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Booth and Brenna, our crime-solving ship. Welcome to MsMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the greatest and most lovable moments of our favorite crime-solving team.


00:00 I said to you, "Listen, I just have to get all my ducks in a row."
00:03 Right? And then you said to me, "I can be a duck."
00:05 Welcome to Miss Mojo, and today we're counting down our picks for the greatest and most lovable moments of our favorite crime-solving team.
00:13 I just feel like, um, this is going somewhere.
00:17 Why did you feel like this was going somewhere?
00:20 Number 10. Guy Hugs
00:24 There may have been hugs between these two throughout their working and personal relationship, but no hug rings quite as true as this one.
00:32 And no matter what Booth or Brennan says, it's not just a guy hug.
00:36 I thought you'd mention it. I mean, isn't that what partners do? Tell each other about their lives?
00:42 This particular hug comes at the end of The Headless Witch in the Woods.
00:46 When Brennan ends up going on a date with a literal murderer, she laments her terrible taste in men to Booth at the end of the episode.
00:54 I can read bones, not people.
00:57 Oh.
00:58 You know, you had no trouble seeing through me.
01:01 When she remarks that maybe it's okay because she likes to be alone, Booth steps in.
01:06 He tells her that she's not alone and gives her a big old hug.
01:10 You're my partner. Okay? It's a guy hug.
01:14 Take it.
01:23 Great.
01:24 Number 9. It's Just Evidence
01:27 Okay. I have to remove your clothing now.
01:30 Why?
01:31 Well, there may be particulates.
01:33 Particulates?
01:34 Brennan might have trouble reading people sometimes, and she might be a little awkward in social situations.
01:40 But we're choosing to believe she knew exactly what she was doing with this one.
01:44 I can take my own time.
01:45 No, don't. You'll compromise the evidence.
01:47 Right.
01:48 Booth ends up with human remains on him after chasing a bank robbery suspect who explodes into a million pieces.
01:54 Yikes.
01:55 When Booth gets to the lab, Brennan begins promptly undressing him because, as she puts it, he has evidence on him.
02:02 Cam gets a big kick out of this, as do we.
02:05 Sure, Brennan. It was definitely all about evidence.
02:09 Just evidence. That's all.
02:10 Interesting.
02:11 Listen, uh, bones, I really gotta go question the other eyewitness, so...
02:15 Number 8. Mistletoe
02:17 While this might not be the first time Booth and Brennan kissed in the timeline of the show, more on that later,
02:23 it was the first time the audience ever got to see them lock lips.
02:26 I was going to talk to you about this.
02:28 Caroline wants us to kiss in the mistletoe.
02:30 What?
02:31 It's the only way she'll make Christmas for my family.
02:33 Well, by having us kiss?
02:34 Yes.
02:35 Why?
02:36 Because she's feeling puckish.
02:38 It's Christmas at the lab, and while there still might be crimes to solve, the team has more than enough time for some holiday cheer.
02:45 When Booth and Brennan inadvertently find themselves under the mistletoe together, Caroline won't let them leave until they smooch.
02:52 Well, look at that. Mistletoe. You take a step to your right and be right under the cute little spread.
02:58 They do, and the chemistry is palpable.
03:01 It was at this moment that we learned Caroline was as much a shipper as the rest of us.
03:06 Was that enough steamboats?
03:08 Plenty. A whole flotilla.
03:11 Number 7. That's a lot of heart bones
03:14 Families can be difficult, but it doesn't get much worse than your father being on trial for the murder of the director of the FBI.
03:21 I'm ashamed of a lot of things I did in my life, but in this case, my conscience is clear.
03:28 That's not the same as being innocent.
03:33 During the trial of Brennan's father, Max Keenan, everyone at the Jeffersonian except Bones herself is called to the stand as an expert witness.
03:41 Throughout the episode, Brennan insists to everyone she's fine and plans to prove her father's innocence.
