GO MEET WOMEN! Freedomain Livestream

  • 9 months ago
Friday Night Live! 29 December 2023 Livestream

What are you postponing relationships for? What exactly is it that you are waiting for?

Transcript: https://freedomain.com/fdr-go-meet-women-freedomain-livestream-transcript/

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00:00:00 There we go, stretching. Thank you everybody, good evening. Oh, it's our last Friday Night Live of the new... of the last... of the 2023.
00:00:09 It's... the year is flying by, the year is flashed by, like Ezra Miller on the run.
00:00:15 And let's get to your question. "Hi Steph, is IQ the Achilles heel of socialism/communism?"
00:00:22 One of the most forbidden topics today is IQ. It's the reason simply that it's the left's greatest weakness.
00:00:27 It seems to me that left-wing ideas fall apart in a world where IQ is understood by the majority of people.
00:00:32 So, IQ, of course, and educational attainment, IQ and income are very closely related.
00:00:39 I think you can do a lot with IQ, and certainly wisdom is better than mere raw intelligence.
00:00:46 I would rather be wise than smart, because wisdom leads to virtue, leads to happiness, intelligence leads to income, which often leads to corruption.
00:00:55 But what IQ does is it helps us understand disparities in outcomes between individuals.
00:01:03 And this gives us some understanding and some peace and some grace to recognize that, you know, people who aren't good singers won't be fronting any rock and roll bands.
00:01:14 They won't be featured doing solos at the Metropolitan Opera, and that's fine.
00:01:19 There's more to life than IQ, there's more to life than income. And so, it is important to understand IQ.
00:01:29 But one of the problems with IQ is that it undermines the guilt mechanism.
00:01:35 Like, if you do well in life, you've worked hard, you've got a high IQ, some of that is just good luck, right?
00:01:41 You understand? Some of that is just good luck.
00:01:44 And you should be grateful for that good luck, you should be gracious about that good luck.
00:01:48 And I think, for me, the study of IQ brings a great deal of humility in that, you know, obviously I've got a couple of brain cells rattling around the old noggin, and it helps me to be humble.
00:01:59 And to not take the accidental gifts of nature as somehow foundational to my value as an individual, right?
00:02:08 Like, what are we worth? Are we worth our brain matter? Nope.
00:02:11 Because what is philosophical must be earned, right?
00:02:15 If it's not earned, it's in the realm of biology, right?
00:02:19 If it's in the realm of biology, that's a fine study and all of that, but it's not in the realm of philosophy.
00:02:24 Philosophy is about free will, empiricism, and most notably, virtue.
00:02:28 A virtue has to be something that is earned.
00:02:30 If it is a virtue to be tall, it's biology and genetics, it has nothing to do with philosophy.
00:02:36 And so philosophy focuses on what you can earn, which means what you can change, and it focuses on happiness, and there is no greater path to happiness than the pursuit of virtue and the achievement of virtue.
00:02:51 But really, it's the pursuit of virtue because that's all you can, you know, like you can pursue health, but you can't achieve it directly.
00:02:59 You can do, have good health habits and so on.
00:03:01 So for me, the study of IQ brings humility.
00:03:06 It also means that if you are gifted in terms of intelligence, you should recognize your good fortune, that you didn't earn it, and therefore it should be as much as possible turned to the good of humanity.
00:03:17 And it should also give us patience with people who aren't quite as smart, that they're not lazy, they're not, I wouldn't even call them dumb or anything like that.
00:03:25 I think that's kind of insulting.
00:03:27 They're just, you know, like people who are a little bit shorter, right, that they may have some strengths, they won't be making the basketball team probably anytime soon, but it gives us a certain amount of patience and grace when it comes to dealing with humanity.
00:03:38 And it gives us a certain amount of humility and almost an obligation to service when it comes to dealing with our own particular gifts.
00:03:48 So, but what it does do is it unplugs the guilt-laden vending machine, right?
00:03:54 The guilt-laden vending machine is, well, in a free market situation, the only reason that guy is wealthier is because he's stolen from all of his workers, like, and just you create this resentment and that's kind of a demonic force.
00:04:08 And IQ pushes back against that and so on, right?
00:04:12 So hopefully that helps.
00:04:17 All right, let's see here.
00:04:20 If the left regained rationality, they would be totally fine.
00:04:23 They would have to abandon ideology like workism and antinatalism, worshipping the state, etc.
00:04:27 Maybe it's too much of a leap.
00:04:29 Well, it's not like rationality is confined to the right alone, right?
00:04:37 Let's see here.
00:04:40 If communism is female mentality for running households applied to violence-based societies, then there's never hope that evidence and understanding of anything will stop it until kids aren't abused at home and people live by universal morality.
00:04:52 Well, we focus on how to uphold the non-aggression principle in the areas in which we have influence and control, right?
00:05:01 It's one of the great tricks of sophistry is to have you focus your ethics on things that require you to be evil to attain them, right?
00:05:11 So if sophists can get you to think that the ultimate state of human perfection is everyone being equal, then they're saying that you have to do evil in order to achieve good.
00:05:27 Now, of course, the evil you do, the good is never attained, which is why the evil always tends to escalate.
00:05:32 So this is why I've really focused on applying virtue, logic, reason, and evidence in your own life.
00:05:39 And the non-aggression principle in your own life is most applicable to, of course, child abuse, right?
00:05:46 If you have -- and this was sort of my beef to some degree with libertarians, I guess, loathees nearly 20 years ago,
00:05:53 which is they'd say, "Well, I'm really into the non-aggression principle," and I would say, "Well, that's interesting. That's good, I suppose. That's important."
00:06:02 So what is the greatest violation of the non-aggression principle that you have the most control over, right?
00:06:11 What is the greatest violation of the non-aggression principle that you have the most control over?
00:06:15 It's spanking, muscling, timeouts, circumcision, all other forms of violence over the bodies of children.
00:06:26 So if you're interested in promoting the non-aggression principle, you look for the widest violation of the non-aggression principle that you have the most control over, and you focus on that.
00:06:37 But the fundamental semi-autistic addiction of libertarians is politics.
00:06:43 And listen, I'm the last one to sort of throw stones in that glass house because I spent a lot of time on politics,
00:06:49 but I think my very second show was about child abuse back in 2005, so let's just say I've had my finger in more than one pod, so to speak.
00:06:59 The addiction to politics is the avoidance of child abuse for the most part.
00:07:06 All right.
00:07:08 Hey, Seth, thanks for being here.
00:07:10 Thank you, I appreciate that.
00:07:12 You're having an argument with a friend about whether or not his mom is a prostitute.
00:07:15 Are you really?
00:07:17 You're having an argument with your friend about whether or not his mom is a prostitute.
00:07:21 She married his dad even though they don't share values.
00:07:23 Later, she divorced him, slept around, then came back to him.
00:07:26 My theory is the other guy couldn't provide as much money as her husband.
00:07:29 My mom thinks his mom--my friend thinks his mom is a slut, not a prostitute.
00:07:35 Right.
00:07:39 All right.
00:07:43 I got to ask you--I mean, everybody knows what I'm going to ask you, right?
00:07:47 I got to ask you, why are you having these kinds of debates and discussions?
00:07:52 Do you consider this--I'm not saying that everything has to be Socratic levels of elevation and discourse.
00:08:00 Lord knows I've been known to make a few balls and dick jokes in my day,
00:08:05 but is this really where you want to be spending your time, effort, and energy with people as a whole?
00:08:14 So, I don't know.
00:08:16 Of course, I don't know the answer to the question,
00:08:20 but I would say that it may not be the most elevated discourse you could get involved in, so.
00:08:28 All right.
00:08:29 Hey, Steph, you have mentioned how any coerced enterprise will have the opposite effect compared to its stated purpose.
00:08:34 Can you please talk a little bit about the mechanisms behind this?
00:08:40 Right. Okay.
00:08:45 If the stated--well, hello, fatty one.
00:08:50 Sorry, raisin sack, happy new year back to you too.
00:08:53 And gnarly you. Gnarly you? I think that must be some teenage-ism these days.
00:08:58 Okay, so a coerced enterprise will have the opposite effect compared to its stated purpose.
00:09:03 So, we can look at something as simple as a guy's really attracted to a girl,
00:09:08 and so he phones her 30 times a day, he sends her flowers twice a day,
00:09:13 and he hangs out in front of her place, and of course what happens is, what happens?
00:09:18 She's like, "Ah!" She gets a restraining order or a no-contact order, and she's generally terrified, right?
00:09:26 Or a guy hears that, you know, women like men who are emotionally available,
00:09:29 and so he screams and cries and rants and raves and, you know, bursts into tears and all this kind of stuff,
00:09:36 and then he just looks dangerously unstable, right?
00:09:43 So, a coerced enterprise will have the opposite effect compared to its stated purpose
00:09:47 because its stated purpose always ignores the fact of the coercion, right?
00:09:55 If you had some godforsaken friend who said, "I really like Sally, so I'm going to kidnap her,
00:10:02 lock her up in my basement until she falls in love with me,"
00:10:06 you would tell him that's immoral, evil, and you would certainly prevent him from doing anything like that,
00:10:11 and if you had to, you'd go to the cops and you'd warn Sally, right,
00:10:14 because this would be a thoroughly immoral thing to do,
00:10:17 because he'd be like, "Well, no, no, she just needs exposure to me, and once she...
00:10:20 to know me is to love me, even if you're locked in my basement,"
00:10:23 and you'd say, "Well, no," because it's the violence that overshadows everything else, right?
00:10:27 So, let's look at the welfare state.
00:10:29 So, the welfare state says, "We're going to make the poor middle class by taking for the rich and giving to the poor."
00:10:37 Now, the stated purpose is egalitarianism.
00:10:40 The stated purpose is charity, but the mechanism is coercion.
00:10:46 In the same way that your friend kidnapping a woman, the stated purpose is love,
00:10:51 but the mechanism is kidnapping and confinement, right?
00:10:55 So, that's not a good thing.
00:10:58 So, anybody who's hiding the mechanism by which they're supposed to achieve their stated goals is guilty, right?
00:11:07 They feel bad about it.
00:11:09 I mean, they don't like it, right?
00:11:11 So, they don't say, "We're going to throw people in jail if they don't do what we want to achieve virtue," right?
00:11:17 Like, "If the girl doesn't like me, I'll lock her in my basement until she tells me she likes me and falls in love with me," and so on, right?
00:11:24 So, the people who are running these coercive enterprises are not telling you the facts about what's going on,
00:11:36 and they're not saying, "We're going to use violence to achieve good."
00:11:39 Now, why aren't they saying, "We're going to use violence to achieve good"?
00:11:46 Because they know that people won't accept it, so they're lying to begin with.
00:11:51 Now, if they're lying to begin with and people wouldn't accept what they're--
00:11:56 Like, if someone comes up to you and says, "Hey, man, give me your trust and I'll rip you off," right?
00:12:05 Then you won't give them your trust and then they won't rip you off.
00:12:09 So, they have to be dishonest. It's a con job, right?
00:12:12 So, why would someone who wants to use violence to achieve good not talk about the violence but only the good?
00:12:20 Because they know that their plan will be rejected if they're honest about it, in the same way a con man's plan is rejected,
00:12:26 and the same way if some guy says to a woman, "Come on a date with me. We'll meet in the woods and then I'll kidnap you and lock you in my basement,"
00:12:34 she wouldn't go, right? Because he's being explicit and upfront about his desire for violence.
00:12:39 So, if someone is hiding the violence but dangling the good, it's because they don't care about the good, they just want to do the violence.
00:12:50 They don't care about the good, they just want to do the violence, which is why when they say,
00:12:58 "We want to be charitable," and they use the language of voluntarism, "We want to help the poor, we want to equalize things,
00:13:04 we want to feed the hungry and house the homeless and clothe the cold," and so on, the people who are cold.
00:13:13 They have all of these voluntarist, free will, moral terms, but what is actually happening, of course,
00:13:22 is that they're going to be using violence, which they don't talk about.
00:13:25 So, why would somebody dangle all these moral ideals if they didn't actually have, as their fundamental goal, the use of violence?
00:13:33 So, it's demonic, right? They'll tempt you with a goal and get you to ignore the methods, right?
00:13:41 Tempting you with the goal while getting you to ignore the methods is foundational to the spread of coercion, right?
00:13:47 So, the parents who say, "I hit my child because I want my child to be good,"
00:13:54 don't actually really care about their child being good, right?
00:13:59 Because if they cared about their child being good, they would do the research and they would try and have consistency in their life
00:14:04 and they'd say, "Well, who else do I hit in order to become good?"
00:14:07 "If I have employees, do I beat them so that the employees are more productive?"
00:14:10 "If I have a wife or a girlfriend, why do I beat those people to make them good?"
00:14:16 "Or if there's some kid at the playground, do I beat that kid to make him good?"
00:14:20 And it's like, "No, so you don't really care and you haven't really thought it through, and you haven't done the research.
00:14:25 You haven't looked up what are the empirical effects of spanking, right?"
00:14:32 So, you don't care about your kid being good. You like hitting kids, right?
00:14:36 So, that's why it will always be the case that stated intentions that aren't honest about the mechanism by which things occur,
00:14:46 those things are simply covers to get you to accept the violence because, you know,
00:14:51 I tell you guys, I mean, I'm sure you know this and all, but, you know, there's a lot of people in this world
00:15:01 who really like violence, right?
00:15:05 There are a lot of people in this world, not only do they really like violence,
00:15:13 but they're really good at it too.
00:15:15 They're really good at covering it up. They're really good at selling it.
00:15:18 They're really good at hiding its enactment.
00:15:21 I mean, they're really, really good at the violence thing.
00:15:29 And it's really tough to compete with them because that's their specialty, right?
00:15:34 "Thank you, Josh. Happy Friday. Free cookies for anyone who likes the stream today."
00:15:38 Well, I appreciate that. Thank you so much.
00:15:41 Cookies? I don't know. What is the cookie monster voice?
00:15:43 I never liked Sesame Street. I found it kind of creepy and tragic.
00:15:50 Let's get ready to ramble. All right. Let's get to your questions, comments.
00:15:55 "Last stream of 2023? I think I'm doing a Sunday morning one, 11am."
00:16:00 That's on the 31st, so that's right before.
00:16:03 "Is that the real Stefan Molyneux?"
00:16:05 That is a very epistemological question there, my friend.
00:16:10 All right. "Yes, like the stream. Share the stream."
00:16:16 Share the stream.
00:16:21 Let me get to your comments here. "Can we please have a tech rant? I need to laugh."
00:16:24 Tech rant. I need to laugh.
00:16:27 Oh, yeah. What was happening?
00:16:30 Oh, yeah. So I did a call-in show today with a woman.
00:16:36 Well, let's just say her sister was murdered and things kind of went from there.
00:16:40 So I did a call today and I needed to get a tablet ready for that call.
00:16:44 And Windows is like, "Oh, hang on. I'm just doing some updates.
00:16:47 Just a couple of updates. You'll be good to go."
00:16:51 And I'm like, "Okay. So you've done your updates.
00:16:58 I just need to reboot, right? Just reboot? That's it? Just reboot in three minutes?"
00:17:02 "Yeah, three minutes."
00:17:05 I remember the live three minutes on my honeymoon. Anyway, three minutes.
00:17:08 And I'm like, "Okay. So you just reboot and I can use the tablet, right?"
00:17:12 It was a Windows tablet, obviously.
00:17:14 It's like, "Okay. So just reboot and I'll use the tablet, right?"
00:17:18 "Okay. Yeah, absolutely."
00:17:21 Windows is configuring itself.
00:17:23 Swirl, swirl, swirl, swirl, swirl, swirl.
00:17:26 I'm like, "Okay."
00:17:29 Anytime. I mean, what are you, like reformatting the Internet here?
00:17:33 Like building the data up by, by, by, by, by?
00:17:38 And it really-- I ended up having to abandon it and use another computer to do the call-in show
00:17:44 because an hour later it was still swirls.
00:17:47 And of course, then you think it's stuck. So you hold down the power button,
00:17:50 but it wouldn't turn off.
00:17:52 And at this point, I don't need a tech grant.
00:17:55 I need a priest and a holy Bible because apparently Bill Gates isn't dead,
00:18:01 although quite demonic, and he's just completely possessed my tablet.
00:18:04 And it's just like, "Okay, I can't turn it off. It won't boot. What's happening?"
00:18:08 And then I'm like, "Okay, well, I'll just unplug it."
00:18:10 It's, you know, and over a day or so, whatever, it'll wind down its battery and so on.
00:18:15 So I unplug it and then, of course, I'm going to come back and check in an hour.
00:18:19 It's like, "Oh, we're up. We're up."
00:18:22 And so, of course, I log in and then it's like, "Ooh, you know what?
00:18:27 Could you just do me a favor?
00:18:30 I just got some updates to install. Would you mind just giving me a reboot?"
00:18:33 I'm like, "Holy water."
00:18:37 And I don't know. I think it's still rebooting.
00:18:42 And this was after, so my daughter and I went to go and see the Hunger Games.
00:18:48 The new one, the--she pronounced it Balad.
00:18:52 I guess somebody had Balad if I'd--nobody corrected her on that.
