• last year
Program mandatory biodiesel, merupakan inisiatif dan pencapaian luar biasa dalam keberlanjutan perkebunan kelapa sawit di Tanah Air. Implementasi program biodiesel ini diharapkan, mampu meningkatkan penggunaan bahan bakar nabati secara nasional, serta mampu menghemat anggaran.


00:00Hello viewers, welcome back to IDX Channel Jakarta, I'm Prisa Sombodhatu, welcome to this special dialogue.
00:25This time we will review the partnership of PASOK Biodiesel for poverty alleviation in the village.
00:32You can watch this event live through streaming on IDXchannel.com.
00:37And viewers, this is the complete special dialogue.
00:41PASOK Biodiesel Partnership for Poverty Alleviation
00:53The sponsor of the Biodiesel Mandatory Program is an extraordinary initiative in the continuation of palm oil plantation in the water.
01:02And the implementation of the Biodiesel Program is expected to be able to increase the use of natural fuels nationally and be able to save budget.
01:10PASOK Biodiesel Partnership for Poverty Alleviation
01:40The sponsor of the Biodiesel Mandatory Program is an extraordinary initiative in the continuation of palm oil plantation in the water.
01:57PASOK Biodiesel Partnership for Poverty Alleviation
02:04The sponsor of the Biodiesel Mandatory Program is an extraordinary initiative in the continuation of palm oil plantation in the water.
02:18PASOK Biodiesel Partnership for Poverty Alleviation
02:21The sponsor of the Biodiesel Mandatory Program is an extraordinary initiative in the continuation of palm oil plantation in the water.
02:47In the future, the future strategy of Biodiesel is believed to be able to move through a strong collaboration of palm oil farmers, palm oil producer, regional government and central government.
02:59In addition, the improvement of regulation must be carried out to support the acceleration of the palm oil development program and achieve the target that has been set.
03:08PASOK Biodiesel Partnership for Poverty Alleviation
03:13That was the announcement made by President-elect Prabowo Subianto about the commitment of Biodiesel B50.
03:23The plan will be implemented at the beginning of next year and this can save about US$200 billion in one year.
03:31This is an extraordinary number.
03:33But what is the Biodiesel Partnership for Poverty Alleviation like?
03:38We will discuss this.
03:40We have a number of experts in this area.
03:45I would like to introduce Mr. Edy Wibowo, Director of Bioenergy at CEN EBTKE of the Ministry of Primary Industries.
03:51Hello, sir. How are you, Mr. Edy?
03:56Mr. Edy, can you hear us clearly?
04:02How are you, Mr. Edy?
04:09Maybe I will switch to some of the speakers in the studio first.
04:14We also have Mr. Prayudi Samsuri, Director of Management and Marketing at the Ministry of Agriculture.
04:20How are you, sir?
04:22Thank you for joining us.
04:25We also have Mr. Sabarudin, Chairperson of the SPKS Coconut Farmers Association.
04:30How are you, sir?
04:31I'm fine.
04:32Thank you for joining us.
04:34We also have Mr. Jumi BMC Naga, Chairperson of Research and Technology at APROBI.
04:40How are you, sir?
04:41I'm fine, ma'am.
04:42Thank you for joining us.
04:44And of course, we have Mr. Pujian Tosek, Chairperson of the Association of Indonesian Coconut Villages or ADESI.
04:49How are you, sir?
04:50I'm fine, ma'am.
04:51We will try to get in touch with Mr. Edy again.
04:54Mr. Edy, welcome to join us.
04:56Can you hear us clearly, sir?
05:02We are still trying to get in touch with Mr. Edy.
05:05Let's talk about the commitment to biodiesel.
05:07Maybe I will switch to Mr. Prayudi first.
05:10How do you see the involvement of the Ministry in the development of the coconut industry right now,
05:15especially in the commitment to biodiesel from B20 and B35?
05:21Thank you, ma'am.
05:23When we talk about biodiesel, one of the things we need to pay attention to is the raw material.
05:32Therefore, the question is, how is the availability of raw materials for the coconut itself.
05:38And Alhamdulillah, this year we projected to reach 54 million tons of our CPU production.
05:48And of course, the benefits are to meet domestic needs,
05:54and then for export.
05:57And of course, it is one of the government policies in the biodiesel framework.
06:03Therefore, our biodiesel needs from the raw material.