03:47 That's all fine and dandy until Booth discovers that in order to do so, she plans to implicate herself.
03:53 We can't talk about this.
03:55 Please, you're the person they talked about things like this.
03:57 No perjury involved. Just an interpretation of existing facts.
04:07 He is touched by her tenacity and love for her father and helps to present her alternate version of the facts.
04:13 It was a risky move, but the trust these two place in each other is truly something special.
04:18 You got a charger?
04:19 You gotta go back to school on this one. That's a fine woman there.
04:24 Number 6. Stuck in an elevator
04:27 Is there anything better than two characters who desperately need to talk to each other but won't getting stuck in an elevator together?
04:33 We don't think so. And in season 6, Bones played this situation perfectly.
04:38 I'm merely demonstrating that the widest part of me is narrower than the widest part of Booth, see?
04:43 Wow, okay. Comparing body parts, what else do you do during a blizzard, right?
04:48 Before the blackout in the blizzard, Booth and Brennan are both dealing with the fallout of their complicated relationship bubbling to the surface.
04:56 They have a couple of serious conversations, and by the end of the episode, Brennan suggests to Booth that she might eventually be ready for him.
05:04 A time could come when you aren't angry anymore and I'm strong enough to risk losing the last of my imperviousness.
05:14 Maybe then we could try to be together.
05:17 They decide to both separately pick a date where they might be ready to try again. Things look bright on the horizon.
05:23 I always assumed that we'd be very compatible, didn't you?
05:28 Well, yeah.
05:31 Number 5. The wedding.
05:33 How is it possible that simply looking into your fine face gives me so much joy?
05:38 Why does it make me so happy that every time I try to sneak a peek at you, you're already looking at me?
05:45 Everyone loves a good wedding. And by the time season 9 of Bones had rolled around, we had waited long enough.
05:51 Booth and Brennan's wedding may have not been a traditional one, but that made perfect sense for our favorite crime-solving romantics.
05:58 Chasing each other through wars and serial killers and ghosts and snakes and...
06:09 No. Chasing you has been the smartest thing that I have ever done in my life.
06:15 Their vows were delightful, particularly Brennan's choice of an old letter that she had written to Booth years earlier while buried alive.
06:23 Plus, they got married to the music of Cyndi Lauper.
06:26 When it comes to these two lovebirds, there was literally nothing else we could have asked for after all these years.
06:31 This wedding gets us every time.
06:34 We caught each other.
06:40 We didn't bring enough Kleenex.
06:42 Number 4. Buried Alive.
06:44 You have a lot of faith in Booth.
06:46 Oh, faith is an irrational belief in something that is logically impossible.
06:51 Over time, I've seen what Booth can do.
06:53 Being buried alive might not sound particularly romantic, but the episode in which this indeed happens plays a large role in developing Brennan and Booth's relationship.
07:03 Not only did this episode mark the first appearance of the infamous gravedigger, it showed us that the way these two care about each other is past professionalism.
07:12 You're forgetting something. Brennan and Hodgins are out of air.
07:15 Wait, you want to give up, huh? This is Bones we're talking about and Hodgins.
07:19 I really think they didn't find a way to extend their air supply.
07:21 Hell, they found a way to send us a message, ask us for help, and you want to give up because of Matt.
07:26 This is the moment where Brennan writes the letter she'll end up reading to Booth in their vows years later.
07:31 And the moment that the team finds her and Hodgkins just in time is one of the best reunions in TV history.
07:37 I knew you wouldn't give up.
07:40 I knew you wouldn't give up.
07:42 Number 3. Missed Chances
07:45 Throughout the series, Brennan is never anything less than a complex rich character.
07:49 Her particular combination of emotionality, repressed trauma, and guardedness all came to a head in season 6's "The Doctor and the Photo."
07:57 I've got the signal, Booth. I don't want to have any regrets.
08:02 The murder victim in this particular episode is a doctor who is a victim of a murder.