00:18:54 The Ballad of Songs and Snakes or, I don't know, Opossums and Narwhals
00:18:58 or something like that.
00:19:00 So we went to go and see that.
00:19:01 So I have a little dual microphone set that plugs into an iPhone, right?
00:19:07 So I record on that and we did a 48-minute show.
00:19:10 It's available for subscribers at freedomain.locals.com.
00:19:14 It was funny, a little spicy.
00:19:16 So it's for donors at freedomain.locals.com.
00:19:19 So I'm like, "Okay, good."
00:19:20 So now--and it's been a while since I've used an iPhone for any kind of recording.
00:19:24 So I'm like, "Okay, I got a 780-meg file."
00:19:29 Because, you know, I record as high quality as possible, right?
00:19:32 So I got a 780-meg file.
00:19:37 All I got to do is get that off the iPhone.
00:19:41 But apparently, this is like going in with Indiana Jones to the bowels of the Earth
00:19:46 past the flying monkeys and the lava snakes to get the data.
00:19:51 It's like, "Just give me the data.
00:19:54 Just give me the data."
00:19:55 So, of course, you know, you plug it in and it's like,
00:19:57 "Oh, it only gives me the videos and the photos in Windows.
00:20:00 Okay, fine."
00:20:02 So then I tried another program that I used to get longer videos
00:20:05 because sometimes when I use the iPhone with a longer video,
00:20:07 it doesn't show up in Windows if it's like over 8 gigs or so.
00:20:09 I have to use another program.
00:20:10 "Oh, I can't find it.
00:20:11 The audio is only MP3."
00:20:12 So I'm like, "Okay."
00:20:14 And it's been a long time since I've done this.
00:20:15 I think maybe it was something with iTunes.
00:20:18 Now iTunes is not the same as a virus because you can clean a virus.
00:20:23 iTunes is like way worse than a virus because I'm like plugging in my iPhone
00:20:27 and I'm like, "I just want the data."
00:20:30 At this point, I'm like, "I'm going to stand there with a microphone
00:20:32 and just have it play and record it that way.
00:20:35 Just give me my 780 meg file.
00:20:37 That's all.
00:20:38 That's all.
00:20:39 Just give me the file.
00:20:40 Give me the data."
00:20:42 This is like being the Prince of Persia.
00:20:46 The original princess is locked up in the high tower.
00:20:48 "Just give me the data."
00:20:51 So I boot up iTunes and I plug in my phone and it's like, "Oh,"
00:20:55 and it's like, "Oh, yeah, I remember this one tiny little icon with your phone thing.
00:20:59 That's one tiny little icon."
00:21:00 So I click on that and then it's like, "Oh, what do I do?"
00:21:04 And I think there's some app.
00:21:05 There's an app setting where you go to the app and then you can get the data
00:21:08 from the app and then you can get it to your--
00:21:10 But it just freezes.
00:21:12 It just freezes, right?
00:21:14 Like honestly, and I tried updating it.
00:21:16 I just like, "No, it's updated.
00:21:18 It's updated.
00:21:19 Just F you.
00:21:20 It just freezes."
00:21:21 So then I'm like, "Okay, I just want this data."
00:21:23 It's actually more time getting the data off the phone than it is just recording it, right?
00:21:28 But it is the only dual microphone thing, like dual lapel microphone setup I have
00:21:31 is the one that just plugs directly into an iPhone.
00:21:33 So then I'm like, "Okay, I guess I'll upload it to a cloud.
00:21:39 I'll upload it to the cloud and then I'll download it from the cloud."
00:21:43 And of course, it gets to three quarters of upload.
00:21:48 I literally have to try five times to get it to upload to the cloud because it just--
00:21:52 I've got to keep the screen on.
00:21:53 I've got to keep thumbing the screen while I'm walking around.
00:21:56 And it's just like, "Oh my God, just--
00:21:58 I can't believe the shit that goes on with this stuff.
00:22:01 It's just incredible."
00:22:03 [sighs]
00:22:06 "What style of cold-weather hats do you wear?
00:22:08 First winter without hair."
00:22:10 Well, I'm a big guy for a hoodie.
00:22:14 And also, I like those Yorkshire caps.
00:22:17 I like those Yorkshire caps.
00:22:18 They're kind of cool.
00:22:20 And of course, with skiing, which I haven't done for a while, but with skiing as a whole,
00:22:25 I'm kind of keen on the old balaclava.
00:22:27 So all of that.
00:22:29 "Do you talk about the topic of significance?"
00:22:33 I like to sometimes, yes, sometimes, no.
00:22:36 "Hey, Steph, two thumbs up.
00:22:39 Have you ever dealt with a boss who sets unrealistic deadlines?
00:22:42 All I've been doing is busting my butt to meet the deadline,
00:22:44 but I can't ever meet his expectations and gets upset at me.
00:22:47 I generally take double or even triple of what my supervisor states,
00:22:50 and I'm one of the few people qualified at work to do the task I'm doing."
00:22:54 Yes.
00:22:56 Yes.
00:22:57 I remember back in the day, we were promising a web interface, of course,
00:23:03 and I talked about this a couple of shows ago,
00:23:06 this web interface for my environmental management information system that I developed,
00:23:11 and one of the salespeople, they said, "Oh, we've got this other Java app,
00:23:16 and we really need a web interface for that."
00:23:18 And they're like, "We can do that."
00:23:20 Of course, the salespeople don't have any clue what they're doing.
00:23:22 Now, I did actually figure out a clever way to wire into the Java APIs and so on,
00:23:26 but yes, lots of unrealistic deadlines.
00:23:28 I also remember one system that we were wiring it into an Oracle system,
00:23:35 and the client wanted or needed the Oracle system.
00:23:40 Like every time we saved something, you needed--
00:23:42 if you overwrote any data for legal reasons, for environmental data,
00:23:46 if you overwrote any data, it had to do a backup of the old data
00:23:49 and a note as to why things had changed.
00:23:51 And man, coming up with that was brutal.
00:23:53 Coming up with that was brutal.
00:23:55 So what I did was I read all the queries, and I did a make table
00:23:58 so that all the queries that the forms were based on,
00:24:00 I just did a make table and had a backup database
00:24:03 and popped up in the before update event, enter in a note,
00:24:06 and then copy the data, and yeah, it was quite something.
00:24:09 So yeah, lots of unrealistic deadlines.
00:24:14 So the boss who sets unrealistic deadlines--
00:24:22 so the problem that you're having, and maybe it's the problem that your boss has as well,
00:24:28 is you just say to him, "You're not the boss of me,"
00:24:30 or, you know, "You buy Bitcoin in 2012."
00:24:33 But the problem you're having is that you think that your boss setting a deadline
00:24:38 is the end of the negotiation.
00:24:43 You think--and maybe your boss thinks this too, right?
00:24:48 So if the boss says, "You have two weeks to do it,"
00:24:51 I mean, I've had bosses who say that, and I would just say,
00:24:55 "Is that your opening bid?
00:24:57 I don't think it's going to take two weeks to do it. Is that your opening bid?"
00:25:01 Because it's kind of tough for you to set the deadlines with the stuff I'm a specialist in.
00:25:07 You know, like if I don't paint houses, how am I supposed to say,
00:25:10 "It should take you an hour to paint this whole house,"
00:25:12 like if you've not actually done it, right?
00:25:13 You don't know how many coats it takes.
00:25:14 You don't know how much wainscoting you've done, baseboards,
00:25:17 like all these things, angles, and all this kind of stuff, right?
00:25:20 How many light switches do you have to take off and electrical plugs
00:25:22 and all that kind of stuff?
00:25:23 I actually did a bit of house painting once, though,
00:25:25 for a couple of weeks in one summer.
00:25:28 So I think documentation is important, and the other thing too is that
00:25:36 it's interesting to know whether your boss is under that same pressure.
00:25:39 A failure to negotiate cascades down through an organization.
00:25:43 So if the customer says, "I need it done in a month or I'm not going to buy,"
00:25:47 then the boss says, "Okay, well, we'll get it done in a month,"
00:25:49 and then he tells his underling, "Get it done in a month,"
00:25:51 and maybe he tells you, "Get it done in a month."
00:25:53 So you don't know exactly where the lack of negotiation is occurring,
00:25:58 but what I would do, if I were you, is just document over the next couple of months.
00:26:03 I mean, you don't have to wait months to deal with it,
00:26:05 but document about, you know, it's double or triple what you expect,
00:26:10 and then figure out what the problem is,
00:26:12 because there's an assumption that your boss is making
00:26:16 that is not borne out by the actual work, right?
00:26:20 So in software, what's pretty typical is you say,
00:26:24 "Okay, how long is it going to take to write the code?"
00:26:26 Maybe you say, "It's going to take a week to write the code,"
00:26:28 but writing the code is far from the end of the software, right?
00:26:31 Writing the code, you've got to test it for speed,
00:26:34 you've got to test it for security, you've got to test it for reliability,
00:26:37 you've got to test it under a whole bunch of different environments and so on, right?
00:26:41 So it is a big challenge, right?
00:26:44 So you've got to also test the user case scenario testing.
00:26:49 What if they enter the wrong values, you're expecting a date,
00:26:51 and it's not in the date format, or how do you handle all the exceptions?
00:26:55 So just writing the core code to get the computer to do something
00:26:58 is maybe 30% of the project as a whole.
00:27:02 Plus, you might need a user interface, particularly if it's on the web.
00:27:05 Plus, if it's code that's supposed to run on a variety of platforms,
00:27:09 everything from Windows to Android to iOS to whatever, right?
00:27:13 If it's a website or web interface,
00:27:16 you've got to test it on a wide variety of browsers and portrait,
00:27:19 landscape, small screens, big screens.
00:27:21 So just writing the code, you've got to document and say,
00:27:24 "Look, I can do the code in a week, but it's going to take probably a month
00:27:28 to make sure everything's ready for production."
00:27:31 So hopefully that helps.
00:27:36 All right. We were talking about prostitution.
00:27:39 Oh, this is the guy. We were talking about prostitution because I brought it up
00:27:41 with him after listening to the podcast where the guy kept choking out his wife.
00:27:44 He insinuated his mom was a prostitute.
00:27:47 I don't recall that. I don't recall that.
00:27:50 But it's one thing to talk about a theoretical example from some anonymous person
00:27:55 on the internet, or maybe not that theoretical.
00:27:57 It's quite another thing to talk about your mom, this guy's mom.
00:28:03 I recently watched a speech by Malcolm Gladwell.
00:28:06 I actually sat next to Malcolm Gladwell in a restaurant once,
00:28:08 where he argued that we should all trust people more,
00:28:11 even if we get deceived sometimes.
00:28:13 It's better to get deceived occasionally than live being suspicious of everyone.
00:28:18 This idea doesn't sit well with me.
00:28:20 But then again, I don't have friends.
00:28:22 What would be a good balance of not being too suspicious of strangers
00:28:24 while not being naive?
00:28:26 That's interesting. That's interesting.
00:28:32 Let's see here. I know he has a new book out.
00:28:36 I used to like his books quite a bit, but I find them very boring and predictable now.
00:28:40 But that's just me.
00:28:42 Malcolm Gladwell, let's see here.
00:28:44 He has books. What's his latest book?
00:28:51 Is it Talking to Strangers or something like that?
00:28:54 Isn't that interesting?
00:28:56 I click on this.
00:29:00 Let's see here. The paperback is $16.44.
00:29:06 The Kindle edition is $16.99.
00:29:10 The Kindle edition is more than the paperback.
00:29:12 The hardcover is $18.50.
00:29:16 Isn't that interesting?
00:29:18 Frankly, that's a little fucking confusing.
00:29:21 Malcolm? Oh, Mac!
00:29:24 I'm a little confused.
00:29:27 Why would you charge people?
00:29:29 Because you should trust them to pay for your book, right?
00:29:33 I trust people to pay for my podcast, and if you would like to help out,
00:29:36 come on, people, it's the end of the year.
00:29:38 I'll give you a couple of tips, working like a coolie here.
00:29:41 Why is... we should trust people more.
00:29:45 So why is he charging for his books?
00:29:47 Why does he charge for his speeches?
00:29:49 Why doesn't he just, like churches do, you come in for free,
00:29:52 and yeah, I was just at a church recently, I went to a church service,
00:29:54 they handed out the collection plate.
00:29:56 So why are you charging people?
00:29:59 You should trust people to pay you what they find your book to be worth,
00:30:03 so you should hand out your book, and the digital format is pretty cheap, right?
00:30:06 He's got enough money, right?
00:30:08 So you should just...
00:30:10 Why is he not... why is he copywriting?
00:30:13 Why doesn't he just trust people?
00:30:15 So I always find it when somebody has a copyrighted book
00:30:18 that they're charging for saying, "You should just trust people more,"
00:30:21 it's like, "You lead the way, Malcolm. You show me.
00:30:24 You show me the way," and all of that.
00:30:27 So I don't trust anyone.
00:30:30 I am in a state of neutral, right?
00:30:33 I don't mistrust people. I don't trust people.
00:30:36 Because they're unknown.
00:30:39 They're unknown, right? I don't know.
00:30:42 I mean, I look for markers, right?
00:30:44 You think about walking home at night, right?
00:30:47 You're walking home at night, you hear footsteps behind you, right?
00:30:49 If it's some guy in a three-piece suit carrying a computer magazine,
00:30:52 you're probably okay.
00:30:54 If it's a bunch of hoodlums in thuggy wear,
00:30:56 then you might be in a little bit of trouble, right?
00:30:58 So you just look, and you can't engage people.
00:31:01 But I don't trust or mistrust.
00:31:04 And telling people, "Oh, we should trust more,
00:31:07 even if we get deceived sometimes,"
00:31:10 I don't know. I don't know.
00:31:13 I mean, this is an old argument, and it's not even his argument,
00:31:18 which is, you know, you say, "Well, occasionally,
00:31:20 you're going to lend money to someone, and they're not going to pay you back,
00:31:23 and that's just the price you pay for being optimistic in this life,
00:31:25 and this, that, and the other," right?
00:31:27 So I don't like the "should."
00:31:30 In fact, I'll go one step further.
00:31:33 I really hate the "should."
00:31:35 Well, you should trust people more. Why?
00:31:38 Why? Why? Why should I not have any--
00:31:40 Why should I substitute Malcolm Gladwell's anonymous opinions
00:31:43 for my own instincts about how to live?
00:31:46 You should trust lions more. Why?
00:31:50 You should trust people-- Why?
00:31:53 Why?
00:31:55 Why?
00:31:57 [laughs]
00:32:00 And, of course, then, he should be advocating for the end of the welfare--
00:32:03 I think he's kind of on the left. I'm not sure.
00:32:06 So then he should be advocating for the end of the welfare state, right?
00:32:10 And for the cessation of taxation, because we should trust people more.
00:32:13 We should trust people to help take care of the poor.
00:32:15 We should trust people to be charitable, to donate.
00:32:18 We should make sure that there isn't any Medicare or Medicaid.
00:32:22 We should make sure that there's no old-age pensions,
00:32:24 because we should just trust people.
00:32:27 I'm always concerned when people say "trust more"
00:32:30 that they're feeding you to the wolves.
00:32:32 They're feeding you to the lions. "Trust more! You've got to trust more!"
00:32:35 Why?
00:32:37 Anybody who says "trust more" is usually involved in some kind of scam.
00:32:40 I'm not talking about Malcolm Gladwell in particular.
00:32:42 I don't know the guy, but it just seems like--
00:32:45 The logic of him saying "trust more" means we should have a more and more voluntary society,
00:32:49 but I don't know if he's a big fan of Javier Millet in Argentina at the moment.
00:32:55 I would imagine not, because he seems to be kind of on the left.
00:33:00 Is too suspicious of strangers while not being naive?
00:33:03 We live in a low-trust society now.
00:33:05 Unfortunately, we grew up in a high-trust society.
00:33:07 It's funny. When I was a kid, I couldn't trust anyone in my household,
00:33:10 but I could trust the society as a whole.
00:33:12 Now, I can't trust society as a whole, but I completely trust everyone in my household
00:33:15 and my inner circle. It's kind of funny that way.
00:33:18 All right, let's see here.
00:33:20 [silence]
00:33:27 What have we got?
00:33:29 [silence]
00:33:34 Ah! A pinhole battery--
00:33:37 Pinhole power battery reset button.
00:33:40 Well, the funny thing is it did turn down to finally do its reboot,
00:33:44 but it's just "Hello, Nina!" "Welcome, welcome, welcome."
00:33:47 "Welcome, welcome, welcome." All right.
00:33:50 [silence]
00:33:54 All right. Yeah, why does an update take three minutes for 99%
00:33:57 and three minutes for the last 1%?
00:33:59 I don't know. I don't know.
00:34:02 Oh, look at that. Indiana Jones with a hard drive. There you go.
00:34:05 Thank you. I appreciate that.
00:34:08 I had to get third-party paid software to avoid using iTunes.
00:34:11 Yeah, I tried that, but it won't get audio files.
00:34:14 "Is there a trick for saying no to more work because of your current workload?"
00:34:18 Yeah, just honest, right?
00:34:20 So if somebody would hand me something and say, "I need this done,"
00:34:23 I'd say, "I will absolutely get to it when I'm done my current thing."
