Todo por mi Familia Capitulo 302 Completo HD

  • last year
Todo por mi Familia Capitulo 302 Completo HD
00:00 [music]
00:02 Would it be a better idea to write a letter?
00:05 Would it be ridiculous?
00:09 I don't think so. It's the most normal thing.
00:31 Hello.
00:33 You might think I'm a coward,
00:39 but I don't have the courage to speak of my feelings.
00:44 You're just in time, because the boss will be back soon.
00:51 Here they are.
00:53 I just hope they didn't get cold.
00:56 Don't worry. Hey, Sengul, is it worth it to be so stressed?
01:00 Let me quit, so we can avoid these situations.
01:02 Please, Orhan, we've talked about that.
01:04 We need the money, and it's not easy to get a job.
01:07 Besides, I'm supporting you in what I can.
01:09 I'll prepare everything they ask of you.
01:11 I don't know how to thank you for everything you do for me.
01:14 I'm going to go save the bread so it doesn't get cold.
01:16 I'll bring you what you ask of me.
01:18 I'll make you the king of bread, I promise.
01:20 Have a nice day.
01:22 I don't know if I want to be the king of bread.
01:24 I'm leaving. See you later.
01:29 What subject is literature going to start?
01:31 I have no idea. I didn't read the last chapter. Is it in the book?
01:34 Yes, here it is.
01:36 Thank you.
01:38 Duru, look.
01:46 What is it?
01:48 A love letter, maybe.
01:53 [♪♪♪]
01:56 It says "Yasmin" here.
02:03 What did she write?
02:08 That does look like a love letter.
02:11 Yasmin, tell me, did you write this?
02:17 What are you talking about?
02:20 Hey, what's going on?
02:22 Did you write a love letter to someone?
02:24 Not just anyone.
02:26 That letter was in a book that belongs to Asiye's boyfriend.
02:32 Yasmin, don't you have any respect?
02:34 Yasmin, are you in love with him?
02:42 No, that would be ridiculous. What are you saying?
02:47 Asiye and I are in a fight, but...
02:50 That doesn't mean anyone wants to take advantage of her.
02:53 Besides, it would be imprudent of her.
02:58 You're right, but after what she's done, it would be stupid.
03:04 Hey, Yasmin, you must like Doruk a lot for you to dare to do this stupid thing.
03:10 Stop saying stupid things. I'm not interested in Doruk. Shut up.
03:14 Who is this for?
03:18 I'm not going to tell you. Just say it and that's it, Yasmin.
03:22 Tolga, I wrote this for him.
03:30 Answer the phone, mother.
03:40 Answer the phone.
03:44 Answer, damn it!
03:48 I beg you, answer the phone. What are you waiting for?
03:51 What's wrong? Are you okay?
03:53 Answer, mother.
03:57 Answer the phone!
03:59 Did something happen to your mother?
04:01 She has a gun. I think it will hurt, Omer.
04:05 What are you saying?
04:08 Father, please, I beg you. What are you waiting for? Just answer the phone. Do it.
04:16 What's wrong with her? Why did she call me out of the blue?
04:20 Seval.
04:24 Seval, what's wrong? Are you okay?
04:28 Yes, Susan. I'm okay.
04:34 To be a woman who lost her husband and has a ruined family, I'm okay?
04:42 Seval, what are you doing? Put that gun down. Don't be ridiculous. Put it down.
04:47 What are you afraid of, Susan? Do you deserve it? Or even better?
04:52 Do you want me to shoot?
04:57 I'm not going to shoot.
05:00 I'm not going to shoot.
05:03 I'm not going to shoot.
05:06 I'm not going to shoot.
05:10 I'm not going to shoot.
05:12 It would be the perfect wedding gift for you.
05:16 This way I can ensure your happiness.
05:19 What do you think is better, Susan?
05:24 Kill you? Kill you at last and get you out of my way?
05:29 Seval, no. Listen to me. This is not the solution to anything. Believe me.
05:33 Look, stop playing with that gun, I beg you.
05:36 What's going on, Susan? Are you afraid to die?
05:40 Are you afraid to lose the opportunity to be with my husband?
05:44 Have you ever thought how I felt?
05:47 Did you ever consider that there were consequences and that I could kill you, damn it?
05:52 Seval, give me that gun, please.
05:59 Don't come any closer.
06:00 Stop.
06:01 You have to put that gun down, I beg you.
06:03 Don't be stupid. You have to think things through, Seval.
06:07 Let's talk things over.
06:08 You and I have nothing to talk about.
06:11 You ruined my life and now you're going to pay for it.
