Why, of course. Don't be silly
01:08:08 [MUSIC]
01:08:10 Hey, buddy
01:08:11 Hey, buddy
01:08:12 You're the best friend that a guy could ever have
01:08:15 My buddy
01:08:16 My buddy
01:08:17 Hey, buddy
01:08:18 Hey, buddy
01:08:19 One for all and all for one
01:08:21 It's me for you and you for me
01:08:25 When I'm in a fix, I can always count on you
01:08:29 Even when the chips are down, you will still come through
01:08:33 Hey, buddy
01:08:34 Hey, buddy
01:08:35 You're the number one best pal I've had in all my life
01:08:41 I used to be a monkey of leisure
01:08:45 But then I met you, pal, and found a treasure
01:08:49 Oh, thank you
01:08:50 My pleasure
01:08:51 Who'd have thunk the two of us could have so much in common?
01:08:56 We do?
01:08:57 Well, we both got lost
01:08:59 And both got found
01:09:00 We knocked pink out together
01:09:02 You know it's true that me and you, we work quite well wherever
01:09:06 We took some lumps of bruise, too
01:09:08 At times I was an achin'
01:09:10 No matter what, no matter how, you always saved my bacon
01:09:13 You're welcome
01:09:14 Before we met, I spent my days fixing this or that or the other
01:09:20 You made me laugh, you called me friend
01:09:23 Now you're like my brother from another mother
01:09:27 You helped me save our island home
01:09:30 There's no way that I'd let you do it all alone
01:09:35 You carried your weight, you helped me fly
01:09:37 That's why there's no denying
01:09:39 It's me for you and you for me
01:09:41 Close friends until we're dying
01:09:43 Hey, buddy
01:09:44 They're buddies
01:09:45 You're the best friend that a guy could ever have
01:09:49 My buddy
01:09:50 Real buddies
01:09:51 Hey, buddy
01:09:52 Close buddies
01:09:53 One for all and all for one
01:09:55 It's me for you and you for me
01:09:57 This hugging is too much
01:09:59 When I'm in a fix, I can always count on you
01:10:03 Even when the chips are down, you will still come through
01:10:07 Hey, buddy
01:10:08 They're buddies
01:10:09 You're the number one best pal I've had in all my life
01:10:13 Why don't you boys just kiss?
01:10:15 Buddy
01:10:17 Oh, that's so beautiful
01:10:26 Ah, that fruit
01:10:30 Hey, who told you it's time for coffee break?
01:10:33 We have no time for that right now
01:10:34 You gotta go pick up pencils, then you gotta pick up soap
01:10:37 Then we clean the bathrooms
01:10:38 You work for me now, big boy
01:10:42 (water splashing)
01:10:45 (water splashing)
01:10:48 (water splashing)
01:10:51 (water splashing)
01:10:57 (water splashing)
01:11:03 (soft music)
01:11:10 (soft music)
01:11:13 (soft music)
01:11:24 (soft music)
01:11:32 (soft music)
01:11:35 (soft music)
01:11:46 (soft music)
01:12:01 (soft music)
01:12:04 (soft music)
01:12:11 (soft music)
01:12:18 (soft music)
01:12:30 (soft music)
01:12:33 (soft music)
01:12:42 (soft music)
01:12:54 (soft music)
01:12:57 (upbeat music)
01:13:11 (upbeat music)
01:13:18 (upbeat music)
01:13:21 (upbeat music)
01:13:32 (upbeat music)
01:13:43 (upbeat music)
01:13:46 (upbeat music)
01:13:59 (upbeat music)
01:14:08 (upbeat music)
01:14:11 (upbeat music)
01:14:21 (upbeat music)
01:14:37 (upbeat music)
01:14:40 (upbeat music)
01:14:45 (soft music)
01:14:54 (soft music)
01:15:02 (soft music)
01:15:05 (upbeat music)
01:15:14 (upbeat music)
01:15:26 (upbeat music)
01:15:29 (upbeat music)
01:15:37 (upbeat music)
01:15:53 (soft music)
01:15:56 (gentle music)
01:15:59 [MUSIC]