00:34:27 Right?
00:34:29 So I've got a job for my boss,
00:34:32 and someone else comes along and says, "I need this."
00:34:35 I'd be like, "Well, if you want to talk to my boss,
00:34:38 or you come and join me in my boss's office,
00:34:41 and we'll figure out what my priorities are." Obviously, I can only do one thing at a time.
00:34:44 So if my boss says, "Do your thing," rather than what my boss said, I'll do it.
00:34:50 But right now, I'm doing what my boss says,
00:34:53 and so if you want to change that priority, it has to come from my boss.
00:34:57 So you offer to go in and sit down with the boss and say,
00:35:00 "This guy--" I mean, the typical thing is a client wants you to do something,
00:35:03 and then the salesman says, "I need you to review this technical proposal."
00:35:06 I'd be like, "Eh, I will absolutely get to it."
00:35:09 "There's something else which you have to do in business."
00:35:12 "Ooh, this is a lot of power."
00:35:15 "This is a lot of power."
00:35:18 "This is a lot of power."
00:35:21 Yeah, I thought Malcolm Gladwell's book Blink was pretty good.
00:35:24 As I said, I used to like him. I just found him to be--
00:35:27 He's not adapting to the new world, right? He's just not adapting to the new world.
00:35:33 Hit me with a "why" if you want too much power at work.
00:35:39 This will be too powerful.
00:35:46 Hit me with a "why." Tell me. Tell me.
00:35:51 Is it too much? Yes, it probably is too much.
00:35:54 One of the most powerful statements I ever heard in the business was this--
00:35:58 in the business world, and it occurs in a wide variety of things as well.
00:36:01 One of the things that I remember reading in the business world that I found very powerful was this--
00:36:10 "A failure to plan on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part."
00:36:20 Does this make sense?
00:36:23 "A failure to plan on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part."
00:36:28 Do you ever have this where somebody comes to you for work and says, "Oh, I need this this afternoon."
00:36:34 "I need this this afternoon."
00:36:37 "I need you to--"
00:36:42 You've had that, right? Somebody just comes in and--
00:36:46 spinning around Mach 3 with their hair on fire, right?
00:36:50 And they say, "I need you to do this-- this needs to go out right away," right?
00:37:00 So what do you say?
00:37:04 What do you say?
00:37:06 How do you deal with it?
00:37:10 You say, "Quick question. When did you find out-- when did you know about this delivery date?"
00:37:16 "When did you know it was due this afternoon?"
00:37:21 "When did you find-- when did you--" like, I'm a little confused.
00:37:24 "When did you-- when did you know that this was due today?"
00:37:32 And people will always try and come in laterally, right?
00:37:35 So, again, my boss would tell me to do something, a salesman would come in and say,
00:37:39 "I need you to review this technical proposal," and I'd be like, "Okay, when did you get this?"
00:37:44 If somebody wanted me to do something laterally, right?
00:37:47 Comes down from the boss, somebody wants you to do something laterally,
00:37:50 you go in and you say-- you call your boss and you say,
00:37:55 "Hey, I just need your permission. The sales guy wants me to review a technical proposal."
00:37:58 "That means that what I'm going to do for you is going to be delayed."
00:38:02 "Just, you know, tell me-- you're the boss, right? Tell me what you want to do."
00:38:06 Because then what you're doing is you're exposing the guy who left it too late and is now panicked, right?
00:38:12 And, of course, a lot of times people will leave things too late in order to get their way, right?
00:38:18 It's an emergency. It has to go out today.
00:38:20 Otherwise, we're not going to get the bid and we're going to lose a million dollars.
00:38:23 It's got to be done. There's a panic, right?
00:38:25 And so people will purposefully leave things too late so that they can get the resources, right?
00:38:34 So, yeah, you say, "Hey, like, when did you-- when-- sorry, I don't have any--
00:38:39 I'm going to check my email, but I don't remember getting any notice that this was due today, right?"
00:38:44 "Oh, I just got it from the client." I'm like, "Well, no. Okay, well, let's call up the client, right?"
00:38:49 Right? So you say, "Okay, gosh. Okay, well, let's call up the client because if the client just sent it today,
00:38:54 then the client expecting it turned around today is kind of optimistic.
00:38:57 So let's just call the client and tell them that, right?"
00:39:02 Now, of course, in general, the salespeople are lying catfish of doom, right?
00:39:07 So the client sent it to them a week ago, but they're just giving it to you today.
00:39:11 So they don't want you to call the client, right?
00:39:13 And you say, "Wait, wait, wait. Why don't you want me to call-- you just told me the client sent it to you today,
00:39:17 so I've got to call the client." "No, no, I don't want to bother the client."
00:39:20 "Okay," I said, "Well, can you forward me the original email so I can just, you know,
00:39:24 get a sense of the email chain and what it is, right? In case there's any other details."
00:39:28 Now, of course, the salesperson doesn't want to forward you the original email
00:39:31 because he got the original email a week ago, right?
00:39:33 So you just make it uncomfortable for people.
00:39:36 And you can do it in a very sort of positive and pleasant way with no suspicious aura.
00:39:40 It's like, "No, I just, you know--"
00:39:43 And if they do forward you the email, say, "Dude, you got this a week ago.
00:39:49 You got this a week ago. Why don't you-- like, you told me you just got it today.
00:39:55 You got it a week ago. I'm confused."
00:39:57 Like, you know, maybe you misstated or maybe you misspoke.
00:39:59 You never have to be aggressive, right?
00:40:01 You have to train people into treating you well in the business world, right?
00:40:06 Because if you're just like, "Oh, I'll get it done," they'll just keep doing it, right?
00:40:09 So you have to train people to treat you well by making them uncomfortable for treating you badly.
00:40:16 Tell me if this-- I don't know if this is too abstract or-- but, you know,
00:40:20 I want to give you guys some really prictical-- practical-- some practical tips
00:40:24 based upon some really, really difficult life experience on my part.
00:40:32 And if you have the right approach-- and the right approach isn't like,
00:40:37 "You lying scumbag, I bet you got this a week ago because that's just going to escalate
00:40:40 and then you're going to be accused of verbal abuse and it's going to look bad on you," right?
00:40:44 Nothing to do with that. Nothing to do with that.
00:40:47 What it is to do with is, "No, I just, you know, I just want to get the facts, right?
00:40:53 Let's call the client, let's go into my boss, let's get this sorted out."
00:40:56 And then you'll find very quickly that they don't want to do that and they get very uncomfortable.
00:41:01 And then, again, because you're friendly and positive and you're just trying to gather
00:41:04 all the necessary information, then people will start treating you better
00:41:13 because you won't take any lies, but you'll do it in a very positive way
00:41:18 that they can't get too mad about, if that makes sense.
00:41:23 "I worked with a big-time contractor on a historical public project on the waterfront.
00:41:31 He was not the most trustworthy guy. His favorite saying was, 'Chaos is cash.'
00:41:34 The government paid him lots of money on change orders." Yes.
00:41:37 Somebody says, "Yes, I think the project manager of my work are hired
00:41:40 because they delay jobs until the last minute." Right. Right.
00:41:44 And the other thing, too, is that if you have a good way of explaining things,
00:41:53 your life becomes so much easier.
00:41:56 Everybody wants professional skills, but the biggest professional skill that I ever had
00:42:00 was good explanatory power. Good explanatory power.
00:42:04 So, some software thing would come along, we'd build the software,
00:42:07 customize the software, and then towards the end, they'd want to change, right?
00:42:11 And I'd say this at the very beginning of the project.
00:42:15 I'd say, "Listen, we're going to spend a lot of time in planning,
00:42:18 and it's going to drive everyone nuts. We're going to spend a lot of time planning,
00:42:21 we're going to get binders of changes, and it's a lot of time planning stuff,
00:42:24 and it's going to drive you nuts." And you'd be just like, "Can we just get started?"
00:42:28 But I'd tell you. I said, "Look, I've been doing this for a long time now.
00:42:31 I'll tell you. It's 90% more efficient to fix it in the specifications
00:42:39 or to determine it in the specifications than to fix it after it's been coded."
00:42:44 Right? It's way cheaper. It's way cheaper.
00:42:49 Like if you want, I'd say, "Look, if you want a car with a sunroof,
00:42:52 it's way cheaper to buy a car with a sunroof than to take delivery of a car
00:42:55 without a sunroof and then want a sunroof put in."
00:42:58 Right? You understand? That's way cheaper, right?
00:43:00 If you want a house with a skylight, you get the house built from ground up
00:43:03 with a skylight, you don't just finish the house and then go up with it
00:43:07 with a saw and a cherry bomb and put a skylight in. Right?
00:43:11 So if you have a good way of explaining things, your life gets a whole lot easier at work.
00:43:16 And people who are good communicators, like I didn't just stroll into philosophy
00:43:19 with no history of explaining complex technical things to a lay audience.
00:43:24 Right? And I know you are an audience who gets laid, and I think that's what it means,
00:43:28 except if Malcolm Gladwell is listening, in which case, please, bro, get a haircut.
00:43:32 But because I spent, I don't know, gosh, let's see, probably close to a decade and a half
00:43:43 explaining complex technical issues to business people. Right?
00:43:48 So the fact that I'm doing complex philosophy to non-quote philosophers,
00:43:53 I mean, you guys are philosophers in your life, but not in your training, for the most part.
00:43:57 The fact that I'm able to boil things down, I didn't just stroll in here off the farm
00:44:01 and, oh, look at all my magnificent metaphorical abilities and blah, blah, blah.
00:44:05 I did all of this in the business world for many, many, many years
00:44:08 before I started applying it to philosophy. Right?
00:44:15 So if the customer says, I need a change, be like, oh, yes, you know, we can absolutely accommodate that.
00:44:21 As I said at the beginning of the project, unfortunately, it's going to be kind of pricey
00:44:24 and it's going to delay the project. Right? And you need to do that.
00:44:28 Because if everyone says, oh, no problem, no extra charge,
00:44:31 then people will just keep throwing changes in. Right? Of course. Right?
00:44:36 I mean, whereas nobody knows if the change is important if it's free. Right?
00:44:41 Do you understand that?
00:44:46 Nobody knows if the change is important if it's free.
00:44:51 So if the customer wants a change and you're like, hey, no problem, no cost, whatever. Right?
00:44:55 Then the salespeople's happy because, you know, the customer likes him in the moment.
00:44:58 But if you say, oh, this change is going to be $25,000.
00:45:04 Then the customer's like, ooh, $25,000. Is that really the best use of my resources and your time and so on? Right?
00:45:11 So the moment you get stuff away for free, I know this is a guy who gives away his books for free, but that's all right.
00:45:16 That's all right. This is a slightly different business model.
00:45:20 So if you just work on communication and translating things into analogies that people understand. Right?
00:45:28 I can't even tell you the number of times I'd say, well, you know, if you if you order a car and you say, I just want the cheap stereo.
00:45:37 And then the car sitting on the showroom floor and you say, you know what? Take out the cheap stereo and put the expensive stereo in.
00:45:42 You understand that's twice the price of. Just getting the expensive stereo to begin with. Right?
00:45:48 Because they got to take out the old stereo, there may be different parts.
00:45:52 They've got to figure out what to do with the old stereo. They've got to order a new stereo.
00:45:55 They've got to get someone to install it, wire it up and test it.
00:45:58 Whereas if they had just put the expensive stereo in to begin with, it would be way cheaper.
00:46:02 So if you want things changed later on, it's way tough.
00:46:10 You say, I have a hard time with that. I always give free value. I think I'm shooting myself in the legs.
00:46:16 You know, it's hard to respect the value of your time.
00:46:20 It's hard for other people to respect the value of your time if you give it all away for free.
00:46:24 Give it away, give it away, give it away now. Right?
00:46:27 If you give it all away for free, who's going to respect your time?
00:46:31 You know, it's if you're the if you're the village slut, is it really much of work to sleep with you?
00:46:36 Is it really right? It's like getting a steak well done and saying, can you make this medium rare?
00:46:42 Not quite. Not quite. Because you can't undo that.
00:46:47 Right. So that would be an irreversible thing. Right.
00:46:50 That would be like if somebody says, I need this in C sharp.
00:46:54 And then at the end of it, they say, no, actually, I need it in JavaScript or something like that.
00:46:58 Right. It's like that's sort of an undoable thing. So you can make the change.
00:47:03 Right. You can make the change. But it's it's tough. Right.
00:47:09 House. Like what do people do? They buy cars. They buy buy houses and so on. Right.
00:47:15 So. You've got to put things in and out because a steak well done and saying, can you make this medium rare is saying it can't be done.
00:47:24 And, you know, things can be done usually for a price. But it's kind of like if if when you are opening your exercise routine,
00:47:39 you're opening your exercise routine, your trainer will often say, do you want size and strength or do you want weight loss or like what is it that you're looking for to achieve with your fitness goals?
00:47:51 Do you want to get big and bulky? Do you want to be more limber? Do you want to have leaner muscles? Do you want to have a six pack?
00:47:58 Do you want to have endurance? Do you want to have weight loss? Like what is it that you're looking for?
00:48:02 Now, if you say I want to bulk up to the max, I want to be like Mr. Universe size, you know.
00:48:09 Steph size to tone step size, you know, turn sideways to get through a double door.
00:48:13 I want to be that big. And then the guy trains you like on that. And you say, you know what? Actually, I just want I want cardio and endurance.
00:48:19 I want to be a runner like Denny's. The muscles aren't exactly helping you. Right.
00:48:23 So it's a slow motion man. Boob bounce doesn't really help. So, yeah, just define what you want.
00:48:30 Or, you know, if you you want a mode of transportation and you go out and buy a boat and you say get it home, you say, you know what?
00:48:36 I think I want a car. I mean, can you theoretically turn a boat into a car? I guess you kind of could.
00:48:41 But what a mess. Right. Just get a car to begin with. Right. So. Yeah.
00:48:45 Really work on your communication. Everybody's like, well, I don't want to do the value add. Right.
00:48:49 What can I do to value add? Well, if your communication helps a project come in at half the price, like a hundred thousand dollar project,
00:48:57 it gets really good at communicating. You prevent it from becoming a two hundred thousand dollar project.
00:49:02 Then you've just made a hundred thousand dollars in a sense. If the if the project's OK at a hundred grand.
00:49:09 And instead of the bloatware putting it to 200 grand, you've kept it at a hundred grand. You've just saved a hundred thousand dollars. Right.
00:49:16 I took your advice of not being afraid to yell in a business meeting. Did I say yell? Maybe, maybe I did.
00:49:24 It's always hard to remember what I said, but I certainly emphatic. Pretty, pretty emphatic is important in a business world.
00:49:33 And of course, you know this when you're buying a car, right, when you're buying a car like I remember when I bought my very first car for I had to I got a subsidy on it from the business.
00:49:44 Back in my business career and it was a 98 Volvo S70. I love that car, man, that was a cool looking car.
00:49:51 It looked almost exactly like one of my matchbox cars when I was a kid. I just saw that car. I was like, boom, love it.
00:49:56 Actually, I like the I like the Audi. It had the Tiptronic, which was like the half manual, half automatic, which I thought was kind of cool.
00:50:03 But it was like six months to get one and I needed a car right away. So, you know how it goes.
00:50:10 If if they give you every extra for free, you'll just check off every extra. Right. But if it's like, oh, this extra is 500 bucks and this extra is a thousand dollars.
00:50:18 Like, it's funny because I didn't want to get a CD player because it was an extra 600 dollars to get a CD player in the car.
00:50:26 So I got a tape deck, which actually turned out to be perfect because that way I could hook up an MP3 player to the tape deck with one of those.
00:50:32 I don't even know how it works, but it just worked out really nicely. So.
00:50:36 It was a lovely car, man. And I drove that thing until it was Adams.
00:50:40 I drove that thing until it was like a Flintstone car where you could pedal it by running your feet on the holes in the ground.
00:50:45 It was just a great car. It didn't didn't last super long, though, honestly.
00:50:49 But yeah, so you just check boxes if you're given everything away for free.
00:50:53 Everyone's going to check everything, whether they need it or not. Right.
00:50:58 I mean, if I had a dollar for everyone who said you shouldn't just give yourself away because some people don't value it, it's like, well, I picked a different.
00:51:06 All right. Now, speaking of the value, not value, if you'd like to help out free to main dot com slash donate or you can tip right here on the app.
00:51:12 You can also tip over there on Rumble Rumble Rumble Rumble.
00:51:19 All right. Let me see what's going on over there. Good.
00:51:25 Don't forget to the like. Thank you, Oliver. Don't forget to hit the like.
00:51:30 Thanks for joining. Thanks for joining. Feel free, feel free to donate.
00:51:44 All right. Yeah. Freedom and a calm slash donate or you can donate right here in the app.
00:51:51 So, all right, let's get to your questions, comments.
00:51:57 Clients need to believe you care about their goals, about their concerns.
00:52:00 Lots of people think right or wrong is black and white when you save a client in crisis or save them big money or their reputation, they will trust you more and you will learn.
00:52:08 It's about communicating and listening slash understanding.
00:52:11 Well, and also sometimes giving stuff away for free is the best business decision you can make.
