• 9 months ago
Ep 4: A Public Mischief. Babs' grandmother asks the Ladies Agency to look into a clairvoyant called Madame Morgan, who she believes to be a fraud. Part of the reason is because a friend of hers has become dependant on her of late, so Diana decides to attend one of her seances. However, she is unnerved when at the seance Madame Morgan seems to know all about her dead husband...

Starring Carol Royle, Julia Hills and Julia Swift, with guest stars Cecily Hobbs, Matthew Sheppard, Eileen Kennally, Ann Carroll, Graham Chinn, Sylvia Barter, Charlotte Mitchell, Maggie Wilkinson, Clifford Parrish and an early screen role for Kathy Burke, as Madame Morgan's maid. This is a part mystery/part drama series, originally broadcast in 1986, so could be put in either Drama or Mystery catagory. I suspect the makers' lack of decision of which this series was going to be may of contributed to it only running for one series, but it has a charming period feel to it, as well as a lovely theme tune. Rarely seen since it's broadcast in 1986, it would of been interesting to see how it would of developed if it had been given a fair run.