08:07 The victim in this particular episode is a doctor whose behavior is shaped by the sadness in her everyday work and her tendency to guard her heart.
08:15 If listening to that made you think, "That sounds a lot like Brennan," you're not the only one.
08:20 And look, she is me.
08:23 Yeah, I see.
08:25 You do? Because Booth didn't.
08:29 Brennan saw a lot of herself in this victim.
08:32 At the end of the episode, that realization results in a tearful confession to Booth that she's afraid she missed her chance with him.
08:39 It's heartbreaking, and Emily Deschanel plays it wonderfully.
08:43 Do you want me to call someone to be with you?
08:47 No, I'm fine. I'm home.
08:52 Thanks.
08:55 Number 2. The Dream
08:57 In the darkest moments before dawn, a woman returns to her bed.
09:02 What life is she leading?
09:05 Real Bones fans will never forget where they were when this episode began airing.
09:09 Brennan walks into a room and climbs into bed with none other than… Booth?
09:14 And they… kiss?
09:16 Everyone was shocked and had no idea where this episode was going.
09:19 What's going on?
09:21 Well, there's my robe.
09:23 As it turns out, the episode was a dream sequence running through the mind of Booth while he was in a coma.
09:28 He imagined he and Brennan as the owners of a nightclub where a murder took place.
09:33 So the kissing and snuggling in bed might not have been real, but we'll never forget those first few moments of hope.
09:39 You see two people, and you think they belong together. But nothing happens.
09:45 Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
09:49 Fake out. Next time Booth dies, he better make sure to tell Brennan first.
09:53 Do you want me to find out why you weren't told?
09:57 If it's important to you.
09:59 Fine. I will. Next time I die, I promise that I will tell you.
10:04 I'll look forward to that.
10:05 Airport goodbye. An airport goodbye with no catharsis.
10:09 One year from today, we meet at the reflecting pool on the mall. Right by the…
10:15 Coffee cart.
10:17 I know. One year from today.
10:21 Tony and Roxy. We need more Tony and Roxy in our lives.
10:25 How does anyone actually walk in these things?
10:28 Well, you know, them boots, they ain't made for walking, sweetheart.
10:31 That was completely over the top.
10:33 You know, you play your part, and I'll play mine.
10:35 Pregnancy announcement. The look on Booth's face is everything.
10:39 I'm pregnant.
10:41 You're the father.
10:46 To make you feel my love.
10:50 To make you feel my love.
10:55 Slow dance. A slow dance for the ages.
10:58 It's just a dance. It's your reunion. Okay? Let's do it. Let's dance. Come on.
11:04 Okay.
11:05 Oh. Why are you so far away?
11:08 Oh, just keeping room for the Holy Spirit. That's all.
11:11 Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos.
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11:27 Number 1. The real first kiss.
11:30 For so long, we thought the first time Brennan and Booth had kissed was that sweetly awkward moment under the mistletoe.
11:37 But in the parts in The Sum of the Whole, we learned just how wrong we were.
11:42 You kissed. Yes. There was tongue contact.
11:46 In this episode, we find out that Bones and Booth worked together once before the pilot episode.
11:51 And what's more, they kissed and almost hooked up.
11:55 We are not spending the night together. Of course we aren't. Why? Tequila.
11:59 The implications of this knowledge are tenfold.
12:02 Sweet's reaction to it actually causes Booth to try his hand at romance with Bones one more time.
12:08 I knew right from the beginning.
12:11 Your evidence is anecdotal.
12:13 I'm that guy. Bones, I'm that guy. I know.
12:16 It doesn't work, leading to a long road back to normal for our favorite partners.
12:21 But it's still one of their most palpably tense and romantic episodes.
12:25 If we missed any of your favorite Brennan and Booth moments, let us know in the comments below.
12:30 Should we tell them? Yes! Yes, you should.
12:33 Do you agree with our picks? Check out this other recent clip from MsMojo.
12:38 And be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos.
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