06:07Therefore, from the Ministry of Agriculture,
06:11of course, in order to encourage and support how to increase productivity
06:16from our coconut oil.
06:18That's the point.
06:20The productivity of our coconut oil from year to year actually tends to increase, right?
06:26Yes, it means that we actually have a fairly high productivity level,
06:33up to 2.6 on average.
06:36However, we have a difference in productivity levels,
06:40between the company industry and the farmers.
06:43So actually, we still have the potential to increase production
06:47by increasing the productivity of our coconut oil.
06:51Okay, so if we increase the productivity of our coconut oil,
06:55our production can actually be higher.
06:57Yes, it can be higher.
06:58How much should it be?
07:00Now, the average is 2.6.
07:02And actually, the productivity is 2.6 tons per hectare.
07:08And actually, we can increase it up to 3,
07:13even up to 4 if we have the experience
07:17and the guidance from our farmers' associations.
07:20We can maximize it up to 4.
07:21Now, the average is 2.6, right?
07:22Yes, 2.6.
07:24I would like to ask Mr. Jumi,
07:26the review of biodiesel development,
07:28or biofuel, coconut oil, with the amount of production
07:31that was mentioned earlier by Mr. Prayudi,
07:33what is the comparison like?
07:37Yes, I have to say first,
07:39I'm sorry for the background,
07:41why this biodiesel program is very tight,
07:44as Mr. Prabowo said earlier.
07:46I think the purpose is to increase clean energy supply,
07:51and also how the purpose was to reduce BBM import,
07:55so we don't need to issue a deficit.
07:59If the current condition, B35,
08:02is a deficit that can be set without issuing,
08:05that is around 7.9 billion USD.
08:07Earlier, Mr. Prabowo said that if B50 or B60,
08:11it can reach 20 billion USD.
08:13Then, of course,
08:15this is also important as the stability of our national price,
08:19so that the price of TBS in the farmers,
08:23we can maintain it,
08:25so that the prosperity of the farmers can be maintained.
08:27Then, of course, this biodiesel program
08:30is a mechanism formed by the government
08:34to create a local demand market,
08:36so that our dependence on the European market
08:39is no longer too strong,
08:41so that we can have a business portfolio
08:43of energy security and food security.
08:45I think that's the background.
08:47Then, how has this biodiesel program been running?
08:52Biodiesel has been running since 2009,
08:56the name was B5, 5%,
08:59then in 2018, the BPDPKS mechanism was introduced,
09:04where every time we export palm oil,
09:08we raise the price to increase biodiesel production,
09:13so that it continues until now, B35.
09:15We really appreciate that,
09:17and it was achieved because of the collaboration between the government,
09:23then also stakeholders from users,
09:28such as automotive associations,
09:30heavy industry, agricultural equipment,
09:34then also, of course, this was achieved because of the collaboration with the university
09:40to carry out further research and research
09:43related to the clarification of our palm oil products
09:46which has a higher added value.
09:49So, we really appreciate the benefits of palm oil
09:54as the latest renewable energy for fuel.
09:58We will try to get in touch with Mr. Eddy Wibowo,
10:01the Director of Bioenergy at CEN EBTKE,
10:03the Ministry of Education.
10:04Hello, Mr. Eddy, can you hear us clearly from your studio?
10:08Yes, I can hear you.
10:09Hello, Mr. Eddy, thank you for joining us.
10:12Sir, how has the B20 to B35 biodiesel program been running?
10:17What is the progress so far, sir?
10:21Yes, currently, the B35 program that has been running
10:24until September 1, 2024,
10:27we have allocated 8.4 million KR or 69% of the allocation of 13.4 million KR.
10:36So, God willing, the target will reach 12.3 million KR by the end of the year.
10:46Okay, so it's actually running according to the target, right?
10:51Is it satisfying enough, or what is it like, Mr. Eddy?
10:54Yes, for the time being, it's like that.
10:56So, we hope that the B35 program will continue.
11:00God willing, according to the previous agreement,
11:03we will continue to B40 by January 5, 2024.
11:11Okay, B20, B35, what are the challenges of biodiesel development
11:15and what is your concern regarding the B50 program
11:20which was also joined by President-elect Prabowo Subianto?
11:28Mr. Eddy, what are the challenges of biodiesel development so far, sir?