00:52:15 I mean, I had a that was that Volvo S70. When I was drove it, it gave a kind of funny wobble.
00:52:21 And I was like, well, we'll just wobble a little bit.
00:52:24 So I took it into a car dealership and they're like, oh, it was just there was some rim loose and they just, oh, we just tightened it.
00:52:32 And I'm like, oh, what do I owe you? It's nothing. Right. So I went back to them forever.
00:52:37 You can deliver my baby. Yes, they didn't charge me for that thing. Right.
00:52:41 So. Planning ahead applies to picking a spouse to better to marry who you want rather than someone you don't want and try to change him or her.
00:52:51 It's expensive to alter course down the road. Yes, it is. Yes, it is.
00:52:58 Yes, it is. All right. Let me get to. I may ask you a question.
00:53:02 I guess you guys a question. King Leo, thank you for dropping by.
00:53:07 I'm glad that you also get to catch a live stream. God jewel. I guess that's good morning.
00:53:13 God jewel from Sweden. Should that be Arabic? Philip, thank you. Nice to have you come by here.
00:53:19 All right. Steph, any advice for tirelessness at night?
00:53:24 I tend to pace around reading the Bible at night. I want to write a book.
00:53:27 Searching for therapists, but so far none around me taking new clients.
00:53:30 I don't know what other minimal info to provide. I've reached my mid 30s recently.
00:53:33 I've been slandered by an ex, blah, blah, blah. All right.
00:53:36 So tirelessness at night. Really enjoying the stream so far. Thanks, everyone.
00:53:41 And Steph, I appreciate that. Thank you. I keep thinking that's Beth, but it's Lee.
00:53:46 All right. Hit me with a why if you suffer. Oh, God jewel means Merry Christmas, good Christmas.
00:53:53 Oh, thank you. Appreciate that. Hit me with a why if you suffer from the greatest curse of modernity.
00:53:59 Do you know what the greatest curse of modernity is?
00:54:01 Dragging your exhausted, skinny, pale ass around all day.
00:54:05 Oh, you have to have those days where it's like you wake up and it's like, oh, God.
00:54:12 How long is it till I can get to bed again? Just please, God.
00:54:19 Is it I can probably do 16 hours, maybe I can do 15 hours.
00:54:23 Just how long is it until I get to bed again?
00:54:28 You just drag your ass around all day and then you get to bedtime and it's like.
00:54:38 Bing, bing, bing, bing, bing, bing, bing, bing, bing, bing, bing, bing, bing, bing, bing.
00:54:45 We did some marketing work for a pharma company. They didn't do some work.
00:54:49 We gave them back 125K. They were so surprised. Eventually, they gave us more work.
00:54:53 But they never but they had never seen a marketing agency do that.
00:54:56 It helped them trust us going forward. Yeah.
00:54:59 Imagine the mechanic delivering a baby AI picture. Yes, a baby with nine fingers.
00:55:04 I'm sure. But yeah, you have to. I have that occasionally.
00:55:08 My sleep is pretty good for the most part. My sleep is pretty good.
00:55:11 But I tell you this, man, I what did I do today?
00:55:15 I went for a nice long walk while doing the call in show.
00:55:20 And then I went skating with my daughter for an hour.
00:55:23 And when I skate, man, I'm not just drifting around.
00:55:26 I'm like stopping and turning and doing my turnover, Turner.
00:55:32 And then I came back. I had some food. My daughter made a really nice winter soup.
00:55:40 So good. So good. And I just sat down with my wife and I was chatting for a little bit.
00:55:47 And I'm like, oh, you know what? I think, you know, give me 15 minutes.
00:55:50 I'm passing out. And 15 minutes I can do. If I do more than that, I don't sleep at night.
00:55:54 But I, yeah, that tired during the day. But man, I have to.
00:56:03 Right. So there's a couple of things that I think to do with tirelessness.
00:56:07 So first of all, if your fight or flight is kicking, it's tough to sleep. Right.
00:56:12 You ever have this situation where you're actually had this this morning.
00:56:17 I had this situation this morning. The situation this morning was,
00:56:22 thank you, C. I appreciate that. Thank you, C.
00:56:26 I appreciate your free your donation through freedom.com/donate.
00:56:30 I had this this morning. So this morning.
00:56:37 I woke up and I was just, you know, I was like, I could do it.
00:56:41 I'll half hour sleep. I really like that time.
00:56:43 I just kind of sit in there cozy. I've got a heavy elephant ass blanket on me and it's kind of warm and cozy.
00:56:49 And I hear this. I hear this.
00:56:57 And it's like, of course, I sleep on the upstairs and I'm like.
00:57:03 What the hell is that? And of course, you know, it's not somebody who's climbed a ladder
00:57:08 and is knocking on my window or anything like groupies. What can I tell you, man? Groupies.
00:57:13 This nips for you. But I remembered some years ago that.
00:57:19 I would pack her had found her house and was packing away and I was like, yeah, so like, but you have the situation where you're like.
00:57:27 I remember once I lived in a place that was new, just built and it was settling.
00:57:33 Settling means it will haunt your dreams.
00:57:39 Just things just slowly settling in and all of that. So that that wasn't super relaxing.
00:57:44 I still remember two o'clock in the morning in my underpants going down with a baseball bat like I was going to do something and checking out the house top to bottom, back to front.
00:57:53 Make sure we don't have any. You know, Cossacks is the big problem, particularly in Canada.
00:58:01 Cossacks, Vikings and Nazgul. That's the big thing. So you've got to you've got to look out for anything named Trudeau, I think.
00:58:09 So I had all of that. So if you have that, you can't do much about getting asleep if you're fighting flight.
00:58:16 It did contain squash. Yes. Winter soup to contain squash. So good.
00:58:20 So. You can't relax if your fight or flight is kicking in, so find try and find some way to deal with your fight or flight.
00:58:32 Also, for me, one of the reasons I exercise as well is it just helps me to sleep at night.
00:58:41 Because I mean, for obvious reasons, right, I write about this in my novel The Present.
00:58:50 That if you work your body, you rest better. Right.
00:58:58 I think this is a Scott Adams thing where he said, don't think I have insomnia, think I haven't exercised enough.
00:59:03 And I think I think there's real truth in that. So, yeah, tirelessness at night.
00:59:11 Mid 30s. So if you're not feeling like mid 30s is kind of the beginning of the crisis, right, of of the crisis of meaning.
00:59:19 Right. So. When you're young. And by that, I'm talking maybe into early 30s.
00:59:27 Right. So as a kid, you just kind of go with the flow for the most part. Some people don't.
00:59:30 But most people do just kind of go with the flow, do your homework, do your exams or whatever it is. Right.
00:59:34 Then maybe a college or whatever. And then you start your job and you're just kind of reacting and so on.
00:59:39 In your early 30s, if you don't have a life of meaning. You won't really have much of a life of sleeping.
00:59:52 Sleep is not the rest we get when we're tired, because we've all been in that situation where we're tired, but we can't sleep.
01:00:02 So sleep is not. The rest we get when we're tired, sleep is the rest we get from meaning and virtue.
01:00:14 If we've done something meaningful, something virtuous. Over the course of the day, it could be any number of things.
01:00:21 It could be being positive to someone online. It could be helping somebody out. It could be doing a good deed, doing something to spread sort of virtue and having a life that is more than just Pac-Man like work and consumption.
01:00:34 But sleep is the reward of virtue and meaning. And so if you've left it too long to define your life, which is a big risk.
01:00:47 It's a big risk. If you've left it too long to define your life, then you will start to get uneasy.
01:00:53 And I left it too long to define my life. I left it too long to define my life.
01:00:58 I think I've been making up for it ever since, but man, it was pretty rough there in my late 20s, early 30s, because I was still just reacting to things rather than making decisions on my own.
01:01:07 And if you do that for too long, you can't rest because, like you know how they always say the ghost can't rest, right?
01:01:15 It's the ghost, the immaterial can't rest. The ghost can't rest.
01:01:20 So if you're living a life without strong will and purpose and meaning and virtue, then you are kind of living like a ghost.
01:01:27 And it's really, really tough to rest. The fight or flight is the predator that's chasing you is a lack of meaning and a lack of virtue.
01:01:34 And that's pretty rough. That's pretty rough.
01:01:38 All right. Manuel, always a pleasure to hear from you.
01:01:43 Happy New Year to, of course, to everyone.
01:01:45 Let me ask you a tough question. I'm cleaning out my bachelor apartment top to bottom. Why? Why? I'm not happy.
01:01:52 The spider sure as hell not happy. Nobody is happy. Why am I doing this?
01:01:57 Well, of course, everybody knows, I mean, you're doing this because you want to attract a mate.
01:02:08 I assume, right? I don't know if you have a mate or not.
01:02:11 I assume you don't have a mate in that your decision to clean this seems to be your own decision to clean is not particularly your own.
01:02:18 If you have a mate. Thank you. I appreciate it.
01:02:22 But I assume that you are cleaning your house so that a woman will come over and won't go like, oh, what the hell?
01:02:35 I assume it's not going to be something like that. Like, whoa, what the hell?
01:02:39 What's going on here? This is a mess.
01:02:42 Because when a woman comes over to your place, she probably is thinking like, OK, what's it going to be like to live with this guy for the next 60 years?
01:02:49 Right. And if it's kind of like a pigsty, well, she ain't going to be that happy about it. Right.
01:02:56 So I got a couple of topics. I'm certainly happy. Like, I'm here for you and I want to provide as much value for you as humanly possible.
01:03:02 Let me ask you what may seem like a tangent, but taint, taint, taint no tangent, taint no tangent, boyo.
01:03:09 Have you ever seen the, I guess, fairly significantly radical speech that got Steph Bott half banned in Australia?
01:03:19 Have you ever? You ever seen that speech?
01:03:27 Just out of curiosity. Let me just see here. The reason I'm asking is.
01:03:34 Well, I can give it to you. So I did this epic speech in Australia that, you know, ended up with, you know, bomb threats, death threats, stalking, all kinds of crazy stuff.
01:03:43 Right. And, you know. It didn't really seem that big a deal. Right.
01:03:53 But anyway, I've I found it. I found it. I was looking for some other stuff on a backup drive and I came across it.
01:04:02 It was very, very interesting.
01:04:16 So, yeah, I will get that posted soon, but it was quite a quite an exciting speech.
01:04:25 All right, let's see here. Have you seen the movie Migration?
01:04:35 Have you seen the movie Migration? It's a kid's movie, but, you know, you don't have to be a kid, obviously, to see it.
01:04:42 Migration, it's I think it's by the guys who did Despicable Me and so on.
01:04:51 You haven't? You haven't seen it?
01:04:57 You've never heard of it? OK.
01:05:00 Well, I mean, you're probably not going to see it. A couple of spoilers here so you can fast forward a bit if you want or mute for a couple of minutes.
01:05:07 But. So I want to go and see it because it's duck based, right, and because it was duck based, I kind of went to.
01:05:15 I wanted to to see it. My daughter wanted to see it.
01:05:18 She wasn't hugely keen on it because she's, I mean, a bit old for kids movies, but it's duck based.
01:05:23 So we decided to go. So in it, there's oh, gosh, I just how is it that people fall into these train tracks?
01:05:34 Like, OK, let me ask you this. When was the last time a movie.
01:05:40 A movie really surprised you. Right.
01:05:48 When was the last time when a movie just like, wow, did not see that coming or wow, that gave me goosebumps of originality.
01:05:55 Oh, it could be a book like where. It just was like it didn't make it was not completely unprecedented, but it just like, wow, that's really original.
01:06:04 That's really different. I can't think of one. Maybe some movies in the 90s.
01:06:13 Fight Club was kind of jaw dropping. A few months ago. So what is there out there?
01:06:19 The Chosen. Yeah, The Chosen was pretty good. Was pretty good. Korean movies.
01:06:24 Yeah. The guy from Parasite just died. Right. It's been years. Right.
01:06:31 Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I even started watching The Whale because I was a bit of a Brendan Fraser fan when he was younger,
01:06:36 but it's just like, no, this is too much of a humiliation ritual. I can't I can't do it.
01:06:40 I just can't do it. First time you saw The Matrix. Yeah, I think that's fair.
01:06:45 I think that's fair. Movie with Napoleon was pretty horrible. Right. Sixth Sense. Yeah, that was definitely surprising.
01:06:54 I also remember the original Ghostbusters was surprising to me when the big marshmallow guy showed up.
01:07:05 Gone Girl surprised you. Emily Rajewski was in there.
01:07:11 And Eowyn, if I remember rightly, in a decidedly non Eowyn role.
01:07:17 Bo is Afraid. I think you mentioned this before, didn't you? You mentioned this last time.
01:07:24 The Usual Suspects. I didn't find that movie particularly interesting, although I know there was a big twist at the end.
01:07:30 Leave the World Behind was surprising, but it's rare, isn't it rare? And especially maybe so the case with with with kids movies.
01:07:36 Anyway, so we went to go and see Migration and. So in it, there is a dad and the dad is it opens well, it opens well, and this gave me some hope.
01:07:57 It opened well. Because it opens with a story being told to kids. And. The dad is telling the story about the kids who leave the pond, the little ducklings who leave the pond and they get preyed upon by herons and eagles and raccoons or whatever.
01:08:19 Yeah, all these monsters coming. And then but the mom is intervening like, no, no, everybody turned out to be friends and they were saved.
01:08:28 And so the dad is trying to warn. The ducklings who are kind of like kind of near the bottom of the food chain, right?
01:08:35 So the dad is trying to warn the ducklings about going out into the dangerous world full of predators.
01:08:40 And there's a reason why ducks have like 12 ducklings, but the duck population remains relatively constant.
01:08:46 It's because like 10 of those 12 ducklings don't make it. Right. So that's a pretty it's a pretty big failure rate.
01:08:52 Right. It's like an 85 percent failure rate or something like that. Right. So the dad is trying to tell.
01:08:58 Is trying to tell his kids how dangerous the world is out there and the mom's like, no, no, no, you're frightening the children. He's like, hello.
01:09:07 That's the point. Of course, I want to frighten the children. Right. You don't sit there and say, well, the car is just going to give you a hug on the highway.
01:09:14 So I thought, gosh, you know, this is interesting. And my daughter and I have talked about this before, you know, like.
01:09:20 And of course, one of the things that happens and what's happened in modern society is women have completely lost their sense of.
01:09:29 Shouldn't laugh because it's really bad. But women have completely lost their sense of danger as a whole.
01:09:34 As a whole. And you could see this sort of showing up all over the place.
01:09:39 But, yeah, women have come up. We can do it. Right. And one of the reasons that women have.
01:09:48 One of the reasons why. Women have lost their sense of danger is that's one of the effects of the birth control pill is it kind of disarms your sense of caution and of danger.
01:10:01 So that's so anyway, I thought it was kind of interesting. It started off kind of well and I liked it as a whole.
01:10:08 Now. Then it got ridiculously predictable. Right. So the ridiculous predictability is.
01:10:17 That. The. The mother wants to go on an adventure and she's wise and the dad wants to stay home because it's safe and it turns out the mom's totally right.
01:10:31 They have all these great adventures and and the herons that normally will eat ducklings like.
01:10:36 Corn pups turn out to be kind of friendly and goofy and fun and happy and the predators are actually friends.
01:10:42 And it's just like, oh, my God. Oh, it's crazy. Yeah. How much personal stuff people put on the Web.
01:10:50 Yeah, yeah, for sure. I think people are still uploading pictures with the GPS coordinates.
01:10:55 Right. Yeah. It's like Nemo. Right. So the dad's kind of cautious and.
01:11:00 And and you see it's these kinds of movies are programming society to put aside male caution.
01:11:09 You follow me this I won't get into the whole plot of the movie, but.
01:11:15 You see this all the time that the men are cautious and they're wrong. The men are cautious and it's just paranoid.
01:11:21 And you've got to go out and live a little. You've got to have some adventures. You can't just stay home hiding the whole time. Right.
01:11:26 So legitimate male caution is irrational paranoia. You see how this is working.
01:11:31 So any any dangers that are facing society then get dismissed as especially because it's the men who are sounding the alarm.
01:11:37 It's like, oh, you're just like finding Nemo's dad or you're just like the dad. And in this movie, you're just like all the dads that you see. Right.
01:11:48 Yeah, the bad guys movie you and this you reviewed. Yeah. All caution is paranoia.
01:11:53 All and that just means people can be dangerous to you and you will dismiss your own instincts. Right.
01:11:57 People can be dangerous and you will just dismiss your own instincts. Right.
01:12:05 Yeah, it's crazy. Crazy, crazy.
01:12:25 I mean, but perfectly natural, like you want to disarm. Yeah, he's literally a step from being eaten by sharks, but he's the paranoid one.
01:12:32 Well, it's funny because, of course, you know, these clownfish live in these enemies because the world is so dangerous. Right.
01:12:38 Pinocchio, all the Disney movies warned you. Pinocchio was an absolutely terrifying movie when I was a kid. Like it terrified me.
01:12:46 It absolutely terrified me. It absolutely terrified me. It's just a oh, my God, it's terrifying.
01:12:51 The donkey kids and oh, man, just awful. A lot, a lot, a lot in Pinocchio about trafficking. It's really, really creepy. Really creepy.
