The top interview question Accenture’s CTIO asks to hire his best employees

  • last year
Accenture’s CTIO asks this question in every interview: “What’s your learning architecture?”
00:00 - What I always ask in interviews of people
00:02 is what's your learning architecture?
00:04 Now that may sound like an odd question,
00:06 but I believe that in the world we live in today,
00:08 and in particular for our company,
00:10 everyone needs to be a learner at heart
00:12 and to embrace change at heart.
00:14 And to me, learning, it can't be a random thing.
00:16 It can't be something you rely on others for.
00:18 You need to take accountability for your own learning.
00:20 What I mean by learning architecture
00:22 is who are the people you're gonna learn from?
00:24 What's your goal of what you wanna learn
00:26 today, this month, this year?
00:28 What are the sources you're gonna tap into,
00:30 whether it be on social or courses you take
00:33 or periodicals or books you read?
00:35 And having that intentional approach to learning,
00:37 a platform you can evolve and build on for yourself,
00:40 I think is essential to success.