11:33Yes, the challenges are actually the continuation issue.
11:36Then, the problem is if we want to increase the infrastructure,
11:41want to increase the percentage,
11:43maybe we need to ensure the readiness of the facilities for the blending.
11:52Then also, the market capacity is currently very tight,
11:56it is very suitable for B40 later.
11:58And then, if there is one problem,
12:00it may need a period of reliability so that there is no blending.
12:06If it's about the market capacity,
12:09what is it like in the country so far,
12:11maybe compared to the condition of the biodiesel market capacity abroad?
12:14Mr. Eddy, how is it?
12:16Yes, we hear that the biodiesel regulatory program
12:19is the main goal for the domestic economy.
12:21So, right now, it's almost 95% more for domestic needs.
12:28And maybe there is a small part that is used for export,
12:31the rest is from the production capacity,
12:35then the allocation is reduced,
12:37there is the rest that can be used for abroad.
12:40So, for abroad, the export of biodiesel is very small.
12:44Up to now, it's only about 200,000 tons.
12:49Can you repeat the comparison, sir?
12:51What is the percentage in the country
12:53and what is the percentage for the rest of the biodiesel markets abroad?
12:57The comparison is that right now,
12:59we have allocated 8.5 million tons of biodiesel in the country.
13:03Then, for the export,
13:06we only have about 200,000 tons.
13:10So, it's very far.
13:12It's very far, right?
13:14Okay, Mr. Eddy, let's go to Mr. Pujianto.
13:16Mr. Puji, how does ADECI assess the potential of biodiesel oil
13:20developed by the government so far?
13:21Maybe like the picture Mr. Eddy mentioned earlier.
13:24As ADECI,
13:28we strongly support the policies of the government
13:33to help the people,
13:36especially the oil farmers and the oil company
13:41to develop biodiesel
13:47to fill the energy in the country
13:52and introduce it to the countries in the world.
13:58It's very good, ma'am.
14:01So, you strongly support it?
14:03I strongly support it.
14:04But, how optimistic are you
14:07about the efforts to use biodiesel
14:10because you are from the Association of Oil Villages in Indonesia, ADECI.
14:14How do you see the realization of this
14:17in terms of the poverty condition?
14:19Because there is a data that states that
14:22the number of oil production areas in Indonesia
14:25is above the national average.
14:29What do you think about it?
14:30I think the poverty condition of the villages
14:36that produce oil in Indonesia
14:38is quite low
14:42because in those areas,
14:45the oil palm plantation is not maximized as much as possible
14:50because it's hard for us to get the fertilizer.
14:54We hope that the Association of Oil Villages
14:57can cooperate with the Association
15:00to distribute the fertilizer,
15:03especially in the oil palm plantation.
15:07Because so far, the fertilizer that comes to the villages
15:12is only for the oil palm plantation.
15:15For the oil palm plantation,
15:16there is no subsidy for the oil palm plantation.
15:19That's it.
15:22Mr. Yudi, you were so busy earlier.
15:26Why is that, sir?
15:28There is no fertilizer for the oil palm plantation,
15:30especially for the oil palm plantation.
15:32Yes, it's true that
15:34the efforts to improve the productivity of our oil palm plantation
15:38require us to pay attention to several things.
15:41First, we have to know
15:46whether the oil palm plantation is produced by a qualified oil palm plantation.
15:53That's one of the factors.
15:55The second factor is the water and fertilizer input.
15:58This is also a challenge for us
16:01because our oil palm plantation has 16.38 million hectares.
16:07So, if we calculate how much we need,
16:11we need a lot of fertilizer.
16:13This is a challenge for us
16:16to improve the productivity of our oil palm plantation.
16:19So, because of the high demand,
16:22the stock is limited, right?
16:25We will continue to see
16:27what the Association of Oil Palm Farmers
16:29can do to alleviate the poverty of the villages.
16:34We will be right back after a short break.
17:04Thank you, Mr. Mayor.
17:05We are back with a special dialogue.
17:07We will continue to discuss the partnership
17:09between the Association of Oil Palm Farmers
17:11to alleviate the poverty of the villages.
17:13Mr. Sabar, you are right.
17:14You said that there is no partnership
17:16between those who run the biodiesel program,
17:21especially those who have large farms,
17:24and small farmers.
17:27There is none.
