Salute, Aceti: “Rilanciare ruolo livello centrale attraverso tre grandi azioni”

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - “Delle dieci leve che presentiamo oggi quella più importante la riassumerei così: rilanciare il ruolo del livello centrale su tre grandi azioni, l'azione di finanziamento del Servizio Sanitario Nazionale, l'azione di programmazione della sanità, l'azione di misurazione e valutazione delle performance delle Regioni”. Lo ha detto Tonino Aceti, presidente di Salutequità, in occasione del primo Summit di Salutequità, in cui sono state presentate le 10 leve per l’equità di accesso per rilanciare e ammodernare il Servizio sanitario nazionale.


00:00 [Music]
00:04 Of the 10 levers we are presenting today, the most important lever is the following.
00:10 To relaunch the role of the central level on three major actions.
00:16 The action of financing the National Health Service, the action of health programming,
00:22 the action of measuring and evaluating the performance of the regions.
00:27 This means that we must review and innovate the financing model of the National Health Service,
00:34 making it go from the capital quota, which is the standard criterion,
00:39 to a wider and more correct distribution of resources,
00:45 also looking at the social determinants of health,
00:48 so schooling, unemployment and poverty.
00:53 Today, only 0.75% of the fund's distribution is involved.
00:57 Relaunching health programming means that, after 15 years,
01:01 we will have a new national health plan, which we have not had for 15 years,
01:04 and it is a regulatory supplement provided by law 833/78, 502/92, 229/99.
01:12 We also have a health pact in progress, by law, which has never happened before.
01:19 In addition, we must strongly relaunch the issue of measurement.
01:23 Today we have 134 billion given to the regions, measured only in their performance compared to the European Union,
01:28 with 22 indicators, of which the waiting lists represent only one.
01:34 So the main problem that citizens encounter is measured only with a very weak indicator,
01:40 within a measurement system that today is inadequate
01:45 compared to the responsibility that the regions have to manage such important resources.
01:51 But also indicators such as telemedicine, emergency services, and so on, are not mapped.
01:59 Finally, another lever is to re-read the principle of collaboration between states and regions.
02:04 Today we need the principle of collaboration to be functional and helpful to the needs of citizens.
02:11 So we need to take measures quickly, in a shared way, and above all, to put them on the ground.
02:18 Today, however, we have a long process, with stop-and-go measures that are incompatible with the needs of the people,
02:24 and with a ground-up approach that is difficult, if we think only about chronicity.
02:28 The last region that received it was Sardinia, five years after the approval.
