Coldiretti, Centro Studi Divulga presenta rapporto sul settore tabacchicolo

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - Il Centro Studi Divulga, nel Villaggio Coldiretti di Napoli, ha illustrato il rapporto “Le sfide regolatorie per il settore tabacchicolo”, realizzato in collaborazione con Philip Morris Italia.


00:00 The center studies in Vulga, in the village of Col di Retti in Naples, has presented the report on the regulatory challenges for the tobacco sector, carried out in collaboration with Philip Morris Italia.
00:16 At the eve of international European meetings that will determine the fate of the share, the report highlighted the impact generated by some regulatory measures, such as the resizing of the aid provided by the Common Agricultural Policy, which has already contributed to a significant contraction of the volumes of grey tobacco produced in Italy.
00:36 We are convinced that we must fight against tobacco and make sure that we can create a conscious consumption and still at a reduced damage, but this certainly cannot pass through the elimination of tobacco cultivation in Italy.
00:56 The risk would be to increase the importation of tobacco and therefore to make it grown in other territories, perhaps with rules that are at the expense of what may be the good agricultural practices and the good practices of work that we have been practicing in Italy for decades.
01:13 According to the latest data from the Agency for Agricultural Supply, the national tobacco cultivation area has gone from almost 40,000 hectares in 2000 to just over 10,000 hectares in 2023, with the national tobacco production dropping from about 120,000 tons in 2000 to 38,000 in 2023.
01:34 In this context, as evidenced by the report, the role played by the agreement of a multiannual supply chain between Coldiretti and Philippe Morris Italia is crucial.
01:45 We are an innovative supply chain where our company is integrated vertically, that is, it purchases directly from the farmers, therefore at zero kilometers, removing all intermediaries and making investments in the digital energy transition, also to transport the new young farmers to the tobacco of the future.
02:05 Our supply chain is based on the fact that Italian products will be included in the new generation of Philippe Morris products, that of heated tobacco, so the Italian product, with this agreement, has entered the future of Philippe Morris Italia products.
02:18 Italy is the main European country in tobacco production and we have this priority thanks above all to those supply chain agreements that have allowed Italian producers and Italian growers to have a certain market, guaranteed prices and also with a significant collection of products precisely with these supply chain agreements.
02:41 One of them is the agreement signed with Coldiretti and Philippe Morris that alone accounts for about 60% of the entire production of Italian tobacco.
02:51 So, thanks to that, and obviously thanks to the others, we were able to create the conditions for Italian tobacco culture to continue to move forward.
03:01 Always thanks to European aid, but without a guarantee of a certain price, there would be no future.
03:09 on.