06:14 No!
06:15 Mother!
06:29 Listen, there's something very important I want to talk to you about.
06:33 I want you to know that I've made a very special decision.
06:38 Susan and I are getting married soon.
06:43 Okay, but why? I don't understand why you're in such a hurry.
06:51 You just got divorced from Mom.
06:53 Look, you're supposed to go through an emotional duel, aren't you?
06:59 I think it's the best decision, Dad.
07:01 Don't waste time.
07:03 I'm surprised to hear about you, Sarp.
07:09 But I appreciate it.
07:11 Listen, my brother must be sick to say that.
07:16 He's acting strange.
07:18 Excuse me, it's important.
07:24 We'll talk later, okay?
07:26 Thank you, son, for understanding.
07:28 What do you think you're doing, Sarp?
07:36 Why are you telling Dad to marry that woman soon?
07:40 I'm talking to you. Answer me.
07:45 Jasmine, Mom must forget Dad forever.
07:52 She's not well and she can't heal while she's still attached to him.
07:56 What? What do you mean she's not well?
08:00 Mom tried to kill Mrs. Susan with a gun.
08:04 What?
08:07 Yes, what you heard.
08:09 Mom lied to me so I could give her Dad's gun and kill her.
08:13 But luckily Mrs. Susan didn't tell the police anything.
08:17 Maybe she's not as bad as you think.
08:22 Or maybe I'll approve of the marriage.
08:25 That could be the best option.
08:28 Ah!
08:33 I'm so glad we're all here.
08:35 Tell me, what's going on between you two?
08:39 Um...
08:42 Tolga and I are dating.
08:44 That's fast.
08:46 Yeah, always.
08:48 So what happened?
08:50 Um...
08:51 Homer, are you jealous of your brother?
08:54 No, not at all.
08:55 Look, I'll be honest.
08:57 It was like two people who like each other from a distance,
09:00 but when they get close, the magic is over.
09:03 Which is enough.
09:04 I mean,
09:05 we did go out and we got to know each other better.
09:10 That's all, right?
09:12 Sure, yes.
09:15 Psst!
09:16 Are you dating or what?
09:20 Um, you didn't hear me.
09:23 We talked,
09:25 um,
09:26 and then...
09:28 we decided that our relationship wasn't going to work.
09:32 There's nothing.
09:34 Right?
09:35 Yeah, we didn't want to.
09:37 But that easy and that's it?
09:39 Yeah,
09:41 we didn't want to.
09:43 But that easy and that's it?
09:45 It all ended on the first date.
09:47 Too bad.
09:48 Yeah.
09:50 Sometimes it happens, Ogi.
09:52 Unfortunately.
09:53 Well, it's time for class.
09:56 Come on, hurry.
09:59 It doesn't happen to me.
10:05 I don't understand why.
10:07 Maybe it's because you're Generation Z.
10:12 Maybe.
10:13 And if you shut up and stop being a grandpa.
10:16 Good news, Kif.
10:29 There's going to be a wedding.
10:31 What? Really?
10:32 Ma'am, I want to go too.
10:34 Oh, sorry, cutie.
10:36 I'm afraid it won't be possible because we weren't invited to the wedding.
10:42 Ahmed and Susan are getting married.
10:44 What?
10:45 Did they finally decide they're getting married?
10:48 It seems so.
10:49 They already announced it.
10:51 They're such-and-such.
10:53 If you find someone like them, you have to marry them.
10:57 Oh, Nevad, please.
10:58 Marriage is a document.
11:00 But that's not what matters at the end of the day.
11:03 What matters is what you feel in your heart for the other person.
11:07 That brings your relationship forward.
11:09 What do you mean?
11:11 What do you mean you have it here?
11:13 What's all this?
11:14 What are you talking about?
11:15 What matters is that the others think you're okay with your partner,
11:18 so they think you're not a loser.
11:20 That's what it is to me.
11:21 If you have a good wedding, everyone will remember it with a lot of respect.
11:24 Therefore, it's better to keep appearances than to have feelings and those things.
11:30 It doesn't mean I don't feel something for you.
11:34 Nevad.
11:37 Hmm.
11:38 Do you know what I remembered when you said the last thing?
11:46 No, what?
11:47 That it's wedding season.
11:50 Spring and summer are the best seasons to get married, right?
11:56 I wish we had found an open place instead of a closed room for our wedding, you know, Nevad?
12:02 That way, we would have taken advantage of the weather more.
12:05 Oh, how I didn't think of that.
12:07 What are you talking about, Akif?
