WIKA Respons Pemangkasan Rating Sukuk dari Refindo

  • 8 months ago
PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk (WIKA) memberikan respon terkait keputusan PT Pemeringkat Efek Indonesia (PEFINDO) menurunkan rating Sukuk Mudharabah Berkelanjutan I Tahap I 2020 Seri A milik perseroan. Dalam keterangan resmi, manajemen perseroan mengatakan pihaknya memandang perbaruan rating tersebut merupakan wewenang penuh dari PEFINDO.


00:00 The Minister of Public Works, Wijaya Karya Persero TBK,
00:03 gave a response to the decision of PT Pemeringkat Efek Indonesia
00:07 to lower the rating of the Muda Rabah tribe to 1,
00:10 in the top 1 of 2020 series A owned by Perseroan.
00:13 In an official statement,
00:15 Perseroan management said that
00:17 the company considered the rating renewal
00:19 as a full win from Pevindo.
00:22 Although it is known that the increase
00:24 is temporarily in line with the dynamics of the company's condition.
00:28 Management explained that
00:30 considering the company's request for compensation
00:33 is an equal treatment step
00:35 to the creditors of Perseroan,
00:37 especially the 1st stage PUB1
00:40 2020, which has aimed at the extension of the fall in the time of the top 1 series obligation,
00:46 where the company is known to still pay the coupon obligation
00:50 or divide the profits to the holders of the obligation
00:53 and the tribe according to the same schedule and size.
00:57 Thank you for watching.
01:00 [Music]
