President Nicolas Maduro addresses the people of Venezuela, who from various points in Caracas mobilized to the Miraflores Palace in a march to commemorate the Day of Loyalty and Love to Commander Chavez and in support of the Action Plan for the defense of the Essequiba Guyana. teleSUR
00:00 And we will left to Venezuela with the resumption of the Ezequiel.
00:07 Let's listen to the statements.
00:10 I really thank you, all of you, to students, to those from militias, to men and women from
00:26 our neighborhood workers, women, the youth, the force that has come out today to say to
00:41 the world of Venezuela that Venezuela is united and it's triumphing.
01:01 People are clapping at the rhythm of music.
01:11 Today is a day, Diosdado, partners of a lot of remembrances, memories, on this crusade
01:25 march.
01:30 We want to say to the world that the people are loyal to Chavez, to our supreme commander.
01:43 Chavez, you just cultivated the heart of our homeland.
01:57 Eleven years ago, a day like today, Chavez made a statement and made a very glorious
02:10 statement on December.
02:18 Well, let's listen to Chavez's statement.
02:25 Venezuela is alive and the struggle continues.
02:31 Let's listen to it.
02:35 Good night, Venezuelans.
02:41 As you all know, besides all political, social battles, I must insist on strengthening Venezuela,
02:58 on strengthening popular movements, to continue in front of this battle, in front of the Bolivarian
03:14 forces, and to revoke that scenario.
03:28 In case I passed away, you must elect Nicolás Maduro as president because he is a person
03:40 of the people, he is very intelligent, and with his leadership, he must continue in the
03:50 president of the republic.
03:53 So he will take care of the interests of the people.
03:59 There are going to be people who are going to try to leverage from this situation.
04:09 Homeland, homeland, dear homeland, my life is yours, my soul is yours, and my love is
04:25 all yours.
04:32 Chavez is alive.
04:36 Long live Chavez, and he is living with us.
04:44 No one can be mistaken with the people of Venezuela.
04:48 Eleven years, and eleven years passed by, and I have to say that we have been loyal
04:58 to the oath we made with our soul to our supreme commander, Hugo Chavez.
05:08 And I have to say to Venezuelan people, thank you so much for so much loyalty, so much support,
05:16 so much battles, so much force and energy.
05:21 Thank you so much, people of Venezuela.
05:27 Thanks to our God, first of all.
05:31 God is with us.
05:34 God is with us.
05:40 To our Jesus Christ who is beside us with his blessings, our Jesus Christ with us always
05:53 in our resistance, thanks to the team of women and men of the high command of the Bolivarian
06:00 Revolution.
06:01 Let's applaud to them.
06:06 Thank you to the heads of communities, communes, to all of you.
06:15 Thanks to the patriotic people of Venezuela.
06:18 Thanks to social movements.
06:22 Thanks to students, to workers, to women, to Afro-descendants.
06:36 Thanks to communes and communities.
06:41 Thanks to the policing of the country.
06:46 And special thanks to the Bolivarian Special Armed Forces that we are very proud of them.
06:56 Long live the civic military union.
07:02 And there as a prophet, boys and girls, the commander Hugo Chavez was talking about the
07:11 national unity that we must strengthen.
07:16 And if there is something that we have achieved in this battle, it's to strengthen and build
07:23 a higher level of national unity.
07:28 There are lots of things we have been going through.
07:32 We have been experiencing.
07:37 There is so much we have experimented.
07:40 And I have to thank especially to a special human being that has been standing by me as
07:53 a single human being, my wife, Silvia Flores, first combatant.
08:06 Together forever.
08:09 Together everything is possible.
08:12 That's why I tell you we have been underestimated.
08:23 I have been underestimated.
08:26 And you, the people, have been underestimated as well.
08:35 And so they thought, the empire thought that it was a piece of cake.
08:43 But they didn't know what we have in the inside, the strength of the liberators of the Americas.
08:55 And we have been facing this situation every moment.
