Pencatatan Instrumen Perpetual Bond di BEI

  • 8 months ago
PT Indonesia Infrastructure Finance (IIF) telah berhasil melakukan penerbitan Surat Berharga Perpetual Berwawasan Lingkungan Indonesia Infrastructure Finance Tahun 2023, dengan nilai emisi mencapai Rp355,19 miliar. Penerbitan surat berharga tersebut telah resmi tercatat di Bursa Efek Indonesia pada tanggal 10 Januari 2024.


00:00 The Indonesia Infrastructure Finance (IIF)
00:03 has approved the proposal of the perpetual value-added
00:06 environmental protection of Indonesia's infrastructure finance
00:09 in 2023.
00:11 In this corporation's action,
00:12 IIF has obtained a sum of 355.19 billion rupiah.
00:19 The corporation's action was carried out by the Indonesia Infrastructure Finance (IIF)
00:26 In the action of the perpetual value-added
00:29 environmental protection of Indonesia's infrastructure finance in 2023,
00:33 IIF has obtained a sum of 355.19 billion rupiah.
00:39 The perpetual value-added is a thematic instrument
00:42 which is aimed at strengthening the capital structure
00:45 of the infrastructure development financing in Indonesia.
00:49 President-Director of IIF, Renaldi Hermansyah,
00:52 insisted that the money will be used to finance
00:54 the sustainable infrastructure projects
00:56 which are based on the principle of environmental protection.
01:00 The perpetual value-added environmental protection letter
01:04 that we have issued is the first perpetual value-added letter
01:08 in the Indonesian economic exchange
01:11 which is done through a public offer
01:14 and recorded in the Indonesian economic exchange.
01:16 So that's one.
01:18 The second obligation or value-added letter
01:22 is issued by the POJK No. 11 in 2018
01:27 which regulates the rules of ownership effect
01:31 with professional investors.
01:34 So there are many things that are a breakthrough
01:39 so I can say that this is in line with one of our mandates
01:43 which is to be an enabler in this infrastructure industry.
01:49 On the other hand, IIF also offers
01:52 the perpetual value-added environmental protection letter
01:54 of Indonesia's Infrastructure Finance in 2023
01:57 with a coupon of 8.25% per year.
02:00 This perpetual value-added letter does not have a time limit
02:03 but this instrument has a breakthrough option
02:05 for the maintenance in the fifth year.
02:08 In the September 1, 2023 report,
02:11 IIF has distributed a credit of 13 trillion rupiah.
02:14 The majority of funds are distributed
02:16 to the renewable energy sector.
02:19 While from the income side,
02:21 IIF receives a flower income of 1 trillion rupiah per September 2023
02:25 or 15% annually.
02:27 From Jakarta, I'm Meliputan, IDX Channel.
02:30 To get more information,
02:37 please visit our website on the news screen.
02:39 Watch the news screen only on IDX Channel,
02:41 your trustworthy and comprehensive investment reference.
02:44 I'm Rosalind Syur, thank you and see you next time.
02:47 (upbeat music)
02:50 (upbeat music)
03:19 (high-pitched tone)
