Frittelli (Federsanità): "Partire da criticità Ssn per sfide future"

  • 8 months ago
(Adnkronos) - "Conoscere lo stato di salute del Ssn è determinante per mettere in luce le nuove sfide che abbiamo davanti, a partire da quella della Missione 6 del Pnrr, ovvero di quella che sarà la nuova sanità territoriale e, quindi, della necessità di incremento dell'assistenza domiciliare integrata, ma anche delle forme di teleassistenza, di quello che è stato lo sviluppo delle grandi attrezzature e tecnologie, a partire in tutta Italia dal Fascicolo sanitario elettronico”. Lo ha detto all’Adnkronos Salute Tiziana Frittelli, presidente di Federsanità Anci in occasione della presentazione del Report di Salutequità ‘Valutare bene per garantire equità‘ che si è tenuta a Roma.


00:00 [Music]
00:04 I share a lot the work that has been done by Salute Equità,
00:08 I also appreciate that it takes into account continuous deepening and new challenges.
00:15 Especially because the new warranty system is a system that was born and was validated
00:23 and elaborated in 2019, that is, at a time when health care was something else.
00:32 The pandemic, as we know, has highlighted the many shadows of a national health care system
00:39 that also has great points of excellence.
00:43 And I believe that the appeals that come today from Salute Equità are very correct.
00:51 Why? Because the fact that there is a grid that constitutes a little bit the checklist
00:58 of what the state of health is and of the national health service in the light of the new challenges is really essential.
01:04 It is no longer conceivable to cure chronic diseases outside of the assistance routes and therefore of PDA.
01:14 The same system of health care safety that has been given since 2017 has also created a series of requirements
01:21 to be developed on the territory, which must certainly be developed.
01:25 It is a new dynamic grid with mechanisms that are not only methodological, important and very flexible,
01:34 that help us understand what the new requirements are to be monitored,
01:39 but also for the monitoring of what the state of the art is of the new advances.
01:45 I believe that it is absolutely necessary, as well as the fact of attaching to a new warranty system,
01:51 but it must be new because it is constantly evolving,
01:55 a much higher funding quota than what is happening today, which is quite risky,
02:00 precisely to constitute a stimulus compared to the ownership of the cures, those that are the great criticisms.