01:13:07 Yeah, I think the older movies warned you about dangerous, legitimate dangers.
01:13:11 But the anything I think of things like Arms and the Man by George Bernard Shaw.
01:13:21 Oh, GBS. And it was about, yeah, don't be too enthusiastic about war. You've got to be cautious. You've got to be careful.
01:13:27 You've got to be cynical. And that's how you'll survive. But now. Yeah, it's I mean, all these things at the bottom of the food chain.
01:13:35 Oh, go out and be confident. And it's like, you know, that's the predator is telling you that. Right.
01:13:39 Like this migration, the movie had to be made by predators to lure. Oh, you don't want to be stuck in the safe pond where you've got protection and you can hide and you know everything and there's no predators.
01:13:50 You don't want to be there. You want to come out into the world. Come out. Come out wherever you are.
01:13:56 Yeah, the children get sent to Pleasure Island in Pinocchio. Yeah. Like an Epstein Island thing. Right. Oh, it's terrible. It's absolutely terrible. Absolutely terrible.
01:14:04 So. The scene in Dumbo where he gets drunk was scary, too. I don't remember Dumbo too well. I think I saw it in boarding school, but I don't I don't remember it very well.
01:14:17 Yeah, it's. Predators make these kinds of movies to lure the prey out from where it's safe. Right.
01:14:30 If you think of the number of fairy tales where the kids disobey and go beyond the boundaries and end up in really bad situations. Right.
01:14:42 Well, because you see this all the time where it's like, well, this person appears scary, but they're not really. Right. I mean, so in a scene in migration.
01:14:52 They Herons eat ducklings and they will even eat ducks like they're, you know, be surprised. Herons are big ass be surprised. Right.
01:15:00 And so they end up being being cornered in this. I guess it's an old boathouse where the ducks live. Right. And a corner where the sorry, where the Herons live.
01:15:11 And the Heron is literally like, well, you all need to sleep in this fry pan that's buttered and oiled and ready to go on. Right.
01:15:17 So they're literally putting them in cookware and they're like, well, we don't want to be offended. We don't want to be offensive.
01:15:22 We don't want to upset them and all this kind of stuff. And it turns out that. I mean, really, the whole movie is they actually do.
01:15:29 I'm sure they do get eaten and the rest of it's just an afterlife or a dying fantasy trip.
01:15:34 But, yeah, they're always told. That what seems. Dangerous is actually safe.
01:15:43 What the lion is, it just wants to cuddle and give you free food. Right. Because literally the Heron, who's a predator, gives them free food.
01:15:51 Because they're so backwards. And then there's this other place where it's like a paradise, but it turns out the ducks are just being fattened up.
01:16:04 All right. Let's see here.
01:16:12 Maybe a dumb question, but I had taken the initiative to call a business to follow up on my application I submitted online.
01:16:18 After a short phone interview, the manager informed me I was on the shortlist and he was trying to narrow down 31 applicants to five or six.
01:16:24 Would it be too old fashioned to show up in person as an additional follow up or should I just get prepared for the interview stage?
01:16:28 Any other advice? I really need this job. Yeah, that's a tough one.
01:16:33 Because you don't want to appear intrusive or invasive, but at the same time, you definitely want to communicate to them how enthusiastic it is. Right.
01:16:46 So. That's a tough one. I'm a big one for just be honest about your enthusiasm. Right.
01:16:55 Be honest about your enthusiasm. So you if the guy says we'll call you in for another interview and then you show up in person, you're kind of not following instructions and that may be a red flag for them.
01:17:10 But. At the same time, I would certainly say.
01:17:18 Leave a message with, you know, give it a couple of days, leave a message with the boss and just say, I know that you're narrowing it down.
01:17:25 I just really wanted to let you know how incredibly enthusiastic I am for this job.
01:17:33 And I'm really, really hoping that you'll bring me in for another interview. Right. I'm really keen on this job. I think I'm going to be a perfect fit.
01:17:41 I know I'm going to do great things for the company and make you look good, too, by the way. But I just really wanted to let you know, I hope we get into the next stage.
01:17:50 And I'm really, really keen for the job. I just think something like that is fine. Right. That's showing something that's enthusiastic.
01:17:58 This is why I prefer children play with realistic looking animal toys instead of the cutesy ones.
01:18:03 Yeah, I mean, the whole cutesy animal stuff is just about disconnecting children from their instincts of danger. Right.
01:18:11 All people who want to prey on children are going to give them cuddly lions, right, to diffuse and get rid of their sense of danger.
01:18:24 Leftists argue against implicit bias, but they're referring to intuition and change the name. They're anti-intuition.
01:18:31 Yeah, I mean, the leftist and stuff is very boring that way. Right. Because they talk about fear of the other and they want diversity.
01:18:44 But like in certain, like in many university departments, particularly in the social sciences, you can't find one non-leftist.
01:18:53 Like it's not one. So they don't actually have any interest in diversity of thought or perspective.
01:18:59 They have a desperate fear of the other and so on. And so all of this stuff, we value diversity.
01:19:05 And it's like, well, no, you don't, because then you'd be actively doing outreach to non-leftist, to conservatives or people on the right, as you would say, to try and get all of this stuff.
01:19:14 And it's like, eh. Yeah, they are very, very paranoid about the other and very, very, they're sort of easily, they're easily scared by the wrong things and they don't seem to be at all scared by the right and the right things.
01:19:32 It's like the woman who opened the gym doors up to the crazy homeless guy and got beat up.
01:19:36 Well, she survived, fortunately, although it definitely could have gone the other way.
01:19:40 I assume that she was trying to rape her, right? Yeah, I saw that video.
01:19:46 It's like a video, I still occasionally think of this video, where there was this woman on a subway platform and I think a couple of immigrants started fighting violently and the woman was struggling to pull down her dress, right, to cover up more and more of her skin.
01:19:59 Because she began to sort of realize the dangers that she was in and so she wanted to immediately stop any of the sexual signaling that was going on, so that's rough.
01:20:13 Steph, what are your thoughts about getting on InfoWars to spread the message of philosophy to a wider audience?
01:20:18 I was on InfoWars a bunch of times, had a bunch of interviews with Alex Jones and, but I'm not really, it's a political show, really, fundamentally it's a political show and I'm not doing politics, so I don't think there'd be much of an overlap there anymore, but I certainly do appreciate the question.
01:20:34 If you want, you can go to FDRpodcasts.com, FDRpodcasts.com and you can do a search for all of the stuff that I've done.
01:20:49 So you can search for InfoWars, Alex Jones, whatever it is and see the interviews that I've done.
01:20:55 I wouldn't say I was a regular, but I was on a bunch of times and I always had a positive experience with it.
01:21:00 What's the funny thing about being afraid of upsetting people?
01:21:05 Yeah, it's a funny thing when you're more afraid of upsetting people than literally protecting your own life.
01:21:12 That's a crazy thing.
01:21:14 What's the funny thing about being afraid of profiling?
01:21:18 Well, it's like, I mean, one of the, I think one of the, was it a ticket agent or TSA guy who was afraid of profiling on 9/11 and let one of the hijackers through and, I mean, the guilt that he's had to live with, "Well, you know, I don't want to profile" and all that kind of stuff, right?
01:21:36 All right. Yeah, the swatting thing that's going on is quite something, right?
01:21:55 Yeah, it's like people who don't particularly take care of their health because they think that they just can get free or subsidized healthcare when they need it.
01:22:03 And it's like, "Hmm, I don't really think that you can."
01:22:09 So generally what happens is people don't take as much care of their health and then they think, "Oh, I'm sick, so I'll, you know, here in Canada, so I'll just go to a doctor."
01:22:17 It's like, I just saw this video of this woman, I think she moved up in the States.
01:22:20 She was on a waiting list for a GP for six months and GPs are the portal to get everywhere.
01:22:25 She couldn't even get a gynecologist without a GP and then so she tries to get to a walk-in clinic and they say, "Don't just call, call ahead, don't just walk in."
01:22:34 And she calls, they open at 8.30, 8.29, 8.30, she calls right away, "Oh, we're full for the day."
01:22:39 And so people don't take, and I'm not saying this woman didn't take care of her health, but people in general don't think as much about their health.
01:22:46 Like if you knew for whatever reason it was really tough to get a hold of healthcare, you'd take better care of your health, right?
01:22:52 Yet people think, "Well, if I get sick, I'll just go to the doctor, I'll get some pills, I'll get an operation, it'll get better and so on."
01:22:58 It's like, "Yeah, but..."
01:23:00 It's really tough, really tough.
01:23:03 You struggle with adverse thoughts.
01:23:15 If you want to tell us more about that, maybe we can do something to help.
01:23:20 I just want to make sure I get people's comments, because I certainly do have another topic of which to speaketh.
01:23:35 All right, topic me, babies.
01:23:41 Or...
01:23:45 Or, you know, the people who just trust doctors and don't do any of their own, you know, whatever, right?
01:23:51 Preventive care and so on, right?
01:23:53 "Well, the doctor can fix it." I'm like, "Eh, can they?"
01:23:57 I'm not entirely sure they can.
01:24:00 I'm not entirely positive they can.
01:24:03 I'm not entirely positive they can.
01:24:06 I can have bad people around me and I'll just go take some psychotropics.
01:24:21 All right, so...
01:24:28 "While I'm waiting..." My father has had organs replaced, oh yeah.
01:24:33 So, the woman I talked to this afternoon, I wanted to...
01:24:45 "Anything you're most excited for in 2024? Seems like a big year with Bitcoin, ETF, interest rate cuts, halving, CDBC, election year."
01:24:53 Okay, elections, sure.
01:24:58 No, I...
01:25:00 I'm sorry to be old fuddy-duddy guy, but I'm at the age where just more of the same is great.
01:25:05 "Do you do cold showers?"
01:25:07 F no. I find that stuff, like, horrible.
01:25:10 I mean, every now and then, like, everyone with a house, my boiler's gone out and I've had to bathe in the cold and it's just absolutely horrible.
01:25:16 Yeah, I just... I don't want to...
01:25:20 I don't want to do that. I just... I find that stuff just completely horrible.
01:25:24 You know, I worked up north in minus 50 degree weather. I'm done with cold for my life as a whole, so...
01:25:30 "I went to the skating rink today, I was freezing." Freezing?
01:25:33 I was, like, leading with my nipples, as I often do.
01:25:37 So, yeah, I don't do cold showers.
01:25:40 Yeah, so, I mean, if I have a year like the last year, honestly, can't ask for more. I can't ask for more.
01:25:45 You know, everybody's healthy, everybody's happy, daughter's got great friends, we've got great social circle,
01:25:52 show's doing fantastically, doing great good in the world, able to make enough money to pay our good friends James and Jared and keep a little over.
01:26:00 So, yeah, I mean, and again, thank you all so much, freedemand.com/donate to help out the show.
01:26:05 I'm at the age where I'm not looking for any big revolutions, because if I haven't...
01:26:11 If I haven't gotten to the life where more of the same is a good thing in my late 50s, I've kind of missed the boat somewhere,
01:26:16 and I'm not really sure I should be giving anybody else any advice about anything.
01:26:19 So, no, more of the same is fine with me.
01:26:24 So, somebody says, "Cold showers don't really have benefits outside of waking yourself up and shooting up your stress hormones."
01:26:29 "Have you ever done a polar bear swim?" I did one polar bear swim. Once!
01:26:34 And all I could think of was, I bet you the Titanic people, like, the Titanic was the worst thing ever, because you got to jump into that incredibly cold water.
01:26:44 There does seem to be a bit of masochism over this.
01:26:51 "I'm going to work out until my nipples sweat blood, and I'm going to do cold showers."
01:26:56 And, you know, it's just like, eh.
01:26:58 Eh.
01:26:59 Yeah, I've never been a big fan of this, um, "mortify your flesh and it's good for your health."
01:27:11 Eh, I mean, it works for some people, or whatever, right?
01:27:14 "Joe Rogan takes an ice bath every morning and stares into the sun."
01:27:18 But he has a lot of tattoos, doesn't he? So Joe Rogan, it's just that hurt-your-body masochist stuff, right?
01:27:25 "My boss likes to jump in the Arctic Ocean. He's a bit of a nutcase."
01:27:28 Well, maybe if you go from, like, that Swedish thing, from, like, super cold to super, like, hot tubs or whatever, maybe that's something better.
01:27:35 But saunas apparently are fantastic for you. I was reading about this the other day, the saunas are just really good.
01:27:40 "I disagree regarding cold showers. A lot of health benefits."
01:27:46 Eh, saying it don't make it so.
01:27:49 And, you know, good luck with this, trying to figure out whether it's just the cold showers, right?
01:27:54 Because people who are going to take cold showers and do something that counterintuitive have very strong willpower.
01:27:59 So obviously they may have higher IQs, they may be health-conscious to begin with, so good luck separating the cold showers from every other variable known to man.
01:28:08 And, you know, you've got to be skeptical with this kind of stuff, man.
01:28:12 "Rogan is a drug addict. Hard to take seriously."
01:28:15 Is he still, uh...
01:28:17 Is he still smoking a lot of... Is it weed? Mushrooms? What does he do?
01:28:22 [silence]
01:28:28 Let's see here.
01:28:30 [silence]
01:28:35 Oh, somebody's talking about some health issues their uncle has, right?
01:28:39 DMT too? Yeah.
01:28:41 "Ah, you sent a donation with a big message, let me see here."
01:28:45 I did not see it, I did not see it, maybe it's somewhere else.
01:28:49 I do not want to not give it to you if you have given it to me.
01:28:53 I do not want to withhold from you my very great thanks.
01:28:56 Bruises on both my knees for you.
01:29:00 Alright, let's see here.
01:29:03 [silence]
01:29:09 "Steph, do you know about trichotillomania?"
01:29:13 Trichotillomania, before I look that up, is that not pulling at your hair till it falls out?
01:29:19 Is that not what it is?
01:29:21 "Hair pulling disorder, oh yes!"
01:29:25 Oh, the vocab is quite something.
01:29:28 Uh, yes.
01:29:30 "My daughter is 13 and now has pulled all her head hair, no therapy helped."
01:29:34 Gosh.
01:29:36 Gosh.
01:29:38 I'm sorry to hear that, that's very tough.
01:29:41 That's very tough.
01:29:43 "Topic, overcoming the self."
01:29:45 I'm afraid you're going to have to, that's very stoic of you.
01:29:48 "A move, a pull, okay, give me a couple of facts."
01:29:51 And again, massive sympathies for this.
01:29:53 I've known actually, I've known a girl who had this.
01:29:57 She was working on her eyebrows, if I remember rightly, and it was a little eerie.
01:30:01 [silence]
01:30:04 But, what's her life?
01:30:07 Is she in government school?
01:30:10 What's her relationship like with her dad?
01:30:12 You know, sort of the basics about what's going on with her.
01:30:15 Is she, does she have any other body image issues?
01:30:19 Or, what is her friend circle like?
01:30:22 Are they sort of positive or are they like paranoid wolfsters?
01:30:26 I guess that would be sort of my big question, is sort of what's going on in her life as a whole,
01:30:31 that this may be occurring.
01:30:34 Again, I'm no expert and this is just, you know.
01:30:38 All right, let's see here.
01:30:41 [silence]
01:30:44 I'll give local support a message about the tip.
01:30:46 Yeah, support@locals.com if you have that.
01:30:48 "Have you ever encountered wild animals during your Wilderness Walk podcast?"
01:30:51 Um, I think I saw a snowy owl once, and...
01:30:56 Yes, I did see a whole row of, it's funny,
01:31:01 I was doing a video walk, a video cast, and I saw a whole row of wild turkeys.
01:31:06 But by the time I got over to where they were, they seemed to have despawned.
01:31:09 Like they basically just went into the ether, they went into the nether.
01:31:12 So yes, occasionally, but nothing dangerous of course.
01:31:15 [silence]
01:31:23 Um, again, I'm no expert on this.
01:31:26 Obviously take everything I say as just sort of rank amateur stuff.
01:31:30 Yeah, you can email me.
01:31:32 So when I look at something like, particularly for women pulling the hair out,
01:31:36 for girls, sorry, she's a girl,
01:31:38 pulling the hair out is a way of resisting being attractive.
01:31:42 It's a way of resisting being attractive.
01:31:44 It's a form of signaling a discomfort with being attractive.
01:31:49 And why she would have that discomfort with being attractive,
01:31:51 you would know much better than her, as her mother,
01:31:55 as your mother, as her mother, you would know better than that.
01:31:58 Um, judging from your picture, you're a very attractive woman yourself,
01:32:04 and if you're being an attractive, like physically attractive woman yourself,
01:32:09 you listen to this show, so I'm sure you're a wonderful person too,
01:32:12 but being a physically attractive woman, has that worked out for you?
01:32:15 In other words, has your daughter seen your looks result in good things for you?
01:32:22 And if your daughter has seen maybe your looks have not been so positive for you
01:32:27 in some ways, because everyone thinks, oh, you know, good looking people have it so easy.
01:32:31 Well, we do, but good looking people have it so easy,
01:32:34 and having really good looks is very tough, particularly for a woman,
01:32:39 because it's really, really tough to know who to trust.