09:01 We have been facing balance, consciousness, steadiness.
09:13 And in the hardest times, I tell you that we have been very firm without hesitation.
09:25 In the most difficult times, we have been very steady with a high awareness and top
09:34 unity and mobilization, and civic and military mobilization.
09:41 We made it like that and we just won every battle.
09:50 And here we are standing victorious and looking forward the future, and moving forward the
09:58 future.
09:59 And we have learned collectively.
10:03 We have learned.
10:07 We have learned.
10:12 I have learned a lot myself by all of you.
10:21 We are in a new situation here, advancing in five consensus of struggle.
10:29 We have achieved that all tributaries of the big river of the homeland reached to five
10:47 consensus that we have to assume the first one, the need of persevering with work and
11:01 building a new model, building a new and diversified various model that produces wealth to the
11:13 country, to the domestic growth with justice for a new state gaining welfare.
11:25 We are going step by step with our own efforts.
11:30 The empire thought it could smother us, but it couldn't and it will never be able to achieve
11:41 so.
11:42 The second consensus is the contention of sanctions of blockade and of all threats by
11:57 the imperialism.
12:04 And so we demand that all sanctions against Venezuela must be lifted.
12:13 Raise your hands the ones who are against the US sanctions.
12:24 Sanctions must be lifted down those who made those sanctions.
12:35 And there we are going step by step and we are going to make it sooner or later.
12:41 Venezuela is going to achieve that those criminal sanctions be lifted.
12:49 A third consensus pivotal to strengthen and defend peace, not to clashes.
13:07 Who are the ones against any violence actions?
13:14 Who are willing for peace?
13:19 If you want peace, get ready for defending it.
13:25 In every street, in every community, in every avenue, in every neighborhood, we must defend
13:31 peace.
13:37 How is it going the organization for peace?
13:45 Don't forget we just ended the battle of referendum, but now we are entering into a guarantee in
13:56 peace in all neighborhoods of the country.
14:01 In the thousands of communities, in all parishes, we want peace.
14:09 Yes or no?
14:12 So let's defend the right of peace.
14:16 No more violence.
14:18 No more hate.
14:20 No more division.
14:23 Yes for peace.
14:24 Yes for unity.
14:25 And yes for love.
14:32 Let's say it in English for you to understand, for peace and love.
14:42 And peace and love for people.
14:51 On the count of three for the U.S. to understand, peace and love for my people.
15:03 Third consensus for peace.
15:06 And fourth consensus, the most difficult one, and very needed to be working on it restlessly.
15:19 To recover welfare and to recover missions and protective policies for the elderly, for
15:33 working on schools, building new housings, to build houses for those who don't have them.
15:46 Yesterday I delivered 4.8 million houses to people, but it is still missing some.
15:56 And we are going to build the necessary buildings.
16:00 And now at the end of December we got to 4.8 million houses, and in the next year we will
16:09 be building even more to deliver to the people.
16:15 And we are just writing the plan, we are setting the plan for building more houses for the
16:26 family of Venezuelan people to recover the welfare.
16:36 And we are just making big efforts on resources, with resources.
16:42 And I said as my mother said, used to say, blessed my mother and my father, Nicolás,
16:55 she told me at the hardest times when I was 80 years old, be easy, be easy my kid, God
17:06 will supply for us.
17:11 And God is always providing us with his blessings, and he will guide us on social welfare.
17:23 And the fifth consensus, the recovery of our Guyana Sequipa, the legacy of our liberators.
17:34 Fifth consensus.
17:55 And so people are just crying out, people united, we'll never be defeated.
18:02 Fifth consensus, I greet the Venezuelan movement of those chocolate producers, and there the
18:17 super mustache, and those liberators of peace.
18:25 For those, I greet teachers and international teachers, to the youngsters of neighborhoods,
18:39 and Raul and every one of you.
18:46 And those people from Caracas, I just greet them, and those people from Magallanes, and
18:57 from Guaira.
19:04 Raise your hands the ones from Caracas.