17:29I will confirm this to Mr. Edy Wibowo.
17:31Mr. Edy, what do you think about this partnership
17:36so that it can be improved,
17:38between large farmers and small farmers?
17:42What do you think about it, Mr. Edy?
17:46Actually, what we want to do
17:48is to allow businesses
17:50to keep their oil palm farms
17:52in the biodiesel program
17:54that is already running.
17:56We also see that
17:58when it comes to the partnership,
18:01we also pay attention
18:03to the mandatory biodiesel program
18:09that is currently running.
18:10It also provides value.
18:12There is a CSR from each BPN
18:14that we push
18:16so that it can run well.
18:18Then, regarding the benefits
18:20or needs of the CPO itself
18:22or the needs of the BPS,
18:24in fact, the benefits of the biodiesel program
18:28are from the CPO.
18:29So, the CPO or the RPBPO
18:32are not directly from the farmers.
18:35The farmers will go to the BKS
18:38and then to the biodiesel program.
18:40So, the partnership
18:41from the biodiesel program
18:42is not directly from the farmers
18:44or the BPS,
18:45except for those who have farms.
18:46Because there are several types of partnerships
18:49that are already running.
18:52For example, the integrated farm
18:55that has biodiesel, BKS,
18:58and the farmers.
18:59This is usually in the plasma concept.
19:03That is what is running.
19:04But for the PSR
19:06or the people's farm
19:08that is currently still dominating
19:11around 40%,
19:13this is not directly connected.
19:15It can also be sold to the BKS,
19:17then the BKS will sell to the biodiesel program.
19:20So, this contract between the parties
19:22may also need to be pushed.
19:23And we are also pushing
19:24so that the supply of raw materials
19:27from the farmers
19:29to the BKS
19:31and then to the farmers
19:32can run well.
19:33And also in the export,
19:35before it was only exported.
19:37Then there will be export
19:38in the industry
19:41and also export in bioenergy.
19:43And we see that
19:44one step ahead.
19:46So that the supply of raw materials
19:47can also run well
19:49and also take advantage of the BKS
19:52from the farmers
19:53as much as possible.
19:56What do you think, Mr. Pujianto,
19:58from the Association of Indonesian Plantation Villages
20:00about the solutions
20:01that Mr. Eddy just mentioned?
20:04According to the association,
20:07the solutions that Mr. Pujianto mentioned
20:11are very good.
20:14the number of plantation farmers in Indonesia
20:17is 16,829.
20:23Of course,
20:25that much
20:27must be paid attention to.
20:29Then per ton, per hectare,
20:33for one month,
20:34on average,
20:35for now,
20:37if there is no drought,
20:39it is 4 tons per hectare.
20:41Is that a big number or normal?
20:44If it is normal,
20:46it is on average.
20:52I hope the government,
20:55from the government,
20:58from the regency,
21:00from the central government,
21:02from the Ministry of Villages,
21:04Ministry of Agriculture,
21:08can support
21:10the existence of village funds
21:13to be distributed to BUMDESMA.
21:15BUMDESMA, of course,
21:17to build a mini CPO factory.
21:21That will reduce
21:23our sales to factories.
21:27The price can be higher.
21:32from the mini CPO,
21:34it can go directly to the government.
21:39I hope the government
21:42can directly take
21:46the mini CPO
21:48in the villages,
21:50in the regions,
21:52to be transported
21:54to our country.
21:56So, you want to say
21:58that our production is significant
22:00but not absorbed.
22:02Yes, that's right.
22:03And the way to make it absorbed,
22:05the mini CPO savings,
22:10About the mini CPO,
22:11which was also mentioned by Mr. Eddy,
22:13how do you deal with it?
22:15To deal with the mini CPO,
22:17we, from the regions,
22:23to make the mini CPO is very complicated.
22:28Very complicated.
22:30I hope there is help from the government
22:34to go to the regions,
22:36to subsidize the mini CPO program.
22:38How to do it?
22:40So, our community can have all the mini CPO.
22:43Where is it complicated?
22:44Can you tell us a little bit?
22:45Clearly, we are from the villages.
22:47To make it, we have to report it to the regency.
22:50It's a bit slow from the regency.
22:52So, until now,
22:55it can be checked.
22:56Like in our area, in Bengkulu,
22:59the mini CPO is very limited.
23:02You said there are more than 16,000 farmers.