01:32:41 It's really, really tough to know who might be there for you,
01:32:44 your character, your personality, versus who's there for your looks,
01:32:47 your sex appeal or whatever, right?
01:32:50 So, my first guess would be, if your daughter has seen your looks become a problem,
01:32:58 or be a problem, or cause you unhappiness, or to be exploited,
01:33:01 or have some sort of misery, then she may be opposing the development of her own looks,
01:33:07 because she views looks as dangerous.
01:33:11 Again, I don't know if this makes any sense, but you can email me,
01:33:15 callin@freedomain.com if there's anything you'd like to discuss further about this,
01:33:19 and again, just a sort of amateur idea, might be able to point out some associations,
01:33:25 but yeah, just in general, when I see girls, say, gaining weight,
01:33:30 or having oddly dyed hair, what they're doing is they're pushing back
01:33:35 against the value of female attractiveness,
01:33:38 which means I think that they've looked at their moms in particular,
01:33:41 maybe their dad, but probably their moms, and said, you know,
01:33:45 physical attractiveness causes more problems than it's worth, if that makes sense.
01:33:56 All right. Let me get to your question here.
01:34:10 A girl in middle school did that, I assume she was tormented.
01:34:12 Very rich family. I always wonder what happened there.
01:34:15 She was shedding class, pulling out her once luscious hair down to the skull.
01:34:20 Oh, the guy you knew even plucked all his eyelashes? Wow.
01:34:27 Steph, you were supposed to say how you fought off a huge bear.
01:34:31 No, I don't think I would win against a huge bear.
01:34:35 Pretty sure I wouldn't. What are they, 1600 pounds?
01:34:39 Obesity is sometimes a deterrent too. Yes, for sure.
01:34:46 All right. I'll get to your question.
01:34:49 Sapanta, I will get to your question.
01:34:53 Like Britney Spears shaving her head. Yeah, her looks weren't doing her any good, right?
01:34:57 Her looks weren't doing her any good. Quite the opposite.
01:35:02 Really, really pretty people, and in particular, really pretty women,
01:35:05 certainly in the modern era, they have a very, very complicated relationship with their own looks.
01:35:09 It's not simple at all, and it's not easy. It's not easy.
01:35:15 All right, let's get to your question, my friend.
01:35:19 Hey, Steph, two thumbs up. Have you ever dealt...
01:35:23 Oh, wait, no, I did this one. Oh, gosh, I have too many of these open.
01:35:27 Just too many.
01:35:32 Oh, I thought I had copied and pasted this one.
01:35:35 Look at me running the show without an assistant.
01:35:39 Oh, yeah, here we go. All right.
01:35:42 Hey, Steph, over the past year, I've been achieving a lot of good things for myself,
01:35:46 like working hard with my therapist, getting a new job, and becoming a fully ticketed welder,
01:35:52 going to the gym regularly, keeping a good, well-written journal,
01:35:55 reading a lot more books, and taking good care of my finances.
01:35:58 Yet, despite all of these good things, I've recently been wickedly depressed
01:36:02 and have even missed a lot of time at work.
01:36:04 Do you have any thoughts or insights on this? I should be happy.
01:36:07 Ah, there's that should. There's that should.
01:36:12 Shoulda, woulda, coulda. Why do you think you should be happy?
01:36:16 What do you need?
01:36:19 Oh, I just went full mosquito. What do you need?
01:36:22 I just went full mosquito on you. Sorry about that.
01:36:24 I'm sure that's a mosquito repellent on some planet.
01:36:28 What do you need to be happy?
01:36:33 What do you need to be happy?
01:36:38 And, yes, if you want to just donate at freedomain.com/donate,
01:36:42 that will work out, and that's fine. That's fairly bulletproof.
01:36:46 freedomain.com/donate.
01:36:48 So what do you need to be happy?
01:36:50 So you have a theory, right?
01:36:55 You have a theory that you should be happy, but you're not happy.
01:37:03 So you say, "I should be happy. There's nothing wrong with my theory.
01:37:07 My happiness model is just broken."
01:37:13 Why should that be true at all?
01:37:16 I mean, if somebody wins the lottery, they get this high, and then they crash, right?
01:37:20 And then they feel like useless, wasted time.
01:37:23 They don't know what to do with themselves, and everyone around them just wants their money, right?
01:37:29 So he says, "Well, I just won the lottery. I should be happy."
01:37:35 I should be happy.
01:37:42 But you're not happy.
01:37:44 So the rational thing, in my humble opinion, the rational thing to do is to say,
01:37:49 "Well, my theory is incorrect.
01:37:55 My theory is incorrect.
01:38:00 I should be happy. I'm not happy."
01:38:02 Like if you have a theory, "Well, if I do X, Y, and Z, I'll lose weight,"
01:38:05 and you don't lose weight, you say, "Well, I should be losing weight."
01:38:08 It's like, well, you thought you would do something to lose weight.
01:38:10 You're not losing weight, and therefore, your theory about whatever it is.
01:38:15 "Would I talk to your 13-year-old daughter?"
01:38:17 No, and I'm sorry about that.
01:38:18 I don't talk to people who aren't adults, so I don't do the sort of kid stuff.
01:38:25 But yeah, so this is to the--sorry, I'll get back to you.
01:38:31 This is the woman with the 13-year-old daughter.
01:38:33 And listen, I appreciate you bringing this up.
01:38:35 It's a very big topic, and again, massive sympathies for what's going on.
01:38:40 But what I would say is that if you have a complicated relationship,
01:38:44 as I'm sure you do, to your own attractiveness, and you seem very pretty,
01:38:48 then that's something to talk about with your daughter,
01:38:52 the pluses and minuses of attractiveness,
01:38:54 because it seems to me that she would be hiding from her own attractiveness for some reason.
01:38:59 And I assume that it's because it was somewhat negative for you at times, right?
01:39:05 You know, like if--to take a sort of silly example, this is just to translate to guy speak.
01:39:10 So if I had a son, right, and I kept exercising at the gym, kept injuring myself,
01:39:17 "Oh, I can't move my neck. Oh, I pulled a muscle, and it hurt, and I limp around,"
01:39:21 and all of that, and I say, "Come with me to work out," he'd be like,
01:39:24 "I don't really want to. I don't want to be a pirate."
01:39:26 "I don't want to really work out because, you know, like, it's kind of painful for you,
01:39:30 and it seems to hurt you a lot, and I just--I don't really want--like--
01:39:33 or if I do work out, I don't want to work out with your guidance
01:39:36 because you just keep hurting yourself, and you just limp it around,
01:39:39 and you got to lie down, and you have a bad back, and blah, blah, blah," right?
01:39:42 So.
01:39:44 I don't think I'll do a review with this young migration.
01:39:46 I don't think that the movie had enough depth, and it was just way too clichéd.
01:39:50 Way too clichéd. Oh, my gosh.
01:39:52 You can just feel people falling into these train tracks.
01:39:56 "Well, we can't see anything original. We can't do anything unusual.
01:39:59 We got to appeal to everyone, and we got to--you know."
01:40:01 Like nothing gets approved unless it's programming people
01:40:04 to go against their instincts, reason, facts, reality, all that.
01:40:07 So.
01:40:09 All right, so let's get back to your question, right?
01:40:15 Why should you be happy?
01:40:19 Now, the answer--I don't know the answer, right?
01:40:21 I'm just obviously guessing from the amateur outside view, right?
01:40:24 I don't know the answer, right?
01:40:26 But it's right in the beginning of the first sentence,
01:40:28 or the last part of the first sentence, right?
01:40:30 "Hey, Steph, over the past year, I've been achieving a lot of things,
01:40:33 a lot of good things for--"
01:40:34 "Hey, Steph, over the past year, I've been achieving a lot of good things for--"
01:40:38 What? For who?
01:40:40 Anybody remember?
01:40:44 Anybody remember?
01:40:46 What's he been achieving a lot of good things for?
01:40:55 He has been achieving a lot of good things for...
01:41:00 Yeah, himself. For yourself.
01:41:02 And that's fine. There's nothing wrong with that.
01:41:04 I mean, you know, you got to put the oxygen mask over your own face
01:41:07 before you help anyone else around you.
01:41:11 But what's it for?
01:41:17 Right?
01:41:19 What's it for?
01:41:24 I mean, if you just go to the gym and you lift a bunch of weights, right?
01:41:26 Okay, that's fine. There's nothing wrong with it.
01:41:28 It's better than not lifting weights. But what's it for?
01:41:31 I mean, I lift weights--one of the reasons that I lift weights and exercise
01:41:36 probably a little bit too much is because I like to be able to play racquet sports.
01:41:40 I like to be able to go skiing. I like to be able to go with my daughter
01:41:43 and skate for an hour. I like to not feel sore.
01:41:46 I like to have that kind of energy. I like to have that kind of strength.
01:41:50 I can't stand the idea of going through life like either pear-shaped
01:41:55 or stick insect, like no muscles, no tone, no nothing, right?
01:41:59 I just--I like having that heft. I like having that strength.
01:42:03 I like having the confidence that comes with that.
01:42:05 I just like it all around, right?
01:42:07 So it kind of adds to my happiness. It adds to my self-respect.
01:42:10 And I just--I really love it.
01:42:14 I mean, it's not always the most exciting thing to do,
01:42:16 but with tablets and Catan or whatever, I can get through the workout.
01:42:24 So what's it for? Right? What's it for?
01:42:29 You say, "Working hard with my therapist, good stuff.
01:42:32 Getting a new job, becoming a fully-ticketed welder, good stuff.
01:42:35 Going to the gym regularly, good. Well-written journal, good stuff.
01:42:38 Reading books, taking good care of my finances."
01:42:41 For what? For what?
01:42:47 Philosophy is when there's no more for what. You understand?
01:42:54 Philosophy is when there's no more for what, right?
01:42:58 "Well, I go to work." For what? To make money. For what?
01:43:01 To buy things. For what? So that I'm not unhappy.
01:43:05 So that I can be happy.
01:43:07 Now, if you're happy, you don't say, "For what?"
01:43:10 No, because that's the end state, right?
01:43:12 No, you're not at the end state, which means that you have a for what to go.
01:43:15 When you get to that final for what, and people say,
01:43:17 "Well, what are you excited about next year?"
01:43:19 It's like, "Hey, man, if next year is like last year, that's great.
01:43:22 That's fine. That's good for me."
01:43:24 Because I'm at the place where, obviously, I'm doing a lot of good in the world
01:43:29 and doing real deep philosophy and writing great books.
01:43:34 I don't know that I could be doing a whole lot better in the world if I tried.
01:43:39 I mean, if there was things I thought that I could do better, I would do that, right?
01:43:45 So, yeah, for what?
01:43:49 Now, it would be kind of sad if you were happy only doing things for yourself,
01:43:52 because that would mean that you wouldn't need anyone else to complete your happiness.
01:43:56 But we're social animals.
01:43:58 If we do things solely for ourselves, it will not make us happy.
01:44:03 Now, we have to do some things for ourselves, of course, right?
01:44:06 But if we do things solely for ourselves, it will not make us happy.
01:44:15 Because it's not universal. It's not universalizable.
01:44:18 Because if your parents had done only things for themselves, you wouldn't be here.
01:44:26 Your existence, my existence, everyone here, all of our existence is predicated on the fact
01:44:31 that other people made sacrifices and did things for others at their own expense.
01:44:41 Did things for others at their own expense.
01:44:45 I mean, I talked about this in my review with Izzy.
01:44:49 No, after I talked about this afterwards, you know, like, she saw the movie with her friends.
01:44:53 I don't really want to go see a Hunger Games movie. I didn't think they were any good.
01:44:58 But she's like, "No, you've really got to come. It's a really good movie."
01:45:01 And blah, blah, blah. I'm like, "My God, it's almost three hours. Hunger Games, three hours?
01:45:05 It's like watching three hours of somebody build Lego in slow motion."
01:45:08 And she's like, "No, no, no. It's really good, right?"
01:45:10 So I went, and she was right. It was a good film and well worth watching.
01:45:13 And you can sort of get more on that in the review that we have at freedomain.locals.com.
01:45:18 So you just do things. You trust people and you do things that people suggest and all of that.
01:45:26 So you're doing things for others, right? Doing things for others.
01:45:33 So I think as far as the happiness goes, it does have to be kind of universalizable in order for it to be virtue.
01:45:43 Virtue has to have something to do with that which is universalizable or that which is universal.
01:45:54 We're all here because our ancestors sacrificed and didn't just do things for themselves.
01:45:58 And I'm not saying it's bad that you're doing things for yourself.
01:46:00 I'm not saying that's bad at all, but it's not going to be enough to make you happy.
01:46:08 So you're living at home. I don't know how old you are. You're old enough to be a fully ticketed welder.
01:46:18 So I assume mid-20s, early 20s, something like that, 24 and so on, 25.
01:46:25 Ah, that's time. That's time to be out, isn't it? I mean, am I wrong about this?
01:46:28 What is that, the old call with Trump? You still believe in Santa because at seven it's marginal.
01:46:33 It's marginal, you know? So if you're in your sort of mid-20s, again, I don't know.
01:46:39 I mean, I know it's a tough economy, but I don't care.
01:46:44 I mean, this is not a conversation full of people who can judge themselves by the average, right?
01:46:49 We can't judge ourselves by the average. That would be kind of crazy.
01:46:53 I mean, that wouldn't make any sense at all.
01:46:55 And people say, well, it's tough. It's like, yeah, well, you know, I mean, I moved out and got a room for $275 a month.
01:47:04 Okay, I know that was a long time. It was double since then, $550, maybe $600 a month, $700.
01:47:09 Whatever it is, right? Just get a room in a place. And I didn't own any property till I was way older.
01:47:16 And then it took a long time to own that property. Let me tell you.
01:47:19 Well, you all know this story, right? So I think it's marginal.
01:47:25 If you're a fully accredited welder, is it not time to get your own place?
01:47:34 Oh, it's expensive. I'm saving money. It's like, you're not saving money if it's making you depressed, right?
01:47:39 And of course, your parents should be, in my view, your parents should be like,
01:47:42 if my daughter's still home in her mid-20s, I'd be like, change the locks.
01:47:45 It's gonna be like, come on, get out, move around, right? Get out, move around.
01:47:49 Get out there, do something to the world, right?
01:47:55 I think your unhappiness is pushing you to go further.
01:48:01 Steph, he says he wants to eventually get a girlfriend, and I also have the same thing.
01:48:05 Should we look for women before we're 100%? In terms of physical or financial?
01:48:10 I don't want to wait and get older.
01:48:14 What do you mean? You won't get a girlfriend until you have a lot of money?
01:48:19 Are you crazy? What? Do you think that's how it works throughout all of our...
01:48:24 Well, if I don't have a mansion, I can't possibly marry someone in the 11th century.
01:48:30 If I don't have a Lexus, I can't possibly marry someone.
01:48:35 You're 28? You're 28? Oh, come on. The idea of having my own place at the moment terrifies me.
01:48:41 You're right. I'm not saving money being depressed outside of work, and what I've mentioned, I don't do as much else to make money.
01:48:48 Okay, 28? You've been an adult for 10 years?
01:48:53 10 years?
01:48:57 10 years? You can't move out?
01:49:02 And, look, guys, okay, you tell me. 1 to 10, how blunt should I be?
01:49:09 1 to 10, how blunt should I be? I am, your willing philosophy, fluffer.
01:49:16 What, uh, how blunt do you want me to be?
01:49:25 I will wait for you. 11, 10, 8.
01:49:29 Be nice to hear from the original poster. 10.
01:49:41 All my friends who have lots of kids and are married in their 40s, met their wives in college or immediately after prior to career success. At 28, move out, dag nabbit.
01:49:49 As hard as possible? All right. All right. All right.
01:49:54 You asked for it. You're going to get it. Oh, you're going to get it. This needs some chapstick.
01:50:07 You're not waiting for the right moment. You're scared of rejection. Let's just be honest.
01:50:12 Like, oh, well, I've got to be in just the right position in order to ask a girl out. Nope. Absolutely not.
01:50:19 You're just scared of rejection. And I get that. I understand that. But let's be honest about it.
01:50:24 I mean, let's just be straight up frank about it. You don't want to ask a girl out. You're afraid of being rejected. You're afraid maybe you've missed the bus.
01:50:30 And so you're postponing. You're creating this standard that you get. Oh, well, when I'm ready and when I'm in just the right position, it's like, nope.
01:50:38 No, because the longer you wait, the more depressed you're going to be because you're missing the bus.
01:50:43 All the good women are being snatched up and taken out of circulation. They're being yanked, yeeted out.
01:50:49 Not just by the chads and the alphas, but by the good guys. The good guys are like finding the good girls and bing, bing, bing, bing, take, take, take, take.
01:50:58 And if you just wait and wait and wait, it's going to right, right. You get more and more depressed.
01:51:05 How attractive are you when you're depressed? You're not very attractive at all.
01:51:09 This waiting is not working. It's not supposed to work. Waiting is fatal. Waiting is fatal. Waiting is death.
01:51:16 Postponing is not procrastination. It's penile detonation. It's a ball-splosion. It's spermicide.
