Deaths of Victorian roads 23% higher than 2022

  • last year
It's been a shocking year on Victoria’s roads with the number of lives lost more than 23 per cent higher than last year.


00:00 In Victoria, the number of people who have died on Victorian roads has climbed to 296
00:08 after the death of a motorcycle rider last night in regional Victoria.
00:13 And it's the highest number of deaths on Victorian roads in the past 15 years.
00:19 The reasons behind the deaths are often small mistakes.
00:23 The Transport Accident Commission and police call them low-level mistakes, and they include
00:28 things like people being on their mobile phones while they're driving, being slightly over
00:32 the speed limit or slightly over the drink-driving limit.
00:36 And Victoria police believe at least 19 people who died in crashes this year were not wearing
00:42 their seatbelt.
00:43 The Transport Accident Commission's acting CEO was out in Melbourne earlier, warning
00:47 people to be careful and to slow down this weekend.
00:51 Here's a little of what she had to say.
00:53 One of the key factors we've seen in the high numbers of drivers killed this year, and passengers
01:00 as well, is accidents on high-speed rural roads.
01:06 Unfortunately, when you have a crash on a high-speed rural road, it is very difficult
01:12 to survive.
01:13 If you are going to be out and about over New Year and during the holiday period, we'd
01:18 really ask you to plan ahead.
01:21 The key thing is to know where you're going, how long it's going to take, make sure there's
01:26 absolutely no need to speed and that you can drive for the conditions.
01:31 And of course, it's not just Victoria.
01:34 The number of people dying on roads across Australia has also risen to 1,253 deaths in
01:42 the year to the end of November.
01:45 And that rise in lives lost has been pushed by a 23% rise in people dying on New South
01:52 Wales roads and a 61% rise in South Australia.
01:57 So as we enter what is possibly the busiest weekend of the year on roads Australia-wide,
02:04 the message really is to slow down, to be safe, to take breaks when you need it, and
02:09 to remember that there are other families on the road who just want to get where they're
02:12 going for New Year's.