23:05How many mini CPO do you have?
23:08We haven't got the data from the association.
23:11Maybe in a while, we will get the data.
23:13How many mini CPO we have.
23:16But, yesterday, in Waringin West City,
23:19they started to make the mini CPO.
23:24There is a report to us, to the association.
23:28My hope is from the government.
23:32The government should press down,
23:35press down to the regency,
23:37how to make the community
23:39can finish the mini CPO as soon as possible.
23:43Mr. Prayudi, what do you think?
23:45I think there are a lot of
23:47obstacles that need to be solved.
23:51Because, the government wants to have a certificate,
23:54according to the determination.
23:56But, there are also difficulties about the certificate.
23:58And, there are a lot of things. What do you think, sir?
23:59Yes, we are talking about the mini CPO.
24:01We are in a position to do
24:03the management of our palm oil.
24:05That's the first thing, in our opinion.
24:06And, not only the government.
24:08I think we should be involved in
24:10improving the management of our palm oil.
24:13That's the first thing.
24:14The second thing,
24:15about the certification,
24:17there are two things.
24:18For the companies, it is mandatory.
24:22And, Alhamdulillah, there are a lot of companies.
24:26Our challenge is,
24:27as I said before,
24:29the certification of the mini CPO for our farm.
24:32Because, it is costly.
24:34It is costly.
24:35Because of that,
24:36the government has prepared
24:39the package of facilitation assistance
24:42through BPD-PKS.
24:44So, that's one.
24:47But, before that,
24:49that's for the certification, sir.
24:51So, there is a fund that has been prepared
24:54in the fund of Sarana Prasarana
24:56through BPD-PKS.
24:58Then, there is also what is called
25:00Ispo Preparation Fund.
25:02Now, this Ispo Preparation Fund,
25:05with the DPH fund now,
25:07it is already there.
25:08The fund for the results
25:10this year,
25:12and last year, it has also started.
25:14It is distributed to the regency
25:18and the province of Central Sawit.
25:20It can be used to
25:22help the farmers
25:24to prepare for Ispo.
25:28So, in terms of complexity,
25:31if we haven't started yet,
25:33there is a challenge.
25:34But, actually, this is the certification
25:36that can increase one of the productivity
25:38and the second is our acceptance
25:41to the outside market.
25:43Mr. Sabar, I think there is a comment, sir.
25:45He said that the fund is already there,
25:48then also the fund for the results.
25:52I am more focused on that.
25:55Indeed, the Biodiesel Program
25:57is the key
25:59for the farmers of Sawit
26:03and for the villagers.
26:05So, we have all committed to that.
26:08The task now is
26:10to find a solution.
26:12If the government continues
26:14to fund up to 50,
26:17then to 100.
26:19But, we have to think
26:22about the benefits for the farmers of Sawit.
26:26Because Biodiesel
26:29is one of the policies
26:32that is important now.
26:34In our country, we need Biodiesel.
26:37We ask for it.
26:39There is no regulation
26:41that requires
26:43the companies of Biodiesel
26:45to be mandatory
26:47when they receive subsidies
26:49from BPD-PKS.
26:51So, the incentives
26:53from BPD-PKS
26:55must have a partnership
26:57with the farmers of Sawit
27:01through the cooperation.
27:03If this is not done,
27:05then the Biodiesel Program
27:08will only benefit
27:12certain groups
27:14and will definitely
27:16harm the farmers of Sawit.
27:18Because, the higher
27:20the incentives,
27:22the higher
27:24the Biodiesel mixture,
27:26the higher the incentives,
27:29and that will affect the price of Biodiesel.
27:34One of the expectations
27:36from the farmers of Sawit
27:38is that there is a mandate
27:40from BPD-PKS
27:42to have a partnership.
27:44I think that must be done
27:47by the government.
27:49We think that is the key
27:51in the Biodiesel Program.
27:55the government must be proud
27:57that Biodiesel
27:59comes from the farmers of Sawit.
28:03it can improve the welfare
28:05of the farmers of Sawit
28:07and also improve the people
28:09in their villages.
28:11We will see the answer
28:13from the Ministry of Agriculture,
28:15We will see the answer
28:17from the Ministry of Agriculture,
28:45We will continue
28:47Mr. Sabar from the Kelapa Sawit Farmers Association
28:49said that there should be a mandate
28:51from BPD-PKS
28:53to have a partnership
28:55with the farmers.
