Melemah Tipis, Rupiah Masih di Rp15.500 per USD

  • last year
Rupiah masih melemah, terhadap dolar Amerika Serikat ditengah kabar baik datang, di mana data lawongan pekerjaan Amerika Serikat yang melandai di Oktober 2023. Dikutip dari data RTI hingga perdagangan Rabu siang tadi rupiah melemah tipis di 0,04% di level Rp15.500 per USD.


00:00 We move to the information of the exchange rate of the US dollar, where the Rupiah is still weak against the US dollar.
00:04 In the middle of good news comes, where the data of the US job vacancy that hit in October 2023.
00:11 Where quoted from the RTI data until the trading of the afternoon, the Rupiah declined to 0.04% at the level of 15,500 per US dollar.
00:20 After previously touching at 15,511 per US dollar.
00:25 The exchange rate of the Rupiah has declined to 0.03% at 15,505 per US dollar against the US dollar, we mean, in trading this morning.
00:37 The Rupiah is weakening in the middle of good news from the data of the US job vacancy that fell in October 2023.
00:43 Where the weakening of the RTI data is expected to make US inflation even colder.
00:49 Because more and more people are reducing their spending and increasing the optimism of the market players, the Fed is soon to decline.
00:55 Let's just see how the exchange rate of the Rupiah against the main source of income of the following.
01:02 The data that was successfully collected by our team.
01:05 You can also watch the graphics on your television screen.
01:08 Is the exchange rate still moving at 15,500?
01:11 Yes, the Rupiah movement against the US dollar at 15,494.
01:16 Then against the Euro at 16,713.
01:19 Poster Link at 19,515.
01:22 And against Japan at 105.28.
01:27 Thank you for watching.
01:30 [BEEP]
