• last year
"Bad Roomies" is a dark comedy film released in 2015 that follows the hilariously chaotic misadventures of two mismatched roommates navigating the treacherous waters of friendship, love, and survival in the City of Angels. The film centers around Bobby (played by Patrick Renna), an aspiring actor with dreams of stardom, and Ray (played by Tommy Savas), a charismatic womanizer with a penchant for trouble.

When Bobby's girlfriend abruptly leaves him, he finds himself in desperate need of a new roommate to share the burden of his expensive Los Angeles apartment. Enter Ray, a charming stranger with a mysterious past and a seemingly carefree attitude. At first, their odd-couple dynamic adds a quirky charm to their living situation, but things take a dark turn when Ray's shady connections and questionable choices drag Bobby into a world of trouble.

As the two roommates navigate a series of comically disastrous events, including failed auditions, romantic entanglements, and run-ins with dangerous characters, "Bad Roomies" becomes a rollercoaster ride of laughter, unexpected twists, and outrageous antics. The film explores the limits of friendship, loyalty, and the lengths people will go to in order to survive the unpredictable chaos of life in the big city.

Packed with witty dialogue, absurd situations, and a dose of dark humor, "Bad Roomies" delivers an entertaining blend of comedy and suspense that keeps audiences guessing until the very end. Will Bobby and Ray manage to overcome their differences and emerge unscathed from the mayhem, or will their unlikely friendship become the casualty of their wild escapades? Find out in this offbeat and unpredictable comedy that proves living with the wrong roommate can be downright dangerous.