01:51:29 The fuck are you waiting for? You're a young, healthy, well-earning 28-year-old. You're pushing 30 for God's sakes.
01:51:37 You've got to be honest with yourself. It's not getting better in the future.
01:51:45 Because there are fewer... Look, I happened in my 30s to meet the woman of my dreams.
01:51:51 Some people win the lottery, but don't plan your life by that. Don't plan your life by my incredibly fortuitous example.
01:51:57 And I get, like, literally bone chills when I think about all of the dominoes that had to happen for me to meet my wife.
01:52:05 But oh God, please. Don't wait. What are you waiting for?
01:52:14 Well, I hope that by the time I'm 40 I have a couple hundred grand in the bank and a nice pickup truck.
01:52:21 And that way I can start dating all the women in their mid-to-late 30s who are left overs.
01:52:29 Oh God. I mean, so the way it worked for me, rightly or wrongly, the way it worked for me was hourglass.
01:52:42 You've got to hourglass. You've got to flip over the hourglass. You know the five-minute hourglass.
01:52:46 You've got to flip over that hourglass. Time's ticking away.
01:52:50 The woman of your dreams has three guys circling her right now.
01:52:54 The woman of your dreams. I don't know if you know her or you've got to go find, go get yourself in social situations.
01:52:59 And maybe it's not the girl you ask out. Maybe it doesn't work out with her.
01:53:02 Maybe she's got a friend. Maybe she's got a sister. Maybe she's got someone else.
01:53:05 She's got a cousin. Who knows, right?
01:53:07 Maybe you meet some guy at the gym who's in his 50s and he's got a girl, a daughter who's in her 20s.
01:53:12 And maybe you just go network, go socialize, go talk to people, go join a sports league, go join a line dancing brigade, go be a volunteer fireman.
01:53:22 Well, aren't many women around there? Yes, but there are lots of men there who know women.
01:53:25 And if they like you, they'll introduce you.
01:53:27 And say, go out and do something and make it happen because time's ticking away.
01:53:32 And that grim T-Rex death march of deep footprints, one of which is going to be your grave, is just getting closer and closer and closer and closer.
01:53:42 Waiting is wilting.
01:53:49 Waiting is dying.
01:53:51 Waiting is losing.
01:53:53 And you need to freak the fuck out.
01:53:58 You need to freak out, man.
01:54:04 You're 28.
01:54:06 Steph, do we exist in the past?
01:54:11 [Laughter]
01:54:14 Boy, that's an abstract intellectual defensive ever I've heard one.
01:54:32 Death is getting closer day by day.
01:54:39 All the good women are being taken out of circulation and you'll be left with the runts, the leftovers, the crazies, the druggies, the nine kids by ten different parents.
01:54:48 And you gotta start moving and get out there and start asking and get yourself involved and get a social circle and get yourself a mate.
01:54:55 Yes, but do we exist in the past?
01:54:58 I'm sorry, I don't mean to mock you because I'm glad you're here, man.
01:55:02 But holy shit on a stick, if that's not an example of one of the most patently obvious intellectual abstract defenses, I don't know what is.
01:55:10 Oh my god, do we exist in the past?
01:55:15 [Laughter]
01:55:17 Discerning between procrastination and deferral of gratification can be tricky.
01:55:25 Oh no!
01:55:26 Get out there and meet people, ask out girls.
01:55:30 Well, but deferral of gratification, that's different from procrastination.
01:55:39 No, it's not.
01:55:43 Deferral of gratification is something that you desperately want to do now, but you're willing to put off till later.
01:55:55 Procrastination is something you desperately don't want to do now that you put off till later.
01:56:00 You think that's different?
01:56:03 You know, distinguishing north from south is really tricky.
01:56:09 Well, maybe at the North Pole, I guess, but it's not difficult at all.
01:56:12 Deferral of gratification is, well, I really want that cheesecake, but I'm not going to eat it.
01:56:16 Maybe I'll eat it later, but I really want that cheesecake as opposed to, well, I don't want to do my taxes, so I'll do them later.
01:56:22 It's like, you want the cheesecake, you desperately don't want to do the taxes.
01:56:25 Do you not know the difference between wanting to do something and desperately not wanting to do something?
01:56:29 You have no idea, but the food, well, I love this food, I hate that food.
01:56:34 I don't know the difference between those.
01:56:37 I'm sorry, I don't see that was complicated at all.
01:56:41 Oh my gosh.
01:56:51 Uh, damn, I spent my first paycheck on Yankee season tickets, and then I moved out of my parents' house as soon as I had enough cash for a deposit.
01:56:58 Any ideas on how someone can know if they're financially ready for kids?
01:57:08 I don't know. Why don't we go back a thousand years or ten thousand years and ask your ancestors,
01:57:16 struggling to pull one fucking minnow out of a swamp water, whether, well, how do I know?
01:57:21 Okay, I'm approximately ten zillion times richer than ten of your generations put together,
01:57:26 but I'm just not really sure that I know exactly when the financially right time is to have children.
01:57:31 It's like, what? We're basically Gollum out here pounding dead fish into a tree stump and trying to gnaw its innards to get enough energy
01:57:39 to get another fish that we can pound out on a tree trunk like Gollum so we can get enough energy,
01:57:44 and then maybe I can accidentally fall asleep and ejaculate into my wife's cleavage.
01:57:48 But you just don't know how much money-- how much money do you have? How much money do you have?
01:57:53 Well, we are approximately ten thousand times wealthier than your average medieval peasant.
01:57:59 He's like, "Medieval peasant? Well, wait a minute, medieval peasant is like three hundred times wealthier than I am."
01:58:05 Wait, so you're ten thousand times wealthier than a medieval peasant who's three hundred times wealthier than me?
01:58:15 So you're three million times wealthier than me, and you're like, "Well, but I don't know if I can have children or not,
01:58:20 because I just don't know if I have enough money."
01:58:25 Oh my gosh.
01:58:32 There might be several men circling the women of your dreams, but I guarantee they're not all real competition,
01:58:37 and all you need to do is show up. Just show up and ask her out.
01:58:40 Source, there were several men circling me when my husband asked me out--
01:58:43 Oh no, you didn't.
01:58:46 Oh no. Oh no.
01:58:50 Oh my dear, dear, dear lady.
01:58:53 Oh, you didn't.
01:58:55 All right, what did she do?
01:58:58 What did she just do?
01:59:00 Come on, people.
01:59:02 What did she just do?
01:59:05 I love women, my gosh, but this habit is a little tougher.
01:59:09 It's a little tougher to have great affection for.
01:59:14 What did she do?
01:59:19 Oh my gosh.
01:59:23 No, it's not-- yeah, it's-- her life is a universal story.
01:59:28 Her life is facts. Her life is data. Her experience is everyone.
01:59:31 Well, because it happened to me, I guarantee it's your situation too.
01:59:35 Nope.
01:59:38 She did the woman thing by herself with everything. Yeah, you got it.
01:59:42 She got it.
01:59:44 It happened to me, therefore it's going to happen to you.
01:59:49 You know, when I go to the bar in the low-cut top, people buy me drinks.
01:59:53 I'm sure as a man, if you go to the bar in the low-cut top, people buy you drinks too.
02:00:00 Um, that is funny.
02:00:02 As a single female career homemaker, no kids, I have a flock of seagull men hanging around me,
02:00:06 but I'm still waiting for the right one.
02:00:11 Oh my gosh. I mean, I love it, but you gotta do better.
02:00:16 You gotta do better, because this is a philosophy show, right?
02:00:19 This is a philosophy show, and again, I'm glad you made that comment, and I'm not laughing at you,
02:00:22 because it's just very funny. It's very funny to me, and I don't mean this in any kind of mean way,
02:00:28 but it's just something that I've seen about a zillion times.
02:00:32 Well, but I-- I, right?
02:00:35 You know, men are taller than-- well, I'm a tall woman, therefore.
02:00:40 Right? So, no, that's just you. That's just you.
02:00:43 You can't guarantee anything to anyone else because it happened to you.
02:00:49 There might be several men circling the woman of your dreams, but I guarantee they're not all real competition,
02:00:53 and all you need to do is show up to show up and ask her out.
02:00:55 Sauce, there were several men circling me when my husband asked me out.
02:00:58 You can't guarantee anything based upon your personal experience.
02:01:02 You can't guarantee. Imagine, right?
02:01:05 So I had cancer, and I beat cancer. Now, can you imagine me saying to someone who has cancer,
02:01:09 "Well, you'll beat it 'cause I did."
02:01:14 Can you imagine me saying that? "I guarantee you'll beat cancer 'cause I did."
02:01:20 That would be crazy, 'cause a lot of people don't, right?
02:01:27 It's a fine line between being attractive and asking for attention.
02:01:32 Being attractive is asking for attention.
02:01:34 It's not just because you're attractive and all of that, right?
02:01:39 [Sigh]
02:01:45 Wow, that was something.
02:01:48 All right, what have we got here?
02:01:53 Thank you, Steph, and others here.
02:01:54 I love the idea of going out, joining a sports team or club of some sort,
02:01:57 and building a social network or alliance.
02:02:00 Right, you know, you know. Do you guys know this?
02:02:07 Do you guys know this?
02:02:10 You don't find your girlfriend, right?
02:02:11 When does being attractive become leading men on?
02:02:14 Oh, my gosh. Guys!
02:02:17 Oh, my gosh.
02:02:21 Oh, my gosh.
02:02:23 Do you know how much fog I'm getting back when I say "act" here?
02:02:26 I'm trying not to be annoyed. I'm failing.
02:02:29 It doesn't mean you're being annoying.
02:02:30 I'm just saying I'm annoyed because I'm giving people some absolutely essential
02:02:34 life, hard-won, bitterly achieved life wisdom about getting the fuck out there
02:02:40 and getting on with your life and going out and asking and making friends
02:02:43 and making contacts.
02:02:44 And you're all like, "Yes, but it's a fine line between this and that."
02:02:48 And when does being attractive become leading men on?
02:02:50 And what is the difference between deferring gratification?
02:02:53 It's really tough between doing that and--fog, fog, fog.
02:02:56 Confusion, confusion, confusion. Hair splitting, hair splitting, hair splitting.
02:03:00 Oh, my God!
02:03:03 You've got to be kidding me.
02:03:08 Oh, don't make me take these hells and put them up my nose.
02:03:13 Unclog my eustachian tube.
02:03:15 Oh, my God.
02:03:18 Go out and do something.
02:03:19 Well, it's a fine line between going out, being sideways, going north,
02:03:23 and disintegrating.
02:03:25 I mean, just go outside.
02:03:27 Well, atomically speaking, there's not as much difference as you'd think
02:03:32 between the door, the doorway, and the doorframe.
02:03:41 Oh, my God.
02:03:45 I'm sorry. I love you guys. I do.
02:03:47 I'm so thankful that we're here having this conversation.
02:03:50 I appreciate and love you guys for your contributions.
02:03:54 But you get what you're doing, right?
02:03:56 What I'm saying is provoking anxiety, and you're taking refuge in hair splitting.
02:04:02 Do we exist in the past?
02:04:05 Here's how your future should be, ah, yes.
02:04:08 But do we exist in the yesteryear of memory?
02:04:14 Oh, God.
02:04:17 I get it.
02:04:19 What do I want from you?
02:04:21 What do I want from you?
02:04:26 I just want you to be honest and say, "Steph, when you talk about taking these
02:04:31 practical kinds of things and getting out there in the world, it scares the shit
02:04:34 out of me.
02:04:35 In fact, I think I just shat dribbled myself a little bit on the inside of my
02:04:38 leg.
02:04:40 I'm jetpacking right up a little here.
02:04:42 It's making me really, really anxious."
02:04:45 Okay, I can respect that.
02:04:46 That's honest.
02:04:47 I get that fear.
02:04:48 I understand that fear.
02:04:49 It's not like I've never experienced any anxiety over the course of my life.
02:04:53 I sympathize with that.
02:04:54 But please don't give me this curvaceous maximum verbosity word salad of mental
02:04:59 disintegration.
02:05:00 Just say to me, "Steph, your suggestions of practical activities are scaring me
02:05:04 because they're pushing me right up against my insecurities."
02:05:08 Fantastic.
02:05:09 That's an honest statement.
02:05:10 But do we exist in the past?
02:05:14 I'm sorry I'm not laughing at you, but it is really --
02:05:18 It's funny how obvious it is and how little people see it.
02:05:23 Right?
02:05:26 And again, I mean this in no mean way at all.
02:05:29 I love you guys for bringing this up, and I love you for bringing it to
02:05:32 everyone's attention.
02:05:37 But when I say, "Go out there, meet people.
02:05:40 Go out there, talk to people.
02:05:41 Go out there, find a girl.
02:05:42 Go out there, ask a girl.
02:05:43 Don't wait.
02:05:44 Stop deferring.
02:05:45 Stop procrastinating.
02:05:46 Just go do it now because the girl -- " like when I give you the urgency,
02:05:50 when I give you the urgency, it makes you anxious because the reason you
02:05:54 haven't been doing it is not because you're waiting to be ready but because
02:05:57 you don't want to do it.
02:05:59 But rather than say, "I don't want to do it," you say, "Well,
02:06:02 I'm just not ready."
02:06:04 Tell me if I'm wrong.
02:06:06 Tell me if I'm wrong.
02:06:14 I'm happy to hear if I'm wrong.
02:06:16 You're scared to do it.
02:06:17 And listen, I'm not putting you down for that.
02:06:19 I'm not putting you down for that.
02:06:23 All right, let me give you the practical thing about finding a woman.
02:06:29 Do nouns exist?
02:06:30 Tim, do not put imaginary salt in my fleshy wounds.
02:06:35 I'm being crucified on the cross of abstract emotional defenses masquerading
02:06:40 as intellectual inquiry.
02:06:43 My insecurities are massive but that's something I can work on and fix.
02:06:46 No, it's not.
02:06:50 You see, your insecurities, you think you can just work on them and make
02:06:56 them go away?
02:06:57 Nope.
02:06:58 You got to go out and do stuff and your insecurities will wash away.
02:07:01 All right, yes, you don't meet the woman of your dreams on your own.
02:07:04 You don't.
02:07:05 She's not going to wander into your house.
02:07:07 You're probably not going to find her online.
02:07:08 You're not going to trip over in the street.
02:07:10 She's not going to ask you out in the grocery store.
02:07:16 How do you meet a girl?
02:07:18 The answer is you don't.
02:07:19 You meet a social circle, they introduce you to the girl, right?
02:07:24 Now, it's how I met my wife, joined a volleyball league with some friends
02:07:27 of mine.
02:07:29 Through the volleyball league, and again, I'm not trying to--I know,
02:07:32 well, it was my experience, but everyone I know has met someone through
02:07:35 friends.
02:07:36 They met them through college, through friends at college.
02:07:38 They met them through friends at parties.
02:07:39 They met them through dinner parties.
02:07:41 They met them through relations of friends.
02:07:43 If you don't have a big social circle, you can't find a woman.
02:07:48 Now, I guess I know this is the online thing, but, you know, I'm not sure
02:07:51 how successful that is as a whole because women--I don't know.
02:08:01 One to ten, how frank do you want me to be?
02:08:04 I know everyone says ten, but I need to check with you all.
02:08:07 I still need to check with you all.
02:08:11 One to ten, how frank do you want me to be?
02:08:19 All right, ten it is.
02:08:21 And hopefully, hopefully, you will give me a tip or two, right?
02:08:28 Let's see here.
02:08:29 My ex-wife, my old friend's girlfriend, who I met on a ski trip I planned.
02:08:32 Her girlfriend thought it was cool.
02:08:33 She would set us up.
02:08:35 Yes, everyone I know who's in a good relationship or marriage met their
02:08:37 partner through their social circle of some sort.
02:08:40 Yes, right.
02:08:49 Crazy women will meet you without a social circle.
02:08:55 Women who can't process risk or danger will meet you not through a social
02:09:02 circle or something like that.
02:09:07 Why?
02:09:08 Because women are vulnerable.
02:09:09 Women can be taken advantage of.
02:09:10 Women can be aggressed against.
02:09:11 Women are generally physically weaker and shorter.
02:09:15 And so a woman of any common sense will absolutely want you to be vetted
02:09:23 by her friends or know someone she knows or know someone who knows of you.
02:09:27 She won't just want you zooming in out of the blue.
02:09:34 She wants to know that you have social skills.
02:09:36 She wants to know that you have a circle of friends.
02:09:38 She wants you to know that people like you.
02:09:40 If you're some loner sitting in the basement, what does she know?
02:09:45 Nobody likes you.
02:09:48 I'm sorry.
02:09:49 I mean, maybe there'll be people theoretically who maybe are wonderful,
02:09:52 but there's no practical evidence that people like you, right?
02:09:59 So I want you to think of this.
02:10:01 I want you to think of a buffet with a hundred fantastic food items,
02:10:06 and they're all gone except one that's not touched.
02:10:09 Are you going to eat the one that's not touched?
02:10:11 You are not.
02:10:13 Because you'd be like, "Well, wait a minute.
02:10:16 Why is nobody else eating this?
02:10:18 Did people try it and get sick?
02:10:19 Did this come out with fur on it?
