لبنان.. تفاقم تردي الأوضاع الاقتصادية لذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة

  • 8 months ago


00:00 The WHO estimates that the Lebanese population is 15% of the population.
00:06 They are suffering from unemployment, which is 85% according to the report of the International Bank and the World Health Organization.
00:15 What the Lebanese economy can bear, instead of being a productive party, contributes to the development of society.
00:22 We need to find a job, and we will find a job.
00:26 More than 100 health care institutions spread across Lebanon provide care for 10,000 people, 90% of them under 21 years old.
00:36 They are divided between mental, physical, visual and auditory disability.
00:41 8,500 of them were paid by the Ministry of Social Affairs, but due to the financial and financial crisis that is raging in the country,
00:51 the banks' holding of the money of private associations, the collapse of the exchange rate, and the Ministry of Finance's suspension of its role for two years,
00:59 these associations have entered a severe financial crisis.
01:03 We were trying to find a solution, whether it was financial aid or financial aid, or even from the Ministry of Social Affairs.
01:12 But after two or three years, there is nothing left.
01:21 We are worried about how we will continue our lives.
01:26 We don't have a state, we don't have a ministry, we don't have social affairs.
01:31 Where are we going?
01:34 As a result of this dire situation, the quality of services provided has declined due to the reduction of electricity consumption,
01:40 the reduction of the number of workers and the number of days of education, the decline in the quality of food, eye products and logistics used,
01:47 and the additional financial burdens of the people.
01:50 As for the closure of these centers, it means deprivation of treatment, care and integration in society.
01:57 They are facing rejection in society.
01:59 People do not accept them.
02:01 They do not easily find work that they can work from.
02:04 They do not easily learn.
02:06 And of course, their families are suffering with them.
02:08 The problems we are facing, like the situation in Lebanon, unfortunately, are financial problems.
02:12 People are considered among the most vulnerable groups in Lebanese society,
02:17 and most affected by the crises facing the country.
02:21 The reasons for this, according to the Lebanese Union, are the people who are emotionally distressed,
02:26 the lack of proper plans that meet their needs and deprivation of their human rights,
02:31 the lack of respect for their privacy and the difficulty in moving to public places due to the lack of engineering,
02:37 and the recent lack of readiness of the centers to receive them as a result of their migration from the southern regions.
02:44 After our challenges, the services that are not integrated and not available to us are the biggest.
02:51 If we want to work with the knowledge that there are international laws and agreements that we have to trust,
02:59 all policies, programs, services and infrastructure must be integrated.
03:07 Today, we are still among the poorest of the poor, as people with disabilities,
03:12 because we always pay the price in wars and disasters and in the phase of poverty and decline.
03:20 So, and since long decades, the demands of the private sector have been repeated,
03:25 but, according to the meaning-keepers, the Lebanese state's management has remained shy,
03:29 and has not relied on international agreements and international bank proposals to prevent the collapse of these bursts,
03:36 such as guaranteeing their access to a seat on the search table,
03:39 to participate in drawing up policies, decisions and plans,
03:42 and breaking the barriers in front of them by development and educational institutions,
03:46 and to strengthen the awareness of governments about the diversity of their needs.
03:50 What is required today is to amend the legislations and change the concepts that exist in society
03:55 to provide these groups with their rights.