12:09 Well, starting a business to organize weddings.
12:13 Look, I'm sure that could work out well.
12:16 Everyone gets married.
12:17 If we took advantage of the season, we would earn a lot.
12:20 Think about it.
12:21 What a great idea.
12:23 You're brilliant, Akif.
12:26 I'm bored.
12:32 I'm going upstairs.
12:34 When you're done, clean the table, Akif.
12:37 Oh, no way.
12:40 Now what did I say?
12:42 What a bad mood you have.
12:44 It was just an idea.
12:45 Pajar, I don't understand.
12:48 I don't know what I said to make Nevad upset with me.
12:52 Why is he angry?
12:53 He just invested badly.
12:55 Besides, it was my money.
12:57 Well, the one he took from me a long time ago and he's still angry.
12:59 Why are you laughing?
13:03 What happened?
13:04 Oh, no.
13:18 Give me the phone.
13:20 What do you want?
13:21 What's going on?
13:22 Were you talking to Jasmine?
13:23 Look, don't worry.
13:24 She's in the garden.
13:25 They can talk there.
13:27 Hey, I don't want any trouble.
13:30 Give me the phone.
13:32 I know they're not obvious.
13:34 And you weren't writing to her.
13:36 Jasmine didn't write you the letter because she doesn't like you.
13:40 Give me the phone.
13:44 Listen, look at me.
13:47 What made you support Jasmine even though you knew it was all a lie?
13:52 Did you realize?
13:53 You already knew the truth.
13:55 That Doruk is the person she really likes.
13:58 Very well.
14:01 Let's say we both know she's in love with Doruk.
14:03 And what about that?
14:04 What affects you?
14:05 What are you going to gain from all this?
14:07 What do you want to get?
14:08 You haven't answered.
14:09 Why did you decide to help her?
14:11 Very well.
14:15 I'm going to tell you because I already realized that as long as I don't do it, you won't stop bothering me and you've already made me desperate.
14:20 Careless.
14:22 Does it happen to me?
14:26 If everyone else had found out the truth, they wouldn't stop bothering her for the rest of the cycle.
14:31 And you would be one of those people.
14:34 Well, I already said it.
14:35 Okay?
14:36 Are you happy now?
14:37 Can you leave me alone so I can enjoy my life?
14:40 Oh, what a good person you are.
14:43 How kind.
14:44 You know what?
14:45 I think I'm going to cry.
14:47 In fact, I could sit right here and cry inconsolably.
14:51 I'm so glad.
14:53 You know what you should do? Sit there and think about what makes you happy in life.
14:57 I don't want to deal with you anymore.
14:59 Therefore, I'm going to the living room.
15:01 Okay?
15:02 See you later.
15:03 See you later.
15:04 Another one who treats me badly.
15:07 Oh, in this school there is not a single kind person.
15:10 What good luck I have.
15:11 What happiness.
15:12 How beautiful you are.
15:21 Hey, I propose that after selling the paint, we go to a fancy restaurant to eat spicy kebab.
15:27 What do you think?
15:28 Wait, before starting to make plans, you have to have the money in your hands, because we always end up disappointed in some way.
15:33 Exactly, cousin. Calm down.
15:36 I'm confident that it will be so.
15:38 By the way, I'm going to have dinner with Mr. Ahmed's family.
15:42 And why?
15:45 To strengthen our fraternal ties.
15:50 If you ask me, I think it's not necessary.
15:52 Did you forget us or what?
15:54 I could never forget you, and less of you.
15:56 And why don't you drink?
15:58 I don't want to.
15:59 Then I'm going to throw it away.
16:02 By the way, beautiful painting, very peculiar.
16:07 Why do you always get in the way, idiot?
16:09 Get out of my way.
16:17 Damn, Elif. Look what you did. What a clumsy.
16:20 Wait, let me clean it.
16:22 Do you realize what you just did, Elif?
16:24 What? I didn't do anything. You're the one who wouldn't let me pass, idiot.
16:27 Of course, I was to blame.
16:28 Ogulcan, he fainted.
16:30 Ogulcan!
16:32 Cousin!
16:33 Ogulcan!
16:34 Wake up, fat. Get up, do you want?
16:37 Speak to me, Ogulcan.
16:38 Ogulcan!
16:39 Come on, fat.
16:40 Wake up now.
16:41 Ogulcan.
16:42 Brother-in-law.
16:45 Sengul, my legs are shaking.
16:47 Don't worry, you can do it, Orhan. Here they are.
16:49 Good morning. Let me introduce you to my wife, teacher and...
16:56 ...companion, Sengul Eren.
