• last year
"F the Prom" is a teen comedy film released in 2017, directed by Benny Fine. The story revolves around two best friends, Maddy (played by Danielle Campbell) and Cole (played by Joel Courtney), who make a pact to avoid the high school prom altogether after a humiliating incident in middle school. However, their plans take a turn when Maddy, now a popular girl, is nominated for prom queen, and Cole decides to run for prom king as a part of their revenge plot.

The film explores themes of friendship, self-discovery, and the high school social hierarchy. As Maddy and Cole navigate the challenges of the prom season, they discover the importance of being true to themselves and standing up against the superficial expectations of their peers.

"F the Prom" combines humor, heart, and a dose of teenage rebellion, offering a modern take on the classic teen comedy genre. With its relatable characters and a mix of awkward and hilarious situations, the film appeals to its target audience while delivering a message about the value of authenticity and genuine connections.

The movie features a young and talented cast, including Meg DeLacy, Ian Ziering, and Cheri Oteri, contributing to the film's lighthearted and entertaining atmosphere. "F the Prom" provides an enjoyable viewing experience for those who appreciate coming-of-age comedies with a rebellious twist.