19:07 A big cry out.
19:13 Raise your hands the people from Magallanes.
19:18 I think as I am from Caracas, I just, I think there is a match.
19:36 Raise the hands the ones who feel proud, who are proud of being Venezuelans, long live
19:44 Venezuela.
19:45 Fifth consensus, and here I have to make some announcements.
19:55 Some decrees of the fifth consensus, because the people decided on Sunday, and we are going
20:04 to go forward, go ahead.
20:10 So we initiated.
20:26 We have started a new stage on history.
20:35 After 150 years, there has been awakened a very just equity and sovereign consciousness.
20:49 The people exercise their sovereignty and said five times yes on Sunday.
20:57 What did the people say?
20:59 What did the people say?
21:02 Five times yes.
21:04 And there we go on that path.
21:07 Did you see how the ultra right wing is mourning, is complaining?
21:31 Get out the toad, get out the frog, the Ezequiel of Venezuela is the one who wins.
21:40 Did you see the US imperialism reaction to dismiss the willingness of the people to dismiss
21:49 the popular sovereignty?
21:52 The right of the traders, and the ultra right wing is betraying its own country.
22:07 That is treason to our homeland.
22:12 Treason to our homeland.
22:15 There they are, the Capriles, the Leopoldo Lopez, the Machada, the GuaidĂł, speaking
22:34 against the people, supporting the Exxon Mobil and supporting the Guyanese government.
22:41 So I call for the people to denounce them, stop the traitors.
23:05 The corrupted ones, the corruption of the ultra right wing oligarchy.
23:17 And so that wind supports the Exxon Mobil, and they are just puppets, garbage of the
23:29 Exxon Mobil, and they are supporting Machado, Julio Borges, and they said that Venezuelans
23:40 don't have rights over the Guyana, Venezuela.
23:46 Who is telling the truth, the people of Venezuela or those traitors?
23:54 And there it was the club of failed presidents, and I have the letter that they just announced
24:04 yesterday.
24:05 The same ones who tried to invade us on February 23rd.
24:14 Do you remember that they were attempting to invade us by Brazil, and by other places?
24:25 Do you remember that?
24:27 And what they said?
24:39 The people said that they won't cross over Venezuela, and they were stopped by our steadiness
24:48 and unity.
24:52 There I have the letter.
24:55 Ivan Duque, drug smuggler, military, and murderer.
25:04 Sebastian Piñera, Andres Pastrana, Mariano Benitez, Mauricio Macri, Vicente Fox, Jose
25:19 Santuto, Quiroga, among other former presidents who are just failures that said that the Guyana
25:30 Sequiba doesn't belong to Venezuela.
25:36 Do we listen to them, or do we listen to the people of Venezuela?
25:46 Who supported them in Venezuela?
25:49 Who did they support in Venezuela?
25:51 They support two traitors, two corrupted ones as GuaidĂł and Machado.
26:00 And traitor Julio, and the failure of Capiloca, and the Capiloca who is always defeated.
26:19 The US Secretary of State also said that Venezuelans must accept the Arbitration Award of 1899.
26:33 Do we listen to the empire or to the people?
26:38 What do I do?
26:39 I just kneeled on the empire.
26:44 I will never surrender to the empire.
26:48 We will never surrender to the US imperialism.
26:54 No one must be mistaken with Venezuela.
27:06 And so people are crying out.
27:11 The people is with you.
27:17 So make your analysis.
27:21 Think over.
27:23 I trust the critical thought of all of you, women and men of Venezuela, that listen to
27:33 us on radio and on social media.
27:39 So everyone must draw their conclusions.
27:46 Who are defending the historical rights of Venezuela and who betrays Venezuela?
27:52 Who defends the sovereignty of the popular exercise and who betrays the, who dismisses
27:59 the sovereignty of the popular exercise?
28:04 We are not cowards.
28:08 We are not traitors.
28:12 We are not fakers.
28:13 We have not, we don't have double standards.