16:58 Good morning, it's a pleasure.
17:00 I congratulate you for being so thin, having a husband who is so good at making bread.
17:04 In fact, I'm thinner, but the dress doesn't help me.
17:07 You're very kind, Elgin. I appreciate it.
17:11 Mr. Orhan, we'll start the program if you're ready.
17:14 Of course.
17:15 So, can you go behind the bar?
17:17 Mr. Hikmet, Mrs. Sengul, please come with me.
17:20 But first I'm going to check Orhan's makeup. Is that okay?
17:23 Very good.
17:24 Put it on.
17:28 Done.
17:29 Do you think it works?
17:30 Take care of the rest, yes.
17:32 Mr. Orhan, can you go there?
17:41 Yes, I'm going.
17:43 This way.
17:44 Calling Orhan.
17:50 Orhan, can you hear me? Say something.
18:02 That's right.
18:03 Did he say something? Excuse me?
18:05 No.
18:07 Excuse me, I'm a little nervous.
18:09 Of course.
18:10 Before you touch the flour, wash your hands.
18:13 What? Excuse me?
18:14 The program is about to start.
18:16 Hey, I didn't understand what you said.
18:18 Wash your hands.
18:20 You have to give the recipe.
18:22 Yes, of course. I'll do it.
18:24 Speak a little louder. I can't hear you well.
18:27 What can't you hear?
18:29 No, nothing.
18:30 Relax. I'll give you all the steps.
18:35 Yes, I hope.
18:37 Yesterday I was reading a lot about the history of Turkish music.
18:41 And there is a lot of information. We will do the task quickly.
18:44 I hope so.
18:45 Honey, here are the notes I made for you.
18:52 Oh, my love, you are so detailed.
18:55 You are the best boyfriend in the world.
18:57 It's true, Omer.
18:58 The truth is that with your investigation you did us a favor.
19:01 And that makes us very happy.
19:03 Thank you.
19:04 With your investigation you did us a favor.
19:06 And that has saved us a lot of trouble.
19:09 It was nothing, but the opinion must be made by you, right?
19:12 Sure, it's easy.
19:13 Well, if there is no choice.
19:14 Omer practically did the task for us.
19:16 It can't be. You don't want to do anything, right?
19:19 Oh, by the way.
19:21 If you want, we can change partners so you can be with your girlfriend.
19:24 I'll just make up an excuse for Mr. Burak.
19:27 You...
19:29 Are you serious? Would you be willing to do that?
19:32 If you don't have a problem, neither do I.
19:35 What a problem. I would love to be with her.
19:37 Me too.
19:38 Well, then let's change.
19:40 No!
19:43 I don't want to!
19:44 I don't agree to be in a team with that psychopath!
19:47 I'm not crazy!
19:48 Hey, shut up.
19:50 Don't say that.
19:51 Sarp is no longer the person he was before.
19:53 He's trying to be different.
19:55 I don't know if to take that as a compliment or not, brother.
19:57 But...
19:58 It's true.
19:59 What is true?
20:01 Isn't it obvious?
20:02 I don't understand.
20:04 I'm not a psychopath. That's it.
20:06 Hey...
20:09 That's great. Don't get me wrong.
20:12 It's good that you're working for being different.
20:14 It's amazing.
20:15 How did it happen?
20:17 Well, now that you ask, I don't know either.
20:19 And you, Sarp?
20:20 Not exactly, but I think...
20:23 It was when we were hit by those imbeciles.
20:26 Right?
20:27 Yes, you're right.
20:29 We should go to the bathroom right now
20:31 so I can give you a little hit to see if you go back to normal.
20:34 Because you guys hate each other.
20:35 Your cousin is a jealous man.
20:38 Yes, tell me something I don't know.
20:39 All your life you've been like this and you've seen nothing.
20:41 How do we do this part?
20:43 Memorizing it.
20:44 I'm not good at that.
20:45 If I could do it for you, I would gladly do it, love.
20:48 But no.
20:49 Now we add more water.
20:55 Slow, Orhan, slow!
20:57 Slow, of course. Sorry, I didn't say it.
21:00 Uh, what happens is I wanted to show you
21:03 how you don't have to do things, that's all.
21:06 Orhan, stop playing and knead it, now!
21:14 The next step is to knead.
21:16 It's very liquid, don't you think?
21:21 Ah, yes, that's right.
21:23 Is that the secret of the recipe, Mr. Orhan?
21:27 Well, yes.
21:28 You could say it's a crucial detail for the flavor.
21:32 Flour, now!
