Jonathan Lipnicki’s Update On Life Away From Hollywood _ E! News

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Jonathan Lipnicki’s Update On Life Away From Hollywood _ E! News


00:00 Jonathan Lipnicki shares a rare life update.
00:03 On December 8, a former child star
00:05 who stole hearts in blockbusters such as Jerry
00:07 McGuire and Stuart Little makes an appearance
00:10 on the Brotherly Love podcast with Joey, Matthew, and Andrew
00:14 Morris.
00:15 The actor shares a rare life update on his decision
00:18 to leave Hollywood.
00:19 I wanted to just see what was out there
00:22 and see a different quality of life and a slower pace.
00:26 And it's been amazing.
00:27 I drove around for quite a bit, and then I ended up in Oklahoma.
00:31 I had a few friends out here from high school.
00:33 And just there's a growing film community.
00:36 Yeah, there is.
00:37 I can do everything from at home,
00:39 and I teach also locally out here.
00:41 And I love it.
00:43 It's so peaceful for me.
00:47 And just because Jonathan has moved away
00:49 from his native Los Angeles, it doesn't
00:51 mean he's completely given up on his acting career.
00:54 He goes on to say that part of the reason for his move
00:57 was due to the audition process going virtual.
01:00 I hit a point about a year ago where I was like,
01:02 you know what, all my--
01:03 I have a TV show that I'm on coming out next year.
01:06 My network test was in my living room.
01:10 I just hit a point where I realized
01:11 I'm self-taping for everything.
01:13 Everything I do is either Zoom or self-tape anyway
01:16 with the exception of, I mean, one thing every--
01:22 barely, right?
01:23 So I was like, you know what, I want to see what it's
01:25 like to live somewhere else.
01:26 Looking back, he's grateful to have discovered
01:28 acting at an early age, and that he found what he
01:31 wanted to do at the age of five.
01:33 He even recalls getting his first major role in "Jerry
01:36 Maguire" and working with Tom Cruise.
01:39 Really interesting.
01:40 I did like two commercials, I think,
01:41 before I did "Jerry Maguire."
01:42 So literally, like, nowhere.
01:44 Yeah, and it kind of came out of nowhere
01:46 because I auditioned for it.
01:48 I was seen by a casting associate.
01:50 They cast another kid.
01:51 They shot two weeks with him.
01:53 No!
01:54 Yeah, they fired him.
01:56 They came back to the role again.
01:58 And I went and I read for the casting director.
02:00 And in the room, they were like, how would you
02:03 like to go fly today to Arizona where they're
02:07 filming the football scenes and meet Tom Cruise
02:09 and read for him?
02:10 So I was excited to go on a plane, was what I remember.
02:14 And I was excited to meet Maverick
02:16 because I love season.
02:18 I was excited to go hang out with him.
02:20 So me and my mom and my dad, we went and we went
02:23 into Tom Cruise's trailer.
02:24 And it was me, Tom, Camera Crowe, my parents,
02:27 and read a few scenes.
02:28 And that was it.
02:30 And it was crazy.
02:32 It was very much overnight.
02:34 My life was just different.
02:36 I didn't know how people knew my name.
02:38 When we went to the premiere, they were saying my name.
02:40 And I was like, how do these people know my name?
02:42 And then that was the first moment that things
02:44 were kind of different.
02:45 And then it was just a blur for the next five, six years,
02:49 just moving through time really fast.
02:53 There's nothing I would take back.
02:54 Awesome. Same here.
02:55 There's nothing I would take back at all.
02:57 You know, I love it.
02:58 And I found out what I want to do for the rest of my life
03:00 when I was five years old.
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