28:18 We were born on the day that the homeland, well, we are just defencers of our homeland.
28:33 And so I just, I just am very honored to be here on this march.
28:43 Today is the day of loyalty and love.
28:48 Today is Friday.
28:52 It's Friday.
28:56 Who knows the body?
29:00 What knows the body?
29:06 What does the body know?
29:09 Today it's Friday.
29:12 What does the body know?
29:16 What happens on Fridays?
29:20 We just arrived home earlier.
29:27 I agree with you.
29:29 Celia, don't, don't be, don't be awake.
29:38 Don't wait for me tonight.
29:40 I'll go party today.
29:43 So it is approved the party.
29:49 So which point of the map we celebrate tonight long live the whole map of Venezuela.
29:57 Long live the whole homeland.
30:00 Long live Venezuela.
30:05 So everyone can draw to their conclusions because they have attacked the revolutionary
30:16 ones.
30:19 They have attacked the high school students.
30:24 And I just defend the students from high schools.
30:31 Long live Venezuelan youth.
30:36 And today, and some days ago I made some announcements and the decrees are just ready to sign them
30:46 and then to be disclosed in official, in the official gazette.
30:54 As my, as Commander Chavez said in 2012, Nicolás, with the people always, and without the people,
31:05 nothing.
31:08 So we have searched for the very patient, in a very patient way, dialogue with Guyana.
31:18 And they dismissed the Geneva agreement.
31:22 And they started to deliver our cease, the cease pending to be delimited.
31:28 And they threatened that they can install a military base on the Guyana's Kiva.
31:37 And so what do we have to do?
31:40 Just to ignore that, to be cowards, to be quiet.
31:47 Unfortunately, there was an accident of an helicopter and immediately the Guyanese media
31:58 accused me of having just shot down that helicopter.
32:10 And there the head of military in Guyana said it was an accident.
32:17 And the helicopter was leading towards the place where the indigenous peoples placed
32:29 the Venezuelan flag on the Guyana's Kiva.
32:33 So they just didn't make it.
32:39 My condolences to the people of Guyana and to the military forces.
32:45 But that was a message from God.
32:48 Don't dare to mess around with Venezuela.
32:53 Those who attack Venezuela are just defeated.
32:59 We want peace, dialogue, just by good manners, by good offices, not by bad ways.
33:12 Good ways everything is possible, but using violence is not going to achieve anything
33:22 by violence.
33:26 So, dialogue, respect, respect to the rights of Venezuela and Guyana and the exxon mobil
33:49 have to sit down with us face to face sooner than later.
34:00 Mostly after the willingness of the peoples expressed on December 3rd.
34:09 By the good ways everything.
34:12 With the Geneva agreement, everything is possible.
34:17 With the International Court of Justice, nothing is possible.
34:22 And so we are going to say it again one more time.
34:28 By the good ways, everything.
34:31 By the bad ways, nothing.
34:36 With the Geneva agreement, everything is possible.
34:39 And with the International Court of Justice, anything.
34:44 So, pay attention world.
34:49 And so I am going to sign a decree to become it official in the official gazettee.
35:00 The first decree, decree by means of which it is assigned Cabello as a unique authority
35:18 of the state of Guyana Sequiva.
35:31 Signed, approved, and will be published and it must be complied with to protect the peoples
35:44 of the Guyana Sequiva.
35:49 For them to get the missions, Sucre, and all the social missions there.
36:03 And tomorrow, on Saturday, there will be the opening of an office for the Guyana Sequiva's
36:14 people to get the Venezuelan ID.
36:18 The second decree.
36:29 Second decree, by means of which I'd appointed a high national conviction for the defense
36:44 and recovery of the Guyana Sequiva in all sectors of national life in the political,
36:57 social, and religious sectors.
37:01 Approved, and I appoint the Dr. Delcy Rodriguez, head of that commission, attorney, and defending
37:21 the international rights.
37:25 Well, thank you, President.