28:57I want to ask Mr. Edy Wibowo,
28:59what is your answer
29:01when the government
29:03gives a mandate from BPD-PKS
29:05to have a partnership
29:07with the farmers?
29:09So, the small farmers
29:11also benefit from it?
29:13What is your answer?
29:15I want to say that
29:17according to the
29:19Biodiesel Incentive
29:21that was given,
29:23there is a point of difference
29:25between solar oil and
29:29At the moment, BPD-PKS
29:31gives the mandate.
29:33The farmers also benefit
29:35from it.
29:37The price is more stable
29:39and also
29:41for all parties.
29:45especially for the farmers
29:49the small people.
29:51The problem is that
29:53biodiesel is directly connected to BPD-PKS.
29:55And BPD-PKS
29:57if we look at the input chain,
29:59from the research conducted by
30:01the UGM team,
30:03there are four types.
30:05There are farmers,
30:09agricultural companies
30:11and BPD-PKS.
30:15Then, the farmers, cooperatives,
30:17agricultural companies,
30:19small and large agencies, BPD-PKS.
30:21Farmers, small
30:23and large agencies,
30:29Farmers, cooperatives,
30:31agricultural companies,
30:33small and large agencies,
30:35DO, and BPD-PKS.
30:37We hope that this is what we need to push, whether with the presence of the partnership with the BSR program to increase the productivity of palm oil or if it is increased to B50 or higher,
30:47it will be our common concern, so that farmers can still feel the benefits, then also with the BSR program,
30:57there was also an expo program or expo certification for farmers that Mr. Gire Payudi mentioned earlier,
31:07it also becomes a concern and the government so that the farms, especially the people's farmers that I mentioned earlier,
31:17can reach 40% of the landowners really enjoy the BSR mandatory program. Maybe that's it from us.
31:34So there has been a consideration to include this partnership option, but it is being investigated, right, Mr. Edia?
31:42Yes, that's why our position is directly with the biodiesel company, the H&M company, the agent is there,
31:50the agent is with BKS, but there is a condition that it is for the continuation of productivity,
31:57or productivity or supply from the CPO's new material, the CPO is the BKS company,
32:04so the BKS must also contract with the farmers, or the BKS from the farmers can also go there directly,
32:14so the best thing is maybe they can connect earlier.
32:18Hopefully, later on, if something from PTBN or also a corporation forms a cooperative,
32:23then it also has BKS, BKS then establishes a biodiesel company, it can directly provide benefits to their market.
32:30And also, in terms of biodiesel, actually, for the future, we are also currently developing oil gasoline,
32:39which is being investigated by the ITB team.
32:41We hope in the future it can also be used directly by small farmers like BKS,
32:48then it can produce oil gasoline from oil that has a high acid content that may not be suitable for consumption.
32:58That was also one of the breakthroughs, also later to reduce handling,
33:02and from the fuel, it may be later in each fuel in each regency that has oil production and supply,
33:11it can be made public for the oil budget in the future.
33:14Yes, the answer, maybe I want to go to Mr. Aprobiter first.
33:18Is there an answer or not?
33:20Yes, thank you, Ms. Frissa.
33:23First of all, what was said by Mr. Prayudi, Mr. Eddy, and Mr. Sabar earlier,
33:29it's true, but I need to clarify a few things.
33:32What is it, sir?
33:33First, I want to say that if we look at Indonesia's palm oil plantations,
33:38about 16 million hectares, 49% are our farmers, and 51% are private and BUMN.
33:48What it means is, I still remember exactly when the biodiesel program didn't run smoothly,
33:53the price of palm oil went up to the level of the farmers,
33:58400 rupiah per kilo to 500 rupiah per kilo, until there was no harvest at that time.
34:03Then the government at that time accelerated the B5, B10, B15 program,
34:10and the price of palm oil, one of them, went up at that time to 800,
34:14even until now it's already 2,700 rupiah per kilo.
34:17The interesting question was from Mr. Sabar earlier,
34:20he said that in Malaysia the price is almost 3,000-4,000 rupiah per kilo,
34:25but here it's 2,700 rupiah per kilo.
34:28Directly or indirectly,
34:33palm oil has a role in global palm oil by about 35%.