21:33 Hey, Oslo.
21:35 Add more flour.
21:44 Ma'am, you can turn off your phone.
21:47 We're live, thank you.
21:48 More flour.
21:51 Excuse me, ma'am, I won't repeat it, please.
21:55 More!
21:56 Is that okay, Mr. Orhan?
21:58 No, no.
21:59 Why?
22:00 I'm very nervous.
22:02 Try to relax.
22:04 I can't, it's impossible.
22:06 Look, I don't want to be unkind, but it's an open air show.
22:10 Sengul, can you hear me, Sengul?
22:12 Mr. Orhan.
22:13 Sengul, Sengul, can you hear me?
22:15 Mr. Orhan, listen, what are you doing?
22:17 No, I can't, I can't make the bread.
22:19 What are you talking about?
22:21 What's going on? Is there a problem?
22:23 I don't know. Look, I'm not a cook, I'm a baker.
22:26 I don't know how to make bread. It was all a lie.
22:28 I accepted it.
22:29 What are you talking about?
22:30 Get me out of here, I want to go.
22:31 So someone else made the bread?
22:33 Hey, who do you think you are to talk to my husband like that on television?
22:37 Trash.
22:38 Now move!
22:39 You asked him to make bread and he did.
22:41 What does it matter if someone else did it?
22:43 It doesn't matter.
22:44 Orhan, you should have learned when to add the flour.
22:47 You didn't understand me.
22:48 It's not that simple, Sengul.
22:50 You told me that just by seeing you a couple of times I would master it, and it wasn't like that.
22:54 You only tell me a little, but I need you to tell me how much.
22:57 Orhan, listen.
22:59 It's a fistful of flour.
23:01 That's not difficult.
23:02 I don't understand where you can see the complication in that.
23:05 It's very simple.
23:06 Now tell me, what's the next step to be able to continue?
23:09 I don't know, no idea. Oil and egg?
23:13 Yes, very good.
23:15 When you want, you do it well, right?
23:17 Don't do that on open television, please.
23:20 You embarrass me.
23:21 I greet you with joy on this beautiful morning.
23:24 As you could see, this confusion situation has just been quickly resolved,
23:28 and my husband is still here making the bread.
23:30 The only change is that I will help him.
23:33 We support each other because we are family.
23:35 Do the same for yourselves.
23:37 Call your husband and encourage him to support you.
23:40 Will you pass me the olive oil, love?
23:42 Now you will add a little oil.
23:44 Isn't that right, love?
23:46 We add it.
23:47 Very good.
23:48 And make sure your workplace is not as dirty as Orhan's.
23:52 You have to clean as you use things.
23:55 Remember that.
23:57 Try it.
23:58 It looks better.
24:04 What you see is true.
24:05 My husband has already learned.
24:08 [music ends]
24:10 [music]
24:17 Woohoo!
24:35 What does that mean?
24:37 Obviously it has a lot of value.
24:39 No, Gulcan, it means the opposite.
24:42 What did you say? So it's not original?
24:45 The artist is a fraud to do things that are not original or what?
24:50 Listen.
24:51 It means that someone imitated the original painting.
24:54 And besides, it's a bad way.
24:57 This can't be sold for more than 200 liras.
25:01 Oh, I'm leaving.
25:03 No, no.
25:04 This can't be real.
25:05 Hey, how can you be so sure of that?
25:08 I'd like to understand what details make you notice it.
25:11 There is a signature of the artist in the painting.
25:14 And as you can see, there's nothing here.
25:16 That the authentic only has a tie.
25:20 You see it? There it is.
25:25 That's why it's not original.
25:27 What do you mean a tie? That's my signature.
25:29 You just broke our hopes, sir.
25:32 Unfortunately, we can't do anything.
25:35 Thank you for attending us despite your condition.
25:38 You're welcome.
25:39 We have to go. We have to let the gentleman rest.
25:41 Wait! Put on your glasses so you can see well.
25:44 Maybe he sees a signature he didn't see before.
25:46 I beg you to check it again. Please, will you do it?
25:49 Jan, he already did it. Leave him. Don't be rude.
25:51 Maybe he got confused. Maybe he doesn't see well anymore.
25:53 I'm an idiot. I gave the scrap dealer a thousand liras.
25:56 I thank you again, Mr. Conej.
25:58 It was nothing, Ben. Whenever you want.
25:59 Hey, just check it one more time.
26:01 Please! It's not expensive!
26:03 Hey, why didn't you let me insist?
26:08 200 liras? That's a lot of money.
26:11 He has sight problems.
26:13 How naive I was. I'm a complete idiot.