02:10:23 Does it have worms in it?
02:10:24 Why is nobody eating this?"
02:10:25 You wouldn't just, "Oh, great.
02:10:26 This is the food."
02:10:28 So if you don't have friends, you're not vetted.
02:10:33 You lack social skills.
02:10:34 Now, if you lack social skills, how good are you going to be in a relationship?
02:10:38 A relationship is just social skills.
02:10:40 That's all it is.
02:10:41 No magic to it.
02:10:42 A relationship is just social skills.
02:10:44 There's no particular thing that I do with my family that it would not--
02:10:47 Sorry.
02:10:48 There's no particular relationship thing or interactional thing or conversational thing
02:10:51 that I do with my family that I wouldn't do with other people.
02:10:53 I mean, negotiate with my family, negotiate with other people.
02:10:56 Relationship skills are just social skills.
02:10:59 So if you don't have a social circle, she thinks nobody likes you,
02:11:02 nobody wants to be your friend, and you don't have any social skills.
02:11:05 And if you don't have any social skills, how are you going to be in a relationship?
02:11:08 And if you don't have any social skills, how the fuck are you going to go out there
02:11:11 and make some money?
02:11:12 How are you going to bring home any cheddar?
02:11:15 How are you going to negotiate with people?
02:11:17 How are you going to keep your job?
02:11:18 How are you going to get a job?
02:11:19 Right?
02:11:20 She needs you to have friends.
02:11:36 She needs you to be popular.
02:11:42 I mean, if you met a woman who was attractive in her late 20s,
02:11:45 and she's like, "I don't have any friends.
02:11:48 Nobody wants to spend any time with me."
02:11:51 "Well, have you ever had any friends?"
02:11:55 "No."
02:11:56 "I don't like people.
02:11:58 They also don't like me, so it matches out."
02:12:00 "Okay."
02:12:02 You know what that means?
02:12:05 If you meet a girl in her late 20s, she's got no friends, never really had any friends.
02:12:09 You know what that means?
02:12:10 It means you're going to have to be her entire social circle for the next 50 to 60 years.
02:12:17 You're going to have to be girlfriends, extended family, friends, everyone and everything.
02:12:27 "I don't have any friends," says the original poster.
02:12:33 "My social skills are definitely not good.
02:12:34 However, I'm quite liked at my job, especially by supervision/management."
02:12:38 "Good.
02:12:40 Go make some friends."
02:12:44 "Go make some friends."
02:12:48 Also, if she doesn't have any friends or any social circle,
02:12:57 then how easy is it going to be to raise your kids?
02:13:03 Right?
02:13:07 How easy is it going to be to raise your kids if nobody wants to come over to your house?
02:13:12 And no other kids are going to want to come over to your house.
02:13:15 And nobody wants to spend any time at your house.
02:13:17 And your kids can look at you like, "Okay, who voted you planetary lepers of the universe?"
02:13:23 "How to bring up if you do food with family?"
02:13:26 And she asks about your family.
02:13:28 Well, I mean, I don't know, but you can say,
02:13:30 "Yes, my family was unfortunately quite abusive.
02:13:34 I worked very hard to work it out with them, but they weren't willing to budge,
02:13:38 and I'm just not willing to have abusive people in my life."
02:13:41 So, unfortunately, it just hasn't worked out.
02:13:44 And obviously, the other thing too is that, you know,
02:13:47 I don't want any future girlfriend of mine to have to deal with abusive in-laws.
02:13:51 Like, that's no good, right?
02:13:52 And I have these pretty strict standards, I guess, right?
02:13:55 Thank you, Arctec. I appreciate that. That's very kind. Thank you so much.
02:14:03 My goal for 2024 is to get out there more.
02:14:06 I don't know, I may be fine with a girl who doesn't have much of a social life, Steph.
02:14:10 You might be fine with a girl who doesn't have much of a social life.
02:14:19 Okay, how is she learning how to negotiate relationships if she doesn't have friends?
02:14:24 How is she learning how to get along with people,
02:14:26 how to make compromises without losing her own identity?
02:14:29 How is she learning how to get along with people and negotiate with them
02:14:32 without resentment or dominance if she doesn't have any friends?
02:14:34 If she can't even figure out how to choose a movie with friends,
02:14:37 how is she going to figure out how to live a life with you?
02:14:40 This has been a fun conversation so far. I want to be 25 again,
02:14:52 but I'll settle for grabbing some of this motivation.
02:14:56 Get out there, meet a girl. Yes, but what is the essence of cheeriness?
02:15:00 That's funny. It's funny, but it makes me cry.
02:15:05 No, I mean, again, you might find, thank you very much, Chok.
02:15:18 You might find a woman who's a unicorn and she's going to be fantastic
02:15:25 in a relationship even though she doesn't have any friends
02:15:28 to practice any relationship skills on.
02:15:30 Maybe, you know, like I watched this documentary about this skater.
02:15:34 He was like, I don't know, half indigenous in Australia or something like that.
02:15:37 And the first time he was on skates, he didn't fall.
02:15:39 He skated beautifully and he just had a complete knack and habit for it.
02:15:42 And he was just perfect at it. It was great and all that.
02:15:44 It's like, okay, yeah, but that's like literally one in 10 million people.
02:15:49 And you could, you know, you have a job even though there's a lottery, right?
02:15:54 So you got to work the odds, right?
02:15:56 Go out there, make friends and try and get into a friend group
02:16:00 and be somebody that people want to engage with.
02:16:04 And that way, and then you can say, I'm looking for a girl.
02:16:09 Does anybody know anybody? Does anybody know a girl who they think might fit?
02:16:12 Right? Don't do, don't do it all yourself.
02:16:19 My God, all these people are like, well, I've got to do it all by myself.
02:16:22 My gosh, I have to do it all by myself.
02:16:27 Well, it depends. What if she's willing to be led?
02:16:29 I can show her those aspects needed for a relationship.
02:16:33 I'm sorry. I don't mean to laugh at you either.
02:16:37 How is she going to know whether she should be led or not
02:16:40 if she doesn't have any experience with relationships, even in friendships?
02:16:45 I can show her those aspects needed for a relationship.
02:16:47 How do you know? Are you going to, let's say she hasn't had a friend since she was 10.
02:16:51 And she's 30. So you've got 20 years of no friendships.
02:16:54 How are you going to backfill that? Just out of curiosity,
02:16:57 how are you going to backfill all of that?
02:16:58 You're just going to do some matrix mind meld, download the ability to fly a helicopter?
02:17:05 Oh my gosh.
02:17:13 Hey, yeah, maybe I can find a girl in isolation, give her RTR and we live happily ever after.
02:17:18 That's not the strategy I'm going to go with, though. No, I don't think that's a good plan.
02:17:22 I don't think that's a good plan. Now, you could say that she's just too great.
02:17:25 She's just too wonderful to have friends.
02:17:27 She's got too much integrity. She's Dominique Roark or whatever.
02:17:30 Dominique, what was her last name? Keating at one point.
02:17:34 Francois, Dominique Francois, right?
02:17:36 Lack of a social circle means her family will be more important and priority for her.
02:17:40 No? Maybe.
02:17:43 But why isn't her family saying you got to have some friends?
02:17:47 You got to have some friends. Go out there, make some friends.
02:17:50 We're going to introduce you to some friends.
02:17:52 Why is her family not popular enough that other people's kids want to come over
02:17:56 and their parents want to come over to your house, to her house, right?
02:17:59 Why? It means that her parents don't have social skills,
02:18:02 which means they didn't teach her social skills, which means how is she going to connect with you?
02:18:06 How is she going to navigate and negotiate with you?
02:18:08 Listen, it's like you meet the girl of your dreams, but she only speaks Japanese.
02:18:12 It's like, OK, well, I'll just learn fluent Japanese or she'll just learn fluent English.
02:18:16 And it's way easier to learn fluent Japanese or fluent English
02:18:20 than it is to develop social skills when you've had a family crippled by isolation and introversion for decades.
02:18:32 And also, if she has had problems with her family,
02:18:35 then I assume that her social circle will be more important too, right?
02:18:39 When you meet a woman who's never had high school friends
02:18:42 or doesn't socialize with women from work, then it won't work.
02:18:44 I've tried. I have way too many gaps.
02:18:46 They have way too many gaps in normal social interaction skills. Be careful.
02:18:51 Like, especially if you're in your late 20s,
02:18:55 you can't be building the plane when it's taking off.
02:18:58 You can't be building the plane when it's taking off.
02:19:01 So you want a woman who's going to have kids in the next couple of years.
02:19:05 Why? Because you're in your late 20s and you don't want to wait till your mid 30s, right?
02:19:08 So you're going to meet a woman and you're going to want her to evaluate you,
02:19:11 to have trust in her own instincts, to be able to fall in love, to have good social skills,
02:19:14 good relationship skills, get married, and then be a good mother
02:19:17 with a good circle of friends to help her raise the kids,
02:19:20 because women raising kids completely in isolation tend to go a little crazy,
02:19:23 as do men with the same thing, because we're social creatures and we take to the village and all of that.
02:19:27 So you're looking for all of that, all of that happening,
02:19:30 all of that incredibly accelerated social skill stuff happening
02:19:33 with somebody who has no social skills.
02:19:40 I tried asking my workmates if they know anyone, and nothing came of it.
02:19:43 Should I become a gym bro to meet people? I wasn't taught how to develop social skills.
02:19:47 Well, why did your friends...
02:19:54 Well, first of all, don't ask your single friends, obviously,
02:19:57 because if your single friends know a great girl, they won't be introducing her to you,
02:20:00 because they're bros and they want to keep her for herself, for themselves, right?
02:20:03 So they're probably going to try and keep her for themselves.
02:20:07 So you don't ask other single guys, "Hey, single guys, do you know any really high quality women?"
02:20:12 What are they going to say? "Oh yeah, but she'll never go out with me, I'm a loser."
02:20:15 But she'll go out with you, right?
02:20:17 Do you have a set of criteria when deciding where to live?
02:20:22 I'm still not sure where I want to settle down.
02:20:24 I don't know. Don't be in a city.
02:20:28 That would be one thing I would suggest. Maybe, just maybe.
02:20:34 Now, so, the good thing about sports leagues is you'll also meet guys who are married,
02:20:39 guys who are in relationships, and they will know people that they're not going to date
02:20:43 because they're already married in relationships, but who might be good for you, right?
02:20:46 Yeah, but you can't get quality girls from your male friends, right?
02:20:51 That's not going to work.
02:20:52 The gym is a pretty solo sport.
02:20:55 Most you'll get is the occasional asking someone to spot you.
02:20:57 Yeah, I mean, I was in the gym for years.
02:21:00 I met some women, but it was basically through yoga that I met girls that I could chat with
02:21:08 and all of that, and did chat with a couple of girls, and asked a couple of girls out.
02:21:12 Never really went anywhere, but you could certainly meet them that way.
02:21:14 But that's going through.
02:21:16 They don't see your friendships, they don't see, right?
02:21:19 If you go into a sports league, then people see you can play sports, you can be a good loser,
02:21:24 you can win without becoming an asshole, you're not self-critical overly,
02:21:31 you don't scream at yourself when you miss a shot, you don't get mad at other people.
02:21:34 There's a whole hierarchy and display of social and emotional skills that occurs just in your basic sport.
02:21:41 If you're really good at the sport, you temper yourself down to allow other people.
02:21:45 If you're really bad at the sport, you let other people step in sometimes to take the hit in volleyball,
02:21:50 or wherever you're playing, right?
02:21:52 How do you handle defeat? How do you handle victory?
02:21:56 How do you handle working with teammates?
02:21:58 How do you handle it when somebody flubs an easy shot, right?
02:22:01 She gets to see your whole sense of demeanor, your whole sense of working with yourself,
02:22:06 she gets to see your inner critic, she gets to see your graciousness,
02:22:08 she gets to see all kinds of great stuff.
02:22:10 I don't think she really gets to see that at the gym,
02:22:13 but she'll definitely get to see that when you're playing a sport.
02:22:17 So, there's a reason why guys meet girls through sports, right?
02:22:22 And you also get to see those things in her as well, right?
02:22:24 I mean, I remember once playing beach volleyball, and there were a bunch of girls around,
02:22:30 they just stood around, they just stood around and they looked pretty,
02:22:32 and whenever the ball came, they were like, "Eee!"
02:22:34 It was just like, "Oh my God, like, I could never in a million years."
02:22:38 I mean, I call my wife the action wife, right?
02:22:41 'Cause she just, you know, "Let's go dirt biking."
02:22:44 Sure, right? She's just very active that way, and does kinds of cool stuff that way.
02:22:49 Yeah, sport is great for bringing out a person's true nature.
02:22:52 Yeah, for sure. For sure.
02:22:54 Maybe scrabble the monopoly too, but I think sport.
02:22:58 Oh, come on, people, tell me I'm not giving you some useful stuff here.
02:23:01 Yeah, good sportsmanship and winning more than losing will get you the girl.
02:23:06 It's not so much winning more than losing, it's having decent grace about these things.
02:23:14 Right, so what a woman, a quality woman is looking for how you process reality.
02:23:18 Now, if you scream at yourself for missing shots,
02:23:20 it means that you're not processing how good you are, right?
02:23:23 All right, we're done. My gosh, we're in two and a half hours.
02:23:31 Any last comments or tips?
02:23:33 Tips would be most helpful as we sail into the final show or two of 2023
02:23:40 of the 250 shows, the one and a half entire books that have gone out,
02:23:46 the French Revolution, the History of Philosophers series, all of that kind of good stuff.
02:23:51 Do you have any thoughts on dating divorced women?
02:23:54 Yeah, could be if they work through it.
02:23:55 Freedomain.com/donate. You can tip here on the app.
02:23:59 You can tip, of course, on...
02:24:08 Sorry, I missed a few things here.
02:24:10 Please interview JustPearlyThings. She's on Rumble now.
02:24:12 Two million YouTube followers.
02:24:14 Yeah, she's... the whole calendar gate thing I find quite fascinating,
02:24:18 but maybe I'll talk about that another time.
02:24:20 What are your thoughts on dating an older woman, 29,
02:24:22 who has complex post-traumatic stress disorder with limited friends,
02:24:25 but is logical, attractive, intelligent, and goal-driven?
02:24:27 Is she virtuous? Is she kind? Is she thoughtful? Is she considerate? Is she...
02:24:35 There were definitely some aspects of sports when I was dating my husband.
02:24:38 I tried dirt bikes. He tried horseback riding. Yeah, for sure.
02:24:41 Do you still plan to add philosophers to the History of Philosophers series?
02:24:44 Yes, I do, Joe. Absolutely.
02:24:46 I have for the next one is Kant, but Kant is huge.
02:24:48 Kant is huge. I'm still, honestly, occasionally gathering notes and stuff, so...
02:24:52 I might do The Truth About Witches. I was just reading a bunch of that.
02:24:56 I'm still waiting for my local support email.
02:24:59 Make sure you get a tip from me for this on top of my monthly subs here and on Telegram.
02:25:03 Thank you so much, and if you want to do a call-in show, whether you tip or not,
02:25:06 you're certainly more than welcome to do a call-in show with me,
02:25:10 and I really do appreciate that.
02:25:13 And listen, again, I'm sorry. I hope I don't come across as mean when I laugh,
02:25:17 but it is funny-funny, and I hope that I'm getting you to see yourself
02:25:21 in a humorous fashion rather than any kind of self-contemptuous fashion.
02:25:24 So I hope that comes across. I'm not trying to be mean,
02:25:27 and I really do appreciate everyone's comments here.
02:25:29 [silence]
02:25:32 Yeah, The Truth About Witches, you know, it was a giant #MeToo thing.
02:25:35 The whole Salem Witch Trial stuff was just a bunch of girls
02:25:39 accusing people for clout and power.
02:25:41 It was wild. Totally #MeToo thing.
02:25:44 Anyway, we can talk about that another time, but...
02:25:46 Alright. What else did I miss here?
02:25:50 [silence]
02:25:53 Dating Divorced Women? I mean, it could work. It could work.
02:25:55 I mean, it depends if they have kids, maybe not so much.
02:25:57 Thank you, Rivelo. I appreciate that.
02:26:00 And have yourselves a wonderful New Year if you're not around on Sunday,
02:26:03 and I'll understand if you won't.
02:26:05 I mean, maybe, theoretically, there could be other good stuff to do with your life.
02:26:07 Can't imagine what, but could be.
02:26:09 So, if I don't see you on Sunday, talk to you on Sunday,
02:26:14 then I absolutely hope that you have a...
02:26:18 Truth About Witches Part 2.
02:26:20 This would be more of a historical one and less of a theoretical one.
02:26:23 Thank you.
02:26:26 [stuttering]
02:26:29 Thank you very much. I appreciate that tip as well. Very kind.
02:26:31 Thanks for the stream. Happy New Year to everyone.
02:26:33 I hope you have a wonderful time over New Year's,
02:26:36 and can't wait to see you next year and for many years to come.
02:26:39 And thank you everyone so much for your support.
02:26:42 I love you guys to death.
02:26:44 Thank you for the deep and great honor of this conversation,
02:26:47 and I'll talk to you soon. Bye.
02:26:49 [silence]