34:40That is, out of 200 million tons of palm oil, 35% are palm oil from palm oil palm trees.
34:45Out of this 35%, 59% are from Indonesia.
34:49It means that 21% of Indonesia's palm oil plays a role in the global market.
34:54The program that we are doing now triggers the global market to be good.
34:59But of course it's different,
35:01because there is a biodiesel program that needs support from palm oil exporters.
35:07So the price of palm oil went up,
35:09so the price of TBS went down.
35:12But the interesting question is,
35:14what if this program goes down?
35:17Maybe it will come back like before.
35:19That's one important point.
35:21But I agree,
35:23how to make it more realistic,
35:27that farmers have a significant impact due to this biodiesel program.
35:32I want to say, actually,
35:34we in the biodiesel industry, there are 23 companies,
35:36and our current capacity is about 19 million kiloliters,
35:40to support the B35 and B40 programs.
35:44We are CPO buyers.
35:47And as far as I know,
35:50from previous forums,
35:52actually 49% of palm oil farmers in Malaya
35:56have received construction from partners,
35:58plasma from related companies.
36:00Of course, the company here is a plantation company
36:03that has a CPO from PKS, a palm oil company.
36:06This CPO goes to us.
36:08So, one more thing,
36:10in our sector,
36:12in the future,
36:14the government has created a certification program called IPCI,
36:18Indicator Biofull Certification.
36:20It means that from there,
36:22there will be a way to find out where this CPO comes from.
36:26So we can see the impact to the farmers from that program.
36:30I think that's it.
36:32The current program is much better
36:36than the previous program.
36:38But maybe what we are looking for right now is
36:41how to make the role of this biodiesel program
36:44more felt by the farmers.
36:46Maybe like that.
36:47We will discuss further later.
36:49One last segment, Mr. Mir.
36:50Stay with us in Special Dialogue.
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38:30Mr. Jumi.
38:33For me, of course,
38:35how to maintain
38:37the performance of our coconut industry
38:39so that the partnership with the farmers
38:42is not directly involved.
38:44For me, in my opinion,
38:46this biodiesel program
38:48with B35 now
38:50needs to be maintained,
38:51even upgraded to B40.
38:53However, related to B50 and B60,
38:56as Mr. Prayudi said,
38:58we need to evaluate the stock situation.
39:00Furthermore, I want to encourage
39:02the association
39:04to collaborate more
39:06in an incentive way,
39:08from all institutions and ministries,
39:12Ministry of Agriculture,
39:14as well as the association
39:16of biodiesel users
39:18such as Gai Kindo,
39:20then the heavy industry,
39:22then cooperate with the universities.
39:24At the moment,
39:26we are not only researching
39:30but also biogasoline,
39:32sub-sustainable efficient fuel,
39:34and hydrogenation
39:36of vegetable oil.
39:38We really appreciate this,
39:40and we will continue to develop it.
39:42With a wealthier product,
39:44this will make the CPO
39:46more stable in price.
39:48The CPO will run well,
39:50and the CPO price will be stable
39:52if there is maximum collaboration
39:54Our current challenge
40:00established by Europe.
40:02In December 2024,
40:04there will be a certification process.
40:06This is related to
40:08how we manage palm oil
40:10on the basis of
40:12not violating the norms of the environment.
40:14That is still our common goal.
40:16Yes, that is our common goal.
40:18So, our next challenge
40:20is not as a hindrance,
40:22but as a challenge
40:24on how we talk in the country.
40:26In the country, we are quite good,
40:28but how do we go abroad
40:30to promote our palm oil?
40:32We are the biggest producer in the world.
40:34We need the right diplomacy and advocacy
40:36from all stakeholders.
40:38Be patient.
40:40I think the first thing is
40:42this biodiesel program
40:44needs to have
40:46partnership with palm oil.
40:48That is the first thing.
40:50The government
40:52through BPD-PKS
40:54is promoting it.
40:56We do not
40:58reject the biodiesel program
41:00to be supported,
41:02but the justice
41:04of promoting it
41:06also needs to be considered.
41:08Palm oil must
41:10be prioritized
41:12in BPD-PKS fund.
41:14Through what?
41:18Now, we have
41:20Sarana and Prasarana program.
41:22I think that is what needs to be separated.
41:24PSR has been running.
41:26We think
41:28this PSR program is also
41:30the key to support
41:32the biodiesel program.