26:16 My mother will hit me with her slipper.
26:18 And you know what? I'll accept it because I deserve it.
26:20 Oh, cousin, that's too much. Stop saying that.
26:22 There was no way to know. This is no one's fault.
26:24 It's okay. Better change the subject.
26:26 That's true. How were we going to know it was a replica?
26:29 Don't you feel bad?
26:31 Omer, wait a minute.
26:33 I need to sit down.
26:36 I had a lot of hopes.
26:44 I saw us having a lot of abundance.
26:47 Having orange juice for breakfast with fruit on a big table.
26:50 And in it, the name of the Eren family engraved in marble.
26:53 And now it will never happen. I don't understand anything.
26:56 Why does everything always go wrong when we get excited about something?
27:00 Why do you hate us so much?
27:02 Hey, thanks for bothering to fix this meeting with Mr. Kuneyt.
27:09 Seriously.
27:10 Yes, you're welcome, my love. I did it with pleasure.
27:13 What's up, Sarp?
27:16 Hi, Omer.
27:17 Hey, what happened?
27:19 Could you sell that painting as you expected or not?
27:21 No, we couldn't. It turned out to be a simple replica.
27:24 Oh no. What a bad luck.
27:27 I know. We won't be able to record the song.
27:30 Oh, how frustrating. Hey, are you going to come tonight?
27:34 Yes, I will. If everything goes as I expect, I'll be there.
27:38 Oh, very good. See you later.
27:40 Yes, take care.
27:51 Oh, what can I say? It was bad luck.
27:54 It's true. We lost a lot of money, but I'd rather say goodbye to you, Gurchan.
27:58 Oh, you don't know the peace I get when I hear you say that, mom.
28:01 Because your son was telling everyone that you would hit him with your slipper and it wasn't like that.
28:06 Aren't you mad at me?
28:09 Of course not, son.
28:10 It's not your fault that life always wants to ruin everything.
28:13 They fired my dad today.
28:16 And the TV show was a disaster, right? Is that right?
28:19 Yes, son, that's right.
28:21 I want the world to stop so I can get rid of him.
28:26 Hey, this is not the time to think like that.
28:29 Look at what you have. It's not little.
28:31 You have peace. You have health.
28:35 A united family. Right?
28:38 And a lot of beauty, mom.
28:41 You're right, daughter. It's the truth.
28:43 If you ask me, they are good reasons to have a smile on your face, mom.
28:48 Yes, my life.
28:50 Very well. Now I'll go out with my prince, okay?
28:54 He's going to take me somewhere so we can talk about important issues of the future of our relationship, okay?
29:01 Now I understand why so much love and optimism in the middle of this situation so unfavorable for us.
29:08 But I prefer to see you happy than with a long face like ours.
29:12 Where do you think you're going so late?
29:14 You have school tomorrow. You're not going.
29:16 It's not even that late. It's 9 o'clock at night.
29:18 Ogulcan, go with her.
29:20 Sorry?
29:21 Sorry? I remind you that he is my brother, not my father. He's not going with me, mom.
29:25 Well, you won't go out alone so late. If your brother doesn't go, you don't go out.
29:29 Mother, why don't you ever ask me what I want?
29:31 You don't care about my opinion. You're very cruel.
29:33 Just obey me, Ogulcan. You have to take care of her, okay? That's all.
29:37 But I don't want to go, mom.
29:39 Okay, I agree. Let me go with you.
29:41 Sister, look, stop talking like I'm a burden. I don't even want to go with you. What a drag.
29:46 If mom doesn't say, we have to obey. So go change and hurry up.
29:50 Oh yeah? Let's see, force me to-
29:51 Ogulcan!
29:52 Go, get up.
29:55 Sister, you're right. I don't have to get like this. Let me kiss you and hug you.
30:00 Come on, don't move.
30:02 Oh, what a pretty face you have.
30:04 Oh, how rude you are, Ogulcan!
30:08 You better go now.
30:10 You only stress me out.
30:12 Where is that jacket?
30:25 Oh, Elif.
30:33 Where did you put the jacket my mother bought me recently?
30:37 I didn't find it in my room.
30:40 Where are you going so elegant?
30:42 To a party or what?
30:44 What's that to you?
30:46 It doesn't concern you.
30:48 Just tell me where you put it.
30:50 Your job is not to ask anything, it is to clean the house.
30:53 Oh, son, don't be rude. Why are you talking to her like that?
30:57 She only asked you a question. Is it wrong or what?
31:00 I'm going out with my girlfriend, mom.
