
  • l’année dernière
1971, à New York. Grièvement blessé lors d'une rafle, l'inspecteur Frank Serpico revoit défiler sa vie sur son lit d'hôpital. Côté vie privée, ses relations sentimentales sont catastrophiques. Il habite dans un taudis au milieu d'un quartier populaire. Dès son entrée dans la police, il découvre un système entièrement corrompu. Refusant les pots-de-vin, il se retrouve vite isolé. Ses collègues le fuient comme la peste. Dégoûté, mais croyant encore en sa mission, il se fait muter de service en service et n'hésite pas à saisir la justice pour faire évoluer les choses. Il réalise bientôt qu'il n'est qu'un pion et qu'à force de vouloir lutter seul, il s'est laissé manipuler par plus fort que lui...
00:00 (musique)
00:07 (applaudissements)
00:09 Frank Serpico
00:11 (applaudissements)
00:13 (musique)
00:42 (musique)
00:45 (musique)
00:47 (musique)
00:50 (musique)
00:52 (musique)
01:20 Hey Frankie, how you doing?
01:22 You keep asking me that, what's the matter with you?
01:25 I thought you were coming over to the house. Margaret invited Marianne over.
01:28 Hey Pasquale, I'm gonna tell you something.
01:31 See all day long, I work with cops, right?
01:36 And when I go out, I see Marianne.
01:38 Her father's a cop, her brother's a cop, her uncle's a cop, I got a feeling she's a cop too.
01:44 (rire) I must have been 9, 10 years old, I was this big. All my life I wanted to be a cop.
01:52 See, I can't remember nothing else.
01:54 So what do you think Frank, about the money?
01:56 I don't know. But I'm not broke and I don't have a family. You wanna stick my neck out?
02:01 It's already out Frank, not taking the money.
02:03 (explosion)
02:05 (shouting)
02:10 Who the hell are you?
02:11 Police, who the hell you think we are?
02:13 We're from the borough. The borough of Manhattan 80.
02:15 No dammit, no you're not from the borough, I just paid the borough this morning.
02:19 We're not doing anything bad here. We're just giving a little gamble in money. It's clean.
02:23 If they would take all our energy, see, put it into straight police work, we'd have the city cleaned up in a week.
02:29 If they clean up, there'd be no crime.
02:31 Sharp and cold, get in.
02:34 Ok, you might get by in the Bronx, but down here, 800 a month is chicken feed.
02:40 Every week, one dope dealer, 120,000 split four ways. That's serious money.
02:48 So what do they ask you, who's taking money?
02:50 What I don't know, I don't know.
02:52 But you do know Frank. Look, frankly, I like you. I don't wanna see anything happen to you.
02:59 Servico, you won't find anything on Servico.
03:02 (explosion)
03:05 He's clean.
03:06 Servico, see Inspector Palmer.
03:09 Fine.
03:10 It's very easy to get hurt.
03:13 (gunshots)
03:14 Takes a 14 shot clip.
03:16 You expecting an army?
03:18 No, just a division.
03:20 We know how to handle guys like you.
03:22 I'd have cut your tongue out.
03:24 (gunshots)
03:29 There are many sides to Servico.
03:31 A hero who was hated, a loner who was loved.
03:35 And to some people, the most dangerous man alive.
03:39 An honest cop.
03:42 Al Pacino is Servico.
03:45 The man, the book, the movie, the performance, the shattering impact of Servico.
03:54 *Musique*