41:34Why is it the key?
41:38we want
41:40the biodiesel program
41:42not to be
41:44one of the reasons
41:46for the government to open
41:48a new farm
41:50to be a palm oil farm
41:52to support
41:54the biodiesel program
41:56of the new government
41:58like B50.
42:00But with the increase of productivity,
42:02as Mr. Priori has said,
42:04now the palm oil farmer
42:06may have less than 3 tons per hectare
42:08of CPO per year.
42:10But with the PSR program,
42:12it can increase
42:14to more than 3 tons per year.
42:20we think
42:24the government
42:26needs to
42:30the partnership
42:32with the government.
42:36The biodiesel companies
42:38must be
42:42Mr. Edi has said
42:44that he is trying to investigate
42:46so that the farmers
42:48can benefit
42:50as much as possible.
42:52Mr. Priori.
42:54I think the biodiesel program
42:56is a government program
42:58that will have a positive multiplier effect.
43:02for our farmers,
43:04with the choice of the market
43:06other than export,
43:08if there is B50,
43:10we need
43:125.7 million
43:16It means that
43:18we can reduce
43:20our export a little bit.
43:22But it will give us
43:24a good price.
43:26We hope that the better
43:28the export price,
43:30it will give us a positive impact
43:32on our farmers' health.
43:34On the other hand,
43:36if we have a good price,
43:38it will increase the productivity
43:40of the farmers.
43:42Maybe there is no problem
43:44to buy fertilizer without a subsidy
43:46because the price will be better.
43:48With the B5 program
43:50and so on,
43:52the price of our oil palm will be better.
43:54We hope that
43:56this is a government program that we must
43:58take care of.
44:00First, it will
44:02protect our hands
44:04through the oil palm.
44:06Second, this oil palm will
44:08protect our energy in the future.
44:10We will reduce the deficit
44:12due to the import of diesel.
44:14I think this is a government program
44:16that if we run it together,
44:18it will have a good
44:20multi-project impact for all parties.
44:24How do you feel after hearing
44:26what was said by
44:28the four narrators in the studio?
44:30Some said the fertilizer was subsidized,
44:32the partnership must be run,
44:34and so on. Please, Pak.
44:36In short.
44:38The point is, as I said earlier,
44:40the benefits of the diesel program
44:42are good.
44:44For the general public,
44:46diesel users
44:48can use
44:50firewood for the environment
44:52and also for health
44:54with a price
44:56similar to the price of solar oil
44:58because the initiative is carried out by the BDPKS.
45:00Farmers can also get
45:02a more stable price
45:04as Mr. Jumi said earlier.
45:06For example, in 2015,
45:08if the productivity increases,
45:10if it is not absorbed quickly,
45:12the price will drop.
45:14So, the price has been more stable
45:16since 2015.
45:18Third, with the existence of
45:20the biodiesel program,
45:22we will also achieve the defense
45:24and the expansion of national energy.
45:26With the deficit, we no longer import solar oil,
45:28so we will save diesel.
45:30Third, we can save around Rp123 trillion
45:32in deficit
45:34by not importing
45:36solar oil.
45:38So, these things are very important.
45:40More importantly,
45:42we also encourage
45:44each BUBN
45:46or biodiesel producer
45:48to increase their GSR.
45:50Maybe at least 0.005 percent
45:52of the benefits
45:54or benefits
45:56will be
45:58from this biodiesel program.
46:00Around 0.005 percent
46:02can be used
46:04for GSR.
46:06So, the surrounding communities
46:08will be able to
46:10produce biogas at home.
46:12By providing the electricity,
46:14the biogas,
46:16the renewable energy will also be better.
46:18It can also replace LPG
46:20and the community's health
46:22will also improve.
46:24For example, the problem of traffic
46:26will also be solved.
46:28That's all. Thank you.
46:56I hope the coconut oil industry
46:58and our biodiesel program
47:00can be more useful
47:02and more advanced.
47:06the time is limited.
47:08Thank you for joining us.
47:10Thank you, sir. See you again.
47:12Mr. Eddy, who joined us through
47:14the video conference. Thank you, sir. See you again.
47:16And, Mr. Mirsa,
47:18that's all for today's special dialogue.
47:20I, Prinsa Somodhatu, will take my leave.
47:22See you again.