37:28 Greetings to the generous people of Venezuela that today is giving a battle in the defense
37:35 of the Guyana Sequiva, a territory that belongs to us for its history.
37:43 All documents prove that Guyana Sequiva belongs to Venezuela, and the people of Venezuela
37:50 is defending it today.
37:55 And the message to Guyana is clear.
37:59 Don't be controlled by the exo-mobile and the US imperialism, because they are just
38:13 getting advantage of you, because they just want to get the Guyana Sequiva's wealth.
38:22 The Guyana Sequiva is of Venezuela.
38:26 So I called all sectors of the country in the national unit to debate on the strategy,
38:39 on the short-term and long-term strategy to fulfill the mandate of the people that was
38:48 expressed on December 3rd, that it voted.
38:55 Though the third decree was by means of which it gets official, and it establishes the new
39:07 map of Venezuela created on December 3rd, 2023.
39:18 Here you can see it.
39:26 So we have to disclose it in schools, high schools, homes.
39:35 And so just put three candles for recovering all this in peace.
39:47 So put it in the schools with three candles, and pray five prayers for it.
40:04 The third decree, by means of which I order the immediate creation of division of the
40:19 Sequiva of the explored oil and other natural resources in that territory.
40:28 Approved, and it must be complied with.
40:35 Official decree heard.
40:38 Bolivarian armed forces, aviation, national guard heard.
40:51 Generals.
40:54 Military in general.
40:59 Decree by means of which it is created the new zone of comprehensive defense of Guyana
41:17 Sequiva with three comprehensive areas of defense in three different sectors of development.
41:25 Approved, it must be disclosed, and fulfilled.
41:35 And a key issue.
41:39 They have destroyed everything, biodiversity, and we must protect that.
41:47 So by means, I just decreed, and I declared new national parks of reserves and national
42:01 monuments of Guyana Sequiva.
42:06 Signed, and it must be published, and it must be fulfilled.
42:15 And I ask God, and the people's support, and the armed forces support to defend more this
42:33 territory for the Venezuela as it remains in its full map for Venezuela to advance in
42:42 peace to follow its glorious track, its glorious track of unity on December 8th.
42:53 You don't know what it means to me December 8th.
42:59 Well I better say you feel deeply that feeling of a good man, the greatest leader after Simon
43:14 Bolivar.
43:15 The day in which Chavez passed away, but in the end I just revised, and I think Commander
43:32 Chavez you said to me, and it is like that, and it will be like that.
43:40 I am no longer Chavez.
43:43 Chavez is you, a Venezuelan woman.
43:47 Chavez is you, a Venezuelan kid.
43:51 Chavez is you, a Venezuelan man.
43:54 Chavez is you, a Venezuelan soldier.
44:00 And we said Chavez is everyone.
44:06 Chavez is me.
44:08 Chavez is everyone.
44:11 And today on December 8th, 11 years after his physical disappearance, we told Chavez,
44:21 Commander Chavez, I tell Chavez, all struggle, all love for homeland has been worthy.
44:33 Long live the immortal spirit of Commander Chavez.
44:37 Long live the military civic of Venezuela.
44:42 Long live Venezuela United.
44:47 And today more than ever we said the son of Venezuela is set in the Aysa Kibo.
44:55 Long live homeland, and thank you very much.
45:01 We will continue fighting.
45:02 We will continue triumphing over.
45:07 And let's hear the music.
45:08 [Music]
45:09 [Music]
45:09 [Music]
45:19 [Music]
45:29 So the song is saying the Aysa Kibo is ours.
45:43 And we were listening to the statements of the President Nicolás Maduro.
45:49 He thanked the people gathered in defense of the territory of Aysa Kibo.
45:54 He also pointed out that the people is showing the world that Chavez is still present in
45:58 the country and that people are united.
46:01 Furthermore, he expressed that the need to build a new state of authority and made the
46:06 necessary efforts in order to achieve this.
46:09 More breaking news coming up.
46:10 Stay tuned.