31:03 If I can, she's satisfied and doesn't have to know.
31:06 Now tell me where the jacket is so I can go.
31:09 You're a...
31:10 I'm going to let you go.
31:12 Only if Elif goes with you.
31:15 What?
31:17 Do you want her to go with me?
31:20 To a romantic date with Evi, what?
31:22 Have you gone crazy, mom?
31:25 Well, then she won't give you your jacket.
31:27 Did you hear?
31:28 Don't tell her.
31:30 Hey, let me go with you, please.
31:33 I'm not going to bother you.
31:35 Lately I've been very bored.
31:37 I want to go somewhere else that is not school, right, Berk?
31:40 I'm young too.
31:42 Besides, every day I'm here cleaning the house.
31:44 I can't do anything else, my mind is already tired.
31:47 Don't be bad, let me go too.
31:50 Please say yes and I'll tell you where your jacket is.
31:53 You know what? Let's make a deal.
31:58 I'll go up there and I'll see you here in five minutes.
32:01 Don't leave without me. I won't be long.
32:04 Mom, what are you trying to do?
32:06 You know I don't like it. I hate his presence.
32:08 Son, just try to understand.
32:10 She's always locked up, she's fed up.
32:12 She's your age.
32:13 Young people have to go out to distract themselves, understand?
32:16 You're the same. Let her have some fun.
32:19 It's not a good idea.
32:20 I can't stand that crazy girl's presence.
32:23 When will you understand, mom?
32:24 Just have fun.
32:26 And take that face off.
32:27 Oh, you're so mean.
32:29 Good luck.
32:33 Thank you.
32:34 Hurry up, Liv. I'm late.
32:42 And don't forget my jacket.
32:45 Hey, Omer.
32:52 Are you sure we could come too?
32:54 Oh, Asiye, stop worrying.
32:56 I swear they told me I could bring them.
33:00 Brother, do you think I look good dressed like this?
33:03 Does the clothes look old?
33:05 If your clothes are new or not, it doesn't matter.
33:09 You look beautiful with everything, princess.
33:11 Let's go.
33:13 Omer?
33:14 Gorkem's call.
33:18 He's the studio producer.
33:20 But what's taking him so long?
33:22 Answer, Asiye.
33:23 Hello, Mr. Gorkem.
33:28 How are you, Asiye?
33:29 Sorry for calling so late.
33:31 No, don't worry. I'm listening.
33:33 Look, Asiye. I won't take up much of your time.
33:36 I tried to contact your representative, but he never answered.
33:40 That's why I called you.
33:42 The studio thing is taken care of.
33:44 So you can come rehearse whenever you want.
33:47 And record the song you want.
33:49 Hey, thanks, Mr. Gorkem.
33:52 But what do you mean it's taken care of? I don't understand.
33:54 Remember when he told us we needed a lot of money?
33:57 Yeah, I told them that, but it's been paid off.
33:59 Who was it?
34:01 Some Ahmed.
34:02 I don't remember his last name, but...
34:05 Ahmed Yilmaz.
34:07 Ahmed Yilmaz?
34:09 Okay, I understand.
34:13 Thanks for letting us know.
34:15 I'm going to call the other members now.
34:18 We'll call you tomorrow, okay?
34:19 Okay. Good night.
34:21 How did he find out?
34:25 Maybe Mrs. Susan told him, don't you think?
34:28 But she didn't know.
34:29 Then I don't know. Maybe it was Ivy or maybe Tolga.
34:33 I don't think so, but it doesn't matter. Let's go in.
34:35 They're probably waiting for us and they must be hungry. Come on.
34:38 That's right. Come on.
34:39 Come on.
34:40 Hello, good evening.
34:58 Good evening.
34:59 Hello, how are you?
35:00 Fine, thank you. Come in.
35:01 Hey, could you tell me if my mother has arrived?
35:03 Yes, of course. She's waiting for you.
35:05 Is Mr. Ahmed here?
35:08 No, my father is not. I'll be your host tonight.
35:11 It's a joke. He lives here. Of course he's here. That's obvious.
35:16 If I had told you, you wouldn't have come back home.
35:19 Okay, stop bothering me. Come in, girls.
35:21 Come in.
35:22 [♪♪♪]
35:25 Welcome, guys.
35:41 Wow, thank you very much. Good evening.
35:43 Come in, come in. Welcome.
35:45 Hello, Omer. Welcome. Nice to see you.
35:47 How are you, princess?
35:49 Thank you, Mrs. Susan. I appreciate the invitation that you gave to Emily and me.
