Miami Dolphins Extreme Cold Conditions In High-Stakes Game

  • 8 months ago
00:03 Then we go to Saturday night, the nightcap
00:07 of the doubleheader tomorrow inside Arrowhead Stadium.
00:11 Break out the parka, make sure you have the hand warmers,
00:14 whatever you will need, because it is going to be cold.
00:17 And I don't mean cold like, ah, it's below 30 degrees.
00:21 I mean cold like freezing and frostbite warnings
00:26 around the greater Kansas City, Missouri area.
00:29 Donnie, the latest weather reports
00:31 show an air temperature-- not real field, not wind chill--
00:35 air temperature that approaches negative degrees by the time
00:39 we reach kick tomorrow night inside Arrowhead
00:42 around 8:15 PM Eastern time, which
00:44 means the wind chill is going to look like negative 20
00:48 or negative 25.
00:50 They say if your skin is exposed to that type of cold
00:54 for more than 10 to 15 minutes, frostbite
00:57 is a virtual guarantee.
01:00 What do you expect in the weather
01:02 tonight inside Arrowhead?
01:04 By the way, it's very interesting to me.
01:07 Now hear me out on this, because Ben, you'll be at home,
01:09 I'll be at home.
01:10 I want to watch this football game because it's elements
01:13 that we're not used to here.
01:14 But if I do put my NFL thinking cap on--
01:16 and look, I'm an old school football guy,
01:18 so I just preface, I would love to watch this.
01:20 But sometimes you have to think about the fans that
01:22 go out there.
01:23 Because if you say, well, how are the players going to feel?
01:25 Well, Ben, the players are in the locker room.
01:27 The players have heaters on the sideline.
01:28 The players have coats.
01:30 And if they want to get warm, and they will at halftime.
01:32 Think about the fans here.
01:33 This is a playoff game in Kansas City, one of the best fan
01:35 bases across the NFL.
01:37 When is this game going to be played?
01:39 An 8 o'clock kickoff.
01:40 You know what fans do, Ben.
01:42 They show up early, 10 AM, 11 AM, 12 o'clock in the afternoon
01:45 to drink beers and barbecue.
01:47 And they'll still do that here, don't get me wrong.
01:49 But then you're going into the stadium.
01:51 And 99% of those fans, Ben, are not
01:53 able to go into a club box lounge
01:55 and heat up at the half.
01:57 So they'll be exposed to the elements for 7, 8, 9,
01:59 and 10 hours.
02:00 And you say, watch.
02:02 The new millennials, they're not used
02:04 to what we used to do in the back.
02:05 Yeah, you know what's good for the NFL
02:06 here, when four or five people sue the NFL for saying,
02:09 I came to that game and got frostbite on my fingertips
02:11 or on my face.
02:12 Oh, well, that's your fault if you go here.
02:14 It is a bad look.
02:15 Now, having said that and getting that out of the way,
02:17 it's really going to impact this football game.
02:19 It is.
02:19 Because my weather update just updated this morning.
02:22 Real field kickoff without, again, the wind, minus 3.
02:25 That's at 8 o'clock.
02:26 At 11 o'clock, minus 6.
02:29 That's not the wind chill temperatures.
02:31 That's just the real field.
02:32 Now, if we're throwing in the wind, Ben,
02:34 which was showing up for me this weekend,
02:35 between 8 to 10 miles an hour, the latest updates,
02:38 14 and 1/2 to 15 miles an hour.
02:41 That's sustained wind.
02:42 That's not a gust here and there,
02:43 which means gusts will probably 20 to 25 degrees,
02:47 or 20 to 25 miles an hour.
02:48 Also, in 2016, the Kansas City Chiefs,
02:51 Ben, installed a heating system under the field,
02:54 which is fantastic.
02:55 But that heating system is built for, Ben, 30 degrees,
02:58 25 degrees, 20 degrees.
03:00 That's not built for minus 25 degree wind chills here.
03:03 That field is still going to freeze over,
03:05 whether or not-- now, granted, they
03:06 are going to have that field tarped up for as long as
03:08 possible to keep it good.
03:10 But the minute it gets out there,
03:11 you might look at it in ice skating rink-type conditions
03:13 here in this environment.
03:14 We haven't seen this in years and years and years.
03:17 So gameplay itself, good luck.
03:19 Because I've played in cold conditions, Ben, 10, 15
03:23 degrees.
03:23 It's not fun catching the football.
03:25 So I can just imagine a rocket from Patrick Mahomes
03:28 on a line to Valdez Scantling, where it's breaking
03:32 his fingers at this point.
03:33 I don't know what to expect here.
03:35 But the one thing I do expect is here,
03:36 I don't see a ton of points, Ben.
03:38 I just don't.
03:40 (upbeat music)
