INCO Targetkan Divestasi Saham Rampung pada 2024

  • 8 months ago
PT Vale Indonesia Tbk (INCO) menargetkan, divestasi saham ke holding BUMN tambang Mind ID rampung pada 2024. Dalam keterangan tertulis, manajemen perseroan menyampaikan pihaknya tidak pernah menerima ultimatum dari pemerintah, terkait proses divestasi.


00:00 My colleague Miten from Nickel Mining Company, PT Valley Indonesia Tbk or INKO
00:04 targets the mining of mining shares to holding BUMN Tambang Mine ID,
00:08 which will be completed in 2024.
00:10 In the statement,
00:13 the management of the company stated that
00:15 they have never received an ultimatum from the government regarding the mining process.
00:19 However, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources
00:23 told INKO that it is important to immediately complete the mining process.
00:28 There is also a process of the mining process
00:30 as one of the conditions
00:32 to obtain a work contract extension in the form of a special mining business permit
00:37 and provide certainty for the investment of Valley Indonesia
00:41 related to the planning of mining.
00:43 It has been stated by INKO on November 20, 2023.
00:47 INKO together with Valley Canada Limited,
00:49 PT Mineral Industry Indonesia Persero or Mine ID
00:53 and Sumitomo Metal Mining
00:55 signed the mining contract.
00:57 Thank you for watching.
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