35:54 No, on the contrary, CJ. Thank you for being here.
35:58 Now we'll be a great family. Don't forget that.
36:01 By the way, we were told that you fixed the study matter.
36:07 Right?
36:11 Thank you.
36:13 But tell me how you found out.
36:17 Your brother told me. Sar.
36:19 Sar, you didn't have to.
36:22 Please, Omer. Don't lecture me.
36:24 When you told me that they couldn't sell the painting, I felt that I had to help in some way.
36:30 They deserve it.
36:32 In that case, I thank you very much.
36:35 You're welcome. I'm glad it worked.
36:38 Let's sit down. Jasmine is in the kitchen. It won't take long.
36:41 Please.
36:44 This is your seat, Omer. It's fine. CJ, you go there.
36:47 It's unacceptable.
37:04 While I'm here all alone, Ahmed is enjoying his home.
37:12 I wonder what he's doing.
37:14 He must be happy.
37:18 Susan?
37:32 Omer?
37:40 Omer?
37:41 Everyone is at that table, having dinner together.
37:46 My children too?
37:49 They've already been poisoned.
37:53 Everyone is so happy.
37:57 You're a bastard, Ahmed.
38:07 You're a bastard.
38:09 Oh no. This is stupid. I don't understand why I can't have a date with my boyfriend alone.
38:27 I don't know. You've been saying the same thing since we got here.
38:30 I didn't want to come. Don't talk to me like I asked my mom. Don't you see?
38:34 Calm down.
38:35 I'm stressed out when you yell at me.
38:37 Omer is here.
38:42 Who is he with?
38:47 Elif?
38:53 At least Maltese doesn't give in.
38:57 I'd rather you did.
39:03 Hi, brother-in-law.
39:05 Hi, love. How are you?
39:07 Not so good, brother-in-law. I haven't liked your behavior in the last few days.
39:11 And I wanted to come and see if you're treating my sister well.
39:14 How are you?
39:15 How are you?
39:16 Hey, my mom didn't want me to go out alone so late, so she asked me to come with her.
39:22 What are you doing there, Vick? Why don't you let me have fun?
39:26 Oh, yeah? My mom also assigned me a load. You see?
39:30 It's going to be a great night.
39:32 I think so. Good for your mother. Hey, what was her name?
39:35 Ayla.
39:36 Oh, yeah, Ayla. Well, since Elif is here too, we could get bored together. What do you think?
39:41 With pleasure. It will be a pleasure to be with someone who knows my name, not like other people.
39:46 Yes, we can get bored together. What a good idea. What do you think?
39:52 Perfect. We have to leave them with their nonsense.
39:54 How nice.
39:58 For me, stay away. Come on, love, don't listen to them.
40:02 Thank you for accepting the invitation to come to dinner.
40:09 I'm very happy to see that you are getting along.
40:13 Thank you for being here.
40:15 In the end, we can be a happy family.
40:23 Thank you for inviting us, Mr. Ahmed.
40:26 And when will the wedding be, Dad?
40:28 Soon.
40:30 On Saturday.
40:32 There are a few days left.
40:34 That's right. So few that I even started to feel a little panicked.
40:38 What are you saying, Susan? Calm down.
40:41 Look, everything is going to be great. We've been through worse.
40:46 I'll check the food. I'll be right back.
40:48 What is he doing here?
40:56 It doesn't mean anything to you.
40:58 I'm sorry.
41:00 I'm sorry.
41:02 I'm sorry.
41:05 I'm sorry.
41:07 I'm sorry.
41:09 I'm sorry.
41:11 I'm sorry.
41:13 I'm sorry.
41:15 I'm sorry.
41:17 I'm sorry.
41:19 I'm sorry.
41:21 I'm sorry.
41:24 I'm sorry.
41:25 It was easy for you to replace me.
41:29 Mom, what are you doing here?
41:34 What, Jasmine?
41:37 Does it bother you so much to see me at home, interrupting your moment?
41:41 What are you saying? No, of course not. Don't think that, Mom.
41:45 Enough. Shut up.
41:47 Mom!
41:49 Do you really think I'm that stupid?
41:51 I already realized. You're at my house, having dinner in my garden, sharing the table with that woman and that savage without my consent.
41:59 This is unacceptable. It's a betrayal.
42:02 Listen to me. They just came to have dinner. We're not celebrating any special occasion. I'm telling you the truth.
42:08 Don't talk to me like I'm an idiot.
42:10 I'm disappointed in you and your brother.
42:15 I'm so sorry I decided to trust you and when I took you in my arms, calling you my children.
42:21 [Music]
